An easier way for the German Army to backpack through Europe.
Ferrous Oxide
29-06-2007, 19:26
BERLIN, Germany (Reuters) -- Germany and Denmark agreed on Friday to build a 20 kilometer (12.5 mile) bridge linking the two countries across the Baltic Sea in what would be one of the largest infrastructure projects undertaken in Europe.
German Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee and his Danish counterpart Flemming Hansen said the countries had reached an agreement on the project, which is due to cost about 5.6 billion euros ($7.53 billion), most of which Denmark will shoulder.
"This bridge joining nations ought not just to significantly reduce driving time between Hamburg and Copenhagen, it's also very important for transport routes in all of Europe," Tiefensee said, adding the bridge should be completed by 2018.
Any citizens of those countries, have an opinion?
IMO, it's a bit of a waste of money. Can't you just go through land Denmark, then cross there?
29-06-2007, 19:49
Step 1 - Build the bridges.
Step 2 - Send Panzers.
Step 3 - Profit!
New Limacon
29-06-2007, 19:59
IMO, it's a bit of a waste of money. Can't you just go through land Denmark, then cross there?
I agree. Especially since Denmark is, to put it bluntly, pretty small. I know traffic and such can slow travel, but Denmark also has a pretty good public transportation system.
I live in denmark and all they do is wasting money.
Call to power
29-06-2007, 20:59
IMO, it's a bit of a waste of money. Can't you just go through land Denmark, then cross there?
that adds a few hours on though and a few hours is why steam trains can't compete with planes!
plus it saves on traveling in Northern Germany :p
I live in denmark and all they do is wasting money.
who? the Germans?
German Nightmare
29-06-2007, 21:02
Any citizens of those countries, have an opinion?
IMO, it's a bit of a waste of money. Can't you just go through land Denmark, then cross there?
Yeah. What the fuck does the German army have to do with building a bridge, huh?
Thoughtless Attack
29-06-2007, 21:11
They should just save there lose change and buy a f15 jet and fly over the terrain instead. why is this even on here anyway, its not even a good subject.:headbang:
Call to power
29-06-2007, 21:18
Yeah. What the fuck does the German army have to do with building a bridge, huh?
are you against the German army having a delightful friendly backpacking visit to Denmark? (I hear they have good cheese you' know) :p
who? the Germans?I think he meant the (danish)politicians that have decided a bridge would be a great idea. The germans get all the benefit of the bridge at practically no cost, just so Flemming Hansen can have a nice little legacy. The independent studies I've seen in the newspapers have shown that the bridge will be a huge waste of resources, so I can see no other reason than the legacy one. The best we can hope for is that alot of traffic will be diverted over this bridge to we can have some cleaner air in Jutland. :D
are you against the German army having a delightful friendly backpacking visit to Denmark? (I hear they have good cheese you' know) :pWell, it would leave Germany complete defenseless against the new crazy polish leaders. German + beach = drowning german, and with the entire german army here, the lifeguard would have no way to rescue them all. And if the poles take over Germany, danes will have to learn a whole new language when the go south of the border for some cheap beer :p
The Blaatschapen
29-06-2007, 21:58
German + beach = drowning german
You obviously never went to the dutch coasts during summer :p Lots of germans, digging, not drowning :D
The Infinite Dunes
29-06-2007, 22:23
The bridge will be between the islands of Fehmarn, Germany and Lolland, Denmark. Get google maps or something to show you where these islands are and where Hamburg and Copenhagen are all on the same map.
When looked at from such a perspective this bridge looks like it will make a lot of economic sense.
Then add in that the bridge will shorten the journey between Germany and the rest of Scandanavia and it makes more sense.
I don't think anyone on NSG ever pauses to read or consider something before spouting off their own opinion.
Linky to map (1.3mb) (
The bridge will be between the islands of Fehmarn, Germany and Lolland, Denmark. Get google maps or something to show you where these islands are and where Hamburg and Copenhagen are all on the same map.
When looked at from such a perspective this bridge looks like it will make a lot of economic sense.
German Nightmare
29-06-2007, 22:43
The bridge will be between the islands of Fehmarn, Germany and Lolland, Denmark. Get google maps or something to show you where these islands are and where Hamburg and Copenhagen are all on the same map.
When looked at from such a perspective this bridge looks like it will make a lot of economic sense.
Then add in that the bridge will shorten the journey between Germany and the rest of Scandanavia and it makes more sense.
I don't think anyone on NSG ever pauses to read or consider something before spouting off their own opinion.
Linky to map (1.3mb) (
But that would've been the obvious conclusion to draw. What did you expect here? :p
New Limacon
29-06-2007, 22:45
German + beach = drowning german
Danish and the sound a drowning German makes are actually very similar.:)
The Infinite Dunes
29-06-2007, 22:51
But that would've been the obvious conclusion to draw. What did you expect here? :pWell a priest was talking to me about the power of belief the other day, and how it can aspire people do great things. So here I am trying to have faith that NSG is rational and patient, yet still. I reckon he was bullshiting me and just wanted money for his collection plate.
The Blaatschapen
29-06-2007, 22:53
Danish and the sound a drowning German makes are actually very similar.:)
QFT, Danish is sooo weird to hear :p
29-06-2007, 22:56
The bridge has been discussed for some time now. Then somebody suggested to build a bridge between Zealand, Samsø, and Jutland (there's a link below to those unfamilar with geography of Denmark - 1.14m), and someone suddenly got very busy agreeing on a bridge to Germany. The thing is, there is quite a large difference as to how developed Eastern and Western Denmark are, with regards to infrastructure, the corporate sector, etc., and said brige between the regions could, I believe, help things improve quite a bit.
German Nightmare
30-06-2007, 00:12
Danish and the sound a drowning German makes are actually very similar.:)
Well a priest was talking to me about the power of belief the other day, and how it can aspire people do great things. So here I am trying to have faith that NSG is rational and patient, yet still. I reckon he was bullshiting me and just wanted money for his collection plate.
Dude, you've been around for long enough to simply know that NSG has never been rational, nor patient.
You should've just grabbed what you saw on that plate and made a run for it!
30-06-2007, 11:55
Wouldn't a passenger and cargo train system be better than a road system?
30-06-2007, 12:34
QFT, Danish is sooo weird to hear :p
Being Dutch, you are not allowed to comment on the sound of any language.:p
Linker Niederrhein
30-06-2007, 12:37
You obviously never went to the dutch coasts during summer :p Lots of germans, digging, not drowning :DActually...
*Recalls the school trip from... Seven years ago*
Well, two of us almost drowned. Underestimated the rising tide, ended up on their own little island, took a swim...
Makes the drowning theory sound rather feasible.
The Infinite Dunes
30-06-2007, 13:01
omg! I just found sort of weird inter-dimensional time vortex just off the coast of Denmark. Or at least that's what it looks like.
Look at 54°58'N, 11°56' E from about 15km up.
Ferrous Oxide
30-06-2007, 13:21
omg! I just found sort of weird inter-dimensional time vortex just off the coast of Denmark. Or at least that's what it looks like.
Look at 54°58'N, 11°56' E from about 15km up.
We're not cartographers, son. Little help? Linky?
The Infinite Dunes
30-06-2007, 13:36
We're not cartographers, son. Little help? Linky?Put the coordinates into google earth (only google earth, it doesn't seem to appear on google maps). :p
I went and made a jpeg. Shame on you.
30-06-2007, 13:49
They should just save there lose change and buy a f15 jet and fly over the terrain instead. why is this even on here anyway, its not even a good subject.:headbang:
Because buying F15s for everyone in the Bundeswehr would cost more than 6 billion Euros?
AB Again
30-06-2007, 14:35
Because buying F15s for everyone in the Bundeswehr would cost more than 6 billion Euros?
But they are much more useful than a static bridge. Think value for money, not just absolute cost.
When looked at from such a perspective this bridge looks like it will make a lot of economic sense. When just looking at the map it does seem to make sense, but the uselessnes of the bridge has been discussed a lot in the news. Though you never know if whoever did the study of the usefullnes of the bridge had been paid to say it would be useless, got some people in Jutland that wants every major infrastructure project to be made in Jutland, just for the hell of it. They won't rest until the entirety of Jutland has been made into a super-highway connecting Germany and Norway.
The thing is, there is quite a large difference as to how developed Eastern and Western Denmark are, with regards to infrastructure, the corporate sector, etc., and said brige between the regions could, I believe, help things improve quite a bit.It would be so much better if they made that bridge instead, experts have atleast said that it would be useful....
Well, two of us almost drowned. Underestimated the rising tide, ended up on their own little island, took a swim...
Makes the drowning theory sound rather feasible.That's usually the story of most drownings in Denmark as well, think it might be related to Germanys tiny shoreline. Germans are more used to the relative calm of lakes, not the tides and strong currents on the western side of Jutland (where they like to hang out) Must be all the old bunkers attracting them.....just kidding.:p
omg! I just found sort of weird inter-dimensional time vortex just off the coast of Denmark. Now you've done it, exposing our secret plan to take over the world with machinegun-armed vikings! You will pay for this!:mp5::mad:
omg! I just found sort of weird inter-dimensional time vortex just off the coast of Denmark. Or at least that's what it looks like.
Look at 54°58'N, 11°56' E from about 15km up.
Picture for those of us without Google Earth or whatever it is you're using here?
Also, I like this idea. Of course, build a bridge between Eastern and Western Denmark as well, but one from Denmark to Germany would really help transportation for the entire continent.
The Infinite Dunes
30-06-2007, 23:31
Picture for those of us without Google Earth or whatever it is you're using here?
Also, I like this idea. Of course, build a bridge between Eastern and Western Denmark as well, but one from Denmark to Germany would really help transportation for the entire continent.the picture was a mere two posts later... have thou no patience?
the picture was a mere two posts later... have thou no patience?
It didn't load at the time so I didn't see it.
New new nebraska
01-07-2007, 02:29
[it's a bit of a waste of money. Can't you just go through land Denmark, then cross there?
I live in the US so it really doesn't effect me but A) Yes, you can go from Denmark to Germany via land and B) Why don't they do that Bridge/tunnel thing they did in Chesapeke Bay so boats can pass overe the tunnel part?
It seems like the Europeans excel in wasting money on big projects. The Italians are building that bridge in the Strait of Messina, undoubtedly filled with thriving metropolises. The Greeks are also building a bridge on the Gulf of Corinth, which has questionable necessity. I don't even know if Greece can really afford it right now, seeing their debt and all.
Copiosa Scotia
01-07-2007, 05:29
QFT, Danish is sooo weird to hear :p
It's no picnic to try and speak either.
I do hope they don't shut down the ferry from Denmark to Germany once they get the bridge built. I really enjoyed the ferry.
The Infinite Dunes
01-07-2007, 11:44
It didn't load at the time so I didn't see it.A likely story. Show me a crowd and I can point you out a natural born fibber in two seconds flat. And you sir, are a natural born fibber (
The Blaatschapen
01-07-2007, 14:11
Being Dutch, you are not allowed to comment on the sound of any language.:p
Why? :p What's so nasty about our language?
01-07-2007, 16:14
Why? :p What's so nasty about our language?
I'm not exactly implying that it is nasty, it just sounds, well.... interesting - when one tries to pronounce it, and even more so when you hear native speakers.
I guess the pronunciation is just a challenge to be overcome when learning the stuff :p
The Lone Alliance
01-07-2007, 18:04
Still a better Idea than Ted Steven's Alaska bridge to nowhere.
What the heck is that? I mean I'm sure it they didn't photo all parts of the area at the same time but still. WTF?
01-07-2007, 22:24
What the heck is that? I mean I'm sure it they didn't photo all parts of the area at the same time but still. WTF?
My guess is that the green colour is algae, and the sharply defined line south of Vordingborg is caused by ships passing through the inlet, affecting the algae concentration in their wake.
Another guess is that differences in the water depth causes different temperatures, which again affects the algae concentration.
It might just be different pictures pasted together, or it may be something completely different. More theories, anyone?
EDIT: Ok, I just had another look at the picture, and it seems that the water just around the bridges and at the coast is of a completely different colour than the rest. That is just plain strange.
The Infinite Dunes
01-07-2007, 23:56
My guess is that the green colour is algae, and the sharply defined line south of Vordingborg is caused by ships passing through the inlet, affecting the algae concentration in their wake.
Another guess is that differences in the water depth causes different temperatures, which again affects the algae concentration.
It might just be different pictures pasted together, or it may be something completely different. More theories, anyone?
EDIT: Ok, I just had another look at the picture, and it seems that the water just around the bridges and at the coast is of a completely different colour than the rest. That is just plain strange.My first guess as to the difference in colour is the level of the tide. At a higher sea level there will be more water to dilute any silt or sand suspended in the water and decrease the amount of light reflected off the sea bed (if any). The net result is that a deeper sea appears bluer whilst a shallower sea appears greener and eventually transparent.
The difference in colour around the the bridge and land is very sharp, and so I suspect the the difference between the two colours there is because the photographs were taken at different times (allowing for a difference in sea level).
What gets be is the difference in colour between the whitish semi-circle and the dark green below it. Maybe it's a reflection of the sun. But why does the bottom edge have a jagged edge then? It doesn't look as if it's the edge of the photograph. Very confusing.
Link to google maps ('N%2C%2011%C2%B056'%20E) <- change to satelite view and zoom in by one level.
This also gives a nice explanation of oceanic colour. (
German Nightmare
02-07-2007, 17:55
Who needs bridges anyway?
We got Rocketmen. *nods*