NationStates Jolt Archive

Will Antarctica ever become a sovereign nation?

08-10-2007, 05:27
Yes. It will become a nation of penguins. They will rise to become the biggest superpower this world has ever known. Any more questions?

edit: first thread steal, w00t!
08-10-2007, 05:28
I'm not going to put much in to this as my name gives my opinion. I just thought I'd bring up this topic for random debate.

Not in the foreseeable future. There is no population to become the populace. All the people there are currently members/representatives of other nations.

IF one country captured it and held it against invasion of the collective others, it could then become a singular territory I suppose.
Sovereign Antarctica
08-10-2007, 05:29
I'm not going to put much in to this as my name gives my opinion. I just thought I'd bring up this topic for random debate.
08-10-2007, 05:30
Given that Antarctica currently has no permanent population and no real means of supporting one, it would be hard to see how it could form a nation in the first place.

Add in the political situation of the neutrality of Antarctica, the claims of Australia (and New Zealand too, IIRC), plus the we-don't-recognize-claims-but-we-might-do-it-ourselves view of both Russia and the US and, well, I doubt the penguins are going to issue out a deceleration of independence and have it be supported any time in the foreseeable future.
08-10-2007, 05:31
If there was ever a global government that truly held sovereign power over all other governments, I would hope it would be based in Antarctica. It would have to rely, to some extent, on imported supplies from various countries, lending its populace an understanding of their dependence, and thus desire to properly govern, all the rest of the non-frozen world. ;)
08-10-2007, 05:34
Who the hell would want to make a gigantic winter wasteland that's a walk-in freezer chock full of homicidal organisms into a sovereign nation?
Murder City Jabbers
08-10-2007, 05:36
No one country really has a legitimate claim upon Antarctica seeing as how so little of it is settled. If it ever had an appreciable populace, I think it would become an independent state rather than a satellite of an existing country. Obviously it would have to be aligned with countries that are now doing state-run projects down there.

But does the entire continent have to be a country? Can't it be carved up as needed?
08-10-2007, 05:37
The Polar Bear Nation will eventually resolve its nomadic tribal differences and band together. Beware the polar bear cavalry.
Sovereign Antarctica
08-10-2007, 05:37
If, lets just say for the fun of it, one nation was to take it, lets say either the Aussies or the Russians, the UN would be pissed, but would it be cause for war if the nation allowed free travel of scientists as is done now?
08-10-2007, 05:37
I doubt the penguins are going to issue out a deceleration of independence and have it be supported any time in the foreseeable future.
You never know...
Old Tacoma
08-10-2007, 05:39
Well it has it's own currency so that is a step.
Sovereign Antarctica
08-10-2007, 05:41
Who the hell would want to make a gigantic winter wasteland that's a walk-in freezer chock full of homicidal organisms into a sovereign nation?

me, duh!:)
08-10-2007, 05:45
The Polar Bear Nation will eventually resolve its nomadic tribal differences and band together. Beware the polar bear cavalry.
ANTarctica, not the Arctic!
08-10-2007, 05:48
Nope, no one really likes to live in ice castles ...
Marrakech II
08-10-2007, 05:48
Hmm, how is their currency doing on the world market?

It is apparently linked to the value of the dollar. So not to good recently however you can get these on Ebay.
08-10-2007, 05:48
Well it has it's own currency so that is a step.

Hmm, how is their currency doing on the world market?
Marrakech II
08-10-2007, 05:50
Nope, no one really likes to live in ice castles ...

Apparently you never seen the ice hotels they build in the Scandinavian countries.
08-10-2007, 05:51
ANTarctica, not the Arctic!

Sovereign Antarctica
08-10-2007, 05:51
Well it has it's own currency so that is a step.

nice, this is very helpful to me in rping this nation, I could not decide on a flag (I googled bank of Antarctica)
08-10-2007, 05:51
If you like having alien shapeshifters, alien vegetables and corporate oopsies as your next door neighbors, then Antarctica is the place for you!

08-10-2007, 06:26
Apparently you never seen the ice hotels they build in the Scandinavian countries.

I know about those, they get rebuilt once a year I think. People look like eskimos to live in those.
The South Islands
08-10-2007, 06:31
Who the hell would want to make a gigantic winter wasteland that's a walk-in freezer chock full of homicidal organisms into a sovereign nation?

Sounds like home.

08-10-2007, 07:15
If you like having alien shapeshifters, alien vegetables and corporate oopsies as your next door neighbors, then Antarctica is the place for you!


They totally aren't alien vegetables! They just look like alien vegetables.
08-10-2007, 07:39
Well if global warming ever gets here, one can imagine that it might technically be possible to have a nation there, even if its just for a little while.
08-10-2007, 07:51
Well if global warming ever gets here, one can imagine that it might technically be possible to have a nation there, even if its just for a little while.

Water World was actually a documentary, and that Spoiler*:land they found at the end...yup.

*Pointless because the movie sucked anyway.
08-10-2007, 07:56
You kinda need people living there for that work...
The Infinite Dunes
08-10-2007, 09:15
As has been said before, there is no permanent population on Antarctica. Therefore there can be no claim to sovereignty over a group of people living in the territory.
08-10-2007, 10:18
If you like having alien shapeshifters, alien vegetables and corporate oopsies as your next door neighbors, then Antarctica is the place for you!

Don't forget the ancient temples filled with face-f*cking arachno-critters and alien safari-goers.
08-10-2007, 10:24
I, for one, welcome our penguin overlords.
08-10-2007, 10:31
I, for one, welcome our penguin overlords.

You should be more worried about the bears. Seriously, have you read His Dark Materials? Once bears get their hands on some armour they're basically invincible.
Or worse.....
08-10-2007, 10:34
In general .. if they don't have anything to contribute to the powers that be.. they very well could. If they do have 'contributions'.. they might become a 'sovereign' nation still .. but will forever be at the will of elitist, powerful bastards.
UN Protectorates
08-10-2007, 10:49
Sealand had a better claim to being an independent nation than Antarctica ever will.
Daistallia 2104
08-10-2007, 11:39
Given that Antarctica currently has no permanent population and no real means of supporting one, it would be hard to see how it could form a nation in the first place.

Add in the political situation of the neutrality of Antarctica, the claims of Australia (and New Zealand too, IIRC), plus the we-don't-recognize-claims-but-we-might-do-it-ourselves view of both Russia and the US and, well, I doubt the penguins are going to issue out a deceleration of independence and have it be supported any time in the foreseeable future.

Agreed. Wouldn't they want an acceleration... ;)
08-10-2007, 12:58
Agreed. Wouldn't they want an acceleration... ;)
Oh hush you! I've started teaching elementary school so my spelling has gotten even worse! :p
08-10-2007, 13:21
octavia butler wrote a story, i forget what it was called or when, but this was at least a couple of decades ago, maybe longer then that.

in which antartica had become a steaming jungle and the last place on earth it was possible for humanity to survive. i think it was just purely speculative story telling because this was long before even environemntal scientists had started looking into the measurements and trends which have led to the conclusions we now call global warming.

as for being a super power, well, it WAS the ONLY place left. i don't think it was ruled by penguines though. i'm pretty sure they would have been rather thoroughly extinct. somewhat as humanity itself was rather on the brink of becoming.

i don't THINK we're really going to end up that way. at least not REAL soon. but if we don't start chainging a few little things soon, we COULD.

08-10-2007, 14:27
Who the hell would want to make a gigantic winter wasteland that's a walk-in freezer chock full of homicidal organisms into a sovereign nation?

This. I mean, seriously. Why live somewhere that routinely sees temperatures reminiscent of Hoth?
Sovereign Antarctica
17-10-2007, 23:06
This. I mean, seriously. Why live somewhere that routinely sees temperatures reminiscent of Hoth?

B/C it would be totally free.
17-10-2007, 23:12
Why live somewhere that routinely sees temperatures reminiscent of Hoth?
So you could pretend it was Hoth.

The Gulf States
18-10-2007, 00:33
You should be more worried about the bears. Seriously, have you read His Dark Materials? Once bears get their hands on some armour they're basically invincible.
Or worse.....


Anyway, I think there's some international treaty out there protecting the place from becoming any part of a country ... or one of its own.
18-10-2007, 01:15
You should be more worried about the bears. Seriously, have you read His Dark Materials? Once bears get their hands on some armour they're basically invincible.
Or worse.....'t worry, the tigers are on our side.
Sel Appa
18-10-2007, 01:32
Yes, when I take it over and send my penguin armies to secure the wastelands!
18-10-2007, 02:52

Yeah the Penguins will rise up!
18-10-2007, 03:56
So you could pretend it was Hoth.

Target: Maximum Firepower!