Bitter comment to the Independence Day
How do the citizens of the United States of America understand it? Is Lady Liberty saying that the Americans are giving up their freedoms? Why is she old and, well, ugly? Do you think that the artist drew himself to the right?
I think the artist is upset about something. Maybe he's upset the Communist party didn't win the '04 Presidential election, so he thinks it's because freedom liberty statue thing is old and prostituty. After all, this is the internet and the internet is full of internet people. I'm not an internet person. I'm a flesh person made out of meat.
04-07-2007, 15:22
Isn't this the sort of question that one might find on a high school Civics test?
Isn't this the sort of question that one might find on a high school Civics test?
Hell no. Tests should involve numbers and knowledge and skills that would be useful, like what is and isn't a right or the laws of whereever the hell you are. The picture is WAY too open to interpretation. My interpretation is that it's what a hooker did after a Halloween party.
The picture is WAY too open to interpretation.
Nothing wrong with that. My interpretation (NOTE: this is NOT my opinion, only an interpretation of this picture) is that the Americans of today whine too much about their freedoms being taken away and do too little to defend them.
04-07-2007, 16:24
Hell no. Tests should involve numbers and knowledge and skills that would be useful, like what is and isn't a right or the laws of whereever the hell you are.
I'd fully disagree. Our schools should be equipping students with the tools to be citizens, and one of those tools is being able to read and understand forms of political speech, of which this is an example.
04-07-2007, 16:27
How do the citizens of the United States of America understand it? Is Lady Liberty saying that the Americans are giving up their freedoms? Why is she old and, well, ugly? Do you think that the artist drew himself to the right?
Lady Liberty doesn't meet the requirements to be heard by the US administration.
1.She never went to war because she never moved from that small island of hers.
2.She doesn't live in the Bible Belt: she's in NY.
3.She doesn't own a gun, just a torch.
04-07-2007, 16:30
Isn't this the sort of question that one might find on a high school Civics test?
coul;)d be
Heh, I've been reading those cartoons for years now...
Anyway, with Libby getting a free walk just days before and Cheney's antics of the last few weeks, I guess it's not that surprising that some people are a bit cynical...
04-07-2007, 16:33
I'd fully disagree. Our schools should be equipping students with the tools to be citizens, and one of those tools is being able to read and understand forms of political speech, of which this is an example.
Amen. And interpretation of cartoons is actually taught in social studies and English in my school, as related to other forms of speech about a topic.
A student might get a cartoon and an excerpt from a work of literature and be asked to explain the relationship of both to the topic and synthesize an answer.
We COULD simply assume they are mindless sheeple, but personally, I think critical thinking and the background to understand what the cartoonist is saying is important.
It is an insult to the good name of the United States of America. Whomever did that cartoon should have their head cut off for insulting such a great, powerful, and admired nation. Anyone who publishes, prints, or distributes such insulting trash should be killed. I'm calling for all Americans everywhere to rise up and take to the streets in protest. Burn the flag of the infadel, burn their embasies....Oh,...wait...:eek:
I’ve thought before that the most fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is not over issues of individual freedom vs. authority or progress vs. traditional values, but imagination. Conservatives don’t have any. The status quo seems only inevitable and right to them, the natural order of things, and anyone who protests it is an impractical dreamer who should get a job or a malcontent who needs to be medicated. They're incapable of seeing their own historical moment as in any way anomalous or provisional; as Montag's colleagues assure him in Farenheit 451, "Believe me, houses have always been fireproof. Firemen have always burned books." They believe that they deserve their own lives; they can't imagine having been born as someone else. (Empathy, and by extension compassion, is a function of imagination.) They can't imagine what it would be like to be poor, or black, or gay, because, well, they're not, and they suspect that these unfortunate conditions are those people's own faults, a consequence of some moral failing or dereliction. (I always secretly felt this way about old people until I noticed I was aging as well.) Likewise people living in other cultures with different beliefs and customs; they're simply ignorant, deprived of the advantages of Jesus and Wal-Mart.Excerpt from one of his artist comments. I'd've used this as my sig if it wasn't for the character limits...
04-07-2007, 16:50
It is an insult to the good name of the United States of America. Whomever did that cartoon should have their head cut off for insulting such a great, powerful, and admired nation. Anyone who publishes, prints, or distributes such insulting trash should be killed. I'm calling for all Americans everywhere to rise up and take to the streets in protest. Burn the flag of the infadel, burn their embasies....Oh,...wait...:eek:
There's that annoying thing called freedom of the press and freedom of speech that allows for this.
Arab Maghreb Union
04-07-2007, 16:52
Maybe he's upset the Communist party didn't win the '04 Presidential election
Of course, the irony is that if we didn't have freedom, this guy would either already be dead, be rounded up, tortured and killed, or would be off cutting wood in the Pacific Northwest at a labor camp. And honestly, neither self-proclaimed "liberals" nor "conservatives" have a lot of imagination; they both have a priori opinions and policies that will not seriously change regardless of facts or opinions.
Honestly, if they did, we wouldn't have liberal lifers like Ted Kennedy or conservative lifers like Ted Stevens in office.
German Nightmare
04-07-2007, 17:09
It is an insult to the good name of the United States of America. Whomever did that cartoon should have their head cut off for insulting such a great, powerful, and admired nation. Anyone who publishes, prints, or distributes such insulting trash should be killed. I'm calling for all Americans everywhere to rise up and take to the streets in protest. Burn the flag of the infadel, burn their embasies....Oh,...wait...:eek:
Phantasy Encounter
04-07-2007, 17:12
Hmm... My interpetation is that Lady Liberty is just plain tired of holding up that damn torch. I mean c'mon, she's been holding that damn thing for OVER A HUNDRED FREAKIN' YEARS! Give the old girl a break already!
Ghost Tigers Rise
04-07-2007, 17:19
How do the citizens of the United States of America understand it? Is Lady Liberty saying that the Americans are giving up their freedoms? Why is she old and, well, ugly? Do you think that the artist drew himself to the right?
Why is Lady Liberty talking like a hick? She should have a French accent...
"Would you hold my torch, s'il vous plait? My arm iz quite tie-aird..."
Re: German Nightmare and Katganistan:
I think Oklatex just in his way told us that there is freedom of speech in the US and it's the fundamental difference between America and her enemies.
I cant't believe I'm explaning that (and to Katganistan!), or maybe I just don't understand something? :eek:
04-07-2007, 17:35
Re: German Nightmare and Katganistan:
I think Oklatex just in his way told us that there is freedom of speech in the US and it's the fundamental difference between America and her enemies.
I cant't believe I'm explaning that (and to Katganistan!), or maybe I just don't understand something? :eek:
Oklatex was being sarcastic, yes, and I was being sarcastic right back. ;)
German Nightmare
04-07-2007, 17:39
Re: German Nightmare and Katganistan:
I think Oklatex just in his way told us that there is freedom of speech in the US and it's the fundamental difference between America and her enemies.
I cant't believe I'm explaning that (and to Katganistan!), or maybe I just don't understand something? :eek:
I was just reproducing my initial reaction to that comment. :p
I'm being apologic. And reliefic. ;)
Oklatex was being sarcastic, yes, and I was being sarcastic right back. ;)
The UN abassadorship
04-07-2007, 18:58
Whoever drew that needs to be reeducated. for freedom.
04-07-2007, 19:14
Johnny B Goode
04-07-2007, 19:21
How do the citizens of the United States of America understand it? Is Lady Liberty saying that the Americans are giving up their freedoms? Why is she old and, well, ugly? Do you think that the artist drew himself to the right?
Yeah, it says America is losing its freedoms.
Whoever drew that needs to be reeducated. for freedom.
You mean how to use your freedoms responsibly? Yeah, that's all what our government was trying to do to these unruly Solidarity members. In 1981. With tanks.
Oh, but Poland wasn't democracy then. So no, I don't agree with you.
Nouvelle Wallonochia
04-07-2007, 20:04
Why is Lady Liberty talking like a hick?
I was wondering that as well.
Johnny B Goode
04-07-2007, 20:21
Whoever drew that needs to be reeducated. for freedom.
Oh, do shut up. We've had your kind of troll for eons. My first post was responding to someone like you. So I'm tired of it.
Whoever drew that needs to be reeducated. for freedom.
Holy hell. I'd thought you were DOS.
Well, thought, hoped.
Any rate what I get from the cartoon is that the statue is a symbol, and unless we're willing to do our part to help hold up the beacon of freedom she's just an old statue.
If we're so unwilling to demand that which we are all entitled how can we claim to be free? Our phones get tapped and no one cares, the government rounds up people and imprisons them without charge for years.
Land of the free indeed.
Any rate what I get from the cartoon is that the statue is a symbol, and unless we're willing to do our part to help hold up the beacon of freedom she's just an old statue.
Wow. I didn't expect to see someone put that cartoon into words I can totally agree with. Congratulations.
Cannot think of a name
04-07-2007, 20:57
Lady Liberty has become bloated and apathetic. The torch that she once proudly held high as a beacon has become burdonsome and unweildy. She no longer has the strength or desire to hold it aloft, her excesses have left her in no position and with no willingness to lead any further.
She has no desire to give up her excess, as she saddles up to the bar for another, rather she pawns her position off on another patron who has become frightened at the toll neglect has taken on the old lady. She has let herself go and as a result surrendered at last her principal of leadership and hope. Long since losing the guiding light, she herself has dashed against the rocks.
Or something.
Call to power
04-07-2007, 21:05
thats what I was thinking, though by all means the picture could be from anytime since America was founded...
maybe its time for a new symbol of America:
04-07-2007, 21:18
Lady Liberty has become bloated and apathetic. The torch that she once proudly held high as a beacon has become burdonsome and unweildy. She no longer has the strength or desire to hold it aloft, her excesses have left her in no position and with no willingness to lead any further.
She has no desire to give up her excess, as she saddles up to the bar for another, rather she pawns her position off on another patron who has become frightened at the toll neglect has taken on the old lady. She has let herself go and as a result surrendered at last her principal of leadership and hope. Long since losing the guiding light, she herself has dashed against the rocks.
Or something.
How bout she's tired and bitter at all the folks who want censorship and to restrict others by forcing their religious beliefs on others and she (rightly) wants Joe Citizen to give her a hand with the upholding freedom for all bit?
How bout she's tired and bitter at all the folks who want censorship and to restrict others by forcing their religious beliefs on others and she (rightly) wants Joe Citizen to give her a hand with the upholding freedom for all bit?
That's more or less what I suspected the message of the cartoon was as well. She deserves a break.
Cannot think of a name
04-07-2007, 23:27
How bout she's tired and bitter at all the folks who want censorship and to restrict others by forcing their religious beliefs on others and she (rightly) wants Joe Citizen to give her a hand with the upholding freedom for all bit?
Honestly I was just winging it killing time at someone elses computer before they came back from the bathroom. I only looked at the picture for like a couple of seconds.
Maybe he's upset the Communist party didn't win the '04 Presidential election
I for one would have rather them than the fascists who did win...
works both ways ^_^