Flame Warriors - Discussion Forum Persona
Northern Borders
20-07-2007, 23:32
Discussion forums are quite common in the internet, and it looks like that those that frequent it share quite a lot of similarities. Trolls, Lurkers, we know the type.
A guy observed all the diferent kinds of people who use discussion boards, and came up with many types. These are his finds:
Considering many people here share these characteristics, I thought it would be interesting to post this here. Also, try to find the kind of persona you think you fit the most, and if you desire to, post it here.
20-07-2007, 23:47
I am propeller head (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/propellerhead.htm) or patois (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/patois.htm).
Which one do you see more fitting? :)
Northern Borders
20-07-2007, 23:56
Myself? Ennui (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/ennui.htm) I think. I dont stay around much, and when I do I usualy use an argument and then I dont go back to the topic anymore.
Well, if there was a "gladiator" style I'd be it...
21-07-2007, 00:06
Well, if there was a "gladiator" style I'd be it...
How about Centurion (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/centurion.htm)?
21-07-2007, 00:06
I'd say I'm a lurker.
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 00:08
Well, if there was a "gladiator" style I'd be it...
Maybe Palooka (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/palooka.htm)
Or Tireless Rebuter (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/tirelessrebutter.htm)
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 00:09
How about Centurion (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/centurion.htm)?
Centurions are guys that always pop up in military threads, and they always have a war theory or opinion to share with everyone. Unless the guy is one of those, he probabily would fit somewhere else.
Centurions are guys that always pop up in military threads, and they always have a war theory or opinion to share with everyone. Unless the guy is one of those, he probabily would fit somewhere else.
Nah. I'd define a gladiator as someone that argues to put a show. I make a point of showing off in my arguments - up to and including using tricks like using songs to show my abilities.
Maybe Palooka (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/palooka.htm)
Or Tireless Rebuter (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/tirelessrebutter.htm)
Tireless rebuter, somewhat. Palooka, not even close.
Oh, has he added some new ones since I last looked? Neat.
21-07-2007, 00:18
I don't know which one I would be... there are a lot of types there.
21-07-2007, 00:28
I love this site hahaha
I called out loud a few that fit some of the descriptions. Very funny. LOL
I couldn't find one that fits me. Jekyll and Hyde, Lurker, Loopy, Big Cat, Lamer and Philosopher fit me a bit tho.
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 00:29
Oh, has he added some new ones since I last looked? Neat.
Yeah, I think there are quite a few new ones.
I think the pictures in the new ones are better drawn. I liked especially the Necromancer :)
I never found my depiction on this list. Perhaps because I'm not a Warrior.
21-07-2007, 00:33
really have no idea on which one iam
A cross between Diplomat, Duelist and Artful Dodgerfor me.
The blessed Chris
21-07-2007, 00:36
I guess somewhere between artful dodger, ego and duellist...surely what others think is more relevant though?
21-07-2007, 00:40
Well, for a list of those that seem to apply:
General style:
Big Cat (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/bigcat.htm)
When engaged:
Diplomat (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/diplomat.htm)
Philosopher (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/philosopher.htm)
Future Status:
Kung-Fu Master (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/kungfumaster.htm)
21-07-2007, 00:41
Lurker (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/lurker.htm). I need to do better then this! :D
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 00:44
I don't know which one I would be... there are a lot of types there.
Chandy, I think you fit the Innocence Abused (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/innocenceabused.htm) the most.
But you also have some moments of Ego (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/ego.htm), Acne (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/acne.htm) and Fragile Femme (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/fragilefemme.htm)
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 00:45
I think the pictures in the new ones are better drawn. I liked especially the Necromancer :)
I never found my depiction on this list. Perhaps because I'm not a Warrior.
I like the picture of Rebel Without a Clue a lot (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/rebelwithoutclue.htm)
Necromancer is one of the most diferent ones.
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 00:46
I guess somewhere between artful dodger, ego and duellist...surely what others think is more relevant though?
Maybe Duelist if you have someone you always argue with.
21-07-2007, 01:03
Lurker (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/lurker.htm). I need to do better then this! :D
Ahem. You've only been here a month or two, yet you have thirty-odd posts, averaging about .9 a day.
I've been here since Early January, 2004, and post at less than half your rate. I also know for a fact I've made about 20 posts today, which drives up the totals heavily.
You aren't much of a lurker, I don't think.
Necromancer is one of the most diferent ones.
Agreed. The old pictures are worse. Reminds me of how the graphics on Magic: the Gathering cards changed when the publishers made more and more and MORE money and were able to afford hiring better artists.
21-07-2007, 01:56
I guess somewhere between artful dodger, ego and duellist...surely what others think is more relevant though?
you are ego, palooka or Issues. (with the why should we give my money to help them anti-immigrantness.
Chandelier is definatly not acne probably innocence abused though with the occasional fragile femme.
Fass is Philosopher vs. Jerk.
Discussion forums are quite common in the internet, and it looks like that those that frequent it share quite a lot of similarities. Trolls, Lurkers, we know the type.
I don't know but I always hate it when someone says they're a Godfather or Kung Fu Master, it makes me want to beat them about the head, neck, chest and face.
21-07-2007, 02:15
Chandelier is definatly not acne probably innocence abused though with the occasional fragile femme.
Yeah, that'll work.:)
I like to think I'm a Big Cat (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/bigcat.htm)
Big Jim P
21-07-2007, 02:35
Someone (I forget who) once referred to me as an Ent, but I see myself more as Ennui.
Edit: Nothing new on the site. Bummer.
Greater Trostia
21-07-2007, 02:44
Big Dog, baby.
I think Cat-Tribe is a Kung Fu Master. Honestly, I see lots claiming to be lawyers and whatnot, but that cat shows it for sure. I try to avoid combat with him.
Copiosa Scotia
21-07-2007, 02:48
I think of myself as a Big Cat, but it's hard to judge my own posting style.
21-07-2007, 03:05
I think everyone decided the last 100 times this was posted that I was a bliss ninny. I don't know if I agree......but I can't seem to fit into any of the other ones either.
Ferrous Oxide
21-07-2007, 03:08
Ironically enough... Ferrous Cranus.
Old topic is old.
Big Cat anyway.
21-07-2007, 03:19
:eek: I found myself......it's not very complimentary though.
also I submit that Jocabia is the archivist.
Eagle Scout/Deacon in my case, though I have a new one that might describe me better:
Ice Warrior
The Ice Warrior relies on well-thought, detailed arguments to win the day. He writes in a structured format, with an opening statement, supporting arguments, and a conclusion. The unique ability of the Ice Warrior is the Ice Strike, which is a detailed argument explaining why he absolutely detests a particular person or belief. He can be aroused to anger, but he never flames, even when he has been flamed himself. Sometimes, he will attempt to rebutt the flame itself. If he takes it personally, he will employ the Ice Strike.
Flame wars tend to drive Ice Warriors off. Ice Warriors are sometimes confused with Philosophers or Eagle Scouts (both of whom they respect), who employ similar arguments, but lack the unique ability of the Ice Warrior to write structured paragraphs explaining the reasons for their hatred of certain people or beliefs. He frequently clashes with Ideologue, Deacon, Issues, and especially Troglodyte. He will frustrate himself against Bong, Compost, and Stone Head. When faced with a Grenade, an Ice Warrior will either withdraw, or continue going.
Big Jim P
21-07-2007, 03:29
Eagle Scout/Deacon in my case, though I have a new one that might describe me better:
Ice Warrior
The Ice Warrior relies on well-thought, detailed arguments to win the day. He writes in a structured format, with an opening statement, supporting arguments, and a conclusion. The unique ability of the Ice Warrior is the Ice Strike, which is a detailed argument explaining why he absolutely detests a particular person or belief. He can be aroused to anger, but he never flames, even when he has been flamed himself. Sometimes, he will attempt to rebutt the flame itself. If he takes it personally, he will employ the Ice Strike.
Flame wars tend to drive Ice Warriors off. Ice Warriors are sometimes confused with Philosophers or Eagle Scouts (both of whom they respect), who employ similar arguments, but lack the unique ability of the Ice Warrior to write structured paragraphs explaining the reasons for their hatred of certain people or beliefs. He frequently clashes with Ideologue, Deacon, Issues, and especially Troglodyte. He will frustrate himself against Bong, Compost, and Stone Head. When faced with a Grenade, an Ice Warrior will either withdraw, or continue going.
Perhaps you should submit that to the Flame Warriors site.
Remote Observer
21-07-2007, 05:44
Target. A conservative among liberals.
Target. A conservative among liberals.
For Tireless Rebutter there is no such thing as a trivial dispute. He regards all challenges as barbarians at the gates. His unflagging tenacity in making his points numbs and eventually wears down the opposition. Confident that his arguments are sound, Tireless Rebutter can't understand why he is universally loathed.
21-07-2007, 05:49
I am the one and only ##evil Mothe-Fucker##
mods be damned :D
21-07-2007, 05:57
For Tireless Rebutter there is no such thing as a trivial dispute. He regards all challenges as barbarians at the gates. His unflagging tenacity in making his points numbs and eventually wears down the opposition. Confident that his arguments are sound, Tireless Rebutter can't understand why he is universally loathed.hmm..
I want to be "Barbarian at the Gates" :D
I'll write up a descrip for mine too...
Gladiator, or Pro Wrestler
Also known as Pro Wrestlers or Showoffs, Gladiators enter the battles to be seen. They often fight well, and may or not fight clean, but their main point is to show off their abilities - to their opponents, to the forum-goers and to themselves. While they will likely follow a specific ideology, their main trait is adding "gimmicks" to their style - rhyming, poetry or using a theater quote. They aren't like the Ego in that they don't focus on themselves in the conversation. They ARE like the Ego in that their egos tend to be big enough to have their own moons. Gladiators like Sycophants, but truly rejoice when supported by Philosophers or Kung Fu Masters. They tend to dislike fighting against Compost or ALLCAPS, as neither present a decent opponent to show off against. However, they will gladly take on weak-but-not-too-weak opponents such as Ferrous Craneus or Centurions that rely solely on their "service". A Gladiator's main move is the Gimmick - an attack in which the Gladiator imposes restrictions on himself - like using song or a parody of theater lines - in order to prove that he can beat his current opponent even under said restrictions. Done well, it can entice the audience and discredit the opponent due to the show of skill. Gladiators that enjoy Animes will often prepare their moves with a small speech before each and with adding the name of the move before performing it.
21-07-2007, 06:02
Part Lamer, part Lurker, part Lonely Guy.
21-07-2007, 06:06
Target. A conservative among liberals.
Don't you just love persecution complexes?
Anti-Social Darwinism
21-07-2007, 06:16
Close, I don't tend to land lethal blows, but toying with some people is kind of fun.
Nouvelle Wallonochia
21-07-2007, 06:21
Close, I don't tend to land lethal blows, but toying with some people is kind of fun.
Almost word for word what I was going to say about myself. Also, I'm a bit of a Lurker.
I've seen a variation on this thread a few times, but I still don't know what I am. Any suggestions?
...Fine, I'll start slogging through all the descriptions again.
I guess I am closest to Fragile Femme (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/fragilefemme.htm). You know, cause you guys are my family. :D
21-07-2007, 06:38
I still don't know what I am. Any suggestions?hmm.. sumething like thiz
hmm.. sumething like thiz
Haha! Wow, but why?
Imperial isa
21-07-2007, 06:51
so whos a Godfather kind here
21-07-2007, 07:02
Haha! Wow, but why?I dont know..
Its the image that flashed my mind when you posted..
21-07-2007, 07:29
I think I'm too new to be anything other than a Newbie. I've kind of avoided fights in the past but held onto arguments I have a strong opinion in.
Either way, I'm impressed by this appendix. This whole thing would do well to be linked from a personality quiz.
EDIT: LMAO. (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/garble.htm)
"Is he a foreigner with only tenuous grasp of English? Is he on drugs? Does he suffer a serious mental debility? Is he typing wearing boxing gloves?"
I would like to think of myself, but am almost certainly not, a Philosopher (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/philosopher.htm).
Or maybe I'd be better suited as an Eagle Scout (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/eaglescout.htm)?
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 18:41
so whos a Godfather kind here
I dont know. What I do know is that you are part of the Royalty.
And Ents are those very famous but older forum users that people speak in some posts, but most havent seen them in ages.
Admin (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/admin.htm), though not here, obviously.
Also, this one (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/royals.htm) :P
Johnny B Goode
21-07-2007, 19:15
Discussion forums are quite common in the internet, and it looks like that those that frequent it share quite a lot of similarities. Trolls, Lurkers, we know the type.
A guy observed all the diferent kinds of people who use discussion boards, and came up with many types. These are his finds:
Considering many people here share these characteristics, I thought it would be interesting to post this here. Also, try to find the kind of persona you think you fit the most, and if you desire to, post it here.
I don't know what I am. But I know I'm no Eagle Scout. Probably Jekyll and Hyde.
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 19:47
Admin (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/admin.htm), though not here, obviously.
Also, this one (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/royals.htm) :P
Oh yeah, you´re definitaly Royal. :p
21-07-2007, 20:20
My ego demands that I say rottweiler puppy but in my heart I'm just a Lamer without the persistance..
Oh yeah, you´re definitaly Royal. :p
sheer longevity
I be this.
I be this.
Yeah, no getting rid of you :P
21-07-2007, 21:32
Eh, not really sure to be honest. I don't mind someone else thought of one for me though.
21-07-2007, 21:48
Ermm, I'm not really sure.
"Englishman" isn't in there, sadly. So I guess a tiny bit of Rebel Leader if I'm feeling self-aggrandising, and a bit of Compost, because I've got a mouth like a nun. That and general 'bit of an argumentative bastard', but then that's not in there in so many words.
Northern Borders
21-07-2007, 21:54
Eh, not really sure to be honest. I don't mind someone else thought of one for me though.
The easiest way to figure it out is to find a topic where you used to discuss and see your behavior.
Its in the discussions that the people realy show their natural behavior.
United Law
21-07-2007, 21:55
Lurker, and sometimes grunter.
21-07-2007, 22:14
Don't you just love persecution complexes?
When you're strongly affiliated with the party in power, it's more of a persecution fantasy. Sort of like how some strong leader types fantasize about being submissives.
21-07-2007, 22:16
When you're strongly affiliated with the party in power, it's more of a persecution fantasy. Sort of like how some strong leader types fantasize about being submissives.
He is however in the minority on NSG.
21-07-2007, 22:51
He is however in the minority on NSG.
Considering NSG is international, I would say that is a given for any Bushevik.
21-07-2007, 23:34
I don't classify myself.
21-07-2007, 23:57
possibly some sort of big, evil clown-cat.
Flatus Minor
22-07-2007, 00:29
A touch of Archivist, Diplomat and Big Cat, though I have to be careful not to be a Yuk Yuk.
Oh and TBC, you're definitely Profundus Maximus. :)
22-07-2007, 01:46
Im just a nasty egotistical twat...dont think there was a catagory for me
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 03:08
What cute catagories. I think I'm the "therapist" though I have a touch of "bliss ninny" and "bong."
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 03:12
Im just a nasty egotistical twat...dont think there was a catagory for me
Since you couldn't be bothered reading the page, I'll do it for you. You are the Troglodyte.
Really, I'm just trying to help. Why can't we all get along ? I think my cat has eaten my fairy cakes, she's acting all strange.
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 05:10
I'll have at the first thirty posts, then someone else can take over.
Remember, I'm just here to help. ;)
Northern Borders ...? Eagle scout. Lurker.
Rejistania ...??? Can't even guess.
Heikoku ....?? Issues. Duelist.
Hamberry ...? Lurker then.
Kyronea ..... Philosopher. And Weenie.
Chandelier ...? Innocence Abused.
Naturality ...??? Artiste. Philosopher.
Nipeng ....??
The blessed Chris ... Ego. Capitalista.
UNIverseVERSE ... ? Ego (just on the basis of your self-assessment)
Terrorem ....??? Sorry, can't even guess.
Unlucky_and_unbiddable ... Toxic Granny.
R0cka ....? Bong.
Bolol ....?? Duelist.
Big Jim P ...? Big Dog. And Grunter.
Heikoku ....?? Issues. Duelist.
I thought about Duelist, but I don't pick a specific opponent. Same with Issues. Maybe Ideologue, but I still have a pretty show-off streak that would translate into a Gladiator - the notion of "let me show you how good I am"...
22-07-2007, 05:55
Old news, but still fun.
I'ms somewhere between Big Cat (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/bigcat.htm) and Android (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/android.htm), with a little bit of Philosopher (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/philosopher.htm) and Evil Clown (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/evilclown.htm).
Another forum I frequent is completely inhabited by Howlers (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/howlers.htm).
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 06:43
I thought about Duelist, but I don't pick a specific opponent. Same with Issues. Maybe Ideologue, but I still have a pretty show-off streak that would translate into a Gladiator - the notion of "let me show you how good I am"...
You want to be a stereotype that isn't even in the list ??
Stop your whining, or I'll choose something else you'll like even less! :p
You want to be a stereotype that isn't even in the list ??
Stop your whining, or I'll choose something else you'll like even less! :p
Don't make me apply my Gimmicks on you. ;)
And I'm not whiiiiiniiiiing! Waaaa! :D
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 07:15
Actually, people change roles in a lot of cases. I don't really want to be a Therapist (or whatever people think I am hint-hint) but it's a step up from Artiste which I was pretty stuck in for a while.
Oh, to be a Toxic Granny. Sigh.
22-07-2007, 08:02
I really don't know which one I am lol.
I am many things, but picking just one...
Big Cat would rather not fight...he enjoys peacefully observing forum conversations and laconically participates when the moods strikes. He playfully chases interesting threads, and from time to time uses a Newbie or Propellerhead as a convenient scratching post. He enjoys being stroked or petted, and tends to purr loudly. CAUTION: Don't be fooled by his fuzzy, playful exterior. When provoked, Big Cat reacts with lightning speed and almost always lands on his feet after an attack. Big Cat often indulges himself by toying with his victim before delivering his lethal blows.
That's me! :D
Kinda Sensible people
22-07-2007, 08:52
I'd like to be a Picador (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/picador.htm), but I'm likely just an Ego.
22-07-2007, 08:56
I'm going to pretend I'm a Big Cat, when I'm totally not.
Cannot think of a name
22-07-2007, 09:15
I have no idea, though the first person that says Bong gets a poke in the eye...
22-07-2007, 09:19
I have no idea, though the first person that says Bong gets a poke in the eye...
*puts on protective goggles* Bong!
Cannot think of a name
22-07-2007, 10:08
*puts on protective goggles* Bong!
Let me show you this cool new drill...look close...
22-07-2007, 12:42
I'll have at the first thirty posts, then someone else can take over.
Remember, I'm just here to help. ;)
UNIverseVERSE ... ? Ego (just on the basis of your self-assessment)
Hm, possible. My self assessment considered different situations, and where I wanted to be later, so I don't feel it's warranted.
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 14:09
Hm, possible. My self assessment considered different situations, and where I wanted to be later, so I don't feel it's warranted.
Of course not! It's all for fun.
What you want to be is not what you are, though. In that respect, being a Net Rat would be pretty awesome.
I would rule the internet, except that my ZX-80 broke and daddy wouldn't buy me something better. :(
22-07-2007, 14:39
I guess I'm The Compost... (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/compost.htm)
22-07-2007, 15:36
Of course not! It's all for fun.
What you want to be is not what you are, though. In that respect, being a Net Rat would be pretty awesome.
I would rule the internet, except that my ZX-80 broke and daddy wouldn't buy me something better. :(
Yes, I know. I tend to be overly serious, so apologies if I reacted too strongly.
In retrospect, I prefer the characterization of Big Cat anyway.
Nobel Hobos
22-07-2007, 18:30
Yes, I know. I tend to be overly serious, so apologies if I reacted too strongly.
In retrospect, I prefer the characterization of Big Cat anyway.
You are still being serious.
To be serious, I'm an old geezer with no prospects, reliving his youth as a smartass. And I really need my beddy-byes.
I'll toss it to Beekermanc. An Enfant Provocateur who thinks he has become an Ent, simply by the passage of time.
Johnny B Goode
22-07-2007, 19:02
I couldn't find a class that fit me specifically, so I tried making my own.
The Dude
The Dude expects the forum to be a place where he can hang out. He may joke around a lot in debate threads, and only engages if he feels he can make a point (which can be pretty rare). He frequents the less serious threads, and talks a lot with other posters. Most of his activity in serious threads is similar to Grunters. He is easily annoyed by trolls, and when he feels sufficiently insulted by a certain poster, will completely flame them. He is usually banned temporarily by the Nanny for his efforts. He is also annoyed by flaming and Duelists (usually shaking his head and saying something like, 'Oy...') however, he can become a Duelist on occassion, and unlike Bliss Ninny, realizes that such fights are inevitable. He's mostly a nice guy, however, and will befriend many types of warriors. His enemies are Jerk, Big Dog, Atheist, Deacon, Ego, and Fanboy.
IL Ruffino
22-07-2007, 19:25
Perhaps I'm a Big Cat (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/bigcat.htm)? Or a Big Dog (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/bigdogmetoo.htm)? Or maybe an Ego (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/ego.htm)? Or possibly an Evil Clown (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/evilclown.htm)? Or a perhaps I'm something else entirely. I don't know. I gave up looking at all of them.
22-07-2007, 19:44
Or a perhaps I'm something else entirely. I don't know. I gave up looking at all of them.Perhaps a yuk yuk? (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/yukyuk.htm)
IL Ruffino
22-07-2007, 19:55
Perhaps a yuk yuk? (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/yukyuk.htm)
I'll allow it.
Johnny B Goode
22-07-2007, 22:25
I'll allow it.
Seems more like a Godfather (http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/warriorshtm/godfather.htm)
The Brevious
23-07-2007, 01:45
Discussion forums are quite common in the internet, and it looks like that those that frequent it share quite a lot of similarities. Trolls, Lurkers, we know the type.
A guy observed all the diferent kinds of people who use discussion boards, and came up with many types. These are his finds:
Considering many people here share these characteristics, I thought it would be interesting to post this here. Also, try to find the kind of persona you think you fit the most, and if you desire to, post it here.Yeah, this came up a few years back - i was a cross 'twixt Archivist, Duelist and Philosopher.
Usedtacould anyway.
I don't know which one I fit.
Yeah, this came up a few years back - i was a cross 'twixt Archivist, Duelist and Philosopher.
Usedtacould anyway.
Funny I would have thunk ya to be a mix between sexy, studly, and spammer. :p
23-07-2007, 01:58
Admin, I guess?
The Brevious
23-07-2007, 02:08
Funny I would have thunk ya to be a mix between sexy, studly, and spammer. :p
Well, if i had voted for MYSELF, maybe. :p
Admin, I guess?
Big Cat! Even your nickname and avatar! :D