NationStates Jolt Archive

You are and evil sinner and will burn in Hades!!!

General Alekseyev
28-07-2007, 22:11
We have all had the experiance of running into an annoying fundementalist Christian. I've had some really colorful insults thrown at me by these type of people. What is your favorite insult and or threat you have recieved from a Bible-thumpin' Christian?


I've had a preacher scream in my face 'Anything that is not about God, or directed to his worship is EVIL!' or something like that.
28-07-2007, 22:21
I often times have fundies yell at me because my view of christianity is vastly different from theirs. For instance, I believe that is isn't christian to support a government or military, because of their evil deeds, and many christians are like OMGOODNESS! You are going against t3h BIIIIIIIIIBLEEEEEE!!!!!1 And they point to a chapter in romans which says something about obeying authority, which is vastly different from blindly supporting acts of killing, war, etc.
28-07-2007, 22:22
I don't have "favourite" insults that have been directed at me, but the worst insult I've been dealt by a Christian (a priest, even) was "Om en man ligger med en annan man som med en kvinna, har de båda gjort något avskyvärt. De skall straffas med döden, skulden för deras död är deras egen"* after which he spat me in the face.

Lovely religion of love, that.

*"If a man lies with another man as with a woman, they have both done something detestable. They shall be punished with death, the guilt for their deaths is but their own."
General Alekseyev
28-07-2007, 22:22
I often times have fundies yell at me because my view of christianity is vastly different from theirs. For instance, I believe that is isn't christian to support a government or military, because of their evil deeds, and many christians are like OMGOODNESS! You are going against t3h BIIIIIIIIIBLEEEEEE!!!!!1 And they point to a chapter in romans which says something about obeying authority, which is vastly different from blindly supporting acts of killing, war, etc.

*nods* in agreement.
28-07-2007, 22:26
I often times have fundies yell at me because my view of christianity is vastly different from theirs. For instance, I believe that is isn't christian to support a government or military, because of their evil deeds, and many christians are like OMGOODNESS! You are going against t3h BIIIIIIIIIBLEEEEEE!!!!!1 And they point to a chapter in romans which says something about obeying authority, which is vastly different from blindly supporting acts of killing, war, etc.

oh yeah...

love those! :rolleyes:

In fact, love any fundie argument that has the phrase "You will be sent to hell"
28-07-2007, 22:27
I don't have "favourite" insults that have been directed at me, but the worst insult I've been dealt by a Christian (a priest, even) was "Om en man ligger med en annan man som med en kvinna, har de båda gjort något avskyvärt. De skall straffas med döden, skulden för deras död är deras egen"* after which he spat me in the face.

Lovely religion of love, that.

*"If a man lies with another man as with a woman, they have both done something detestable. They shall be punished with death, the guilt for their deaths is but their own."

That's very detestable, and not what Christianity is about. I know you and I have had our disagreements in past, but I am very sad to hear that someone proclaiming to be christian would do that, even if they did believe homosexuality to be sinful. Bastards.

Did you do anything back to him?
28-07-2007, 22:30
oh yeah...

love those! :rolleyes:

In fact, love any fundie argument that has the phrase "You will be sent to hell"

Yeah, I have been rethinking the concept of hell, as what fundies believe, you know eternal fire and such. Im thinking not so much lake of fire, as just eternal darkness and separation from God. Seems more reasonable than a lake of fire and a big scary devil with a pitch fork ya know?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
28-07-2007, 22:30
Did you do anything back to him?
Yes, as you can see he tattled on him to the entire Internets. What more fearsome retaliation is there?
General Alekseyev
28-07-2007, 22:31
oh yeah...

love those! :rolleyes:

In fact, love any fundie argument that has the phrase "You will be sent to hell"

"And Jesus Said: "The Conservative Christian way of life is right. Anything else is Evil and all those who seek the evils of nonconservatism will be cast in the firery pits of Hell!"

Made Up Chapter In A Made Up Book

28-07-2007, 22:36
That's very detestable, and not what Christianity is about.

That is exactly what Christianity is about, no matter that you wish to delude yourself to the contrary.

Did you do anything back to him?

No. He was on the other side of a barricade, "counter protesting" our day of remembrance for a man who had been viciously murdered for being gay and whose naked and defiled body had been found hidden in a sewer drain, like a piece of refuse.
28-07-2007, 22:50
That is exactly what Christianity is about, no matter that you wish to delude yourself to the contrary.

Please show me the verse where Jesus said attack anyone that doesn't believe as you. Actually, don't bother wasting your time. We are told to give a message to ever person, if they don't accept it then, leave em be. We should go out and preform healings, help the poor, and cast away earthly things in exchange for spiritual things. Above all, we stand our ground, and help those that are being persecuted, or discriminated against. And if Christianity is about persecuting homosexuality, as you claim, then please tell me why I, a christian, am sitting with a LGBT group protesting people who do what that pastor did to you?

No. He was on the other side of a barricade, "counter protesting" our day of remembrance for a man who had been viciously murdered for being gay and whose naked and defiled body had been found hidden in a sewer drain, like a piece of refuse.

28-07-2007, 22:50
We have all had the experiance of running into an annoying fundementalist Christian.
I haven't. And I just hope I never will because I don't know what I'd do.
Lunatic Goofballs
28-07-2007, 22:52
Yes, as you can see he tattled on him to the entire Internets. What more fearsome retaliation is there?

Scrotum-seeking attack weasels. *nod*
General Alekseyev
28-07-2007, 22:53
Scrotum-seeking attack weasels. *nod*

Not the scrotum. NOT THE SCROTUM!!! AHHHHH!
28-07-2007, 22:54
Scrotum-seeking attack weasels. *nod*

I'd be more worried about the scrotum-seeking attack bears!:eek:
General Alekseyev
28-07-2007, 22:54
I'd be more worried about the scrotum-seeking attack bears!:eek:
