Which God does the Christian Right worship?
South Libertopia
05-10-2007, 05:18
Does the Christian Right worship the one in Heaven or the one in Washington, DC? Considering that they promote wars in the name of the Prince of Peace, that is a pretty good question. Of course, many Christian Right churches outright engage in worship of the Holy Government's flag every year during the week of 9-11. Many Christian Right members also support the fascist Mayor 9-11, the Mayor of NYC on 9-11, for president, even though he is pro-choice on abortion and pro-gay marriage (did I mention that he was Mayor of NYC on 9-11?). So, which God is it that the Christian Right actually worships? Do they worship the Omnipotent God-State or the One True God who resides in Heaven?
05-10-2007, 05:25
Guess which one.
They prefer jumping-baby-Jesus to grown-up-jewy-Jesus.
05-10-2007, 05:30
I don't know about other Christians, but I worship the God set forth in the Bible. And I am NOT in favor of the war in Iraq; I believe Bush should have stayed out of there.
Tape worm sandwiches
05-10-2007, 05:30
they worship the god that is a crossbreed between the one of money, as represented by the install the legal entities called corporations in your country or else,
and that of war which goes in to enforce laws that construct corporations for money in other people's countries,
and that of don't be different from me weirdo.
"American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America"
"Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism" by Greg Grandin
both hit on angles of this.
The Christian Right is not
always Christian, and it is
not always right. As a
practicing Christian, I find
the current administration
appalling. There is a disconnect
between the neo-conservative
policies of this administration,
and the Christian values of
the old Christian Right
The extremists in both parties
have left a bitter taste in
the mouths of many voters,
and have created a strange
and strained duality in a
plural free society.
Good Lifes
05-10-2007, 06:14
They are the modern Pharisees and Sadducees. As in Jesus time, it is not what they say or teach that is so bad, it is how they live their lives. They follow the rules without a love for the people. It is more important to have political power than to worry about the poor, sick, week, needy, lost.
While they are not wrong that abortion is bad, they care nothing for a mother in trouble or the child after it's born. They pick who they love and who they ignore.
United Beleriand
05-10-2007, 06:23
They are the modern Pharisees and Sadducees.In one word: Jews?
I worship YWVH.
But I am not the christian right.
I'd say they worship church and religion more than their Creator.
The Brevious
05-10-2007, 06:34
This thread has *soooooooooooooooooo* much potential.
I wonder if it's time it was aborted.
05-10-2007, 08:34
This thread has *soooooooooooooooooo* much potential.
I wonder if it's time it was aborted.
But abortion is murder! This thread will be protected until it's born and matures- at which point it gets deployed to Iraq to die horribly under IED fire.
The Brevious
05-10-2007, 08:40
But abortion is murder! This thread will be protected until it's born and matures- at which point it gets deployed to Iraq to die horribly under IED fire.
Linker Niederrhein
05-10-2007, 09:58
All hail Jihad Jesus! \*_*
Nobel Hobos
05-10-2007, 10:07
Eh, I wred the OP four times, and I still don't know what it was trying to say.
*tosses coin*
No. Definitely not. I'm against it.
i think they worship the little green and black ink on paper ones they carry in thier pockets.
Nobel Hobos
05-10-2007, 11:01
i think they worship the little green and black ink on paper ones they carry in thier pockets.
And I think you're wrong. They worship the number, not the ink it is written in.
Yes, I love Scrooge McDuck, physically wallowing in his cash. Employing Loui, Screwy and Dewey to count his actual physical cash. It's a lovely stereotype.
But do the rich actually gloat over paper money? Really? Chances are, they see fewer notes of paper money than an unskilled labourer does.
And I think you're wrong. They worship the number, not the ink it is written in.
Yes, I love Scrooge McDuck, physically wallowing in his cash. Employing Loui, Screwy and Dewey to count his actual physical cash. It's a lovely stereotype.
But do the rich actually gloat over paper money? Really? Chances are, they see fewer notes of paper money than an unskilled labourer does.
yes of course, it is the IDEA of symbolic value and the self serving concentration of it. but the symbol does make a good symbol of itself.
The Parkus Empire
05-10-2007, 18:10
I worship YWVH.
But I am not the christian right.
I'd say they worship church and religion more than their Creator.
You're Jewish? :confused: