Care to help me find some new music?
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 20:07
My playlists are getting very sparse, and I have a shiny new mp3 player, so I was hoping someone could suggest songs or bands that I will likely like. My favorite songs and the reasons for them are below:
Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms. The style of this song is very much what I love. It's slow, beautiful, extremely well written, and seems to actually be about something that matters. Also, it has a beautiful guitar solo that is quite similar to what seems to appeal to me.
Pink Floyd - High Hopes. The lyrics of this song are without doubt the most magnificent of anything I have ever heard. The song is flawlessly crafted, and the guitar solo is one of the saddest and most beautiful I have ever had the pleasure of hearing.
Pink Floyd - Sorrow. The beginning of this song is full of such power you just stand in awe of it. I've had experiences listening to this song that tie me to it extremely tightly. It was one of the songs that inspired me to work on my writing, and also influenced the mood of it as well.
Pink Floyd - Time. The solo is magnificent. One note near the end of it bends for such an impossible amount of time it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. The lyrics are also, of course, incredible.
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb. Yes, another Pink Floyd song - see what I mean? I need to differentiate a bit. The solo, once again, is what appeals to me here.
The Dandy Warhols - Sleep. This song is extremely beautiful as well.
So, illustrating my point perfectly, I am unable to think of any more songs I like that are worthy of being included with these ones. Help!
I seem to like slow, well constructed guitar solos with extreme bending, coupled with lyrics that are well written. I can't really analyse myself any better than that - perhaps someone else can?
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 20:08
*waits for someone to mock his extremely formulaic musical taste*...
Jello Biafra
28-06-2007, 20:11
If you like your songs slower, but heavy, you could try newer Neurosis, Jesu, Tool, or Isis.
For whatever reason, when I saw your list, though, Big Star jumped right out at me to suggest. I also suggest the Velvet Underground.
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 20:15
If you like your songs slower, but heavy, you could try newer Neurosis, Jesu, Tool, or Isis.
For whatever reason, when I saw your list, though, Big Star jumped right out at me to suggest. I also suggest the Velvet Underground.
Oooh.... *Googles*
Huh...Try Rasputina. It's certainly weird enough to merit suggesting. Weird, darkly humourous lyrics, set to electrically distorted cellos, with a lead singer that sounds about five years old, makes for one...interesting band.
Also, if you like alt rock, check out later Husker Du (Try Warehouse: Songs and Stories). Husker Du's lyrics are regularly on par or better than Pink Floyd's, and the music is really, really good. You know a band's cool when it can take a repetitive guitar riff and the words "New day rising" repeated over and over again, as they all sing the same words in different ways, cool.
28-06-2007, 20:31
Whats your stand on music that starts out slow and then becomes heavier and faster? And do you really care if its in a different language?
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 20:38
Whats your stand on music that starts out slow and then becomes heavier and faster? And do you really care if its in a different language?
I suppose it would depend entirely on the song... What do you have in mind? And about the different language, no, it's not a huge deal that it be in english.
28-06-2007, 20:51
I suppose it would depend entirely on the song... What do you have in mind? And about the different language, no, it's not a huge deal that it be in english.
Well, the specific song I had in mind is Dracula by Iced Earth. I suppose you might also like Melancholy, its something like Comfortably Numb, by the same band. As for the different language song, I was thinking of a Japanese song, Kataritsugu koto by Chitose Hajime. If you like slow and calm, you can't go wrong there.What do you think?
28-06-2007, 20:52
Medieval Babes
Mozart - Brandenberg Concertos
Rossini - Barber of Seville
28-06-2007, 20:55
Try Ali Project. Technically theyre classed as 'J-Pop' but they play all sorts of stuff. If you avoid the violin solos they do most of their music is great.
I'd say Dragonforce, but then I think the forum would kill me ;)
Insert Quip Here
28-06-2007, 21:00
the Breeders (
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 21:02
Well, the specific song I had in mind is Dracula by Iced Earth. I suppose you might also like Melancholy, its something like Comfortably Numb, by the same band. As for the different language song, I was thinking of a Japanese song, Kataritsugu koto by Chitose Hajime. If you like slow and calm, you can't go wrong there.What do you think?
Sounds good to me. I'll let you know what I think.
28-06-2007, 21:08
Will do.
28-06-2007, 21:13
Medieval Babes
Mozart - Brandenberg Concertos
Rossini - Barber of Seville
neither of those two people were alive for any part of the middle ages.
28-06-2007, 21:15
Morbrith and Elrinfaer
28-06-2007, 21:20
I don't know if you would personaly care for them; but my two favourite bands are Three Days Grace & Breaking Benjamin. I also enjoy Emery, Rammstein, Billy Talent, Linkin Park, Megaherz, Reliant K & Thousand Foot Krutch.
MC 900 Ft. Jesus.
Seriously. Listen to it. Techno Cool Jazz Hip Hop. With a really dry sense of humor. It's great.
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 21:29
I don't know if you would personaly care for them; but my two favourite bands are Three Days Grace & Breaking Benjamin. I also enjoy Emery, Rammstein, Billy Talent, Linkin Park, Megaherz, Reliant K & Thousand Foot Krutch.
I'll be honest with you:
Three Days Grace: Nope.
Breaking Benjamin: Nope.
Emery: Never heard of them.
Rammstein: Yeah, some of their stuff is not bad.
Billy Talent: Nope.
Link Park: Big nope, especially after they went all hip-hop.
Megaherz: Never listened to them
Reliant K: Nope.
Thousand Foot Krutch: Nope.
28-06-2007, 21:31
I don't know if you would personaly care for them; but my two favourite bands are Three Days Grace & Breaking Benjamin. I also enjoy Emery, Rammstein, Billy Talent, Linkin Park, Megaherz, Reliant K & Thousand Foot Krutch.
Do you really like this american trash music? Because you only listed one band that does not fall into this category.
28-06-2007, 21:40
By your description you sound like a Jethro Tull fan, Hunter S.
It's amazing you haven't found them yet.
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 21:48
By your description you sound like a Jethro Tull fan, Hunter S.
It's amazing you haven't found them yet.
I have, actually, but I haven't listened to that much. Actually, it's odd I haven't, because I own some LPs and really like some of it. I'll remedy that!
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 22:03
Okay, so far I've checked out:
Isis: Hmm... not really my thing. Kinda seems too screamy. EDIT: Actually, I take this back. I kept listening, and there's some good stuff here.
Big Star: Not bad, kinda fluff, less epic than Pink Floyd.
I'm checking out stuff still...
Yes, I love that song! I already have it, though. Anything else along those lines?
Save US - Feeder
T-Shirt Suntan - Stereophonics
Rock The Casbah - The Clash
London Calling - The Clash
Ghost In The Arcade - Idlewild
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 22:36
Save US - Feeder
T-Shirt Suntan - Stereophonics
Rock The Casbah - The Clash
London Calling - The Clash
Ghost In The Arcade - Idlewild
Awesome... The clash of course I've heard, but I'll look into the others when I get home.
I'm glad I could help :). All good bands and they all have a library of songs. Both Idlewild and Stereophonics have 5 albums with the Phonics new album coming out soon. Also you may like Manic Street Preachers.
The blessed Chris
28-06-2007, 22:47
erm.... the best I can do right now is tell you to listen to something other than classic rock. No offence meant, but it might be an idea to listen to something made after the 1970's;)
However, try the following (just MySpace or PureVolume them);
LostAlone; Modern Britrock. Absolutely awesome stuff.
Sabrepulse; Dance music made solely with 64 Bit, Gameboy and other such old console sounds.
Emery; I second whoever put this down. Emery rule.
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 22:56
erm.... the best I can do right now is tell you to listen to something other than classic rock. No offence meant, but it might be an idea to listen to something made after the 1970's;)
However, try the following (just MySpace or PureVolume them);
LostAlone; Modern Britrock. Absolutely awesome stuff.
Sabrepulse; Dance music made solely with 64 Bit, Gameboy and other such old console sounds.
Emery; I second whoever put this down. Emery rule.
That's kinda what I'm asking for. I'm looking for newer/indie bands that are as good as my favorites, but that I haven't heard of. Of course, it doesn't have to be new. Anything good that's similar to my tastes and I haven't heard is appreciated.
Hunter S Thompsonia
28-06-2007, 22:58
I'm glad I could help :). All good bands and they all have a library of songs. Both Idlewild and Stereophonics have 5 albums with the Phonics new album coming out soon. Also you may like Manic Street Preachers.
Huh. I never even saw you put the stereophonics. I like them. And yes, the Manic Street Preachers are awesome. Excellent calls!
Terrorist Cakes
29-06-2007, 00:05
Go to (, type in Pink Floyd (or any of your other favourites), and pepare to be amazed. Best fr.cking invention in ages.
Turquoise Days
29-06-2007, 00:16
John Fogerty played for Credence Clearwater Revival - his guitar playing is phenomenal.
Pure Metal
29-06-2007, 00:18
i recommend Testament. i don't really care if you like em or not, they just fucking rock :p
Hunter S Thompsonia
29-06-2007, 03:01
Go to (, type in Pink Floyd (or any of your other favourites), and pepare to be amazed. Best fr.cking invention in ages.
Tried it, was not impressed at all. It told me if I like Pink Floyd I may also like the Doors, Rolling Stones, etc. I mean, yeah, they're great. I'm looking for something a little less...obvious.
Hunter S Thompsonia
29-06-2007, 03:03
i recommend Testament. i don't really care if you like em or not, they just fucking rock :p
I like that attitude! :p
Try Jump Little Children. They are also known as Jump or JLC. I think you'll like them. Let me know.
29-06-2007, 03:29
Hey you said earlier that you liked Ohne Dich. Rammstein has another song you may like called Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Burns). It's a good progressive heavy rock song as well.
Also, on the note of regular/classic rock, have you heard of Beck? Good band. Girl and Broken Drum are two particularly good songs by them.
Tried it, was not impressed at all. It told me if I like Pink Floyd I may also like the Doors, Rolling Stones, etc. I mean, yeah, they're great. I'm looking for something a little less...obvious.
Pandora tends to bring up some obscure stuff.
Bodies Without Organs
29-06-2007, 03:39
Okay, so far I've checked out:
Isis: Hmm... not really my thing. Kinda seems too screamy. EDIT: Actually, I take this back. I kept listening, and there's some good stuff here.
Never really got bitten by the Isis bug myself, but one of their LP's (Oceanic?) definitely sounded like they'd been listening to a lot of WYWH era Pink Floyd.
Hunter S Thompsonia
29-06-2007, 03:58
Pandora tends to bring up some obscure stuff.
I know, but I'm in Canada and am IP blocked from accessing it! :mad:
Fucking RIAA...
Hunter S Thompsonia
29-06-2007, 03:59
Hey you said earlier that you liked Ohne Dich. Rammstein has another song you may like called Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Burns). It's a good progressive heavy rock song as well.
Also, on the note of regular/classic rock, have you heard of Beck? Good band. Girl and Broken Drum are two particularly good songs by them.
I have indeed... Broken Drum is with a Scottish band called Boards of Canada, who are actually the way I found the song. Dayvan Cowboy kicks some serious ass.
Hunter S Thompsonia
29-06-2007, 05:20
I V Stalin
29-06-2007, 08:35
*points to link in sig*
(I'm sure you can work out which one).
29-06-2007, 11:52
I'd recommend browsing and look for artists like Ehma, 16pac or just look yourself and torrent what you like. Yes, is a torrent page, no, it is not illegal, artists put their music there themselves. You will not find many well-known names there, but you will find lots of good music there.
29-06-2007, 12:30
I've currently been listening to Chris Cornell's Carry on and Silverchair's Young Modern. I'd recommend those to anyone.
29-06-2007, 13:12
By your description you sound like a Jethro Tull fan, Hunter S.
It's amazing you haven't found them yet.
If you are and you also like Pink Floyd you might like Camel an old British Band.
Jello Biafra
29-06-2007, 13:33
Silverchair's Young ModernThis doesn't sound like Diorama, does it?
Hunter S Thompsonia
29-06-2007, 17:27
Try Jump Little Children. They are also known as Jump or JLC. I think you'll like them. Let me know.
Hey... They're really good! Thank you, O Daughter of the Lightbulb!
*points to link in sig*
(I'm sure you can work out which one).
Which one would that be? The Greatest band in the world, perhaps?
I've currently been listening to Chris Cornell's Carry on and Silverchair's Young Modern. I'd recommend those to anyone.
Chris Cornell from Audioslave? They're a pretty good band - I've always liked his style of singing. I am the Highway is essentially solely his voice with very little accompaniment.
If you are and you also like Pink Floyd you might like Camel an old British Band.
Excellent, thank you! They seem to be tircky to find, though. Excellent suggestions, everyone! Thank you! Anyone else?
This doesn't sound like Diarrhoea, does it?
Hunter S Thompsonia
30-06-2007, 01:23
Hunter S Thompsonia
30-06-2007, 03:37
If you are and you also like Pink Floyd you might like Camel an old British Band.
Wow...I listened to some of their stuff and they are excellent! Thank you for the tip!
30-06-2007, 06:01
From Aphony is pretty good, but debut album doesn't release until like 3 weeks
Hunter S Thompsonia
30-06-2007, 06:11
See, now you don't know what to say.
See, now you don't know what to say.
Based on this:
I seem to like slow, well constructed guitar solos with extreme bending, coupled with lyrics that are well written. I can't really analyse myself any better than that - perhaps someone else can?
You might like this ( If you can tolerate metal, anyway, i can recommend a bunch of slow stuff, 'cause that's generally what I like.
Oh, and get yourself a copy of Sky Valley by Kyuss.
Hunter S Thompsonia
30-06-2007, 06:18
Based on this:
You might like this ( If you can tolerate metal, anyway, i can recommend a bunch of slow stuff, 'cause that's generally what I like.
Oh, and get yourself a copy of Sky Valley by Kyuss.
Thanks! :)
Thanks! :)
Oh yeah, and I get a lot of Pink Floyd vibes from the band Anathema, you might want to look into their newer stuff (older stuff is more metal oriented).
I know, but I'm in Canada and am IP blocked from accessing it! :mad:
Fucking RIAA...
Get a program or website to alter your IP. It's not hard.
Curious Inquiry
01-07-2007, 21:48
You might try this 70s prog rock band, Focus ( They came up in another thread, thought I'd mention 'em ;)
You may also like:
Buffseeds- Ran from 1999 to 2004 but only had the 1 album.
Third Eye Blind - These guys are also an excellent band and I suggest you listen to them.
I'll tell you, but it's a secret:
Coolest guitar parts ever.
02-07-2007, 16:31
I'll tell you, but it's a secret:
Coolest guitar parts ever.
Cracked Guitar Hero II with Dragonforce songs made my eyes bleed.
Cracked Guitar Hero II with Dragonforce songs made my eyes bleed.
It would be like, obscenely fast, wouldn't it? I'm going to have to go look for that on youtube. I saw one guy trying to play "War Ensemble" by Slayer. That one was ridiculous. Surprisingly, he actually got through the song.
EDIT: Wow...You're right...My eyes actually do hurt.
Hunter S Thompsonia
02-07-2007, 18:17
Get a program or website to alter your IP. It's not hard.
Yeah, but then you end up streaming flash-based music via proxy over a slow connection = fail.
Yeah, but then you end up streaming flash-based music via proxy over a slow connection = fail.
Huh. There's a couple proxies out there which don't significantly reduce your connection speed. Try a google search.
Also, try Royal Hunt.