Which Drugs Have You Used?
Remote Observer
27-06-2007, 17:18
To ascertain what kinds of drug users the people of NS General are (in line with the recent post about drug use), and in line with the recent thread that determined that most of us are INTJ personalities...
This is to get a feel for the level of experience with drug use here...
not to encourage its use.
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:24
Wot about amphetamine sulphate and magic mushrooms? Never did me any harm... flubble wubbl;)e..
Compulsive Depression
27-06-2007, 17:25
Actually, none.
I was once offered a puff on a spliff, but as just the smell of the smoke was making me feel quite ill I turned it down.
I've never really been interested, to be honest.
27-06-2007, 17:26
i have enjoyed pot for fun and relaxation.
i used oxycodone out of need; i was given some after an injury and quickly became addicted.
if you want a comparison, it's called the "white trash heroin".
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:27
so its only me who has voted so far.. I look like a right junkie!
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:30
Actually, none.
I was once offered a puff on a spliff, but as just the smell of the smoke was making me feel quite ill I turned it down.
I've never really been interested, to be honest. Bet you were a school prefect!:p
27-06-2007, 17:32
so its only me who has voted so far.. I look like a right junkie!
Annnd what did yo vote?
Okay I'll fess up then:
E, cocaine, MJ, entynox, LSD, Mushrooms, alchol, speed and methodone, mogadon,
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:32
Wait a minute, I WAS A SCHOOL PREFECT! Bloody drugs...
The Plenty
27-06-2007, 17:33
I'm going to try and be as honest and precise as possible :
I smoke pot or haschich almost daily, use ecstasy every one or two weeks (at raves and freeparties), sometimes drop acid, mushrooms or 2-CB (another psychedelic, quite similar to LSD) (about every month or so), have smoked opium and salvia a few times and tried cocaine twice (to no avail).
I stay away from alcohol, nicotine and caffeine (yup, legal drugs pretty much suck).
edt : oh yeah, i've tried amyl nitrite as well. But its pure shite.
Pure Metal
27-06-2007, 17:33
weed (lots, as you do), ecstacy, and shrooms. that's about it unless you count shitty salvia. had opportunities to try coke, LSD, K and peyote but turned em down
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:35
Annnd what did yo vote?
Okay I'll fess up then:
E, cocaine, MJ, entynox, LSD, Mushrooms, alchol, speed and methodone, mogadon, All those apart from methodone and entynox and mogodon. Don't like Barbs and methodone is stupider than Heroin. Easier to overdose and even more addictive.
I like to get drug free every day. Oh yeah, there is no better feeling.
27-06-2007, 17:35
I should have asked before voting (but didn't think of it), should I put that I've used methamphetamine if the use was unintentional and also if I am not entirely certain it was meth? I mean, I did some ecstasy that was real long-lasting and speedy feeling. My friend who used to be a methhead and did a pill also said that they were meth bombs, but we didn't have a test kit or anything, so we could not be sure.
Compulsive Depression
27-06-2007, 17:36
Bet you were a school prefect!:p
Nah, our school didn't have prefects ;)
But I don't use drugs because they hold no real appeal to me, not just because I'm a boring goody-two-shoes. They'd probably make me feel ill... Even alcohol I have to be moderate with, because I'm much more likely to become ill than drunk :(
Edit: I probably do have a bona-fide caffeine addiction, however ;)
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:37
weed (lots, as you do), ecstacy, and shrooms. that's about it unless you count shitty salvia. had opportunities to try coke, LSD, K and peyote but turned em down LSD Best larf in the world! And you don't believe you can fly, quite the opposite, you KNOW you can hardly walk!
27-06-2007, 17:37
All those apart from methodone and entynox and mogodon. Don't like Barbs and methodone is stupider than Heroin. Easier to overdose and even more addictive.
Yep I agree, only tried that the once, just to see what it was like. Wont be doing that agian. All I done was sit there looking at the floor for several hours.
For the record I have given it all up cept MJ and alchol.
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:40
Nah, our school didn't have prefects ;)
But I don't use drugs because they hold no real appeal to me, not just because I'm a boring goody-two-shoes. They'd probably make me feel ill... Even alcohol I have to be moderate with, because I'm much more likely to become ill than drunk :(
Edit: I probably do have a bona-fide caffeine addiction, however ;)
iIn judge Dredd, Mega city one banned coffee because of the caffeine addicts.
The Plenty
27-06-2007, 17:40
LSD Best larf in the world! And you don't believe you can fly, quite the opposite, you KNOW you can hardly walk!
LSD FTW ! Being insane for 12 hours is actually lots of fun.
Don't use any drugs, never even smoked a cigarette, and I've been drinking all of once.
Can't say the drinking seemed like a fun activity. Though that may of been due to the distinctly unappealing woman who was aggressively flirting with me.
Pure Metal
27-06-2007, 17:41
LSD Best larf in the world! And you don't believe you can fly, quite the opposite, you KNOW you can hardly walk!
well i had the opportunity to have it before i'd tried shrooms, so i thought i should try them first. had a terrible trip on the shrooms (lying, not being able to move or scream, feeling like you're dead in a grave looking back up at the hotel room in amsterdam while untold things crawl accross your back.... not fun), so i decided after that that LSD would be a bad move...
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:42
Yep I agree, only tried that the once, just to see what it was like. Wont be doing that agian. All I done was sit there looking at the floor for several hours.
For the record I have given it all up cept MJ and alchol. I know some ex smack heads. Their storys would put you off even if (as I have) you have a needle phobia!
27-06-2007, 17:42
well i had the opportunity to have it before i'd tried shrooms, so i thought i should try them first. had a terrible trip on the shrooms (lying, not being able to move or scream, feeling like you're dead in a grave looking back up at the hotel room in amsterdam while untold things crawl accross your back.... not fun), so i decided after that that LSD would be a bad move...
LSD is more intence than srooms, More fun too. I guess like everything though, all in moderation.
Party Penguins
27-06-2007, 17:43
I DONT DO DRUGS BECAUSE THEY ARE (a) illegal (b) dangerous (c) addictive (d) they are a waste of money i wud rather spend my money on sumting tat wont kill me (e) i don't want to.
Drugs kill
The Plenty
27-06-2007, 17:44
I DONT DO DRUGS BECAUSE THEY ARE (a) illegal (b) dangerous (c) addictive (d) they are a waste of money i wud rather spend my money on sumting tat wont kill me (e) i don't want to.
Drugs kill
You're funny :)
27-06-2007, 17:45
I DONT DO DRUGS BECAUSE THEY ARE (a) illegal (b) dangerous (c) addictive (d) they are a waste of money i wud rather spend my money on sumting tat wont kill me (e) i don't want to.
Drugs kill
Hehe I love this. So you don't eat chocolate? Or drink coffee, or beer Say do you smoke?
Everything that you put into your body that changes your bodies chemistry is a drug, so that means ohhh everything!
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:45
well i had the opportunity to have it before i'd tried shrooms, so i thought i should try them first. had a terrible trip on the shrooms (lying, not being able to move or scream, feeling like you're dead in a grave looking back up at the hotel room in amsterdam while untold things crawl accross your back.... not fun), so i decided after that that LSD would be a bad move... Oh Christ! Shrooms! How about 20 mins of total amnesia! Did'nt know who I was, where I was or how I got there! Total horror! Then I realised I needed a piss and remembered where the Toilet was. It all came back from there!
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:45
well i had the opportunity to have it before i'd tried shrooms, so i thought i should try them first. had a terrible trip on the shrooms (lying, not being able to move or scream, feeling like you're dead in a grave looking back up at the hotel room in amsterdam while untold things crawl accross your back.... not fun), so i decided after that that LSD would be a bad move... Oh Christ! Shrooms! How about 20 mins of total amnesia! Did'nt know who I was, where I was or how I got there! Total horror! Then I realised I needed a piss and remembered where the Toilet was. It all came back from there!
27-06-2007, 17:47
I DONT DO ILLEGAL DRUGS BECAUSE THEY ARE (a) illegal (b) can be dangerous (c) can be addictive (d) they are a waste of money i wud rather spend my money on sumting tat wont kill me like strippers and skydiving (e) i don't want to.
Illegal Drugs can kill
A few minor changes gives my view in general to drugs
Pure Metal
27-06-2007, 17:47
Don't use any drugs, never even smoked a cigarette, and I've been drinking all of once.
Can't say the drinking seemed like a fun activity. Though that may of been due to the distinctly unappealing woman who was aggressively flirting with me.
nah, i gave up drinking after uni. just wasn't much fun to me anymore. being depressed took all the fun out of it, and going to bars/clubs where you couldn't hear a word people said always struck me as stupid anyway. can't drink cos of the medication now, anyhoo. heh.
stopped smoking weed, too, cos i'd just get horribly paranoid and start panicking about anything.
Northern Borders
27-06-2007, 17:48
Coffee, alcohol and chocolate.
27-06-2007, 17:48
LSD, Es, mescaline, meth, marijuana, ritalin, psychedelic hawaiin seeds, salvia divinorium.
27-06-2007, 17:49
I know some ex smack heads. Their storys would put you off even if (as I have) you have a needle phobia!
Yes I know some meself.
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:50
My mates stag night was spent in the woods in Essex with ten of my mates on about !0,000 mushies! seriously! My chum Carey boiled up a carrier bag full and mixed this juice with orange cordial! Sort off had a "back to nature" trip. Sat on my own in the forest watching this barn owl and felt totally safe.
27-06-2007, 17:51
Good ol' fashioned tasty beer is what I use to alter my consciousness.
Oh, and caffeine, but that's more like the blood running through my veins, rather than a drug.
Pure Metal
27-06-2007, 17:51
Oh Christ! Shrooms! How about 20 mins of total amnesia! Did'nt know who I was, where I was or how I got there! Total horror! Then I realised I needed a piss and remembered where the Toilet was. It all came back from there!
eugh... bad stuff :-S still think i win though ;)
was ok when i dragged myself out of the 'grave' and went to throw up. had a pee after that and was ok again :p
Ogdens nutgone flake
27-06-2007, 17:52
You're funny :) PMSL!
Never had so much as a cigarette. I know I've missed out on nothing. Really. ;)
Phantasy Encounter
27-06-2007, 17:59
I've tried all kinds of nasty shit, but then I'm really hard core:
acetylsalicylic acid
naproxen sodium
FYI: I'm a total caffeine junkie. Can't go for more then a few hours before my next fix. ;)
27-06-2007, 18:00
Alcohol. I don't much like it, so I don't drink often.
I'd like to try cannabis, but I actually don't know where I could get hold of some.
27-06-2007, 18:02
Although that incident with the Vicodin was pretty trippy...but I suspect that part of that was the pain in my mouth (damn wisdom teeth), the administration of anesthesia at the oral surgeons, and the valium I took beforehand. I 'watched' the movie Collateral, only to discover several months later that my recollection of said film was far different from what the film actually was.
I have had many opurtunities, but have never once used any illicit drugs, I am proud of the fact.
Terrorist Cakes
27-06-2007, 19:20
Only Mary Jane for me. I'm already practically an alcoholic; I don't need a stronger addiction than that.
New Stalinberg
27-06-2007, 19:26
Ibuprofen. I took a couple hits last night.
Hunter S Thompsonia
27-06-2007, 19:29
Marijuana, Hash, Alcohol, Salvia Divinorum, Magic Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, Xhosa Dream Herb, Herbal Ecstasy, Coffee.
Marijuana: No explanation needed. You have either tried it, made an informed decision either way, or made an uninformed decision either way.
Hash: As above, but I think there are more misconceptions about hash than about Marijuana.
Alcohol: Not worth the liver damage and utter ineptitude. Was fun for a while when I was younger, but I've grown out of it.
Salvia Divinorum: I can quite literally say I have never done a drug that was as... bizarre as Salvia. And bizarre is an extremely poor word for it. It's almost like it tries to kill you. Acts incredibly fast, and is just... amazing. I've never broken through, though, because taking a second hoot is next to impossible to make yourself do. This makes it sound much worse than it actually is.
Magic Mushrooms: The single most beautiful experience of my life was on magic mushrooms... In the Vondelpark in Amsterdam with four German friends, eating and drinking after a day of art galleries and wandering the magnificent city. This will be cemented in my memory until I die.
Ayahuasca: Not worth it for the dangers of taking an MAO inhibitor and the subsequent nausea it induces. And it's the most foul flavour in the world (worse than mushrooms). I've tried to extract it for smoking instead, but so far have been unsuccessful.
Xhosa: Didn't really work. My brother recommends it highly, however.
Herbal Ecstasy: Total waste of money. Didn't do anything other than a mild stone.
Coffee: Doesn't work for me. I like the taste but I don't get energy or clear thinking or any of the traditional coffee symptoms.
Lunatic Goofballs
27-06-2007, 19:30
It's all sugar buzz! :D
27-06-2007, 19:36
You're funny :)
I second that:p
Imperial isa
27-06-2007, 19:39
just booze but no longer
Hunter S Thompsonia
27-06-2007, 19:43
Incidentally, this poll seems designed to portray all users as rabid, hard substance abusers by only including options for harder drugs (with the exception of LSD-25).
27-06-2007, 19:45
you forgot Narcotics, and prescription drugs like Dilaudid.
Jello Biafra
27-06-2007, 19:48
None of the above. And it shall stay that way.
Remote Observer
27-06-2007, 20:08
you forgot Narcotics, and prescription drugs like Dilaudid.
Generally speaking, I place all opiate derivatives under "heroin" because that's where you end up eventually, even if you start on oxycontin or dilaudid.
Greater Trostia
27-06-2007, 20:19
Generally speaking, I place all opiate derivatives under "heroin" because that's where you end up eventually, even if you start on oxycontin or dilaudid.
...that's really silly. I've done a good number of such drugs and would never touch heroin. Might as well say that I'll do cocaine because hey, I smoked pot. Nostradamus you are not.
Hunter S Thompsonia
27-06-2007, 20:40
...that's really silly. I've done a good number of such drugs and would never touch heroin. Might as well say that I'll do cocaine because hey, I smoked pot. Nostradamus you are not.
Neo Undelia
27-06-2007, 20:50
Never touched any of it.
Kinda Sensible people
27-06-2007, 21:31
None of them. Even if I had a desire to, I'd probably die of an allergic reaction.
You forgot alcohol and asprin and nicotine and perscription drugs and antibiotics.
Neo Undelia
27-06-2007, 21:38
You forgot alcohol and asprin and nicotine and perscription drugs and antibiotics.
You can use antibiotics to get high?
I huff kittens.
Oh yeah, that's some goooooood shit.
Sel Appa
27-06-2007, 23:05
Not a one.
The blessed Chris
27-06-2007, 23:10
Meh, just weed and Shrooms, but I'll admit I'd take coke, LSD or Ecstasy, provided I was sure of its quality, if offered it.
27-06-2007, 23:15
LSD Best larf in the world! And you don't believe you can fly, quite the opposite, you KNOW you can hardly walk!
Certainly fun. Can also be a very eye opening experience. However, my best experience with psychedelics was the first time I ever did mushrooms. It was just so...beautiful. I felt like I could see everything, and knew the truth--that there is no truth.
Me and two of my closest friends...damn, that was great.
As I started to come down, I was both glad that the sensations were dying down, and incredibly depressed that the sensations were leaving me.
27-06-2007, 23:51
I have tried weed but I do not like it so much. My favorite two drugs are ecstasy and Mushrooms I had to quit ecstasy because it started giving me some terrible diarrhea. Nothing worse to bring you down at a party than a bad case of diarrhea.
Just a little Plutonium Nyborg now and then. ;)
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
28-06-2007, 07:53
Just a small mountain of prescription drugs of all varieties. All legal, though, of course - just ask my pharmacists in Tijuana, Canada and the Netherlands. :p God bless the internet.
Cannot think of a name
28-06-2007, 08:00
The list didn't include everything, so for no reason at all I'll list-
Marijuana, ecstasy, LSD, shrums, nitrious (barely counts), opium, and some weird really intense shit that was legal at least at the time I tried it that was like bud but a hallucinogen and it was too much for me but it might have been the situation more than anything. I think that covers it.
Of those, marijuana is great, mushrooms are fantastic, and I'm really glad I don't know where to get more opium.
The Nazz
28-06-2007, 08:04
Just to don the tinfoil hat for a moment, I have to wonder if RO has some ulterior motive for asking the question. It's not like there's any real secrecy or anonymity online, after all.
Cannot think of a name
28-06-2007, 08:08
Just to don the tinfoil hat for a moment, I have to wonder if RO has some ulterior motive for asking the question. It's not like there's any real secrecy or anonymity online, after all.
I thought about that, if I wasn't going to trust anyone here with that it would be them, but then a) I've already talked about my drug use in various threads, and b)I'm in the entertainment industry, not that much harm can be done.
28-06-2007, 08:12
Just to don the tinfoil hat for a moment, I have to wonder if RO has some ulterior motive for asking the question. It's not like there's any real secrecy or anonymity online, after all.
My new polls: 'what unsolved crimes have you committed' and 'what taxes haven't you paid' are going up soon.
The repuplibc
28-06-2007, 08:15
Just a small mountain of prescription drugs of all varieties. All legal, though, of course - just ask my pharmacists in Tijuana, Canada and the Netherlands. :p God bless the internet.
ok i no this is not on the topic but do u no how to create a new therad;)
28-06-2007, 08:17
ok i no this is not on the topic but do u no how to create a new therad;)
You need to download Firefox first.
Neu Leonstein
28-06-2007, 08:18
ok i no this is not on the topic but do u no how to create a new therad;)
But at least you figured out how the quote function works. :D
When you're on the General main page, to the top left of the thread list there's a "new post" button.
The repuplibc
28-06-2007, 08:18
Just a small mountain of prescription drugs of all varieties. All legal, though, of course - just ask my pharmacists in Tijuana, Canada and the Netherlands. :p God bless the internet.
You need to download Firefox first.how do you do that
28-06-2007, 08:21
how do you do that
Type Firefox into Google. It'll come up.
EDIT: Dammit NL, you spoil all the fun.
The repuplibc
28-06-2007, 08:27
Type Firefox into Google. It'll come up.
EDIT: Dammit NL, you spoil all the fun.okbut how do i get to the general main page
28-06-2007, 08:36
okbut how do i get to the general main page
You should really start a thread to ask all these questions
General Main Page (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=1227) - click on that
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
28-06-2007, 08:49
ok i no this is not on the topic but do u no how to create a new therad;)
Gotta download the new patch before you can do that, I'm afraid.
It's version 3.11
To ascertain what kinds of drug users the people of NS General are (in line with the recent post about drug use), and in line with the recent thread that determined that most of us are INTJ personalities...
This is to get a feel for the level of experience with drug use here...
not to encourage its use.
That's very interesting, considering I did that quiz a couple weeks ago...sure enough, I'm an INTJ too. So does that mean we'll all be building the world together? Makes my head woozy...or maybe it's just the pot
28-06-2007, 09:35
Your all gonna be arrested...
28-06-2007, 09:50
recent thread that determined that most of us are INTJ personalities...
So we were certified as nerds, now we'll be JUNKIE nerds! YAY!:D
Anyway, I would have included some other drugs in there, that is coffeine, nicotine and ethanol. Yes, I am addicted to coffeine and nicotine. Luckily, I'm not addicted to ethanol.
Not illicit, surely a health hazard, possibly debilitating, undermining, lethal and what have you.
28-06-2007, 11:03
Marijuana/Hash resin - yep, and I still do from time to time. I find it to be far more pleasant than alcohol. It also seems to be inflation-proof... I would be expected to pay the same amount today if I bought some as I paid in 1987 when I first sampled the stuff.
Cocaine - On several occasions in the early to mid 90s. Stopped because a) there was always too much alcohol involved for there to be any real point in additional druggage, b) the quality varied too wildly for me to be sure of what I was actually taking and c) I just kind of grew out of it (see comments on MDMA).
LSD - Thrice (microdots). I thoroughly enjoyed my experiences, and would consider using it again if in the 'right' environment.
'Magic' Mushrooms - Yep. Again, as with the more powerful microdots, I would take them again if I considered the moment to be conducive to a pleasant experience.
Ecstasy - Quite a lot of it in the early to mid 90s. I was well into the whole 'rave culture' thing when it kicked off in this country and have many happy memories of giant crowds of 'eccied' out people all laughing and dancing all night in muddy fields. Stopped using it when the market became flooded with all sorts of nasty crap being mixed with the MDMA, and when I basically drifted away from the whole rave scene.
Others - Amphetamines - as with E, used them for a while in the early 90s, but stopped when the quality started to drop. Unlike most of the others on the list though, I don't think I would use speed again... I just didn't get anything particularly good from it.
Alcohol - I used to drink way, way too much (read: out drinking every night) and I'm glad to be able to say that I have gotten myself under better control since the turn of the century.
I drink too much coffee, and if I'm not drinking coffee I'm drinking Coke... my caffeine levels must be truly frightening. I also smoke.
28-06-2007, 11:41
Wait a minute, I WAS A SCHOOL PREFECT! Bloody drugs...
So was I
Drugs = Public Office
Mythotic Kelkia
28-06-2007, 11:43
none, unfortunately :( If my circumstances were different, I would like to experiment with various substances; but the one rule I would have is to stay away from physically addictive drugs: cocaine, heroin, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and chocolate.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
28-06-2007, 11:55
none, unfortunately :( If my circumstances were different, I would like to experiment with various substances; but the one rule I would have is to stay away from physically addictive drugs: cocaine, heroin, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, and chocolate.
Cocaine's not physically addictive, at least according to Time. :p Powerful psychological addiction isn't much fun though, I'd guess.
28-06-2007, 12:02
None, but if you knew me, barbituates are the last thing I need.:(
28-06-2007, 12:05
I wanna Try "Evo Cola", just because it sounds cool.:cool:
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
28-06-2007, 12:05
None, but if you knew me, barbituates are the last thing I need.:(
Narcolepsy? ;)
28-06-2007, 12:08
Narcolepsy? ;)
No the other thing... The one must people write off as a bullshit condition.... I wish I had one of those narcoleptic dogs, that pass out when they get excited.:cool:
Pure Metal
28-06-2007, 12:13
So was I
Drugs = Public Office
hehe i remember a friend of mine joining our school in the 6th form. he said sometime later, "my parents sent me here because they thought a private school would get me away from drugs and booze and stuff. but that's bollocks... kids here are just richer and can afford more drugs! woo!" :p
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
28-06-2007, 12:13
No the other thing... The one must people write off as a bullshit condition.... I wish I had one of those narcoleptic dogs, that pass out when they get excited.:cool:
Insomnia? I use a variety of muscle relaxants for that - it's as "real" a condition as it gets, I'd say.
28-06-2007, 12:15
Insomnia? I use a variety of muscle relaxants for that - it's as "real" a condition as it gets, I'd say.
Okay, How about the bends? is that good enough?
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
28-06-2007, 12:17
Okay, How about the bends? is that good enough?
The what now? You lost me, I think. :p It's getting late here. ;)
28-06-2007, 12:27
The what now? You lost me, I think. :p It's getting late here. ;)
There's a troll under your matress, waiting for you.:fluffle:
Infinite Revolution
28-06-2007, 14:00
weed and shrooms only. other drugs i'd be willing to try are cocaine and ecstasy, maybe LSD although i've heard it's pretty boring.