NationStates Jolt Archive

If you had one wish, what would it be?

28-08-2007, 23:41
I wish I had a herd of mongeese

Because I would be like "fear my mongeese" to all the people and some nerdy English major kid would be like " Actually, it is mongooses"

Then I'd sick my mongeese on him, and teach him a lesson.

What do you wish for?
28-08-2007, 23:42
That Reagan could be president again.
The Michiyo Empire
28-08-2007, 23:42
The Force.
28-08-2007, 23:43
Unlimited money
Psychotic Mongooses
28-08-2007, 23:44
I wish I had a herd of mongeese

Because I would be like "fear my mongeese" to all the people and some nerdy English major kid would be like " Actually, it is mongooses"

Then I'd sick my mongeese on him, and teach him a lesson.

What do you wish for?

*basks in choice of own name* :)
28-08-2007, 23:44
a personal assistant
28-08-2007, 23:44
*basks in choice of name* :)


Unleash the horde!
Extreme Ironing
28-08-2007, 23:46
Moar wishes!
28-08-2007, 23:47
My own Fort Knox filled to the ceilings with bars of gold! :cool:
28-08-2007, 23:48
Unlimited money and it has non inflationary effect :)

Last thing I want is all whole lot of money that loses value :P
28-08-2007, 23:54
A human sized hamster ball.
Sumamba Buwhan
28-08-2007, 23:54
I wish I could always be happy no matter what.


I'll change that wish if anyone can think of a way in which that wish would turn out bad for me.
28-08-2007, 23:55
I wish I could always be happy no matter what.


I'll change that wish if anyone can think of a way in which that wish would turn out bad for me.

I just kicked you in the balls. You are happy about this.


A loved one of yours has passed away suddenly. You are happy about this.
Sumamba Buwhan
29-08-2007, 00:02
Yeah... so what. I'm still happy. Being sad or angry isn't going to unkick my balls or bring my family member back from the dead so I fail to see how this is my wish going bad. :p
Saige Dragon
29-08-2007, 00:06
For a huge, gigantic mountain, so I could have my own supermountain fortress. :) I could have said huge gigantic dick, but I already have one of those.
29-08-2007, 00:10
More wishes!

Seconded by proper spelling.
Vin Islands
29-08-2007, 00:14
A human sized hamster ball.

Hell yeah to XKCD

And to Fassigen, the term "moar" is an intentional misspelling like lawl (which isn't so much a misspelling as mangling a pre-mangled term, but same idea)

And as for a wish, either having my own sovereign, self-sufficient seastead micronation (see ), or being able to fly. Both would be awesome.
Brutland and Norden
29-08-2007, 00:20
I wish that I be given an unlimited number of wishes.
29-08-2007, 01:14
i would wish for world peace for the us americans, the iraq and the south africa.

[/beauty contestant]
29-08-2007, 01:17
1. An infinite number of wishes
2. Godhood

The way I view it, #2 will allow me to have #1 by default even if #1 is not allowed. Remember, things that grant wishes reward those who think things through.
29-08-2007, 01:56
That Muslims have all Palestinian land again. This has been my wish for a long time.

You should have just said a world wide ummah :p That would have been a more fitting answer. :D
29-08-2007, 01:57
That Muslims have all Palestinian land again. This has been my wish for a long time.
The Dark Bringer
29-08-2007, 01:59
To rule the world... then I would have everything

plus it would be awesome and I would be able to do whatever. Sort of god-like, but not quite.
New Manvir
29-08-2007, 02:00
Superman powers ( Surfer Powers (
29-08-2007, 02:02
I would wish to be omnipotent! Then I could do whatever I wanted. Including give myself more wishes! :D
29-08-2007, 02:03
A book that whatever was written in it came true.

Makes unlimited wishes easier, and you can make it unavailable to anyone else.
29-08-2007, 02:08
To find a place with all my friends (online and RL) far away from where I currently live.
29-08-2007, 02:11
Ascendence to Godhood.
29-08-2007, 02:15
To find a place with all my friends (online and RL) far away from where I currently live.

New Jersey?
Ordo Drakul
29-08-2007, 02:21
I would wish that the granter of my wish fall madly, passionately, irrevokably, totally, unselfishly, and unjealously in love with me. Then all the goodies roll in without asking for them.
Sumamba Buwhan
29-08-2007, 02:22
A book that whatever was written in it came true.

Makes unlimited wishes easier, and you can make it unavailable to anyone else.

*feels strongly that this is his favorite answer in this thread so far*
29-08-2007, 02:28
1. An infinite number of wishes
2. Godhood

The way I view it, #2 will allow me to have #1 by default even if #1 is not allowed. Remember, things that grant wishes reward those who think things through.

If you had one wish...
Libertarian civitas
29-08-2007, 02:35
i would wish for world peace for the us americans, the iraq and the south africa.

[/beauty contestant]

Then thats not really world peace, thats America, Iraq and South Africa peace.....
Disc Golfing
29-08-2007, 02:37
I would wish for Mars to be just as inhabitable as Earth but without all of the environment-ruining idiots on it. The whole thing is self-sustainable without causing global warming. That is my dream, I think, and it is utterly sci-fi ridiculous.
29-08-2007, 02:40
I would wish for someone to do all my school homework for me.
29-08-2007, 02:48
Unlimited power. need I say more?
29-08-2007, 03:22
Superman powers ( Surfer Powers (

Original superman had the power to gain powers to the point where he was basicially a god.
The blessed Chris
29-08-2007, 03:25
Not to be borderline manic depressive. To have social confidence.
29-08-2007, 03:53
I would hope I would wish for something noble like world peace or some such thing.

More likely I would wish for something the total opposite though: like speaking perfect Welsh or something.
Theoretical Physicists
29-08-2007, 04:04
If you had one wish...

A tough choice indeed.
29-08-2007, 04:21
If you had one wish...

What I mean is that if I'm not allowed to have #1, I'd wish for #2.
29-08-2007, 04:33
I'd wish for a genie in a lamp. I hear those guys grant three wishes, unlike whatever stingy bastard is trying to screw me over by giving just one wish.

Lazy bastard probably just cast Wish.
Sane Outcasts
29-08-2007, 04:34
I'd wish for a genie in a lamp. I hear those guys grant three wishes, unlike whatever stingy bastard is trying to screw me over by giving just one wish.
29-08-2007, 07:22
I wish for the superpower outlined in the post linked below...

...and I'm all set. :cool:
29-08-2007, 07:43
I wish for the superpower outlined in the post linked below...

...and I'm all set. :cool:

Holy hell... sign me up for that, too. Tops anything I can think of.
29-08-2007, 07:53
Holy hell... sign me up for that, too. Tops anything I can think of.

It's like wishing for the power to grant yourself unlimited can you lose? :)
The Loyal Opposition
29-08-2007, 07:55
I would wish that wishing were impossible beginning at a point in time before I made my wish, thereby transforming myself into a singularity of infinite paradoxicality.

Just to see what it feels like.
29-08-2007, 07:58
I'd wish for an undersea city in the middle of the Atlantic where I could run terrifying genetic experiments on people and give myself superpowers.
29-08-2007, 07:59
I'd wish that the world was such a place that I didn't have to wish for anything.
Lunatic Goofballs
29-08-2007, 08:55
I wish to be Omnipotent. :)
29-08-2007, 08:56
I wish to be Omnipotent. :)

Given the snip, I think the genie misheard you :)
29-08-2007, 08:59
I'd wish to have amazing chick attracting skills.:)
Lunatic Goofballs
29-08-2007, 09:07
Given the snip, I think the genie misheard you :)


Lunatic Goofballs
29-08-2007, 09:07
I'd wish to have amazing chick attracting skills.:)
29-08-2007, 09:21
To be God for one day , so that I can tell Bush "I didn't say that you should invade Irak, you pompous reborn, you are meddling with my game of "strategie" !
29-08-2007, 09:45
I wish for the superpower outlined in the post linked below...

...and I'm all set. :cool:That probly wouldn't work for me cos of the times when I can't think of how to express myself.

I would wish to make friends and keep them cos that's something I've never managed to do before.
South Lorenya
29-08-2007, 09:57
The ability to grant wishes.... mainly my own.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
29-08-2007, 10:00
Being the sort of person that I am, my first wish would be for unlimited wishes. Naturally, I would use those wishes to give myself unbridled power, get me some hot chicks and ensure that the world is in a fit state. I would probably transform Mars and Venus into habitable places, Mars for the leftists (red planet) and Venus for the Arabs (a desert anyway) - that should bring peace, as well as ensuring that everyone is happy
29-08-2007, 10:59
people stop believing in supernatural crap.

the world would still be fucked up, but I like to believe that it'd be slightly less so.

besides, it would get a lot of excuses away from people who try to justify unjustifiable things...
29-08-2007, 11:20

Damn! Wish, just wish I could see it! Stupid Computer!!!