Internet Lingo... On My Newspaper?
First the "Teen Section," and now internet lingo on the headlines of the FYI section. What new lows is the Kansas City Star dropping to so they can be "hip and cool" with the youngin's. All I read in the paper is the FYI because it has the funnies and Dear Abby, but even now it's not safe.
Anyway, what's your local newspaper like? Good, bad, liberal media bias?
Remote Observer
26-07-2007, 22:22
dialect ftw
omg wth r u talkin bout dats gud stuff y wuldnt u want dat in ur newspeper?
26-07-2007, 22:26
lmao ttyl:)
I'm thinking this was used in context. It's pointing you towards what's either a message board or chat room.
When you start seeing lol's or OMG's in the regular text, then it's time to worry.
26-07-2007, 22:43
Ppl worred about netspk in
Many xpertz r sayin dat mor n mor netspk iz comin n2 r newzpaperz, butt iz it rly tru? a few yrs ago we wud neva hav seen "lol" or "wtf" in da newzpapers. now tho we r seein netspk in newzpapers, n sum ppl r not happy wit it. 1 opponent, english teacher john someone xplainz y he iz not at all plzd wit dis "disturbin" new trend in da news.
"its bucherin da english language," mr someone sed. "we rely on reprterz 2 delivr da newz so dat we can undastand it. call me n old fart but dis abuse of r language iz goin 2 far. hardly ne1 can undastand da newz nemore. i think dat da newz iz tryin 2 hard 2 inform kidz... at da xpense of us old ppl who dont undastand dis netspk."
media mogul jane doe disagreez. "i think dat newzpapers shud try hardr 2 apeel 2 teenz and kidz," she sez. "its gud 2 keep dem informd. it gets dem 2 read 2. wuts rong wit dat? we rn't killin da language, we r simply marketin thingz diffrently."
wuteva john someone and jane doe say, studeez sho dat more n more ppl r readin da newz papers in da city, wile circulation iz dyin in da les popul8ed areas.
Jesus, that's hard to read and type... :headbang: While I don't see that ever happening, it is alittle worrying when you see "omg" and "lol" outside of the internet.
Extreme Ironing
26-07-2007, 23:01
Pancake, your post makes my eyes hurt :(