This Forum has become Heartless
Neo Undelia
01-07-2007, 06:49
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
New Stalinberg
01-07-2007, 06:51
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. become?
I don't, but then again, I called a guy a Nazi on my first post.
Boy I sure do regret that. :p
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
I think the fact that they haven't been back since speaks volumes.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
01-07-2007, 06:54
I dunno - I find things pretty convivial. :confused:
I can understand closing threads which are nothing but commentary on one's daily routine or quarrel with a girlfriend or lack of one - is it really so hard to take your own troubles and try to relate them to a greater question?
A month or so back, I was rather perplexed by a respected friend's telling me that he had seen a spirit or apparition, as an example. I could've just posted the story, blog-like, but out of genuine interest, I felt like asking if anyone else had ever seen a ghost, or whether they even thought they existed. It was probably the most replied-to thread I've posted. Doesn't take much to go from blog-entry to meaningful conversation, I don't think. :)
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 06:54
I've been here for... God, it must be 3 years now. It's always been like this. The problem is that all the threads that built the sense of unity are now being called blogs or spam.
I've been here for... God, it must be 3 years now. It's always been like this. The problem is that all the threads that built the sense of unity are now being called blogs or spam.
yep... a sad reality... :(
Neo Undelia
01-07-2007, 06:56
I've been here for... God, it must be 3 years now. It's always been like this. The problem is that all the threads that built the sense of unity are now being called blogs or spam.
Which I think was my point when I made this thread. Might have gotten lost in the jumble, though.
01-07-2007, 06:58
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?For fuck sake undelia, you were THE most hateful, rude, and insulting poster on this forum for the first year or so of your stay. ok, so you've had some sort of fantastic transformation (which is great) but mushily lamenting the people and things you most loathed?
anyway, you cetainly weren't alone i nthat loathing. personally I'm quite happy to see the level of spam threads reduced. they were ridiculous. there's still plenty of people with problems that we can all vicariously live through, give bad advice to, make fun of, or supply with riteous sympathy - just like there always have been. In fact, over my 2.5 years here, the forum has changed very very little.
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 07:00
Which I think was my point when I made this thread. Might have gotten lost in the jumble, though.
No, I just rolled a critical failure on my decipher script check because I'm in day 2 of my three days of marathon D&D.
Silly Neo Undelia, no such thing ever existed. People are nostalgic for some really stupid shit. Like manners. Manners simply are not important. If I want to be a Steve Jerkle then I will and there's nothing that you can do or say to stop me.
Now you can either take the red pill and get raped in the ass by a bald guy in a leather dress or take the blue pill and wake up in your room and go on /b/lieving there were once manners on General.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
01-07-2007, 07:03
Silly Neo Undelia, no such thing ever existed. People are nostalgic for some really stupid shit. Like manners. Manners simply are not important. If I want to be a Steve Jerkle then I will and there's nothing that you can do or say to stop me.
Now you can either take the red pill and get raped in the ass by a bald guy in a leather dress or take the blue pill and wake up in your room and go on /b/lieving there were once manners on General.
Steve Jerkle? :p
The Nazz
01-07-2007, 07:03
In fact, over my 2.5 years here, the forum has changed very very little.
I've been here longer than most--probably over five years now in my two incarnations, and I'd say you're exactly right. We go through cycles. People come, people leave, people come back and revive their nations, people come back under new names and don't tell anyone, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Sometimes there's more conviviality and sometimes everyone's at each others throats. I still say it's calmer than during the Nazi Wars in my early days.
Neo Undelia
01-07-2007, 07:04
For fuck sake undelia, you were THE most hateful, rude, and insulting poster on this forum for the first year or so of your stay. ok, so you've had some sort of fantastic transformation (which is great) but mushily lamenting the people and things you most loathed?
The only thing I still loathe from that time period is myself. And that "miraculous" transformation wasn't anything more than growing up.
No, I just rolled a critical failure on my decipher script check because I'm in day 2 of my three days of marathon D&D.
Is it odd that I understood that despite never having played a single D&D game in my life?
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 07:12
Is it odd that I understood that despite never having played a single D&D game in my life?
Nope. Part of taking a one or more level dip into the Geek prestige class is that your first level power is "Understand Game". IMO, it's not quite as good as the third level powers "Imbue Chair" and "Favored Enemy: Dungeon Master", but it has it's uses.
Flatus Minor
01-07-2007, 07:19
I can put up with a little bloggy type material as long as it isn't banal. This is a discussion forum after all...
First and foremost, it's NS's forum; they can do what they like. But here's where I think the line is:
OK: "I went to X city today and saw Y which made me think of how much we have become disconnected from Z. What are your thoughts?"
Not OK: "I went to Hawaii recently and bought my first Starbucks!!1 Can you believe it??!!11one"
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 07:22
don't forget "Imube Caffene," "Survival: Snacks" and the all powerful "Dice stack" :p
"Survival: Snacks" was replaced with "Mooching Lore" which allows you to use a Survival check to gather food in wild or foreign homes or make a Diplomacy check to see if you nag your host into feeding you (although why a Geek would make a Cha based check is beyond me) in 3.5. Jeez, man, it's been out for 4 years! It's time to update. :p
I can put up with a little bloggy type material as long as it isn't banal. This is a discussion forum after all...
First and foremost, it's NS's forum; they can do what they like. But here's where I think the line is:
OK: "I went to X city today and saw Y which made me think of how much we have become disconnected from Z. What are your thoughts?"
Not OK: "I went to Hawaii recently and bought my first Starbucks!!1 Can you believe it??!!11one"
what about a...
"I went to California and paid $3.50 for a Latte, it was F*#king $5.00 at Hawaii and $5.50 at Seattle... WTF? Why does the location dictate the price?"
would that be considered Blogging? Spam?
Andaras Prime
01-07-2007, 07:23
Whether people care about their fellow man or not hardly depends on an economic system.
You obviously know very little and need to read more, our economic reality decides the way our society runs, an economic system geared for profit and not for equitable consumption will be mirrored in that society.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
01-07-2007, 07:24
I can put up with a little bloggy type material as long as it isn't banal. This is a discussion forum after all...
First and foremost, it's NS's forum; they can do what they like. But here's where I think the line is:
OK: "I went to X city today and saw Y which made me think of how much we have become disconnected from Z. What are your thoughts?"
Not OK: "I went to Hawaii recently and bought my first Starbucks!!1 Can you believe it??!!11one"
Exactly what I was thinking - why post if you don't want to involve others? Posting an opinion you don't want challenged is blog territory, I think.
"Survival: Snacks" was replaced with "Mooching Lore" which allows you to use a Survival check to gather food in wild or foreign homes or make a Diplomacy check to see if you nag your host into feeding you (although why a Geek would make a Cha based check is beyond me) in 3.5. Jeez, man, it's been out for 4 years! It's time to update. :p
actually a failed Diplomacy roll means the DM makes a Will Save with a +20 bonus. if he succeeds, he can dictate one event against the player's character.
and Mooching Lore means the house owner/host can make a check to see if the Mooching is detected. if detected, then the House owner/host gets a -3 level shift on the reaction table and can actually prevent further mooching attempts.
so most players preferre to use the Survival:Snacks skill. since it doesn't make allowances for the Home owner/host to make that check.
Flatus Minor
01-07-2007, 07:29
what about a...
"I went to California and paid $3.50 for a Latte, it was F*#king $5.00 at Hawaii and $5.50 at Seattle... WTF? Why does the location dictate the price?"
would that be considered Blogging?
I'd say no, because you are drawing on the wider concept of pricing differences between regions. The topic becomes accessible (and less bloggy) when it's not all about the OP author.
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 07:31
actually a failed Diplomacy roll means the DM makes a Will Save with a +20 bonus. if he succeeds, he can dictate one event against the player's character.
Hence Favored Enemy: DM and the Level 4 power "Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Chair". Most DMs will just take a 1 in that kind of circumstance. Imbued Chairs of DM Smiting are just nasty.
and Mooching Lore means the house owner/host can make a check to see if the Mooching is detected. if detected, then the House owner/host gets a -3 level shift on the reaction table and can actually prevent further mooching attempts.
so most players preferre to use the Survival:Snacks skill. since it doesn't make allowances for the Home owner/host to make that check.
This certainly explains why all of my DMs insist that I use 3.5 rules. Maybe I should have taken Skill Focus: Rules Lawyering as my feat last level...
Arab Maghreb Union
01-07-2007, 07:36
This forum's always been heartless. Many NSGers are among the rudest I've ever seen, and "debate" here tends to consist largely of flame-filled pissing contests.
01-07-2007, 07:42
For fuck sake undelia, you were THE most hateful, rude, and insulting poster on this forum for the first year or so of your stay.
"THE most hateful"? I really don't think so. I can think of quite a few that shared that title and it wasn't Undelia.
In fact, over my 2.5 years here, the forum has changed very very little.
Well, I have been here for over 3 years now and I think it has changed a lot. There are too many thin skinned posters running to the Mods these days and way too many puppets. Certainly the level of debate has declined significantly in the past year and a half......
01-07-2007, 07:50
You know it is possible to disagree with something while still understanding it...
Yes, but this bickering is just making the OP win the thread more...
This certainly explains why all of my DMs insist that I use 3.5 rules. Maybe I should have taken Skill Focus: Rules Lawyering as my feat last level...NO! DON'T!!! :eek:
that skill is a player killer...
Because the DM can always draw upon his ace. "the DM reserves the right to omit any rules (s)he sees fit."
A.K.A. the "Cuz I'm The DM And I Say So" rule.
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 07:56
NO! DON'T!!! :eek:
that skill is a player killer...
Because the DM can always draw upon his ace. "the DM reserves the right to omit any rules (s)he sees fit."
A.K.A. the "Cuz I'm The DM And I Say So" rule.
Refer back to the Chair Smiting focus and a high intimidate check (+5 to intimidate for Geekly Aura of Poor Hygiene).
Neo Undelia
01-07-2007, 07:57
Because the DM can always draw upon his ace. "the DM reserves the right to omit any rules (s)he sees fit." .
Refer back to the Chair Smiting focus and a high intimidate check (+5 to intimidate for Geekly Aura of Poor Hygiene).
while that may work in the groups you game with. it won't work with the groups of our areas.
because that will initiate an IR intrustion and a halt of game then an off game penalty of the player's character.
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 08:05
Actually, the proper writing would be "she", since all D&D books never use the pronoun "he". I'll be damned if I know why (probably be damned anyway), given that 90% of the players most certainly do not meet certain requirements of the female pronoun (primarily the being female part).
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 08:06
while that may work in the groups you game with. it won't work with the groups of our areas.
because that will initiate an IR intrustion and a halt of game then an off game penalty of the player's character.
The beauty of intimidate checks is that if you're willing to take a -10, you can make them without actually threatening the target. :p
Guys, Guys... Can't we all just... Get Along... :cool:
Dryks Legacy
01-07-2007, 09:17
This place was better last year, then towards the end of last year it got pretty crappy and I left for a few months. It's still not as great as it was last year though and I'd be willing to bet it had been dropping for a while by then.
01-07-2007, 09:25
and I left for a few months.
I feel it was pretty bad after the first few months of this year, actually.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
01-07-2007, 09:26
This place was better last year, then towards the end of last year it got pretty crappy and I left for a few months. It's still not as great as it was last year though and I'd be willing to bet it had been dropping for a while by then.
So what was better then? Do you also think there's too much moderation, or is it something else?
01-07-2007, 09:28
Do you also think there's too much moderation...
:eek: innuendo!
Dryks Legacy
01-07-2007, 09:28
So what was better then? Do you also think there's too much moderation, or is it something else?
I think it's partly that coupled with good people leaving and not-so-good people arriving. But it's hard to remember those times let alone what caused them to change.
I feel it was pretty bad after the first few months of this year, actually.
I think it was in a bit of down period when I joined in June, around the year change and then a few of the weeks recently have been pretty boring.
Kinda Sensible people
01-07-2007, 09:31
I think it's partly that coupled with good people leaving and not-so-good people arriving. But it's hard to remember those times let alone what caused them to change.
So far as I know, we haven't lost anyone in the last few months. The only person missing right now is DCD, and his loss only occured a week or so ago.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
01-07-2007, 09:33
:eek: innuendo!
I kinda get it - I think. :p
New Granada
01-07-2007, 09:36
I'd say it's just gone from air-headed to head-filled-with-mush.
Dryks Legacy
01-07-2007, 09:39
So far as I know, we haven't lost anyone in the last few months. The only person missing right now is DCD, and his loss only occured a week or so ago.
Maybe everyone's out of ideas.
So far as I know, we haven't lost anyone in the last few months. The only person missing right now is DCD, and his loss only occured a week or so ago.
Tinks, TIN, TRA, The Chocolate Goddess, TSI, EUT (granted he may have had unpopular viewpoints but he knew how to have fun.) and alot of others.
This isn't referring to the last few months but for a while now.
01-07-2007, 10:10
Tinks, TIN, TRA, The Chocolate Goddess, TSI, EUT (granted he may have had unpopular viewpoints but he knew how to have fun.) and alot of others.
This isn't referring to the last few months but for a while now.
TRA was fun... well, kind of.
So what was better then? Do you also think there's too much moderation, or is it something else?
me? I think it's the fact that people are just getting... personal in their debates. making personal attacks and not attacking the subject or the topic.
How many times is RO gonna be accused of being DK. Why is that even important? or F&G being MTAE? that has no bearing on their argument. infact, it proves them right since the only counterpoint isn't against their argument but the poster themselves.
"Oh yeah? well you're wrong because you dress funny" is what it boils down to.
and How quickly posters start calling each other names. "Idiots", "Stupid", "Childish"... all such things wouldn't last in any debate environment yet is pulled out quickly and used liberally here.
I would like the fun threads back, where people who would normally be at each other's throats can sit back and swap a joke or three. Or even remind each other that debates are fun, but we're all on this planet together.
What we need is ONE good word game thread. Just ONE.
01-07-2007, 10:18
or F&G being MTAE?
It's funny... That's exactly what Fris referred FNG as. Though he said that he "can't directly prove it"
"No, I can't prove that you were MeansToAnEnd and doubtless other posters, and lucky for you I'm restrained by the rules we've established for fair play that prevents me from deleting you based on my strong suspicions." (
IE, I don't like you and I'm making a personal note of it. That's why it's funny to me - here's the mod making a personal attack on a member so that other users on this forum do not act like freshmen in Debate 101 and make personal attacks.
It's funny... That's exactly what Fris referred FNG as. Though he said that he "can't directly prove it"
"No, I can't prove that you were MeansToAnEnd and doubtless other posters, and lucky for you I'm restrained by the rules we've established for fair play that prevents me from deleting you based on my strong suspicions." (
IE, I don't like you and I'm making a personal note of it.
but I believe it wasn't Fris that first brought it up and nor is fris the most prevalant persuant of the matter.
and this is more proof that the mods do play fair, or at least make honest attempts at it. :D
01-07-2007, 10:22
but I believe it wasn't Fris that first brought it up and nor is fris the most prevalant persuant of the matter.
and this is more proof that the mods do play fair, or at least make honest attempts at it. :D
I know... I get it. But it just screams "I don't like you" to me.
I know... I get it. But it just screams "I don't like you" to me.
yep it does. and I am not denying it.
01-07-2007, 10:25
What we need is ONE good word game thread. Just ONE.
01-07-2007, 10:43
Yeah. You're right. It has.
as I always said Christmahanikwanzikah.
there is a proper way to do things. (
Pure Metal
01-07-2007, 11:55
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
i totally agree :(
the forum ain't what it used to be, and so many regulars are dropping off its just not funny. the sense of friendship is mostly gone, and its a shame :(
anyone seen Kanabia lately btw?
Arab Maghreb Union
01-07-2007, 11:59
anyone seen Kanabia lately btw?
Not for awhile, no.
It's funny... That's exactly what Fris referred FNG as. Though he said that he "can't directly prove it"
"No, I can't prove that you were MeansToAnEnd and doubtless other posters, and lucky for you I'm restrained by the rules we've established for fair play that prevents me from deleting you based on my strong suspicions." (
IE, I don't like you and I'm making a personal note of it. That's why it's funny to me - here's the mod making a personal attack on a member so that other users on this forum do not act like freshmen in Debate 101 and make personal attacks.
It does give some insight as to how mods figure out who we are. Probably a simple IP check. No doubt MTAE is bright enough to spoof his, hence FAG, RC, and his other puppets go unnoticed until they stir up shit.
Lunatic Goofballs
01-07-2007, 12:32
Perhpas I need to start giving out tacos more often. I have been slacking on the tacos lately... *rubs chin thoughtfully*
IL Ruffino
01-07-2007, 12:41
I've been here for... God, it must be 3 years now. It's always been like this. The problem is that all the threads that built the sense of unity are now being called blogs or spam.
Tis a witch hunt.
Daft Viagria
01-07-2007, 12:46
:pReally, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
You said it.
The word is forum and it seems some mods do not understand that word. Sad for not only them but also the rest of open minded peeps with a view. The phrase "mindless biggot" springs to mind.:sniper:
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
I try to be nice to people here, no point in making enemies on the internet or anywhere else. But I do agree that it is hard to make a thread that won't draw negative attention from someone (or everyone) because they get called Blogs or somthing of that nature. I treid making a thread about what people learned in a particular week... the first one was taken well but all the subsiquent ones were locked/deleted/moved.
Occasionally I get one that people accept (Fun words and bad pickup lines :p)
Nobel Hobos
01-07-2007, 13:23
me? I think it's the fact that people are just getting... personal in their debates. making personal attacks and not attacking the subject or the topic.
And there seems to be a lot a dumb crossovers between topics too. Sometimes it's like they're all the same topic, a Gordian knot of threads.
How many times is RO gonna be accused of being DK. Why is that even important? or F&G being MTAE? that has no bearing on their argument. infact, it proves them right since the only counterpoint isn't against their argument but the poster themselves.
Yeah, that is boring. Remote Ob seems a better poster than Deep K was, so why not treat the new person as a different person even if they aren't?
You can't expect people to change if you insist on judging them by their first attempt.
I would like the fun threads back, where people who would normally be at each other's throats can sit back and swap a joke or three. Or even remind each other that debates are fun, but we're all on this planet together.
Agreed again! Who cares if it's lightweight, so long as it stays in its thread.
It doesn't interfere with any serious debate in any other thread, so why not a couple of joke or chat threads on the front page?
01-07-2007, 13:39
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Really, it is 80% because i don't post so much anymore.
Sad but true.
IL Ruffino
01-07-2007, 13:41
Really, it is 80% because i don't post so much anymore.
Sad but true.
Dryks Legacy
01-07-2007, 14:35
Really, it is 80% because i don't post so much anymore.
Sad but true.
Why not? :(
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Get a blog!
01-07-2007, 15:00
It's an economic system which encourages excess capital production, which in turn creates decadence, waste and over concentration of wealth in the hands of an elite. If people were to actually care about their fellow man then they wouldn't act in such a manner.
You're completely off topic. Knock it off.
Jello Biafra
01-07-2007, 15:02
It seems to be cyclical, with the infusion of younger players in the summertime.
anyone seen Kanabia lately btw?He posted once or twice in someone's "Recommend me some music" thread, but he's not on nearly as much as he used to be.
Nobel Hobos
01-07-2007, 15:33
You're completely off topic. Knock it off.
That sounds Modly! I mean, that's a mod directive, isn't it?
This rather stands out. It's unusual to hear a mod rule on topic-relevance (though yeah, AP was persistently off topic here.)
You really care about the heart/community/conviviality subject then?
Dryks Legacy
01-07-2007, 15:37
Is it just me, or did this thread get locked, have the middle chopped out and then get unlocked?
Nobel Hobos
01-07-2007, 15:41
Is it just me, or did this thread get locked, have the middle chopped out and then get unlocked?
Nah, it tricked me too. Andaras Prime's stuff, and all the replies, have been split to a new thread (
That's a lot of work for some poor mod. Explains the telling off. :blush:
Imperial isa
01-07-2007, 15:44
Nah, it tricked me too. Andaras Prime's stuff, and all the replies, have been split to a new thread (
That's a lot of work for some poor mod. Explains the telling off. :blush:
so i'm not losing my mind
Dryks Legacy
01-07-2007, 15:44
That new thread has a nice title :D
01-07-2007, 15:52
That sounds Modly! I mean, that's a mod directive, isn't it?
This rather stands out. It's unusual to hear a mod rule on topic-relevance (though yeah, AP was persistently off topic here.)
You really care about the heart/community/conviviality subject then?
Well, to use the venacular -- NO DUH! :D
I was a Generalite long before I was a moderator, as some of the older posters of the forum might recall.
Word games were banned because they were drowning out all attempts at serious discussion on the forum.
Really, there are some posters who post nothing but their daily "this is why the world is so unfeeling and terrible TO ME" posts -- and those SHOULD get a blog. Honestly, if it can be related to a larger topic -- "this is what happened, and it got me thinking about the unfairness of X in society, what do you think...?" we've no problem about it. The vast majority of people (as shown by the complaints we get) don't really find someone's agonizing over what shoes to wear with their prom dress/tux to be of GENERAL interest.
If you're posting just to rant on something and you don't need, want, or accept input that doesn't agree with you, it's NOT A DISCUSSION. That also should go into a blog.
That said, there are plenty of discussions that I see here that could be discussed from a unifying point of view, except that some peeps just have GOT to be bastards to everyone. We all know who the posters are who cannot go a thread's length without calling anyone who disagrees with them idiots, noobs, telling them to go die, wishing rape/murder/uncontrolled bowel movements/whatever unpleasantness on them, accusing others of being "X" despite all protestations and evidence to the contrary...
The fact is that if the forum is "heartless" it is because some people think that manners are completely useless. Hell, it's the reason that moderators were chosen and put into the job back about four years ago -- because some posters could not manage to debate without posting vitriol, obscenity, or spam (and I don't mean the occasional funny and off topic post. I mean REAMS of images that have nothing to do with anything, tag games through discussion threads), and generally disrespecting everyone else's right to use the forum for General Discussion.
We can't be everywhere (you guys have no idea how much work goes on behind the scenes, either!) so generally, we react to what we're pointed at. If you perceive that we're cracking down on X, it's because we get complaints about it. We tell people when they're being too sensitive and need to grow a skin as well when they over-report.
Basically, you guys are getting the moderation you're telling us you want/need. If you want or need less, then you need to "ask" for less by not flaming, not breaking the rules, et cetera.
The blessed Chris
01-07-2007, 15:56
Although I only saw the dying embers of the Tink era, I agree.
Half the problem appears to be the fact that any thread that descends into amicable chat is labelled spam, and reported by one of a number of Malvolio's to moderation.
Then we have the fact that anything that might allow for social chat or personal insight is met with cries of a "get a blog!".
Finally, it might just be that we're all nasty.:eek:
Nobel Hobos
01-07-2007, 17:09
Well, to use the venacular -- NO DUH! :D
I was a Generalite long before I was a moderator, as some of the older posters of the forum might recall.
Word games were banned because they were drowning out all attempts at serious discussion on the forum.
Wouldn't stay in their word-game threads? Or, attracting word-gamers? Or simply distracting posters from more serious threads?
Really, there are some posters who post nothing but their daily "this is why the world is so unfeeling and terrible TO ME" posts -- and those SHOULD get a blog. *snip* [not] GENERAL interest.
Sure. With a well-known poster, and a major event in their life (eg having a kid, moving overseas) it might be OK? Or should they do it by private messages?
If you're posting just to rant on something and you don't need, want, or accept input that doesn't agree with you, it's NOT A DISCUSSION. That also should go into a blog.
Hard to judge though. I've noticed posters hanging tough throughout a thread, but making allowance for the objections raised, the next time they post on the subject. Even the most hardened bigot might have a chink in the armor ...
The fact is that if the forum is "heartless" it is because some people think that manners are completely useless. Hell, it's the reason that moderators were chosen and put into the job back about four years ago -- because some posters could not manage to debate without posting vitriol, obscenity, or spam (and I don't mean the occasional funny and off topic post. I mean REAMS of images that have nothing to do with anything, tag games through discussion threads), and generally disrespecting everyone else's right to use the forum for General Discussion.
Yay for mods!
Could I just say I really appreciate the PG-13 aspect of this forum. I have a tendency towards lewd jokes, and in this respect I like having a rule to pull me up short. Saying outrageous sexual things is a bad habit of mine which I often regret.
In any forum which isn't real-life verified, the posts may be read by kids. The PG-13 guideline here is realistic, not idealistic.
We can't be everywhere (you guys have no idea how much work goes on behind the scenes, either!) so generally, we react to what we're pointed at. If you perceive that we're cracking down on X, it's because we get complaints about it. We tell people when they're being too sensitive and need to grow a skin as well when they over-report.
Yay to that too. And boo to trying to use the mods to supress opinions so crazy that no-one can think of a refutation.
Think harder everybody, don't run to mommy!
Basically, you guys are getting the moderation you're telling us you want/need. If you want or need less, then you need to "ask" for less by not flaming, not breaking the rules, et cetera.
It is possible to be a complete ass without breaking the rules. It is possible to be utterly wrong without breaking the rules (don't repeat the same wrong post too many times.) It is possible to hurt another's feelings without breaking the rules. The rules, in other words, protect us from all the dumb stuff.
Yay for the forum. Yay for the mods. Yay for the many good posters who keep me coming back.
As for the Good Old Days: you don't miss what you never had. When I first came here, "Pedos are people too" was in full swing. There wasn't much love in that thread if I remember correctly.
01-07-2007, 17:15
Wouldn't stay in their word-game threads? Or, attracting word-gamers? Or simply distracting posters from more serious threads?
The word game threads were crowding out all other discussions from the first page or so entirely.
Sure. With a well-known poster, and a major event in their life (eg having a kid, moving overseas) it might be OK? Or should they do it by private messages?
As with everything, case by case situation. But yes, a major event that they would like to discuss probably won't be shut down -- at least, not until it devolves into something less worthwhile.
Ferrous Oxide
01-07-2007, 17:29
It does give some insight as to how mods figure out who we are. Probably a simple IP check.
I don't know how it works in America, but here in Aus, IPs are usually dynamic. How would it work then?
Curious Inquiry
01-07-2007, 17:31
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Do you think it's because so many people seem to be getting their jollies reporting stuff in Moderation?
Pure Metal
01-07-2007, 17:55
So far as I know, we haven't lost anyone in the last few months. The only person missing right now is DCD, and his loss only occured a week or so ago.
regulars who, to me, give this place its character who have either gone or post very little these days: (off the top of my head)
German Nightmare
Cabra West (i haven't seen her about much lately)
even Ruffy seems to be about less than usual
glitzi and i were talking about this earlier, and we agree this place isn't as friendly as it used to be. a lot of the friendly, convivial threads these days either get shot down, ignored, or just aren't even posted in the first place any more...
that's not to say its all bad (i'm still here aren't i? ;)) but i would agree with the OP. i wouldn't say its because of the mods, really, just because so many important people have left. its probably a vicious circle... i post here less than i used to for this reason, for example.
Greater Trostia
01-07-2007, 18:04
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
I never cared for what "Tink" thought and can do without this petty high school drama crap. I'm here to debate and argue and discuss politics, not "chat."
regulars who, to me, give this place its character who have either gone or post very little these days: (off the top of my head)
German Nightmare
Cabra West (i haven't seen her about much lately)
even Ruffy seems to be about less than usual
Ruffy, WYTYG and GN seem to be on a fair amount. Though Ruffy's internet isn't very reliable these days.
glitzi and i were talking about this earlier, and we agree this place isn't as friendly as it used to be. a lot of the friendly, convivial threads these days either get shot down, ignored, or just aren't even posted in the first place any more...
that's not to say its all bad (i'm still here aren't i? ;)) but i would agree with the OP. i wouldn't say its because of the mods, really, just because so many important people have left. its probably a vicious circle... i post here less than i used to for this reason, for example.
I guess it's just a cyclical thing. When I joined I'd see most of those people posting, the forum royalty of sorts. Now they're starting to fade out of the forum one by one, and they haven't really been replaced yet. But they will. There'll be another group of posters who have gotten to know each other, who remember stories about that time someone got banned for whatever, or the fool who committed suicide by mod. And they'll be the forum royalty o the next generation of posters.
The blessed Chris
01-07-2007, 22:20
I never cared for what "Tink" thought and can do without this petty high school drama crap. I'm here to debate and argue and discuss politics, not "chat."
Hence why the forum is heartless. You fail to appreciate that debate and chat are not mutually exclusive; a debate with a friend is inevitably more fun, and funnier, than one with somebody like you.
I don't, but then again, I called a guy a Nazi on my first post.
Boy I sure do regret that. :p
You were probably right. They used to come here a lot and be annoying as hell.
Greater Trostia
02-07-2007, 01:19
Hence why the forum is heartless. You fail to appreciate that debate and chat are not mutually exclusive; a debate with a friend is inevitably more fun, and funnier, than one with somebody like you.
The forum is heartless because I don't worship Tink? Maybe because I have self-respect? Because I'm not a friend to racist bigots like yourself? Huh. I didn't know I was so powerful, but it's good to know.
02-07-2007, 01:25
Do you think it's because so many people seem to be getting their jollies reporting stuff in Moderation?
No, it's because of a very small handful of people who get their jollies reporting stuff in Moderation - and their admirers. These people are of course, authoritarians (and in a number of cases, self-admitted authoritarians) ever hopeful for the opportunity to aggrandize themselves in the eyes of whatever or whoever passes for authority in a given context.
Everybody else is just like they've always been, more or less.
Terrorist Cakes
02-07-2007, 01:27
I agree completely. I even avoid this place to some extent because every time I post anything, people become nasty and use it as an excuse to attack me. I actually spend all my free time on my other forum, because their, things are much more friendly and personal. Things like games and personal advice threads are the norm. Here, it's all just political threads that degenerate into hurtful arguments and flame wars. I'm so sick of people misconstruing everything I say and making rude and sometimes painful assumptions about me. I've been accused of all sorts of things, including being stupid, culturally unaware, racist, and semi-retarded. In real life, I'm the quiet, lonerish artist-type and drama nerd. Here, I come off as some kind of mentally deficient popular teen queen, apparently. A lot of days, I really hate this place.
02-07-2007, 01:31
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Who's "TIN"?
Cannot think of a name
02-07-2007, 01:35
regulars who, to me, give this place its character who have either gone or post very little these days: (off the top of my head)
glitzi and i were talking about this earlier, and we agree this place isn't as friendly as it used to be. a lot of the friendly, convivial threads these days either get shot down, ignored, or just aren't even posted in the first place any more...
that's not to say its all bad (i'm still here aren't i? ;)) but i would agree with the OP. i wouldn't say its because of the mods, really, just because so many important people have left. its probably a vicious circle... i post here less than i used to for this reason, for example.
I'm still here, I've gone back to debating more often. Maybe becauase that's mostly whats available to me. As of late I haven't been posting as much because I've been working, and gigs get in the way of my ability to post. I'm posting from a gig right now, I have to watch the fort, and the fort has a computer, so here I am.
It comes in waves. Sometimes the 'get a blog' thing seems a little over-used, but if they don't open the door for discussion then they kinda need to learn. I don't know. I will say that I have spent more than a little time staring at the front page going, "Good christ, be interesting!!!" but I haven't said anything because I can't rise to the challenge either.
Ghost Tigers Rise
02-07-2007, 01:36
Ruffy, WYTYG and GN seem to be on a fair amount. Though Ruffy's internet isn't very reliable these days.
GN definitely isn't around as much as he used to be...
No, it's because of a very small handful of people who get their jollies reporting stuff in Moderation - and their admirers. These people are of course, authoritarians (and in a number of cases, self-admitted authoritarians) ever hopeful for the opportunity to aggrandize themselves in the eyes of whatever or whoever passes for authority in a given context.
Everybody else is just like they've always been, more or less.
Moderation appears to be more active lately, but I'd say it's less people getting their jollies and more that everyone seems a bit more unpleasant than usual.
New Granada
02-07-2007, 01:45
No, it's because of a very small handful of people who get their jollies reporting stuff in Moderation - and their admirers. These people are of course, authoritarians (and in a number of cases, self-admitted authoritarians) ever hopeful for the opportunity to aggrandize themselves in the eyes of whatever or whoever passes for authority in a given context.
Everybody else is just like they've always been, more or less.
I agree, the moderation tattletale pukes are a scourge on the forum.
I agree, the moderation tattletale pukes are a scourge on the forum.
Not really. It's not like anyone who isn't breaking the rules is punished.
I agree completely. I even avoid this place to some extent because every time I post anything, people become nasty and use it as an excuse to attack me. I actually spend all my free time on my other forum, because their, things are much more friendly and personal. Things like games and personal advice threads are the norm. Here, it's all just political threads that degenerate into hurtful arguments and flame wars. I'm so sick of people misconstruing everything I say and making rude and sometimes painful assumptions about me. I've been accused of all sorts of things, including being stupid, culturally unaware, racist, and semi-retarded. In real life, I'm the quiet, lonerish artist-type and drama nerd. Here, I come off as some kind of mentally deficient popular teen queen, apparently. A lot of days, I really hate this place.
Have you been accused of all the shit in your sig?
Johnny B Goode
02-07-2007, 02:08
Have you been accused of all the shit in your sig?
I'm pretty sure she has.
Johnny B Goode
02-07-2007, 02:12
GN definitely isn't around as much as he used to be...
The guy's got it tough. He doesn't need this place to make him any angrier than he already is.
Terrorist Cakes
02-07-2007, 02:16
Have you been accused of all the shit in your sig?
Yup. That's why I made it.
Yup. That's why I made it.
I am somewhat curious about the defecating on human language.
Terrorist Cakes
02-07-2007, 02:25
I am somewhat curious about the defecating on human language.
I can't remember who it was, but I'm pretty sure it was the same person who accused me of being a semi-retarded prep. I made some thread asking for advice because my friend wanted me to take her boyfriend's best friend (whom I'd never met) to prom with me. Some idiot freaked out and started insulting me and saying I was some kind of brainless moron with no purpose in life, because I was worried about something so stupid and pointless as prom when there were real people in the world with real problems. I kind of feel like I recieved a lot of the misdirected anger about high school hierarchies that he felt.
I can't remember who it was, but I'm pretty sure it was the same person who accused me of being a semi-retarded prep. I made some thread asking for advice because my friend wanted me to take her boyfriend's best friend (whom I'd never met) to prom with me. Some idiot freaked out and started insulting me and saying I was some kind of brainless moron with no purpose in life, because I was worried about something so stupid and pointless as prom when there were real people in the world with real problems. I kind of feel like I recieved a lot of the misdirected anger about high school hierarchies that he felt.
I remember that thread. Wasn't the third response something like, "What about your man beast?"
02-07-2007, 02:35
I remember that thread. Wasn't the third response something like, "What about your man beast?"
I hope that wasn't me.
Terrorist Cakes
02-07-2007, 03:50
I remember that thread. Wasn't the third response something like, "What about your man beast?"
Terrorist Cakes
02-07-2007, 03:52
I hope that wasn't me.
OF COURSE IT WAS! Not. Your response was probably like, "What about me?"
IL Ruffino
02-07-2007, 05:15
Not really. It's not like anyone who isn't breaking the rules is punished.
And it's not like it's needed to go review, and post in, every other thread that isn's locked.
And it's not like it's needed to go review, and post in, every other thread that isn's locked.
Just out of curiosity, are you, by any chance, still pissed off about DCD getting banned?
IL Ruffino
02-07-2007, 05:24
Just out of curiosity, are you, by any chance, still pissed off about DCD getting banned?
I was never pissed off about that. :)
02-07-2007, 05:51
And it's not like it's needed to go review, and post in, every other thread that isn's locked.
C'mon, Ruffy - however could you hope to form an impromptu lynch gang otherwise?
02-07-2007, 06:34
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Get a blog and go away. :p (j/king)
02-07-2007, 07:34
i totally agree :(
the forum ain't what it used to be, and so many regulars are dropping off its just not funny. the sense of friendship is mostly gone, and its a shame :(
anyone seen Kanabia lately btw?
I was gonna TG you and see if you knew...I haven't seen him in a wicked long time
regulars who, to me, give this place its character who have either gone or post very little these days: (off the top of my head)
German Nightmare
Cabra West (i haven't seen her about much lately)
even Ruffy seems to be about less than usual
glitzi and i were talking about this earlier, and we agree this place isn't as friendly as it used to be. a lot of the friendly, convivial threads these days either get shot down, ignored, or just aren't even posted in the first place any more...
that's not to say its all bad (i'm still here aren't i? ;)) but i would agree with the OP. i wouldn't say its because of the mods, really, just because so many important people have left. its probably a vicious circle... i post here less than i used to for this reason, for example.
I definatly agree. You, glitz, kanabia, Straughn, Peech, another completely different extent, sandy...all gone or here very rarely...
I mean, I've been wicked busy recently and just haven't had much time to post, but recently, I have had the option to post or go do some other tasks, and I've picked the other tasks. The people I could just be bored with are mainly gone (some are still here fairly often), and so all there is is debate. As much as I can enjoy that, it can get old.
As I said in moderation, I don't know if it is just that we don't make the same threads anymore, that the "old guard" has left, or if the mods are different (or a mix of the 3), but something has definatly changed.
how are things with glitz, by the way? been a while since I've seen you guys around here.
Kinda Sensible people
02-07-2007, 08:08
I thought I saw Kanabia in one of my threads recently, but that could have been Keruvlia, my dyslexia makes it hard to tell all of the K----ias apart. For a while, I was wondering if he had left, though.
And maybe the answer is to start a "community building" thread series?
02-07-2007, 08:08
I was gonna TG you and see if you knew...I haven't seen him in a wicked long time I just talked to him today for a good few hours. He's alright. he hasn't been much around lately, but I saw him post a few days ago. He claims to be cutting back on NS.
nice to see you Sarkhaan! *wave*
02-07-2007, 08:14
I thought I saw Kanabia in one of my threads recently, but that could have been Keruvlia, my dyslexia makes it hard to tell all of the K----ias apart. For a while, I was wondering if he had left, though.
And maybe the answer is to start a "community building" thread series?
I was thinking the same. Sadly, I'm off to bed now, as it is 3 AM and I have to drive back to Boston in the morning...but it'll give me a few hours to come up with a good idea atleast ;)
I just talked to him today for a good few hours. He's alright. he hasn't been much around lately, but I saw him post a few days ago. He claims to be cutting back on NS.
nice to see you Sarkhaan! *wave*
ahh...I figured he would be joining the "real world" soon and would have to cut back. Glad to know he's alright.
nice to see you too *waves back*
I really have kinda missed the place these last few weeks/months. *sigh*
Kinda Sensible people
02-07-2007, 08:19
I was thinking the same. Sadly, I'm off to bed now, as it is 3 AM and I have to drive back to Boston in the morning...but it'll give me a few hours to come up with a good idea atleast ;)
Being a West Coast driver, I always feel pity for anyone driving in the Boston area. The few times I've returned to Boston with my family (I was born there, see), I've thanked my lucky stars that Seattelites are merely stupid drivers, and not agressive ones. You are a braver man than I. :p
02-07-2007, 08:21
Being a West Coast driver, I always feel pity for anyone driving in the Boston area. The few times I've returned to Boston with my family (I was born there, see), I've thanked my lucky stars that Seattelites are merely stupid drivers, and not agressive ones. You are a braver man than I. :p
That is the beauty of the city...since everyone drives like an asshole (er..masshole), you expect it. Surprisingly, MA has the lowest accident rate in the US
besides...traffic lights and street signs are just suggestions. ;)
Kinda Sensible people
02-07-2007, 08:27
That is the beauty of the city...since everyone drives like an asshole (er..masshole), you expect it. Surprisingly, MA has the lowest accident rate in the US
besides...traffic lights and street signs are just suggestions. ;)
I suppose that there is something to be said for consistancy. Whether or not it is something good is up in the air. Out here, it's either the retarded SUV drivers who think that it isn't tailgating until they've driven on top of half of your car or the morons in the sports cars who think that 25 MPH speed limits mean "floor it!"
And I've always been of that opinion. Especially the "Danger, wrong way" signs.
02-07-2007, 10:54
OF COURSE IT WAS! Not. Your response was probably like, "What about me?"
Yeah, that sounds more appropriate.
Brutland and Norden
02-07-2007, 11:03
No, you're looking at the wrong place. This forum has dextrocardia.
IMHO there's a lot more vitriol these days. I usually check first the Moderation forum before entering General, and I find out that a lot of the bad feelings are being uncovered. Sometimes I don't even bother going to General.
Neo Undelia
02-07-2007, 11:06
And maybe the answer is to start a "community building" thread series?
They'd probably be spamed with "get a blog" type posts and eventually locked because a flame fest about religion or the European Union would break out.
02-07-2007, 11:16
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Natural progression, all such net places sucumb to this.
Nobel Hobos
02-07-2007, 11:21
No, you're looking at the wrong place. This forum has dextrocardia.
That's a rare condition of having the heart on the right hand side? :confused:
Neo Undelia
02-07-2007, 11:21
Natural progression, all such net places sucumb to this.
Have you seen this before then?
02-07-2007, 11:24
No, I just rolled a critical failure on my decipher script check because I'm in day 2 of my three days of marathon D&D.
YAY!!! Dnd marathon...:cool:
Brutland and Norden
02-07-2007, 11:24
That's a rare condition of having the heart on the right hand side? :confused:
Bull's eye! You are correct! ;)
02-07-2007, 11:24
Have you seen this before then?
Yep many times.
Nobel Hobos
02-07-2007, 11:32
Bull's eye! You are correct! ;)
Left lobe dominant, quite normal male brain thankyou :)
Neo Undelia
02-07-2007, 11:37
Yep many times.
02-07-2007, 11:42
ohh man all over the place. I been doin this net thing for about 12 years. I've seen many a forum over that time.
Make your mind up to either stay and ignore the lunatics, or go find another place.
Neo Undelia
02-07-2007, 11:44
ohh man all over the place. I been doin this net thing for about 12 years. I've seen many a forum over that time.
Make your mind up to either stay and ignore the lunatics, or go find another place.
Well, seeing as how you're a veteran and everything, why do you think this sort of thing happens?
02-07-2007, 11:47
Well, seeing as how you're a veteran and everything, why do you think this sort of thing happens?
*shrug* meh I dunno, basic human nature? We are not ever all going to get on, we all have differant ideas about what is best, even what is good and what is evil. So when you get soooo many people in one place, all of them convinced that the way they view things is the correct way, all of us with differant agenders, your bound to get some tension huh!
02-07-2007, 11:50
*shrug* meh I dunno, basic human nature? We are not ever all going to get on, we all have differant ideas about what is best, even what is good and what is evil. So when you get soooo many people in one place, all of them convinced that the way they view things is the correct way, all of us with differant agenders, your bound to get some tension huh!
Yeah, that's NSG, always. We're assuming there's something different happening now, which you say you've been through repeatedly over the past dozen years.
Flatus Minor
02-07-2007, 11:59
ohh man all over the place. I been doin this net thing for about 12 years. I've seen many a forum over that time.
Make your mind up to either stay and ignore the lunatics, or go find another place.
True. I've seen it happen also, even back to the BBS dial-up days with Fidonet and such.
I think the same patterns exist wherever the environment is either short on manners, big on ego-attachment to one's views, or both.
02-07-2007, 14:12
True. I've seen it happen also, even back to the BBS dial-up days with Fidonet and such.
I think the same patterns exist wherever the environment is either short on manners, big on ego-attachment to one's views, or both.Sounds like a chronic thing in a faceless environment like this. Perhaps the social spam revivalists aren't wrong though. If it helps people emphasise, it'll help mitigate the ego/manners thing. Does in the real world anyway.
- Not that I care either way, just a quick thought.
Demented Hamsters
02-07-2007, 15:10
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
eeeehhhhh....I remember when all this was trees. And you could buy an iced lolly and see a moving picture show down Odeon for tuppence. The Bobbies were 6ft tall and were ever so polite. And you could leave front door open.
02-07-2007, 15:12
eeeehhhhh....I remember when all this was trees. And you could buy an iced lolly and see a moving picture show down Odeon for tuppence. The Bobbies were 6ft tall and were ever so polite. And you could leave front door open.
I like you, you're silly! :D
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 15:15
I feel that it's not just threads that people are immediately hostile towards.
I've found that some people begin to look at what I post, don't bother reading all the way through, and jump to conclusions about what I believe (with their conclusion being so far out of line with what I believe and have posted that it's not even funny), and they IMMEDIATELY post:
OMFG you fucking cocksucking racist slimebag moron neocon motherfucker...
Which is why don't bother arguing with them much.
02-07-2007, 15:37
Which is why don't bother arguing with them much.Yeh. don't blame you. Totally unfair to be accused of sucking cock.
Yes. I admit it. It was too tempting.
Personally, I think people are overreacting a little. I guess I have noticed that people seem to be more highly-strung recently, but it's been going on for what, a week, maybe, and we already have some departures and people asking where has all the love gone, and what have we become. Like Nazz said, it's just a phase. NSG will grow out of it. :)
Dryks Legacy
02-07-2007, 15:52
Personally, I think people are overreacting a little. I guess I have noticed that people seem to be more highly-strung recently, but it's been going on for what, a week, maybe, and we already have some departures and people asking where has all the love gone, and what have we become. Like Nazz said, it's just a phase. NSG will grow out of it. :)
Even so. We lose good people every time this happens. :(
02-07-2007, 16:00
eeeehhhhh....I remember when all this was trees. And you could buy an iced lolly and see a moving picture show down Odeon for tuppence. The Bobbies were 6ft tall and were ever so polite. And you could leave front door open.
And you had to walk barefoot through the snow, uphill both ways, to get to the general forum.
True. I've seen it happen also, even back to the BBS dial-up days with Fidonet and such.
Wow, a dinosaur like me! :D
One would think the flames shall be less hot when you have to wait painfully long for the forum interface to load... NOT!
I was never pissed off about that. :)
I was trying to think of reasons you'd be so annoyed about people reporting stuff in moderation.
Oh, right, spam threads, right?
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 16:29
And you had to walk barefoot through the snow, uphill both ways, to get to the general forum.
ah, you had a forum! well, we had to type our letters on a typewriter, send them into a newspaper, and hope that they published our rants...
IL Ruffino
02-07-2007, 16:59
I was trying to think of reasons you'd be so annoyed about people reporting stuff in moderation.
Oh, right, spam threads, right?
I hardly have the internet connection to spam anymore.
I'll TG you later.
Greater Trostia
02-07-2007, 17:04
I feel that it's not just threads that people are immediately hostile towards.
I've found that some people begin to look at what I post, don't bother reading all the way through, and jump to conclusions about what I believe (with their conclusion being so far out of line with what I believe and have posted that it's not even funny), and they IMMEDIATELY post:
Which is why don't bother arguing with them much.
Right. So far out of line with what you've posted. You mean like when you said killing Muslims was better than orgasm? Or hey, how about when you said you weren't Deep Kimchi. Or perhaps you simply mean that what you believe and what you post are two different things because you are - and have admitted to being - nothing but a troll.
Definitely small-violin material there.
02-07-2007, 17:19
No, when people post in a thread that somehow, I hate homosexuals, even when I've made it very, very clear that I don't.
Why do you hate Homos?
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 17:19
Right. So far out of line with what you've posted. You mean like when you said killing Muslims was better than orgasm? Or hey, how about when you said you weren't Deep Kimchi. Or perhaps you simply mean that what you believe and what you post are two different things because you are - and have admitted to being - nothing but a troll.
Definitely small-violin material there.
No, when people post in a thread that somehow, I hate homosexuals, even when I've made it very, very clear that I don't.
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 17:23
Why do you hate Homos?
When did you stop beating your mom?
02-07-2007, 17:30
When did you stop beating your mom?
Ahhh no I asked you first!
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 17:32
Ahhh no I asked you first!
It's not that I hate homos - it's just that if I'm going to try it, I'm not going to give someone a reacharound...
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 17:33
What's funny is that the online quiz I made was failed by so many people who thought they knew me...
02-07-2007, 17:33
It's not that I hate homos - it's just that if I'm going to try it, I'm not going to give someone a reacharound...
Bwhahah well then I guess in the interest of fairness. I stop beating my Mum once she gives me the fuckin' money!
Greater Trostia
02-07-2007, 17:45
No, when people post in a thread that somehow, I hate homosexuals, even when I've made it very, very clear that I don't.
Since you've shown your capacity and willingness to lie, anything you assert can be questioned.
02-07-2007, 18:34
Even so. We lose good people every time this happens. :(
Which goes back to it being cyclical.
We notice more n00b posts in the summer and for spring break and winter holidays -- when school's over and immature new posters flood in.
02-07-2007, 18:38
I SAY NUKE"M FROM ORBIT!!! JUST TO BE SURE!!!!!:sniper::mp5::gundge::upyours::mad::cool::sniper:
Which goes back to it being cyclical.
We notice more n00b posts in the summer and for spring break and winter holidays -- when school's over and immature new posters flood in.
I would like to think that some of them actually grow up here. :cool:
02-07-2007, 18:39
I would like to think that some of them actually grow up here. :cool:
Some do.
Some we eat for lunch. ;)
Brutland and Norden
02-07-2007, 18:57
Some do.
Some we eat for lunch. ;)
*in a trembling voice*
Um, Kat... is that my left leg you are munching on?
Remote Observer
02-07-2007, 19:00
One of the reasons there is so much smack talk in this forum is that other than being deated, there is no other effect.
If you aren't deated, you can say anything you like, ad infinitum.
Contrast this with a true MMORPG, like Eve Online.
If you talk enough smack there, people show up and blow up your ship, your stations, your friends, and kill you over and over again in-game.
It can be very expensive talking smack there.
Unfortunately, NS is not a good simulation - there are no "real" wars with any "real" consequences, so nothing happens to you unless a mod decides to deat you.
02-07-2007, 19:05
I would like to think that some of them actually grow up here. :cool:
Some of us do...when I first started here back in the day, I made my share of mistakes (granted, I was never a troll or anything like that...just not a very good poster)
So I made a new name, and here we are today.
02-07-2007, 19:05
One of the reasons there is so much smack talk in this forum is that other than being deated, there is no other effect.
If you aren't deated, you can say anything you like, ad infinitum.
Contrast this with a true MMORPG, like Eve Online.
If you talk enough smack there, people show up and blow up your ship, your stations, your friends, and kill you over and over again in-game.
It can be very expensive talking smack there.
Unfortunately, NS is not a good simulation - there are no "real" wars with any "real" consequences, so nothing happens to you unless a mod decides to deat you.
You can always lose your dign--no, nevermind. You're right.
02-07-2007, 19:23
*in a trembling voice*
Um, Kat... is that my left leg you are munching on?
*refrains from crude cannibal joke* ;)
Um, naw, why would I munch on you? I don't think any of us Mod Squadders has had to officially warn you.
*refrains from crude cannibal joke* ;)
Um, naw, why would I munch on you? I don't think any of us Mod Squadders has had to officially warn you.
Have I been warned? I know I got a two week forum ban, but can never remember a warning.
02-07-2007, 19:34
Have I been warned? I know I got a two week forum ban, but can never remember a warning.
Your memory is better than mine for things like this.
Things have been okay for me so far. I have some friends on here, I've had some fairly popular threads (and taken part in some) and I try to steer clear of the debates that I know are going to be terrible. The game always changes, I guess you have to know how to play it...or get around it. :)
*still <3s NSG*
Pure Metal
02-07-2007, 21:54
I was gonna TG you and see if you knew...I haven't seen him in a wicked long time
I definatly agree. You, glitz, kanabia, Straughn, Peech, another completely different extent, sandy...all gone or here very rarely...
I mean, I've been wicked busy recently and just haven't had much time to post, but recently, I have had the option to post or go do some other tasks, and I've picked the other tasks. The people I could just be bored with are mainly gone (some are still here fairly often), and so all there is is debate. As much as I can enjoy that, it can get old.
As I said in moderation, I don't know if it is just that we don't make the same threads anymore, that the "old guard" has left, or if the mods are different (or a mix of the 3), but something has definatly changed.
how are things with glitz, by the way? been a while since I've seen you guys around here.
oh things are great with us... don't know if you saw but we celebrated our anniversary in amsterdam :) and we're still very much together. going on holiday again to south France in a month or so, too :D she's really busy at the mo with exams and that, but she's doing great :fluffle:
been busy myself as well. that's part of the reason i haven't posted here much lately.
how's you dude?
*still <3s NSG*
me too :)
03-07-2007, 00:11
*heartlessly slaps thread around*
*heartlessly slaps thread around*
Oh yes ma'am, thank you ma'am, may I have anoth... huh? oh sorry, drifted off there for a moment... :p
Things have been okay for me so far. I have some friends on here, I've had some fairly popular threads (and taken part in some) and I try to steer clear of the debates that I know are going to be terrible. The game always changes, I guess you have to know how to play it...or get around it. :)
*still <3s NSG*
But haven't you noticed the game getting smaller? I mean there are hardly any more spam mega threads.
The kids today with all the flaming and the rudeness and such.
The kids today with all the flaming and the rudeness and such.
:upyours: Hey go screw a moose you stupid bast...I mean, yah, stupid rude flamers! :p
03-07-2007, 02:21
oh things are great with us... don't know if you saw but we celebrated our anniversary in amsterdam :) and we're still very much together. going on holiday again to south France in a month or so, too :D she's really busy at the mo with exams and that, but she's doing great :fluffle: -snip-
That's cool. Glad to hear it. :p
Dryks Legacy
03-07-2007, 05:49
*still <3s NSG*
Of course, it's not bad enough to hate yet, a lot of the people in it are just annoying. Like how I still love my house even though the walls are more than likely filled with cockroaches.
Nobel Hobos
03-07-2007, 06:47
One of the reasons there is so much smack talk in this forum is that other than being deated, there is no other effect.
If you aren't deated, you can say anything you like, ad infinitum.
Contrast this with a true MMORPG, like Eve Online.
If you talk enough smack there, people show up and blow up your ship, your stations, your friends, and kill you over and over again in-game.
It can be very expensive talking smack there.
Unfortunately, NS is not a good simulation - there are no "real" wars with any "real" consequences, so nothing happens to you unless a mod decides to deat you.
This last paragraph was kind of crazy. Are you saying that NSG isn't a good forum because NS isn't a real game?
There seems to be very little connection between the two. NS is a sort of feeder for NSG, that's about it. Just look at what happens to people who talk about "their nation" here ....
No, I think the problem (if there even IS one, I'm not convinced) is probably something that all discussion forums open to the 'net at large have.
"THE most hateful"? I really don't think so. I can think of quite a few that shared that title and it wasn't Undelia.
Well, I have been here for over 3 years now and I think it has changed a lot. There are too many thin skinned posters running to the Mods these days and way too many puppets. Certainly the level of debate has declined significantly in the past year and a half......
Y HALO CANUCK! Long time no see. :)
But haven't you noticed the game getting smaller? I mean there are hardly any more spam mega threads.
That's because the basta....esteemed moderators either delete them or move them to the spam forum on Jolt.
And spam brings the world together.
So we can conclude the moderators are involved in a conspiracy to divide the NSG population. :eek:
Smoking Man, where art thou?
03-07-2007, 08:01
oh things are great with us... don't know if you saw but we celebrated our anniversary in amsterdam :) and we're still very much together. going on holiday again to south France in a month or so, too :D she's really busy at the mo with exams and that, but she's doing great :fluffle:*is jealous*
I wish I was close to so many different countries. Although, I guess being close to Provincetown, NYC, Providence, Burlington, Toronto, etc is kinda similar... Tell her good luck on the exams, and congrats on the anniversary.
been busy myself as well. that's part of the reason i haven't posted here much lately.
how's you dude?I've been wicked busy myself...I was taking 2 summer courses combined with working at a place that doesn't close untill 2 AM...sleep became vital, so I drifted off a bit
All in all, I can't complain. I'm living in Boston full time now, with only a few weekends to my parents here and there...getting ready to start my senior year of uni, and totally not ready to graduate...haha
I miss the white text... ;-)
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 08:21
I hardly have the internet connection to spam anymore.
I'll TG you later.
TG sent, BTW.
Also, Jesus Christ, Sark! Boston has brainwashed you.
03-07-2007, 08:26
TG sent, BTW.
Also, Jesus Christ, Sark! Boston has brainwashed you. has it brainwashed me? I've always loved it. And the offer still stands for me to get you to love it too.
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 08:50 has it brainwashed me? I've always loved it. And the offer still stands for me to get you to love it too.
I'm sure the weather was awesome this week. If I could get up there..
I wouldn't even have to worry about where I'd stay..
I can't get up there. :(
EDIT: And you're "wickedly" brainwashed.
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
I've been here longer than you, and I'd just like to say:
If anything, the forum is more tame now than when I first joined. Maybe the mods are more vigilant, maybe the rules are more strictly enforced, or maybe we've just got more mellow people around. But whatever the reason, this place is quiet as hell compared to what I remember from the days of the Stormfront Legions and folks like Marathon.
03-07-2007, 21:00
I'm sure the weather was awesome this week. If I could get up there..
I wouldn't even have to worry about where I'd stay..
I can't get up there. :(
EDIT: And you're "wickedly" brainwashed.
I like the word wicked :(
and I've used it my entire life ;)
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 21:02
I like the word wicked :(
and I've used it my entire life ;)
You drank the water. :(
And again yet another day I'm sure I would have liked in Boston.
EDIT: Wait, all those tourists? Eh.
03-07-2007, 21:13
Not really. It's not like anyone who isn't breaking the rules is punished.
Lawlz! So if I haven't done anything wrong I have nothing to fear?
Nothing except - presumably - arbitrary persecution by a handful of contemptible little quislings who drag their brown tongues snivelling off to moderation every time someone offends their authoritarian sense of groupthink?
It is to laugh.
03-07-2007, 21:21
I think it's really the lack of just... chatting, creating bonds, friendly casual threads. I know sometimes they can cross the line to spam and there have been periods where it's gotten ridiculous. But knowing what was going on in each others lives, friendly flirting and joking around, chatting about random stuff, banter and word play...that's all gone really.
We had a fairly caring fun environment where you could be involved in a debate about socialism, plus be giving advice on someone's relationship problems, swapping innuendo, celebrating someone's marriage anniversary, and discussing the wonders of cake. Debate's great but... the thing that gave NS its spark is gone. You can go anywhere for a debate.
I think it's a mix of posters leaving, plus some mod stuff. The most recent thing stuck in my head is getting my birthday thread for PM moved to spam before it even hit a page. Yeah, it's not a discussion. But what harm does it do to have one thread where people can show some care for a well-liked poster, chat a bit, joke a bit, catch up with friends...?
So many times I'd like to post a thread seeing how people are, or something a bit silly, or just something friendly and chatty, but I know it'd get moved to spam.
But the threads which made NS so lovely have got lumped in with crappy spam threads and have been lost.
Tis sad :(
That's cool. Glad to hear it. :p
:-) :fluffle:
how are things with glitz, by the way? been a while since I've seen you guys around here.
well, aren't you sweet? :p
as Huw said, I'm doing fine... busy with college, busy with Huw, busy with having a halfdecent life (woo :p) :) basically, busy but enjoying it :) especially all the learning, being the geek I am :P
tell her good luck on the exams, and congrats on the anniversary.
Hehe, thanks :) exams over, and think they went well... cross your fingers for me!
I've been wicked busy myself...I was taking 2 summer courses combined with working at a place that doesn't close untill 2 AM...sleep became vital, so I drifted off a bit
All in all, I can't complain. I'm living in Boston full time now, with only a few weekends to my parents here and there...getting ready to start my senior year of uni, and totally not ready to graduate...haha
I miss the white text... ;-)
Woah... sounds busy... have a fluffle! :fluffle: Glad to hear things are generally okay :)
I miss it too! Ah... *reminisces and sighs...*
03-07-2007, 21:52
You drank the water. :(
And again yet another day I'm sure I would have liked in Boston.
EDIT: Wait, all those tourists? Eh.
Trust me...there aren't many tourists in the Allston/Brighton neighborhood where I live.
well, aren't you sweet? :p
as Huw said, I'm doing fine... busy with college, busy with Huw, busy with having a halfdecent life (woo :p) :) basically, busy but enjoying it :) especially all the learning, being the geek I am :P
Hehe, thanks :) exams over, and think they went well... cross your fingers for me!
Woah... sounds busy... have a fluffle! :fluffle: Glad to hear things are generally okay :)
I miss it too! Ah... *reminisces and sighs...*Glad to hear all is going well
Good times for all. maybe it is time to bring it back.
03-07-2007, 21:56
Glad to hear all is going well
Good times for all. maybe it is time to bring it back.
Ta :)
Perhaps we need a revival.... summer hols coming up soon? *plots*
Perhpas I need to start giving out tacos more often. I have been slacking on the tacos lately... *rubs chin thoughtfully*
We need more than tacos.
And what's this about a word-game? Whoever said it, I agree. XD
I think it's really the lack of just... chatting, creating bonds, friendly casual threads. I know sometimes they can cross the line to spam and there have been periods where it's gotten ridiculous. But knowing what was going on in each others lives, friendly flirting and joking around, chatting about random stuff, banter and word play...that's all gone really.
Yeah. Even though I wasn't involved until the very end of the era (thanks be to TSI introducing me to it), it'd kinda sad to see it go (since I talk to TSI, Drache, et al on MSN yet ;) )
We had a fairly caring fun environment where you could be involved in a debate about socialism, plus be giving advice on someone's relationship problems, swapping innuendo, celebrating someone's marriage anniversary, and discussing the wonders of cake
In the same thread. :D
So many times I'd like to post a thread seeing how people are, or something a bit silly, or just something friendly and chatty, but I know it'd get moved to spam.
But the threads which made NS so lovely have got lumped in with crappy spam threads and have been lost.
Tis sad :(
*gives two flowers*
03-07-2007, 22:02
Oh, noes!
/Was probably beaten to it already, but I am not reading the thread, so there.
Deus Malum
03-07-2007, 22:13
Oh, noes!
/Was probably beaten to it already, but I am not reading the thread, so there.
...I miss having a PS2 I could play those games on. Still holding out for KH3
03-07-2007, 22:38
Yeah. Even though I wasn't involved until the very end of the era (thanks be to TSI introducing me to it), it'd kinda sad to see it go (since I talk to TSI, Drache, et al on MSN yet ;) )
I haven't been here through all of it, and have been a bit of a lurker, but it's sad to see the place that was so lovely, and where I have many happy memories involving me and PM getting together :), fading away...
In the same thread. :D
*gives two flowers*
Awwww :p :fluffle:
*gives one back*
Dryks Legacy
03-07-2007, 23:24
I think it's really the lack of just... chatting, creating bonds, friendly casual threads. I know sometimes they can cross the line to spam and there have been periods where it's gotten ridiculous. But knowing what was going on in each others lives, friendly flirting and joking around, chatting about random stuff, banter and word play...that's all gone really.
I hate that too. And not only is that a lot of the fun gone. It's part of what's making people yell at each more.
03-07-2007, 23:40
Eh. This sort of thing happens. Generally, in my experience, there's a cycle about every three or so years, regardless of the forum, although forums with lots of posts per member generally go faster than that. From what I've seen we'll probably be back to the more pleasant stuff in around a year.
03-07-2007, 23:45
Eh. This sort of thing happens. Generally, in my experience, there's a cycle about every three or so years, regardless of the forum, although forums with lots of posts per member generally go faster than that. From what I've seen we'll probably be back to the more pleasant stuff in around a year.
A year. :eek::(
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 23:49
A year. :eek::(
Oh fuck that! I am not waiting that long..
03-07-2007, 23:49
A year. :eek::(
Does this mean I can randomly insult people for the next 12 months?
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 23:50
Does this mean I can randomly insult people for the next 12 months?
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 23:51
Trust me...there aren't many tourists in the Allston/Brighton neighborhood where I live.
Fine fine, I'll catch the next train.
I haven't been here through all of it, and have been a bit of a lurker, but it's sad to see the place that was so lovely, and where I have many happy memories involving me and PM getting together :), fading away...
Awwww :p :fluffle:
*gives one back*
Then it loses its meaning, but okay. :p
03-07-2007, 23:53
Does this mean I can randomly insult people for the next 12 months?
Well, you better start. Time flies!
03-07-2007, 23:53
Yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah.
IL Ruffino
03-07-2007, 23:56
Yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah.
03-07-2007, 23:56
Well, you better start. Time flies!
You smell like pee pee.
Sane Outcasts
03-07-2007, 23:56
Eh. This sort of thing happens. Generally, in my experience, there's a cycle about every three or so years, regardless of the forum, although forums with lots of posts per member generally go faster than that. From what I've seen we'll probably be back to the more pleasant stuff in around a year.
It might be a little longer than that, considering the election in 2008. If the board then is anything like it was in 2004, the debates will be heated enough to melt the servers.
04-07-2007, 00:05
You smell like pee pee.:mp5::mp5:
04-07-2007, 00:08
I think little man one would do better in this fight if he turned round and actually faced little man two.
04-07-2007, 00:09
I think little man one would do better in this fight if he turned round and actually faced little man two.
Did you forget to put on your 3D glasses again?
04-07-2007, 00:11
A year. :eek::(
Well, if we post way more we'd speed up the process.
04-07-2007, 00:12
Did you forget to put on your 3D glasses again?
*Puts them on*
I didn't see the purple space dinosaur behind them!
04-07-2007, 00:13
Well, if we post way more we'd speed up the process.
I like the way your mind works. :D
*Puts them on*
I didn't see the purple space dinosaur behind them!
Honey, did you partake of teh drugs again?
04-07-2007, 00:15
No, but I have lots of paint in my hair. :)
Excellent. :)
04-07-2007, 00:15
Honey, did you partake of teh drugs again?
No, but I have lots of paint in my hair. :)
04-07-2007, 00:16
It's the time warp!
I haven't posted in so long I forgot all about the time warp.
Ah, the memories. *sniffle*
04-07-2007, 00:18
It's the time warp!
I haven't posted in so long I forgot all about the time warp.
Ah, the memories. *sniffle*
It's just a jump to the left...
You smell like pee pee.
Wash your mouth out with soap! Seriously, why would you say something like that?! Think of the children!
You smell like pee pee.
This amuses me. That is all.
04-07-2007, 01:33
I've been here longer than you, and I'd just like to say:
If anything, the forum is more tame now than when I first joined. Maybe the mods are more vigilant, maybe the rules are more strictly enforced, or maybe we've just got more mellow people around. But whatever the reason, this place is quiet as hell compared to what I remember from the days of the Stormfront Legions and folks like Marathon.
I'll agree with Bottle here, although I also find it moderately amusing that the people who other posters are referring to as "General Forum royalty" are generally different than the General royalty that I remember from 2003 and the days before Jolt. Times change, and with them the people that post to a specific forum.
I'll agree with Bottle here, although I also find it moderately amusing that the people who other posters are referring to as "General Forum royalty" are generally different than the General royalty that I remember from 2003 and the days before Jolt. Times change, and with them the people that post to a specific forum.
ZOMG it's Goobergunch!
Oooooh, ooooh, sign my chest!
04-07-2007, 02:52
Ta :)
Perhaps we need a revival.... summer hols coming up soon? *plots*
oh, it shall happen.
I is subtle.
see? This type of thread is what has been lacking.
Big Jim P
04-07-2007, 06:30
I've been around awhile, and all I can say is nothing ever really seems to change. Just the names of the posters.
I am actually looking forward to our annual summer crop of trolls and nazis. It's always fun watching them make asses of themselves.
Secret aj man
04-07-2007, 06:34
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
you have to be politically correct,or did not you know that?
i have a heart,and believe me it is a good heart.i hope you have a great life,many here are hell bent on dagging you down,many want to uplift you..your choice
The Brevious
05-07-2007, 00:30
Really, it has.
Now, I've only been here for two years, but I remember a time when there was a sense of cordiality, and often a sense of friendship amongst a great many of the forum goers here. Now, I don't claim to have ever been apart of this group, and I admit that at times they got on my nerves, but they were an important part of what made this space on the internet so unique.
It seems though, that ever since the mods started locking threads because they felt that the OPs should "get a blog" the average poster seems to have become increasingly more inconsiderate and hostile to certain kinds of threads.
I mean, I was under the impression that this was a "General Chat" forum. I was also under the impression that "General Chat" didn't just include one's opinions on various political, social and cultural issues.
I mean really, folks. What would TIN or Tink think of what this forum has become?
Where's tha love?
I think we've just had some run with some excellent troll activity, and now, since Forrest is gone or at least so incognito that no one does a lot of imagining of him in speedos on a bike, slappin' people with trout ... well, we all lost a little bit of ourselves.
Maybe you're just being too picky?