NationStates Jolt Archive

Favorite Republican Candidate

King Arthur the Great
26-06-2007, 21:58
Time for the flip side of the coin. And a chance for you GOP supporters to speak out.

Which of the Republican candidates do you most support. I could only include what I believe are the top eight, plus Cthulu (I am convinced that he'd be a Republican, as Zod is a Democrat) and the "Other/I'm a Dem supporter/Pancakes" option.

I have voted other, as I supported Zod in the Democratic thread.
26-06-2007, 21:59
Ron Paul FTW!
26-06-2007, 22:00
Ron Paul FTW!

26-06-2007, 22:04

Thumbless Pete Crabbe
26-06-2007, 22:04
From that list, I'd grudgingly go with Rudy - overall, I'm hoping for Newt or Fred to enter the race and clean house. ;)
26-06-2007, 22:05
Ron Paul's a few fries short of a happy meal. Lucky for this nation and the world, has no shot in hell of winning.

The only republican candidate I could respect is Giuliani, and that's only because I've read he's pissing off some wings of his party with his 'support for social freedoms.'
26-06-2007, 22:07
Ron Paul's a few fries short of a happy meal. Lucky for this nation and the world, has no shot in hell of winning.

Why would Ron Paul be bad for the US and the world?

I support RON PAUL!
Kinda Sensible people
26-06-2007, 22:08
Honestly couldn't vote for a one of them. Not a one of them would be good for America in any way. Even the so-called libertarian amongst them is, at best, questionable. All of them are radicals. Rudy McRomson is just the Quartet of Bush-Clones, and the rest are loonier.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
26-06-2007, 22:10
Ron Paul's a few fries short of a happy meal.

I've heard that too.

Also, does every thread today have to be stretched out of the normal window parameters? Irritating. :(
26-06-2007, 22:11
From the simultaneously hilarious and frightening Rep candidates debate (on CNN, IIRC) I caught a bit of, I wouldn't vote for any of the chumps. Nutters to a man.

Though I'd say the same about the Dem candidates too.

And I'm not American; I'll just piss on your electoral system from afar. :p
26-06-2007, 22:12

Ron Paul is such an idiot its not even funny.
Ultraviolent Radiation
26-06-2007, 22:13
Cthulhu's presumably the least evil.
26-06-2007, 22:14

Ron Paul is such an idiot its not even funny.

Why don't you state your reasons why you jackass.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
26-06-2007, 22:20
Why don't you state your reasons why you jackass.

Not entirely sure if it's true, but I heard something the other day about the guy being a fan of the KKK, or something like that. Could've been on this forum, actually, but I didn't read it closely.
King Arthur the Great
26-06-2007, 22:21

:upyours: :mp5: :upyours:

Thank you for ruining the layout of the page as it appears on my screen. Now I have to change the resolution every time I feel like reviewing the NSG political climate.

I don't like you. :sniper:
26-06-2007, 22:25
Why don't you state your reasons why you jackass.

:upyours: :mp5: :upyours:

Thank you for ruining the layout of the page as it appears on my screen. Now I have to change the resolution every time I feel like reviewing the NSG political climate.

I don't like you. :sniper:
Boys, boys!

Calm down, it's only the political elite of your country trying to convince you that you live in a democracy.

It's not something to flame over.
Ghost Tigers Rise
26-06-2007, 22:31
Cthulhu's presumably the least evil.

Why vote for a lesser evil?
King Arthur the Great
26-06-2007, 22:31
Wow Saardium. I am honestly impressed. I thought there was a physical limit to backing a total lack of argument by using big letters. I guess I was wrong. Clearly, the use of big letters to bolster a totally useless, impolite, and disrespectful point can be taken to no limit.

Just out of curiosity, why do you do this. Other than the tiny rush you get out of causing mindless mayhem to people too busy to otherwise deal with you? There are better ways to get attention.
King Arthur the Great
26-06-2007, 22:32
Why vote for a lesser evil?

'Cause Jack Aubrey said so. Or maybe he said something about the lesser of two weevils. Guess I'll have to watch Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World again.
Copiosa Scotia
26-06-2007, 22:33
Paul, with a few reservations. Which is a lot fewer reservations than I have about the rest of these clowns.

Giuliani in particular will be a continuation of Bush in every way that matters.
26-06-2007, 22:33
Just out of curiosity, why do you do this.
To get a rise out of people like yourself.
Phantasy Encounter
26-06-2007, 22:39
Cthulhu Fhtagn!
26-06-2007, 22:42
Why don't you state your reasons why you jackass.

Like you stated your reasons why you support him ... oh wait
26-06-2007, 23:11
Why don't you state your reasons why you jackass.

Why don't you attack the argument and not the poster, you flamer? Keep it up, and we'll put you back under the bridge your name implies.
New Mitanni
26-06-2007, 23:56
Ron Paul's a few fries short of a happy meal. Lucky for this nation and the world, has no shot in hell of winning.

The only republican candidate I could respect is Giuliani, and that's only because I've read he's pissing off some wings of his party with his 'support for social freedoms.'

I think RP's a fringe candidate, and I support Giuliani.

You realize what this means: you agree with me on two points :eek:

Now just come up with one more and I won't have to think of you as "the broken clock". ;)
Sel Appa
27-06-2007, 00:10
Everyone loves Ron Paul of course.
27-06-2007, 00:26
Cthulhu's presumably the least evil.

Well, at least you know where you stand with Cthulu. Or presumably, where which bits of what's left of you might be found.
Remote Observer
27-06-2007, 00:31
Vote Zod!
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 00:31
Everyone loves Ron Paul of course.

I think the love for him is a bit exaggerated by the poll here, as compared with what voters in general think. ;) Haven't seen him tracking too well.
27-06-2007, 00:36
Out of the offered candidates, Ron Paul has a certain appeal, but I doubt he'll last very long once the primaries start.

My vote will be going to the Libertarian Party candidate, despite their total lack of meaningful foreign policy, because the Republicans and Democrats both have lousy candidates. Maybe something will change between now and November 2008, but I doubt it.
27-06-2007, 00:36
I vote for none of the above.
UN Protectorates
27-06-2007, 00:56
Every single candidate in my view, would be bad for America and the world, if elected president (unlikely but possible).

Rudy, Romney, Huckabee and friends are Bush clones, effectively, when it comes to the War on Terror, global warming and stem-cell research, amongst other things. McCain means well by taking an Anti-torture stance, which I applaud him for, but he is an old man out of touch with current issues, especially Iraq.

Even Ron Paul. I know he's flaunted on the Intrawebz as being the only real Anti-War Republican and civil rights champion, but his policy of total isolationism is self-destructive. He wants to exit out of the UN and NATO, wants to simply destroy the IRS, the Department of Education, and in true Libertarian style, let the Corporations run free, wild and unregulated, which is all lunacy, in my opinion.
27-06-2007, 01:01
Every single candidate in my view, would be bad for America and the world, if elected president (unlikely but possible).

Rudy, Romney, Huckabee and friends are Bush clones, effectively, when it comes to the War on Terror, global warming and stem-cell research, amongst other things. McCain means well by taking an Anti-torture stance, which I applaud him for, but he is an old man out of touch with current issues, especially Iraq.

Even Ron Paul. I know he's flaunted on the Intrawebz as being the only real Anti-War Republican and civil rights champion, but his policy of total isolationism is self-destructive. He wants to exit out of the UN and NATO, wants to simply destroy the IRS, the Department of Education, and in true Libertarian style, let the Corporations run free, wild and unregulated, which is all lunacy, in my opinion.

I've said it once and I'll say it again...

Ron Paul is the Republican's answer to Mike Gravel.
27-06-2007, 01:03
Why don't you state your reasons why you jackass.

Do I have to?

Way to much of a fiscal conservative, wants to put us back on the gold standard (Every time a president messes with currency, we go into a major recession, IE, when Jackson abolished the US Bank). Also not very strong on National defense. Too radical for me and almost always is seen in a radical position.
27-06-2007, 01:03
Time for the flip side of the coin. And a chance for you GOP supporters to speak out.

Which of the Republican candidates do you most support. I could only include what I believe are the top eight, plus Cthulu (I am convinced that he'd be a Republican, as Zod is a Democrat) and the "Other/I'm a Dem supporter/Pancakes" option.

I have voted other, as I supported Zod in the Democratic thread.

If I had to choose one, it'd be Ron Paul, but even that is an iffy proposition at best.

That said, if I see even a single person supporting Tancredo, I will go berserk and go after them with my +3 Sword of Idiocy Decapitation. Take it from someone who lives in his district...Tancredo is one of those really, really bad nuts.
Deus Malum
27-06-2007, 01:17
Is anyone else a little amused that Ron Paul is barely leading over Cthulu, and that Giuliani is 7 votes behind Paul?
Itinerate Tree Dweller
27-06-2007, 03:17
Ron Paul, he is for small government, free markets, personal liberty and personal responsibility.
27-06-2007, 05:37
Other: Vladimir Putin

That's right! Putin '08 bitches!
King Arthur the Great
27-06-2007, 05:43
Is anyone else a little amused that Ron Paul is barely leading over Cthulu, and that Giuliani is 7 votes behind Paul?

I am very amused. Zod did reasonably well in the Democratic thread, though NSG does have more than its fair share of the Obama supporters.

DIBS!! I'll start a fictional candidate thread tomorrow. Possibles include only fictional characters, plus Christopher Walken.
The Goa uld
27-06-2007, 06:08
Hmm lets see, most of them are Bush clones, and Ron Paul would take this country back a 100 years.

I vote for Cthulu, he's one giant Octopus...thing that no one would ever dare disagree with. Cthulu is the Octopus deity thing you can count on to get things done and get this government in shape.
27-06-2007, 06:23
Brownback forever!

"Lift up your heads, o ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors!"
Andaras Prime
27-06-2007, 06:33
Well Ron Paul is good for a Republican, but that's a little like saying melanoma isn't bad for cancer.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 06:39
Is anyone else a little amused that Ron Paul is barely leading over Cthulu, and that Giuliani is 7 votes behind Paul?

This is probably the best Ron Paul will ever look, in any poll ever done. :p But yeah, it's kinda funny.
27-06-2007, 06:43
This is probably the best Ron Paul will ever look, in any poll ever done. :p But yeah, it's kinda funny.

Actually Ron Paul won the MSN polls after the first two Republican debates.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 06:50
Actually Ron Paul won the MSN polls after the first two Republican debates.

About as scientific as a Nationstates poll, I'll agree. :p
Andaras Prime
27-06-2007, 06:51
Actually Ron Paul won the MSN polls after the first two Republican debates.

There also pretty strong evidence now that the uber right media are also trying to sideline him and not talk about him at all, mentioning him only when absolutely necessary. It's a shame for the American people, because the rest of the candidates are just crazy neocons that you wouldn't trust to run your local bowls club.
27-06-2007, 06:52
Ron Paul would take this country back a 100 years.

How do you figure that?
Andaras Prime
27-06-2007, 06:55
How do you figure that?

I think he means reverse the unconstitutional and militaristic 'i hate the poor' reforms of Bush, which is reality were taking the country backwards. So I assume what he meant was 'Ron Paul would take the country forward 100 years'.
Conservatives states
27-06-2007, 06:55
Fred Thompson?:confused:
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 06:57
Fred Thompson?:confused:

He hasn't been included in any debates yet, and hasn't announced yet - but he's tracking at the top of the heap, outpolling Giuliani and McCain in a few. I like him, personally.
Conservatives states
27-06-2007, 06:58
well that's my answer.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
27-06-2007, 07:01
well that's my answer.

If Newt doesn't throw his hat in the ring, I wouldn't mind seeing Thompson go for it, either. :)
Vanek Drury Brieres
27-06-2007, 15:09
Personally, i think pancakes would do better than the Reps......

I would have to go Democrat and Al Gore, or myself.

Listen up:

12 years old, Not even American, 7th grade....

I honestly think i would do better than anyone except Gore.

27-06-2007, 15:18
I'd vote for Cthulhu before any of those crackpots.
27-06-2007, 15:56
I am very amused. Zod did reasonably well in the Democratic thread, though NSG does have more than its fair share of the Obama supporters.

DIBS!! I'll start a fictional candidate thread tomorrow. Possibles include only fictional characters, plus Christopher Walken.

Include Putin.
28-06-2007, 20:48
I think RP's a fringe candidate, and I support Giuliani.

You realize what this means: you agree with me on two points :eek:

Now just come up with one more and I won't have to think of you as "the broken clock". ;)

... we could agree that House of Pain's song 'Jump Around' is awesome? Or maybe you mean politically. Hmm...

Aha. Unlike most leftists, I believe we need to stay the course in Iraq. Abandoning them now would be stabbing them in the back. We got them into this catastro-fuck(thank you, Jon Stewart), and we have to stand by them even if it costs us. Iraq will be far worse off if we leave, and if Iraq collapses it'll take the rest of the Middle East with it. I'm pretty sure you're of the same general opinion.
Jello Biafra
28-06-2007, 21:03
Whoever is most likely to lose and take the party with him is who I support.