13-09-2007, 15:10
Now, in the story the school officials say there was nothing about race or weapons involved, however, it was such a big deal that staties, sheriff and local police were all there. Not only that, but there was a teacher that wore a bullet proof vest to school today. This is all in my hometown of less than 20,000 people.
The demographics are about 80% white, 20% African American, and the wealth is very unevenly spread among the population. For the high school, the demographics are more like 60% white, and 40% black. A good percent of the people entering into the freshman year are actually below poverty level. I know when I was in in HS, all my black friends sort of left my side, to be with each other. It seems to be that way in the HS for some reason. I also know that when I go to the projects anymore, I am always harassed for being white, despite growing up around there, and knowing many of the people. There was a similar fight when I was in HS, where a white guy brought a shotgun to school after fighting a black dude over a girl. A few months later, there was a drive by at the school(luckily no one was hurt). The school has one cop on duty during the day, and that is it. It also has open campus for lunch, which makes everything worse.
My question is, what is a small town to do in such situations to keep a full out race riot from taking place?
Now, in the story the school officials say there was nothing about race or weapons involved, however, it was such a big deal that staties, sheriff and local police were all there. Not only that, but there was a teacher that wore a bullet proof vest to school today. This is all in my hometown of less than 20,000 people.
The demographics are about 80% white, 20% African American, and the wealth is very unevenly spread among the population. For the high school, the demographics are more like 60% white, and 40% black. A good percent of the people entering into the freshman year are actually below poverty level. I know when I was in in HS, all my black friends sort of left my side, to be with each other. It seems to be that way in the HS for some reason. I also know that when I go to the projects anymore, I am always harassed for being white, despite growing up around there, and knowing many of the people. There was a similar fight when I was in HS, where a white guy brought a shotgun to school after fighting a black dude over a girl. A few months later, there was a drive by at the school(luckily no one was hurt). The school has one cop on duty during the day, and that is it. It also has open campus for lunch, which makes everything worse.
My question is, what is a small town to do in such situations to keep a full out race riot from taking place?