Want kids? Speak like Barry White, not Peewee Herman
Demented Hamsters
26-09-2007, 12:29
Deep-voiced men 'have more kids'
Men with deep voices tend to have more children than those who speak at a higher pitch, scientists say.
Males who hit lower notes as they talked had about two more children on average than squeaky speakers.
It fits with observations that women find masculine voices more attractive, the team reports in Biology Letters.
Gonna now go listen to my Isaac Hayes CDs and practise.
Good news for me...:cool:
26-09-2007, 12:31
I dont think peewee herman would be a good person to consult on children, not because he has a high pitched voice, more because he is a convicted sex-offender and all.
26-09-2007, 12:56
Its possible to be a sex offender and not rape kids you know. As for your double standards, do you think that kind of stuff doesn't happen in other countries? I personally don't watch or find Tyson's antics acceptable, but I'm not a pushover DA, just random guy in the internets.
Why are these posts out of order?
Demented Hamsters
26-09-2007, 12:57
I dont think peewee herman would be a good person to consult on children, not because he has a high pitched voice, more because he is a convicted sex-offender and all.
A man whacking off in an adult theatre watching vanilla porn makes him a child molester.
Well, of course.
Always love the double-standards in America.
Tyson's a bull-necked, wife-beating, ear-biting, convicted rapist but hey! We'll forgive him and continue pay him millions to thump people when he's out of prison. Because he's such a good role model, doncha know?
But ewwww...a highly talented and genuinely funny children's entertainer gets (followed then) caught masturbating to adult porn and OMG! Think of the children! Won't anybody think of the children!
We can't let this beast work on TV ever again!
Capetola XII
26-09-2007, 13:12
A man whacking off in an adult theatre watching vanilla porn makes him a child molester.
Well, of course.
Always love the double-standards in America.
Tyson's a bull-necked, wife-beating, ear-biting, convicted rapist but hey! We'll forgive him and continue pay him millions to thump people when he's out of prison. Because he's such a good role model, doncha know?
But ewwww...a highly talented and genuinely funny children's entertainer gets (followed then) caught masturbating to adult porn and OMG! Think of the children! Won't anybody think of the children!
We can't let this beast work on TV ever again!
Thing is, in America, Tyson is capable of making other people rich, therefore he is a well-treated, respected member of society. Putting Pee-Wee back on the air doesn't really benefit the wallets of the network executives.
Capitalism. How I adore thee.
A man whacking off in an adult theatre watching vanilla porn makes him a child molester.Sex offender = child molester, everyone knows that. They also live in gingerbread houses and eat children when not molesting them.
26-09-2007, 13:47
I'm wondering who is funding this kind of research?
What's the benefit of the result anyway?
26-09-2007, 13:52
I always find these research studies that confirm common sense to be amusing. Of course females prefer things more masculine. Imagine the opposite...
As my Archaelogy professor, Dr. Denbow, used to say, there is absolutely no reason why that group of hunter-gatherers is more like our ancestors than we are. They are equally as evolved for their situation.
Of course, I don't completely agree--certainly, there are aspects of the hunter-gatherer society that are much more like paleo-humanity than our culture, such as the lack of birth control and hunting as an every day activity.
However, I would hazard that this study cannot be used as a valid psychological examination of how a paleohuman thought, though it can be very useful as a look at modern humans that live in a similar environment.
26-09-2007, 14:28
Gonna now go listen to my Isaac Hayes CDs and practise.
you actually can't make your voice lower, my choir director is pissed at me because I have been goofing off with my kids singing Phantom of the Opera and ruining my alto voice, you can only go higher as you tighten your vocal chords you can't go lower. I can sing an octave higher than I could a year ago, but I am missing a few of the low notes I used to have.
Barry White nothin, Kevin Grevioux, that's a deep voice.
I'm wondering who is funding this kind of research?
What's the benefit of the result anyway?
Sex shops will start selling voice changers than make your voice deeper.
I dont think peewee herman would be a good person to consult on children, not because he has a high pitched voice, more because he is a convicted sex-offender and all.
Perhaps you need to remove your cranium from your rectum. His "sex offender" status is due to jerking off in public at a adult theater watching adult porn... Not for any type of child-sex offenses.
26-09-2007, 14:57
You got to admit though, Pee Wee Playhouse was just weird....Got to love Rob Zombie.
Dryks Legacy
26-09-2007, 14:59
singing Phantom of the Opera and ruining my alto voice
F***. I've been doing that for the last six hours or so. *remembers that it's a symphonic metal cover* It's not as bad as it could be... thanks for ruining my fun by the way ;)
Demented Hamsters
26-09-2007, 15:04
You got to admit though, Pee Wee Playhouse was just weird....
...weird, yes. But also fecking awesome and one of the best bits of Kid's TV I've ever seen.
26-09-2007, 21:03
Thing is, in America, Tyson is capable of making other people rich, therefore he is a well-treated, respected member of society. Putting Pee-Wee back on the air doesn't really benefit the wallets of the network executives.
Capitalism. How I adore thee.
Moot point, because he made many people a lot of money when his Pee Wee's Playhouse DVDs were released, not to mention the millions of viewers that very show got when it was aired on [Adult Swim].
King Arthur the Great
26-09-2007, 21:21
I must use the power of the Dark Side to speak like Lord Vader.
*Breathes ominously.*
"Join Me."
I must use the power of the Dark Side to speak like Lord Vader.
*Breathes ominously.*
"Join Me."
Does that mean luke should never get laid. He had a high pitched "NEVER!"
26-09-2007, 21:45
I dispute this research, on the grounds that tenors are hawt. :p
26-09-2007, 21:49
I dont think peewee herman would be a good person to consult on children, not because he has a high pitched voice, more because he is a convicted sex-offender and all.
That's kind of like saying "I don't want to fall into lava because it'll ruin my favorite jacket."
While being a convicted sex-offender is reason enough in its own right. There are plenty more reasons why peewee wouldn't exactly be the best or most knowledgable person to ask about attracting women or conceiving children. imo lol
Actually, Paul Reubens sex-offender status expired in March.
26-09-2007, 22:21
Actually, Paul Reubens sex-offender status expired in March.
It did... He's no longer in the database, it was only valid for three years starting in March of '04....
What's the benefit of the result anyway?
Because of the similarity which their hunter-gatherer lifestyle bears to that of our ancestors, the reproductive success of the Hadza could be indicative of the way that human beings evolved.
If females are drawn to deeper voices, this would drive selection in the population towards that trait. In other words, lower-pitched male speakers would become dominant over time.
"It's possible that vocal dimorphism has evolved over thousands of years, partly due to mate selection," explained Ms Apicella. "Perhaps at one time, men and women's voices were closer in pitch than they are today."
that's apparently what they wanted to research.
King Arthur the Great
26-09-2007, 22:42
Does that mean Luke should never get laid. He had a high pitched "NEVER!"
And coincidentally, the next important thing he learned was that Leia was his sister, thereby setting Han up to win the girl. Meanwhile, Luke continues to not get any in the movies, and remains in such a state for the next twelve years or so.