"Killer" Flu Epedemic - Is It Just Scaremongering?
15-08-2007, 03:52
It's Amor Pulchritudo, Rotovia's fiance...
Babies, very young children and the elderly have always been known to be at a greater risk when flu-season comes around. I have a weak immune system, sinus problems and acute allergies, so I suppose, despite being an otherwise healthy teenager, I could fall into the at-risk catagory. After coughing all weekend, I went to the doctors and was told I was "very sick" and that I had the flu. After spending well over $100 on medication, I then headed home to spend the next four days at home.
I am not dead... yet.
Check out the following articles:
-- Amor Pulchritudo
15-08-2007, 04:01
Get well soon too.
Good luck! We'll be...err...hoping that probabilities will rule in your favour!
Italiano San Marino
15-08-2007, 05:14
We don't need anymore dead people at our footsteps.
Neu Leonstein
15-08-2007, 05:17
Haha, you too?
15-08-2007, 06:13
Haha, you too?
Mmm-hmm. And people are acting like I have the plague.
Good luck! We'll be...err...hoping that probabilities will rule in your favour!
Cheers...me too...
The Tribes Of Longton
15-08-2007, 21:00
Of course it's scaremongering. Unless medical news is about a new cure or the medical services being a pile of wank, it's about some new disease that's going to wipe everyone out. Thing is, the whole H5N1 thing is still predicted, as opposed to, say, SARS which was always about killing the youngest, oldest and infirm.
16-08-2007, 17:14
Of course it's scaremongering. Unless medical news is about a new cure or the medical services being a pile of wank, it's about some new disease that's going to wipe everyone out. Thing is, the whole H5N1 thing is still predicted, as opposed to, say, SARS which was always about killing the youngest, oldest and infirm.
It's scaremongering, but with a solid point behind it. Influenza virus strains can vary between basically harmless and quite deadly (as in the 1918-25 "Spanish" flu). H5N1 is notably dangerous, but probably NOT as deadly as the 1918 strain.
16-08-2007, 23:53
Is the killer flu epidemic just scaremongering? Yes and no. This flu epidemic is the worst in a very long time. Two people have died of the flu in NSW thus far, perhaps more if I'm not mistaken. Yet, two people dying of a disease is really not much.
So yes it is scaremongering, and no it's not just scaremongering.
17-08-2007, 00:02
Mmm-hmm. And people are acting like I have the plague.
Worse, actually. The Black Death killed 20 million Europeans over a period of around 300 years. The Spanish Flu killed over 25 million people in around 25 weeks.
Have a nice day :)
It's Amor Pulchritudo, Rotovia's fiance...
Babies, very young children and the elderly have always been known to be at a greater risk when flu-season comes around. I have a weak immune system, sinus problems and acute allergies, so I suppose, despite being an otherwise healthy teenager, I could fall into the at-risk catagory. After coughing all weekend, I went to the doctors and was told I was "very sick" and that I had the flu. After spending well over $100 on medication, I then headed home to spend the next four days at home.
I am not dead... yet.
Check out the following articles:
-- Amor Pulchritudo
Get well soon.
*sends over some Zen Chicken Soup.*
Good Lifes
17-08-2007, 02:54
Another 1918 serious strain will happen to those that believe in evolution, everyone else is safe. (sarcasm)
With so many things in nature we know they will happen we just don't know when. We know LA will have a major earthquake. We know Vesuvius will blow again. We knew New Orleans would someday flood.
And if we are prepared and stop the disease within a short time (like SARS) people will say that it wasn't as bad as predicted. If we miss and it gets on airplanes people will say science failed. It's really no win for science.
17-08-2007, 03:16
Another 1918 serious strain will happen to those that believe in evolution, everyone else is safe. (sarcasm)
With so many things in nature we know they will happen we just don't know when. We know LA will have a major earthquake. We know Vesuvius will blow again. We knew New Orleans would someday flood.
And if we are prepared and stop the disease within a short time (like SARS) people will say that it wasn't as bad as predicted. If we miss and it gets on airplanes people will say science failed. It's really no win for science.
The paradox of the non-event.
Wait, you're a teenager and you're engaged?!