NationStates Jolt Archive

What's your average emotional state lately?

20-09-2007, 11:29
What has your average emotional state been for the past 2 months?

Mine has been a mix of despair and rage, with short periods of contentment.

What about you?
20-09-2007, 11:35
Ranging from deepest despair to the fullest joy, as my partners pregnancy has changed. Despair because of the complications, bleedings and contractions, clumsy diagnoses from incompetent doctors and so on. Joy because, everytime so far things have cleared up and our child seems to be doing ok in there. I'm also getting a payraise. :-)
20-09-2007, 11:35
A combination of happiness and stress, I guess.
20-09-2007, 11:35
somewhere between :D (not to often) and :( (most of the time, especially lately).
Pure Metal
20-09-2007, 11:36
happy sometimes, stressed most of the rest of the time, sometimes depressed. my meds have helped keep me less up-and-down than i used to be though :)
20-09-2007, 11:53
Simply put, highly relieved right now...

But extreme concentration lately, having exams you know...

Still got one paper, but its Statistics... a pushover... =) =)

Edit: Over the last two months? Content mostly...
The Charr
20-09-2007, 11:54
What has your average emotional state been for the past 2 months?

Mine has been a mix of despair and rage, with short periods of contentment.

What about you?

The same, pretty much, without the contentment.
The blessed Chris
20-09-2007, 12:45
Anything between melancholy, frustration, despair and anger.
Cabra West
20-09-2007, 12:49
Hmm... a month ago, very stressed, but very happy ever since I moved now :)
20-09-2007, 12:51
I often get confused as to why I can be so happy and content about my apathy.
Newer Burmecia
20-09-2007, 13:04
Scared shitless. I'm starting uni on saturday.:D
20-09-2007, 13:12
All over the place. My wife could give birth at any time (She's started pre-labor contractions) and I have moved to a new school to teach elementary school, so I'm very, very busy and worrying/waiting for our first child to make his or her grand appearance.
Neu Leonstein
20-09-2007, 13:33
Last two months? A lot of anxiety, stress and fear.

Also I'm wondering why I can't get anything done at the moment. I've got shitloads of stuff to do, but I'm always too tired, or I've got headaches, or I just can't be bothered. Slightly unsettling.
20-09-2007, 13:36
Pretty good over all :)
Myu in the Middle
20-09-2007, 13:37
In the last two months, largely frustration, though excitement and confusion played equal parts counterbalancing.
20-09-2007, 13:39
Large amounts of gross indifference followed by short bouts of contentment.
Pure Metal
20-09-2007, 13:53
Also I'm wondering why I can't get anything done at the moment. I've got shitloads of stuff to do, but I'm always too tired, or I've got headaches, or I just can't be bothered. Slightly unsettling.

i hear that... i feel mostly at the moment that i have tonnes to do but that i'm not actually finishing any of it... makes for more stress
20-09-2007, 13:56
A lot has happened in two months.

I've gone from generally being happy, to being sad, to being excited, to being enamoured, to being happy when I'm in public and just plain miserable when I'm alone.
20-09-2007, 14:00
I had to vote "apathy" - I'm a government employee and it's mandatory. :)

Outside of work I'd have to say I'm pretty content right now...
20-09-2007, 14:04
Mostly content.
but more stress since school started. Greek is just really getting to me at the moment.
20-09-2007, 14:09
My past 2 months have been horrible, my mother has been in and out of the hospital, my child had a health crisis which she is still recovering from, I have been mostly sick, got cross contaminated twice and now I have hives and a head cold. My husband's health is questionable, and my cats have been acting weird.

I have been really stressed and rather snappish, and also bitchy most of the time.

Things are looking up as of last night though, so maybe I can get back to my normal mood soon.
20-09-2007, 14:12
What has your average emotional state been for the past 2 months?

Mine has been a mix of despair and rage, with short periods of contentment.

What about you?

For the past two months?

Well I started the two months having just been put on anti-depressants and withdrawing from university so I obviously wasn't in the best of moods then. The break over the summer helped a lot though and I got in plenty of skydiving which always makes me happy. At the moment i'm just struggling to stay on top of all the work i've brought onto myself so i'm particularly stressed. I have to organise a sports club, organise a bone marrow register clinic, take care of all my uni work and keep my girlfriend happy. A recipe for disaster methinks

I'm enjoying it all though and i'm pretty happy :)
King Arthur the Great
20-09-2007, 14:46
I have been determined, and successful.
20-09-2007, 15:38
This thread is made of fail because you managed to make the poll non-MC, but for all of us fortunate enough not to have the emotional range of a teaspoon, there'd be the need for at least two options during two months.

.. yes, even though this is among the - on average - emotionally somewhat stumped NSG sample.
20-09-2007, 15:51
This thread is made of fail because you managed to make the poll non-MC, but for all of us fortunate enough not to have the emotional range of a teaspoon, there'd be the need for at least two options during two months.

.. yes, even though this is among the - on average - emotionally somewhat stumped NSG sample.

you could just vote "mix"
20-09-2007, 16:07
My moods are almost like clockwork. The week before my period, I have zero sex drive, and I'm very even emotionally. The few days before that week, however, I get angry very easily, and things that normally wouldn't bother me set me off. The rest of the month, I'm pretty average, no major ups or downs. That's my PMS cycle. :P

My yearly cycle...I get really down and moody and question all of my life's decisions every single winter...usually around the end of November, lasting until the middle of January. Then I snap out of it, from one day to another...not even remembering what all the turmoil was about. Summer I'm great, lots of things to do, very busy, and even emotionally. September I peak, and get really excited (starting school, or a job, or whatever).

Just knowing that this is a predictable pattern is enormously helpful in terms of dealing with the ups and downs. For example...I don't let myself make any major decisions in the winter...I make a deal with myself to wait until spring to decide (that includes getting tattoos, leaving my husband, running off to join some revolution...). I'm the same in September...I don't allow myself to commit to too many projects in that time, because I end up being swamped, and with zero energy right around the time those projects need my time. I allow myself to get involved with one long term project a year, and various short term projects (one day fundraisers/actions/whatever). Before, I was signing up for four or five different very intense activist projects, and burning out completely.
Copiosa Scotia
20-09-2007, 16:17
Restless. I need to do something, but I'm not sure what that something is.

I guess that's closest to excited.
New Granada
20-09-2007, 16:30
Happy as a lark.
Jello Biafra
20-09-2007, 17:37
Tired, from being busier than usual. Happiness that I'm getting things accomplished. Nervous anticipation.
20-09-2007, 17:54
you could just vote "mix"

I usually feel a bit more informative than that.
20-09-2007, 17:56
Contented apathy.
20-09-2007, 18:02
What has your average emotional state been for the past 2 months?

Mine has been a mix of despair and rage, with short periods of contentment.

What about you?
20-09-2007, 18:11
I would be intrested in seeing if there was any correlation between the age of the poster and the mood they are experiencing.
20-09-2007, 19:20
Combo of extreme happiness and contentment. Its been a really good couple of months for me.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
20-09-2007, 19:51
Predominantly a mixture of rage, hatred, fear, stress and hunger, but punctuated by periodic moments of extreme, transcendental ecstasy.
20-09-2007, 21:05
What's your average emotional state lately?Horny.
20-09-2007, 22:23

thats not really an emotion. more like a body function.
20-09-2007, 22:44
Mostly quite content, with short bouts of irritation or confusion.
20-09-2007, 23:04
Out of the last two months, I can remember being happy twice. I'm in a constant bad mood, and it's just pretty hopeless now.

Sane Outcasts
20-09-2007, 23:15
I've been insane lately. Not "This is driving me crazy!" insane, I've been going "I yelled at my dog because it told me I looked like crap" insane, which my roommate tells me is a bad thing.
Infinite Revolution
21-09-2007, 00:12
confused, frustrated, worried, ecstatic, depressed, seething, oblivious, nervous, giddy, listless.
21-09-2007, 00:24
stressed, depressed, and listless.