Freakin' Venutians.
01-10-2007, 16:19
I, for one, think we need a topic we're all except the ones that aren't interested in.
(no, not mannequins)
Females! Preferably with heads.
Are you a female? Have you ever been? Do you know any? Are they paper or plastic? Been mistake for a female? Then cut your hair, hippy.
Do we have any astronomers here? Wannabe astronomers? Why?
I think it's cool looking at really really big and really really far away stuff. Sometimes it's just like "Dude...the moon is like...huge...And waaaay out there....and we've been there, man!"
01-10-2007, 16:20
Unless, of course, you think we -haven't- been to the moon. >_>
01-10-2007, 16:34
In b'4 the move to spam.
Yes, I was afraid of that.
Srsly though, I was reading this astronomy magazine recently and was curious. Surely NSG has at least one astronomer type-person? And the female topic would be good as well, I just couldn't think of a specific topic of discussion on females.
01-10-2007, 16:35
Don't do that the noobs see it and it perpetuates their trend of posting in before insert spam/lock here...
Oh feh, let them mimic, it's how they learn.
I like women and space too. (although I have to admit I find looking at women way more enjoyable than looking at galaxies far far away.)
In b'4 the move to spam.
Don't do that the noobs see it and it perpetuates their trend of posting in before insert spam/lock here...
Don't do that the noobs see it and it perpetuates their trend of posting in before insert spam/lock here...
I call it the circle of spam. Beautiful in a way.
01-10-2007, 16:46
Unless, of course, you think we -haven't- been to the moon. >_>
I for one entirely beleive that we haven't been to the moon! I mean hell! Sure, there's absolutely no real reason to pretend to go to the moon, especially when we've already been in space (or HAVE we???) but that doesn't mean we don't need everything real to be a hoax! Dadburn it!
Disclaimer: Sarcasm may be present in the above post.
I do like looking at the sky though... and women... mostly women... mostly one woman *siiigh*
Oh, and the aurora is beautiful. (but we all knew that anyway...)
I call it the circle of spam. Beautiful in a way.
we're writing the poetry of the 21st century!
01-10-2007, 16:56
we're writing the poetry of the 21st century!
Lawl, rofl, XD
Your posts always make me laugh
Please, keep making them
01-10-2007, 17:03
I am a girl. I have a friend who has a friend who has a filter on his telescope where you can look at the sun. Got to do that a few months back, very cool.
Lawl, rofl, XD
Your posts always make me laugh
Please, keep making them
assuming you're being serious, thanks.
I am a girl. I have a friend who has a friend who has a filter on his telescope where you can look at the sun. Got to do that a few months back, very cool.
this ( is also a very cool way to look at the sun during an eclipse. Sunlight that is filtered trough trees has the same effect (small crescent suns being projected) like this:
01-10-2007, 17:17
I could possibly be female.
Quantum superstate of male and female? *Should really stop trying this joke.*
Extreme Ironing
01-10-2007, 17:19
I could possibly be female.
I like females.
I realy like females.
I REALLY, REALLY like females.
oh and at one time, I did want to become an Astronomer. cuz space is like... so cool.
really cool.
totally frigid in fact.
The Coral Islands
01-10-2007, 17:53
I know a guy who actually studies astrophysics in university. I must admit that it would be a nifty degree to have hanging after one's name.
About women, I have been mistaken for one, and it is really annoying. The desk where I sit at work used to belong to the lady I was hired to replace after she left on maternity leave. A year later she is still quite content to be at home, and I am quite content to have a job. The employees in other departments, however, still have not clued into the fact that she is gone. I pick up my phone when it rings, clearly introduce myself, and the first thing several of them say is "Hi Anita". Soo irksome...
I guess being a tenor has its downs along with the ups? Or maybe it is just because the people with whom I work do not pay attention to the name they hear, their call display, and the name in the staff directory...