Google Earth - Interesting places
19-09-2007, 22:06
Copy/paste coordinates into GE's 'fly to' dealy.
73°20'26.38"N 54°47'6.49"E
Russian nuclear test sites
37°11'23.29"N 116°10'30.21"W
US nuclear test sites
Basically a bunch of holes in the ground, but still pretty fascinating. Its amazing how many there are all around those places.
I havent found any more though (EX: The French or Chinese test sites)
40°27'23.56"N 93°23'32.02"E
Those crazy Chinese, making funny lines in the middle of a desert. Theres a few sets around this particular one if you want to look. A little ways south theres also what looks like a farm in the middle of a big dustbowl.
42°26'22.31"N 129°45'15.96"E
'Family Camp 22' in North Korea. Home of 50,000 prisoners who's only 'crime' is being related to people who the North Korean government doesnt like.
Doesnt look so bad from the air, huh?
64°34'53.45"N 39°48'48.49"E
A Russian Akula (NATO: 'Typhoon') class nuclear submarine. Yeah, that thing next to it is an aircraft carrier. Pretty crazy, eh?
Anybody else found anything interesting, off the beaten track, etc?
37°15'41.56"N 115°46'58.47"W
Area 51's air strips. You can read the numbers on the runways.
21°16'31.49"N 89°12'42.11"W
Impact crater that presumably offed the dinos.
55°39′42″N, 60°51′16″E
Karachay lake, Soviet waste disposal site, now completely covered in cement.
51°23'22.39"N, 30°05'56.93"E
Chernobyl site
Deus Malum
19-09-2007, 22:22
The Atlantian islands
19-09-2007, 23:28
48o16'08.79"N 11o28'21.02"E
Dachue KZ
Concentration Camp in a suburb of Munich.
Infinite Revolution
20-09-2007, 00:16
i just discovered i can see my bathroom window on google earth :eek:
35°16'59.12"N, 33°22'23.53"E
Giant flag (world's biggest), Northern Cyprus
6°18'59.09''S 155°29'47.06''E
Panguni mine, Bougainville
11°33'01.45''N 92°15'12.18''E
North Sentinel Island, home of the Sentinelese (
20-09-2007, 00:29
45°17'28.97"N 90°30'49.59"E
Some giant Chinese and Arabic characters in the middle of some Mongolian desert? Anybody got any idea what it says?
Sel Appa
20-09-2007, 02:43
40°27'23.56"N 93°23'32.02"E
Those crazy Chinese, making funny lines in the middle of a desert. Theres a few sets around this particular one if you want to look. A little ways south theres also what looks like a farm in the middle of a big dustbowl.
Yeah, wtf is that. It looks like a model of the roads in a suburb. ;)
11°33'01.45''N 92°15'12.18''E
North Sentinel Island, home of the Sentinelese (
How are those fine chaps?
Gun Manufacturers
20-09-2007, 03:06
Mount Saint Helens lat= 46.2019756679, long= -122.182924286
The house that Ruth built (AKA Yankee Stadium) lat= 40.8269420399, long= -73.9281874742
That's all I have for now.
20-09-2007, 03:13
45°17'28.97"N 90°30'49.59"E
Some giant Chinese and Arabic characters in the middle of some Mongolian desert? Anybody got any idea what it says?
Holy shit. What a find!
Even though I can read Arabic, I honestly can't get what it means.. It's gibberish.
The last three letters, "جبل", mean mountain... Is that a "50" before it?
Imperial isa
20-09-2007, 03:23
i just discovered i can see my bathroom window on google earth :eek:
guess you need window blinds now
20-09-2007, 03:25
Holy shit. What a find!
Even though I can read Arabic, I honestly can't get what it means.. It's gibberish.
The last three letters, "جبل", mean mountain... Is that a "50" before it?
Maybe its something ancient? Or some wierd dialect? But it seems odd that there would be ancient arabic writing in Mongolia.
Yeah, wtf is that. It looks like a model of the roads in a suburb. ;)
You think thats wierd? Check these out.
39°24'46.96"N 94°15'54.87"E
Its a city, either partially constructed or attacked, in the middle of the desert. Judging by all the sand in the streets its been abandoned for a while. It looks like theres some sort of old fort attached to it or something.
I dunno WTF it is though.
China's just full of wierd shit.
44° 4'54.82"N 93°58'31.95"E
MORE lines in the desert. And these are new. I'd guess those satilite photos werent taken too far apart.
WTF are the Chinese doing? Seriously. 'Lets make a bunch of huge lines in the MIDDLE OF THE DESERT'
38°52'13.37"N 88°11'35.45"E
Zoom in close and take a look. What are those? Bunkers? Old tombs? That whole ride is covered with wierd earthworks and buildings. Theres some sort of launch platform just north of there.
20-09-2007, 03:36
You can see the Russian An-225 Cossack on it too:
20-09-2007, 03:54
44deg 53' 47.19"N 68deg 40'11.16"W
20-09-2007, 04:51
Hey, could somebody take a look at Lake Baikal and tell me if I'm alone in seeing that huge...thing about 1/3 of the way from the north tip of the lake?
That has to be some sort of error or something, 'cause I dont think anything manmade that HUGE exists. Apparently its 60 miles long and a mile wide.
It looks like its been magnified or something...but the way it dissapears into the water and mountains is kinda wierd.
20-09-2007, 05:23
39°24'46.96"N 94°15'54.87"E
Its a city, either partially constructed or attacked, in the middle of the desert. Judging by all the sand in the streets its been abandoned for a while. It looks like theres some sort of old fort attached to it or something.
I dunno WTF it is though.
China's just full of wierd shit.
How can I find myself? I tried searching for my town but it's apparently too small to be found.
20-09-2007, 05:32
How can I find myself? I tried searching for my town but it's apparently too small to be found.
If you know how to drive from a close, bigger town you can follow roads... That's how I found my grandmother's house.
If you know how to drive from a close, bigger town you can follow roads... That's how I found my grandmother's house.
Right, I'll try that.
IL Ruffino
20-09-2007, 05:39
Hey, could somebody take a look at Lake Baikal and tell me if I'm alone in seeing that huge...thing about 1/3 of the way from the north tip of the lake?
That has to be some sort of error or something, 'cause I dont think anything manmade that HUGE exists. Apparently its 60 miles long and a mile wide.
It looks like its been magnified or something...but the way it dissapears into the water and mountains is kinda wierd.
It's going above the clouds, so I'm guessing it's a plane in insanely long exposure?
GE was a lot better before they started "blanking" out military sites...I used to have pics of Subs docked in harbors..and some Indian Nuclear they can't be seen in a high resolution...:(
Presumably the 400 dollar version will show them in full detail...I presume that's what organizations like CNN use, anyway.
GE was a lot better before they started "blanking" out military sites...I used to have pics of Subs docked in harbors..and some Indian Nuclear they can't be seen in a high resolution...:(
IL Ruffino
20-09-2007, 05:44
How can I find myself? I tried searching for my town but it's apparently too small to be found.
Heh, I found my house..
Our pool looks dirty.
39" 29' 02.19 N 105" 24' 08.41 W is my current house. I can't see my van...picture must've been taken while the van was away.
Heh, I found my house..
Our pool looks dirty.
When I searched for my town it just showed an area full of mountains and trees, which is hardly accurate.
Gataway: Yeah, I'm not about to spend that kind of money either. Hell, I only just now decided to download Google Earth anyway.
Presumably the 400 dollar version will show them in full detail...I presume that's what organizations like CNN use, anyway.
Well I don't feel like paying 400 bucks to spy on Brazil's military bases lol so i guess I'll just have to do with the cheap version...Looking for places or at least structures out in the jungle or runways in south America is always fun to do
20-09-2007, 05:51
39" 29' 02.19 N 105" 24' 08.41 W is my current house. I can't see my van...picture must've been taken while the van was away.
*stalks furiously*
IL Ruffino
20-09-2007, 05:53
When I searched for my town it just showed an area full of mountains and trees, which is hardly accurate.
Gataway: Yeah, I'm not about to spend that kind of money either. Hell, I only just now decided to download Google Earth anyway.
EDIT: Can you send mail to coordinates? *has ideas*
*stalks furiously*
Yeah, meh. I'm hardly worried about people stalking me.
39°29'02.19"N 105°24'08.41"W
Yes, thank you. How is the degree symbol typed again?
IL Ruffino
20-09-2007, 05:59
Yes, thank you. How is the degree symbol typed again?
Er, I have no clue. ALT something.. just copy & paste.
32°42'48.29"N 117°11'23.42"W
US Aircraft Carrier with nets around it...
20-09-2007, 06:50
Hey, could somebody take a look at Lake Baikal and tell me if I'm alone in seeing that huge...thing about 1/3 of the way from the north tip of the lake?
That has to be some sort of error or something, 'cause I dont think anything manmade that HUGE exists. Apparently its 60 miles long and a mile wide.
It looks like its been magnified or something...but the way it dissapears into the water and mountains is kinda wierd.
It's a sand spit. Not man-made, at least I don't think so.
13° 8'57.24"N
14° 7'12.82"E
Lake Chad -- what's left of it, anyway. :(
What do you mean "what's left of it"?!
20-09-2007, 06:58
13° 8'57.24"N
14° 7'12.82"E
Lake Chad -- what's left of it, anyway. :(
20-09-2007, 07:06
What do you mean "what's left of it"?!
Take a look at it. It's been disappearing for the last 40 or 45 years due to climactic changes and diversion of lake waters for agriculture. It's almost gone now.
The Aral Sea has the same problem.
Take a look at it. It's been disappearing for the last 40 or 45 years due to climactic changes and diversion of lake waters for agriculture. It's almost gone now.
The Aral Sea has the same problem.
That is sad...and to think people deny that humans can have a serious effect on the environment...
54°00'57.04"N 124°00'31.74"E
Nothing too interesting there, just my hometown, but I am annoyed that there's not a higher resolution of it. You can barely see the streets, and my parent's house isn't even a blob. :(
the moon (
The Charr
20-09-2007, 12:13
Google Earth is cool for about three and a half minutes. I looked at my house, then at a few relatives' and friends' houses, and then got bored and never used it again...
20-09-2007, 14:12
That is sad...and to think people deny that humans can have a serious effect on the environment...
Yup. The Aral Sea has been going ever since the Russian Empire started farming around the area. It only got worse when the Soviet Union decided it'd be a good place to test bio/chemical weapons as well as dump agricultural waste.
I BELIEVE it isnt even the Aral Sea anymore, but the North and South Aral Seas. They've pretty much given up on the Southern sea, but theyre going to try and save the North. The southern portion will be gone by 2050 apparently.
Google Earth is cool for about three and a half minutes. I looked at my house, then at a few relatives' and friends' houses, and then got bored and never used it again...
k. Youre silly.
How are those fine chaps?
Well nobody really knows, of course, but at last report they were doing fine. Firing arrows at helicopters to show they were ok. ;)
Marrakech II
21-09-2007, 03:59
45°17'28.97"N 90°30'49.59"E
Some giant Chinese and Arabic characters in the middle of some Mongolian desert? Anybody got any idea what it says?
It is Arabic characters but not Arabic. It may be a local dialect that uses Arabic script. However it doesn't make any sense to me how it is worded.