for my 2000 post,i will be nice
Secret aj man
27-06-2007, 06:59
say hypothetically i was poisened by a company i worked for(major defence contractor)
and my kidneys are failing along with my liver.
and i worked with a friend that is poisening others to get rich,like the aforementioned fortune 500 company
should i give a shit?
no onbe cares about me,why should i care,that sounds mean,but why should i get involved...the gov dont care about me,and this guy is paying me mad money knowing i am allready polluted,all i got to do is not care much.
i know it sounds nasty but really whats any different then me at my old job?they made their money,and now i will make mine,so i can leave it to my is not as easy as you may think,
i actually care,
this is stupid,just curious if you would sacrifice your princibles for your kids.
just thinking out loud is all,i wont intentionally hurt anyone,and remember this is hypothetical.
Terrorist Cakes
27-06-2007, 07:02
Are you currently intoxicated?
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 07:03
2000 comes after 1999, not 1899. ;) Good luck on your lawsuit or whatever it is though.
Copiosa Scotia
27-06-2007, 07:11
I assume we're taking the medieval meaning of the word "nice" here...
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 07:13
I assume we're taking the medieval meaning of the word "nice" here...
Sure looks it. :p
Secret aj man
27-06-2007, 07:47
Sure looks it. :p
damn, i was just kididng,and thought i would provide a thought provoking topic,,never mind.
i am well and i was just curious to see what people thought about about trading there soul for money..never mind.
i dont know,i wanted my 2000 post to me more then did paris hilton pee in the jail this,i was just playing.
oh shit i was off by a hundred
Nobel Hobos
27-06-2007, 08:09
say hypothetically i was poisened by a company i worked for(major defence contractor)
and my kidneys are failing along with my liver.
and i worked with a friend that is poisening others to get rich,like the aforementioned fortune 500 company
should i give a shit?
no onbe cares about me,why should i care,that sounds mean,but why should i get involved...the gov dont care about me,and this guy is paying me mad money knowing i am allready polluted,all i got to do is not care much.
i know it sounds nasty but really whats any different then me at my old job?they made their money,and now i will make mine,so i can leave it to my is not as easy as you may think,
i actually care,
this is stupid,just curious if you would sacrifice your princibles for your kids.
just thinking out loud is all,i wont intentionally hurt anyone,and remember this is hypothetical.
It's a tradeoff between principles. Providing for your kids is one. Protecting the community at large from pollution is another. You have to balance them yourself, sorry. How can anyone else tell you which is more important?
There could be a lateral solution, eg whistleblowing followed by (if it's a big case) publishing the inside story. Ghostwriter if you need that. The beauty of royalties (for the book) is they keep coming in after you're dead.
I also find it interesting that you don't think of yourself as a nice poster. A bit ravey and paranoid sometimes I might say but I've never seen you being cruel here?
Nobel Hobos
27-06-2007, 08:17
"Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999!"
*twang twang*
"I mean, we're gonna party like it's 1899!"
*thumpa thumpa*
"This morning we're gonna party like it's 1914!"
*twanga tw ... tune-up sounds*
"Ah, fuck this. Let's do Roadrunner!"
*thumpa thump*
"Got the radio on ... radio on ... ah fuck this"
Murderous maniacs
27-06-2007, 08:22
"Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999!"
*twang twang*
"I mean, we're gonna party like it's 1899!"
*thumpa thumpa*
"This morning we're gonna party like it's 1914!"
*twanga tw ... tune-up sounds*
"Ah, fuck this. Let's do Roadrunner!"
*thumpa thump*
"Got the radio on ... radio on ... ah fuck this"
i'll have what he's on :D
Secret aj man
27-06-2007, 08:30
It's a tradeoff between principles. Providing for your kids is one. Protecting the community at large from pollution is another. You have to balance them yourself, sorry. How can anyone else tell you which is more important?
There could be a lateral solution, eg whistleblowing followed by (if it's a big case) publishing the inside story. Ghostwriter if you need that. The beauty of royalties (for the book) is they keep coming in after you're dead.
I also find it interesting that you don't think of yourself as a nice poster. A bit ravey and paranoid sometimes I might say but I've never seen you being cruel here?
lol,thanks for the compliment?i was just posing a question i have had come up now and again.
but really,what i was after is would you trade your morals for does confront us from time to time,at least it does with me at times,i was just curious,so you think i am paronoid?
i like the idea of a lateral solution.
Nobel Hobos
27-06-2007, 09:33
lol,thanks for the compliment?i was just posing a question i have had come up now and again.
but really,what i was after is would you trade your morals for does confront us from time to time,at least it does with me at times,i was just curious,so you think i am paronoid?
i like the idea of a lateral solution.
I used to think it was OK to steal from shops, because they had a lot more money than me. Until someone convinced me that the shops will just raise prices to cover the loss, so it's the honest customers who really pay for my stolen goods. Furthermore, the shop will be more likely to employ security, catching some poor bastard who is less competent than me, so justice-wise some fellow thief will do the time for me.
I never got caught. It's out of the statute of limitations now, so: I used to steal from shops, lots. It seemed OK at the time ... I hadn't spent a lot of effort on morals, and I had a very flexible and competent intellect which could basically justify anything. Good thing I never considered killing anyone, huh?
I'm always suspicious of "lateral solutions." The initial analysis, I win/they lose, usually prevails. There is often "collateral damage" ... some poor bastard who thought they were playing by the rules gets clobbered out of nowhere.
Anyway, to your post.
No, I would not trade ALL my morals for any amount of money. I'd do immoral things (eg lying, betraying a personal ally [that's complicated, not just a friend, but an ally in the exact thing which I betray them in] or harming an innocent) if the money was right ... and I had A VERY COMPELLING NEED for the money.
"I'd be set for life" is not a compelling need. Paying legal fees for a family member who is innocent to survive an unjust trial, for instance, would be.
I'd say "providing for your kids" is not a sufficiently compelling reason to harm anyone badly. Kids are people, they have to fend for themselves if they ever want to be true adults. The age for that "fending for themselves" step varies from kid to kid, it could be 14 or it could be 34.
Nobel Hobos
27-06-2007, 09:41
i'll have what he's on :D
It starts with one "artist" and ends with another (hash cookie for the poster who can name both at once) ... and I'm really not sure you'd want to do all that gear at the same time!
Not unless you've got an ambulance booked already. ;)
Nobel Hobos
27-06-2007, 09:45
i was just curious,so you think i am paronoid?
Not exactly. Your posts sound a bit paranoid sometimes ... don't use the word "them" without having defined a person or institution first ... and it wouldn't seem so.