Bush really is the bad guy.
02-10-2007, 00:49
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
02-10-2007, 00:54
I, for one (hides from Hydesland) approve.
Saige Dragon
02-10-2007, 00:54
Damn, I was hoping he'd sell 'em off as war surplus. Cheap, like a budgie.
02-10-2007, 00:56
I'm all for a big military, but how exactly do nukes deter terrorism?
Nukes may indeed deter other nations. But how do they deter people who wish to be martyrs and claim no state?
Neu Leonstein
02-10-2007, 00:58
By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
You mean if the US had more warheads, AQ wouldn't have flown planes into the WTC?
Unabashed Greed
02-10-2007, 00:58
Somehow I knew, just by the name of the one who wrote the OP, that this was going to be a flip, stupid, piece about how Bush isn't blowing up enough stuff. Get over it. Your guy sucks, and it's just too bad we were inflicted with him and his constituency for as long as we were. I hope they all find gigantic, precariously places rocks to crawl under come November '08.
Nuclear weapons cost money to maintain, and really, we don't need to be able to destroy all of human civilization several times over to act as a nuclear deterrent. The vast majority of that stockpile had no other point than serving as a negotiating chip against the Soviets.
New Manvir
02-10-2007, 01:06
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
According to Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_arms_race) You guys had 25, 000 nukes in 1985, and Bush wants to reduce that to 25% leaving 6250 Isn't that enough to deter any country let alone blow up the planet....
02-10-2007, 01:12
According to Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_arms_race) You guys had 25, 000 nukes in 1985, and Bush wants to reduce that to 25% leaving 6250 Isn't that enough to deter any country let alone blow up the planet....
We need 25,000 in case the Chinese try to blow them up. If they blow some of our nukes we can retaliate with the rest.
New Limacon
02-10-2007, 01:12
According to Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_arms_race) You guys had 25, 000 nukes in 1985, and Bush wants to reduce that to 25% leaving 6250 Isn't that enough to deter any country let alone blow up the planet....
It is indeed, New Manvir. But perhaps you have forgotten, or have chosen to ignore, the most dastardly archfiend of them all...THE MOON.
02-10-2007, 01:12
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
Come back to me when you learn there is a world outside the six mile radius of your house and the internet. Should you actually realize you aren't the only group of humans in the world, and realize that you aren't the only person with a fear, fucking get it into your thick skull
And I hope that when you do, it's your own damn fault.
It is indeed, New Manvir. But perhaps you have forgotten, or have chosen to ignore, the most dastardly archfiend of them all...THE MOON.
I recall that comic was posted on a power box near my dorm...
New Limacon
02-10-2007, 01:21
I recall that comic was posted on a power box near my dorm...
What comic are you referring to? I just made that up, I didn't know it already existed.
New Manvir
02-10-2007, 01:23
It is indeed, New Manvir. But perhaps you have forgotten, or have chosen to ignore, the most dastardly archfiend of them all...THE MOON.
I'm no Moon spy...of course nor what an outlandish claim...
*shoots New Limacon when no one is watching*
Oh...He seems to have dropped dead for no apparent reason...I'll just walk away now
*disposes of body when no one is looking*
02-10-2007, 01:24
Where's the next anti bush protest??? I wish to protest his dismantling of nuclear weapons.
Johnny B Goode
02-10-2007, 01:24
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
I've always wondered if some of you guys didn't use nukes to compensate for other things...;)
New Manvir
02-10-2007, 01:25
We need 25,000 in case the Chinese try to blow them up. If they blow some of our nukes we can retaliate with the rest.
From Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_with_nuclear_weapons#Estimated_worldwide_nuclear_stockpiles)
Oh right their 130 nukes are gonna destroy all 5 to 9 thousand of yours
The Parkus Empire
02-10-2007, 01:25
And I hope that when you do, it's your own damn fault.
"...some people claim that there's a pre-si-dent to blahahaim; but I know (duh-duh-dee-duh-dum)...."
*OP neutered*
I don't even know what to say.
Since when was disarming (like we keep telling other nations to do), a bad thing?
Oh, I guess I did know what to say..
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
We don't need a nuclear warhead, when we have conventional weapons accurate enough to be launched from New York and hit someones front door in Chicago.
Nuclear weapons don't deter terrorist groups, they deter (some) nations from attacking and encourage others to proliferate nukes. And since there is no Soviet Union for the US to counter balance, there is no need for such a large stockpile.
China, yes they are a nuclear power, but do they have really accurate missiles? (no) and why is China going to nuke one of its major trading partners?
About Iran and China attacking.... in China's case it's unlikely, in Iran's case they'd either attack by proxy or not at all. Plus if Iran's government ordered an attack, would the US government be willing to nuke them as a response? (not likely)
02-10-2007, 02:38
I think we found the latest incarnation of MTAE/FAG.
[NS]Click Stand
02-10-2007, 02:40
All we need is five nukes in case of an emergency. Why we need thousands is a mystery. if anyone messes with us we can just put a tactical missile on their doorstep.
02-10-2007, 02:43
Well, you gotta hand it to the OP. It takes an unbelieveable amount of chutzpah to criticize Dubya for not being enough of a reckless cowboy.
The Vuhifellian States
02-10-2007, 02:52
It is indeed, New Manvir. But perhaps you have forgotten, or have chosen to ignore, the most dastardly archfiend of them all...THE MOON.
Have no fear! On July 4th of next year.... America will blow up the moon!
02-10-2007, 02:52
Click Stand;13097946']All we need is five nukes in case of an emergency. Why we need thousands is a mystery. if anyone messes with us we can just put a tactical missile on their doorstep.
I dunno, I'd at least leave it in the triple digits, even if only just. Just to be safe.
I mean, if the Decepticons attack, do we really want humanity's fate left up to Shia LeBouf?
02-10-2007, 03:01
I dunno, I'd at least leave it in the triple digits, even if only just. Just to be safe.
I mean, if the Decepticons attack, do we really want humanity's fate left up to Shia LeBouf?
As if they could get anywhere with a treacherous dumbass like Starscream in their ranks.
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
Um, isn't he in the middle of getting a program to build more together?
I know that one of the arguments the pentagon is presenting to Congress for a renewed nuclear program is replacement nukes. When studies showed that the nukes we've got are good for several more decades, that argument rather fell apart. I think this is Bush's way of giving that argument legs again.
Click Stand;13097946']All we need is five nukes in case of an emergency. Why we need thousands is a mystery. if anyone messes with us we can just put a tactical missile on their doorstep.
Don't you know?
If the enemy hits you with five times the firepower it takes to vaporize your entire population, and you hit them with 10 times the amount it takes to vaporize their population, you win.
New Limacon
02-10-2007, 03:24
I've always wondered if some of you guys didn't use nukes to compensate for other things...;)
I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Goode. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Washingtonmonumentsketch.jpg
02-10-2007, 03:24
I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Goode. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Washingtonmonumentsketch.jpg
Phallic imagery!
We just had a lesson about that in English two weeks ago.
02-10-2007, 03:33
I'm for disarmament and all, but from a strategic standpoint, getting rid of your weapons as soon as the current threat is over is not very smart. Only from a strategic standpoint, however. All other standpoints favor it.
I would rather have our latest, most accurate missiles than the older ones, if for purely accuracy and standards sake, because an accurate nuke is better than a inaccurate one. (Duh.)
02-10-2007, 03:39
What you are saying is ridiculous, China has maybe 100 ICBM's and around a 1000 warheads in total. Most of these would likely be used in a conflict involving Russia, India, or Taiwan... not exactly the United States friendliest neighbors. Investing a portion of the money in building down the nuclear offense into anti-missile technology would make a lot more sense than holding onto a massive stockpile.
The Brevious
02-10-2007, 07:17
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
Just a hint of phail?
Are you guys sure he's serious? Sounds to me like he's being sarcastic.
02-10-2007, 08:33
There's more sarcasm in the OP than the replies on an internet forum. I think that means the universe is going to implode riiiiiiiiiiiight...
*checks watch*
From Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_with_nuclear_weapons#Estimated_worldwide_nuclear_stockpiles)
Oh right their 130 nukes are gonna destroy all 5 to 9 thousand of yours
It said on the World Alamac that China has 800 nukes, or did I read that right?
02-10-2007, 09:51
Who the heck does he think is dismantling our nuke at a rate 3 times faster than scheduled? Instead dimantling we need to build more.
"The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the Energy Department, reports a 146 percent increase in dismantled nuclear warheads during the 2007 budget year, which ended Sunday. That is triple the agency’s original goal."
"there are believed to be nearly 6,000 warheads that either are deployed or in active reserve."
Bush is a traitor for dismantling them. He should be impeached for it.
"Three years ago, President Bush said he wanted the overall stockpile reduced to half of what it was in the 1950s, or to a level of about one-quarter of its size at the end of the Cold War."
Proof of Bush's treachery.
"the report supported the idea that the replacement warhead can be developed without actually detonating a device in an underground test. "
Down with Bush. By dismantling our nuclear arsenal he is leaving America vulnerable to terrorist attacks and to attacks from countries like Iran and China.
You don't kill millions of people to hit a few terrorists.
You didn't receive your medicine today?
02-10-2007, 10:02
Well, you gotta hand it to the OP. It takes an unbelieveable amount of chutzpah to criticize Dubya for not being enough of a reckless cowboy.
Heh, QFT.
Eh, really as it stands, "mutually assured destruction" is pretty much reached at like, 5-10 nukes, especially with how strong they've gotten since the Cold War.
2 years ago, I was nervous about china, now, not so much.
Iran though, yea, they make me nervous. But I agree with the earlier poster, if Iran did anything, we wouldn't nuke. I'm guessing tactical unit movements and extremely accurate missile strikes. Cut off the head of the snake.
02-10-2007, 10:42
I agree they shouldn't just dismantle those nukes, it's a waste of a good piece of weaponry!
They should use them! Especially on places like... ehhh... where is it that you live, UnitedStatesOfAmerica- ? :p
Good Lifes
02-10-2007, 16:39
We need 25,000 in case the Chinese try to blow them up. If they blow some of our nukes we can retaliate with the rest.
We need maybe 100 tops. How many targets do you think there are in the entire world? And how much nuclear pollution do you think the earth can take before we are all dead anyway?
If Bush is actually doing this and this is a legit thread, it's the first think he's done right in 7 years. I guess it's true--even a blind pig can sometimes find an acorn.
Johnny B Goode
03-10-2007, 02:03
I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Goode. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Washingtonmonumentsketch.jpg
Heh heh. Of course that's what the Washington Monument is for. Silly me.
Phallic imagery!
We just had a lesson about that in English two weeks ago.
I guess I got something to look forward to sniggering at. :p
03-10-2007, 02:21
My nuclear wasteland can beat up your nuclear wasteland any day!
Bring it!
You mean if the US had more warheads, AQ wouldn't have flown planes into the WTC?
I guess they would have sent one of those nuclear missiles after those hijacked planes and blown them up before they hit the WTC towers, If they knew what their destination was and as soon as they realized that they were being attacked with private jets!
How long did it take for the air force to send a plane over New York to assess the situation ? So YES an arsenal of Nuclear warheads really deters the terrorists. LALADIDUM dum dumb to those that think so !
The Brevious
03-10-2007, 09:10
Are you guys sure he's serious? Sounds to me like he's being sarcastic.
Yeah .... could be.
Nuclear weapons cost money to maintain, and really, we don't need to be able to destroy all of human civilization several times over to act as a nuclear deterrent. The vast majority of that stockpile had no other point than serving as a negotiating chip against the Soviets.
Also, the US is a signatory of the NPT, and, under article 6, is bound to move towards nuclear disarmament. At the very least, that means dismantling some of its superfluous nukes.
It also makes it difficult to accuse Iran of violating the NPT if you're not abiding by it yourself...
04-10-2007, 00:57
I guess they would have sent one of those nuclear missiles after those hijacked planes and blown them up before they hit the WTC towers, If they knew what their destination was and as soon as they realized that they were being attacked with private jets!
How long did it take for the air force to send a plane over New York to assess the situation ? So YES an arsenal of Nuclear warheads really deters the terrorists. LALADIDUM dum dumb to those that think so !
Yeah, show 'em that they might be willing to blow themselves up to take others down, but we'd make a wasteland of our own countries and irradiate ourselves in order to blow them up first. Fuck yeah!
.... you were kidding right? I'm having a hard time being certain...
04-10-2007, 01:23
According to Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_arms_race) You guys had 25, 000 nukes in 1985, and Bush wants to reduce that to 25% leaving 6250 Isn't that enough to deter any country let alone blow up the planet....
He's baiting and switching anyway. He may be dismantling nukes, but those are all the old decripit ones. The replacements that they are building are many times deadlier then the old ones they replace. But really, what the hell do we need 30 times as many nukes as China? Why does anyone need them at all?
Tape worm sandwiches
04-10-2007, 07:48
the next to use nukes, be it the entity known as "the united states" or whatever, whomever uses nukes next, the world will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, forgive them. ever
04-10-2007, 08:01
Yeah, show 'em that they might be willing to blow themselves up to take others down, but we'd make a wasteland of our own countries and irradiate ourselves in order to blow them up first. Fuck yeah!
.... you were kidding right? I'm having a hard time being certain...
Well sure that would deter terrorists. Scream "We're so fucking crazy we'll take our own selves out to take you out!!!!!!" Then you give them the crazy eye :eek: That'll make them think twice. It's the crazy eye that does it.