The Zombinistan
16-09-2007, 10:37
Figured I'd introduce myself, all other threads closed, if I should'nt have, mods-forgive my ignorance. The Humble People of The Zombinistan beg your pardon.
Full Nation Name : The Confederacy of The Zombinistan
Real Name: Jason
Age: 25
General Location:Harpers Ferry
General Political Affiliation : Rights Theorist - Libertarian
General Religious Affiliation: If it works positively for someone it's fine with me
Where Did You Find NationStates?: Friend told me
Have you read any of Max Barry's books: Not Yet
Professional Goal: Stability
How many hours a day do you watch TV?: Depends what football game is on
What is your favorite genre of music: Punk/Progressive
Other information: Yeah, the politics section, that thread was closed too.
The Confederacy of The Zombinistan
Abortion: Personal Decision
Affirmative Action: Definitely Not.
Arms Trade: Potentially Interested
Death Penalty: In extreme cases, By unanimous decision by jury of 24, and -----------------Concurred by Special Capital Punishment Tribunals.
Drugs: Individual Liberty should be just that.
Economic System: Agrarian Plantocracy
Education: K-12 Mandatory, If can pass acceptance test, State paid -------------------University or Technical training.
Electoral College in USA Elections: Popular Vote would be more democratic.
Environmentalism: Better do something quick.
Individual Liberty should be just that. If you're terminal, and want to go out on YOUR terms, and that allows you to pass away with your honor, then who is anyone else to pass judgement upon that. Upon, handicapped, no, unless physically and mentally competent and consenting. If brain Dead, and family wants to stop life support, then that is a family decision, not a Governments.
Evolution or Creation?: Little bit of both I think.
Trying to protect the kids, honorable purpose, but parents should do that, not a government agency.
Gay Marriage: Sure, Why not let them be as miserable as the rest of us...:)
Gun Control: Minimal
Immigration Policies:
Bring your weak, your hungry and your poor to Zombinistan, if you can improve your life here, and are willing to work for it, then welcome, My Friend.
Income Tax: Necessary Evil
Palestinians need to stop the suicide bombings, the mortars, the rockets, etc. And Israel needs to stop the settlements, back to 67 borders, stop the Apartheid. Both Sides, need to act like responsible members of the International Community, but as of yet, they've yet to do so.
Philosophy: Individualistic
Political Party Affiliation: None
President Bush/American Policies:
Its not just Bush and his boys, its the Dem's too. Money in politics, Influence of powerful lobbies ( Israeli, NRA, NAACP, etc..), and the two party system make for ubridled inefficency, and beaurocratic hell.
Prostitution: The world's oldest profession, will always be around, might as well try and make it safe.
Religion: Has no place in politics, or national or international policy. Why should a spiritual belief influence decisions made for a general population.
Social Security:
Good idea, poor management.
The UN:
More red tape, and comittees, and long winded speeches, but few tangible results, with exception of humanitarian aid, Bless the U.N. for that.
Individual Liberty should be just that. But at the same time.....mmm Porterhouse....
War in Iraq:
Never shouldve been there in the 1st place, but since we did, we should give these people freedom, I read somewhere, that to all the people who say pull out now, to paraphrase "as one who has experienced freedom, would you not give YOUR life to defend it? I would" Come on, now that we're there, lets win it, if we do it, its a win-win for everybody, Iraqis get freedom, we win the war, and give freedom to others, and have a strong ally/hedge against Iran IN the region. So to those who say it's unwinnable--you are so wrong, we can do it, just gotta do it right. ( which has not been done so far) It's an Honor Issue.
War on Terror:
Not in the traditional sense "war". It's asymmetrical, can't just think "outside the box", we have to battle "outside the box", and if anyone can the US can-Hoo Raa-Honor, Courage, Comittment.
Full Nation Name : The Confederacy of The Zombinistan
Real Name: Jason
Age: 25
General Location:Harpers Ferry
General Political Affiliation : Rights Theorist - Libertarian
General Religious Affiliation: If it works positively for someone it's fine with me
Where Did You Find NationStates?: Friend told me
Have you read any of Max Barry's books: Not Yet
Professional Goal: Stability
How many hours a day do you watch TV?: Depends what football game is on
What is your favorite genre of music: Punk/Progressive
Other information: Yeah, the politics section, that thread was closed too.
The Confederacy of The Zombinistan
Abortion: Personal Decision
Affirmative Action: Definitely Not.
Arms Trade: Potentially Interested
Death Penalty: In extreme cases, By unanimous decision by jury of 24, and -----------------Concurred by Special Capital Punishment Tribunals.
Drugs: Individual Liberty should be just that.
Economic System: Agrarian Plantocracy
Education: K-12 Mandatory, If can pass acceptance test, State paid -------------------University or Technical training.
Electoral College in USA Elections: Popular Vote would be more democratic.
Environmentalism: Better do something quick.
Individual Liberty should be just that. If you're terminal, and want to go out on YOUR terms, and that allows you to pass away with your honor, then who is anyone else to pass judgement upon that. Upon, handicapped, no, unless physically and mentally competent and consenting. If brain Dead, and family wants to stop life support, then that is a family decision, not a Governments.
Evolution or Creation?: Little bit of both I think.
Trying to protect the kids, honorable purpose, but parents should do that, not a government agency.
Gay Marriage: Sure, Why not let them be as miserable as the rest of us...:)
Gun Control: Minimal
Immigration Policies:
Bring your weak, your hungry and your poor to Zombinistan, if you can improve your life here, and are willing to work for it, then welcome, My Friend.
Income Tax: Necessary Evil
Palestinians need to stop the suicide bombings, the mortars, the rockets, etc. And Israel needs to stop the settlements, back to 67 borders, stop the Apartheid. Both Sides, need to act like responsible members of the International Community, but as of yet, they've yet to do so.
Philosophy: Individualistic
Political Party Affiliation: None
President Bush/American Policies:
Its not just Bush and his boys, its the Dem's too. Money in politics, Influence of powerful lobbies ( Israeli, NRA, NAACP, etc..), and the two party system make for ubridled inefficency, and beaurocratic hell.
Prostitution: The world's oldest profession, will always be around, might as well try and make it safe.
Religion: Has no place in politics, or national or international policy. Why should a spiritual belief influence decisions made for a general population.
Social Security:
Good idea, poor management.
The UN:
More red tape, and comittees, and long winded speeches, but few tangible results, with exception of humanitarian aid, Bless the U.N. for that.
Individual Liberty should be just that. But at the same time.....mmm Porterhouse....
War in Iraq:
Never shouldve been there in the 1st place, but since we did, we should give these people freedom, I read somewhere, that to all the people who say pull out now, to paraphrase "as one who has experienced freedom, would you not give YOUR life to defend it? I would" Come on, now that we're there, lets win it, if we do it, its a win-win for everybody, Iraqis get freedom, we win the war, and give freedom to others, and have a strong ally/hedge against Iran IN the region. So to those who say it's unwinnable--you are so wrong, we can do it, just gotta do it right. ( which has not been done so far) It's an Honor Issue.
War on Terror:
Not in the traditional sense "war". It's asymmetrical, can't just think "outside the box", we have to battle "outside the box", and if anyone can the US can-Hoo Raa-Honor, Courage, Comittment.