What are you, Republican, Democrat, or Independent?
So what are you Republican, Democrat, or Independent?
30-06-2007, 05:19
You'll grow out of it.
You'll grow out of it.
No I won't.
30-06-2007, 05:22
I'm a Libertarian.
30-06-2007, 05:30
No I won't.
au contraire mon ami.
I think that north american union deal is fairly well done. As my mother said, one day I went to bed as an Englishwoman, and when I woke up I was an European.
au contraire mon ami.
I think that north american union deal is fairly well done. As my mother said, one day I went to bed as an Englishwoman, and when I woke up I was an European.
One day I went to bed Canadian, woke up American, and went to bed European.
The Black Forrest
30-06-2007, 05:40
I'm a drunkard.
30-06-2007, 05:43
One day I went to bed Canadian, woke up American, and went to bed European.
Ha. See I told you would grow out of it.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
30-06-2007, 05:44
Inderepublicrat. :p
Seriously though, Republican-leaning independent. :)
30-06-2007, 05:44
I'm stoned.
Independent Democrat - capital "I", capital "D"....like Joe Lieberman :D
Sol Giuldor
30-06-2007, 05:47
Hardcore Republican, borderline fascist
British Londinium
30-06-2007, 05:48
Despite caring about politics, apathetic towards all three political groups. Stupid American populist parties, they can't even have a party manifesto.
South Lorenya
30-06-2007, 05:49
Pro-Clinton, Anti-Bush Democrat.
Ha. See I told you would grow out of it.
Shit outwitted again.
30-06-2007, 06:00
Shit outwitted again.
If only we could turn this power for evil....... oh wait.
If only we could turn this power for evil....... oh wait.
You're not going to make me rob banks for you, are you?
30-06-2007, 06:08
You're not going to make me rob banks for you, are you?
Nah. To be honest I would get bored halfway through. Frankly, I would be a shit evil genius.
Anyway, if you want to rob banks, the Chicago board of trade lets you do it legally every day.
I suppose I am an independent. I despise the American political system and refuse play along with it.
30-06-2007, 17:32
Don't vote independent you idiots! Voting for a third party gives republicans too much of a chance!!
30-06-2007, 17:42
So what are you Republican, Democrat, or Independent?
What? No "other" other option? :p Your choices stink!
I'm a socialist.
30-06-2007, 18:47
I'm a "watermelon Green". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_politics#Currents In other words I'm an eco-socialist who votes for Green party candidates. Greens don't usually get elected though. It's not easy being Green.:rolleyes:
30-06-2007, 18:54
Don't vote independent you idiots! Voting for a third party gives republicans too much of a chance!!
That's not necessarily true. In the last gubertorial election in my homestate of Ohio, I voted for the Green, Bob Fitrakis. The Democrat, Ted Strickland, won anyway.
30-06-2007, 19:00
- Pro-free enterprise, economic conservative
- Social moderate
New Genoa
30-06-2007, 19:04
Anti-socialist liberal.
30-06-2007, 19:23
isn't that an oxymoron?
(anti-socialist liberal)
30-06-2007, 19:24
...unless by "liberal" you mean, of course, "classical liberal"... in which case both Repubs and Dems fit under that rather large pro-democracy umbrella.
30-06-2007, 19:27
or... you could be an antisocial liberal
just playing
Cranhadan Selective
30-06-2007, 19:28
Conservative Republican.
30-06-2007, 19:28
I am a capitalist libertarian minarchist.
Cranhadan Selective
30-06-2007, 19:30
Nah. To be honest I would get bored halfway through. Frankly, I would be a shit evil genius.
Anyway, if you want to rob banks, the Chicago board of trade lets you do it legally every day.
Not shit .. Just not a hands-on evil genius.
New Genoa
30-06-2007, 19:31
isn't that an oxymoron?
(anti-socialist liberal)
Not all liberals favor outright socialism...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_liberalism
So capitalist-leaning social liberal sound better? Either that or moderate libertarian.
30-06-2007, 19:32
I am a pirate (http://www.pirate-party.us)! Not in that party however but in the German Piratenpartei (http://www.piratenpartei.de)
30-06-2007, 19:34
Not all liberals favor outright socialism...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_liberalism
So capitalist-leaning social liberal sound better?
i know that... socialism can be measured by degree (taxation as one variable, redistribution of said taxation another, etc.)
New Genoa
30-06-2007, 19:40
i know that... socialism can be measured by degree (taxation as one variable, redistribution of said taxation another, etc.)
Socialism advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.[1] This control may be direct, exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils; or indirect, exercised on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by worker ownership of the means of production, or communal ownership through the state.
I don't really measure socialism in degrees, except it's either socialist or outright communist.
Toten Sie
30-06-2007, 19:57
I'm a communist. A proud one at that.
30-06-2007, 20:21
I think I am apt to consider myself a libertarian republican. The republican party is evil but at least there seems to be some philosophical agreement with the ideal of small government. The libertarians are a bit too far out there for my tastes.
30-06-2007, 20:21
I don't associate with any particular registered political party, though I am a registered Democrat for the sole purpose of voting in the primaries. I describe my politics as Moderate (for some reason Independent seems to carry a negative connotation with it). On most issues I see a comprise, a way to please both sides of the aisle if they would just get their heads out of their asses.
Nouvelle Wallonochia
30-06-2007, 20:26
I'm an antifederalist social democrat. I vote Libertarian in Federal elections and Green in state elections. Of course, in a particularly close race I care about I'll vote for a major party (Democrats lately).
30-06-2007, 20:40
Has everyone here (or anyone...) taken the political compass test?
(X/Y-axes graph showing your result with a dot in one of the quadrants)
30-06-2007, 20:50
Has everyone here (or anyone...) taken the political compass test?
(X/Y-axes graph showing your result with a dot in one of the quadrants)
Probably almost everyone.
Toten Sie
30-06-2007, 21:01
I took that test. It said I'm a Libertarian Left
Economic Left/Right: -6.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.49
30-06-2007, 21:33
Economic Left/Right: 6.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64
That is fairly close to Milton Friedman on the graph -- economic liberty, moderate on the social/authoritarian scale (slightly on the side of freedom there).