NationStates Jolt Archive


26-06-2007, 20:44
I've started a new blog recently, an aviation blog that I put in my sig on the aviation forum that I am a member of. Now I started this blog because I figure that since people have a hard time understanding me, that podcasting was out, so the next best thing (and cheaper) was a blog that people could read. Now unlike my personal blog, I would actually like to maintain some professionalism in my aviation blog because well, when I write in it I would like my readers to take me seriously and not just write me off as another hack. Now I know we have some professional writers, and armature writers here on NSG, and I'm just wondering what I can do to make sure that people enjoy reading my aviation blog, and to make sure that it looks well written and can actually be read. A link ( to my aviation blog would help, no doubt.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
26-06-2007, 20:47
Looks okay to me, minor grammatical flubs aside. ;)
IL Ruffino
26-06-2007, 21:37
Get a blog. :p
26-06-2007, 21:42
How terribly mundane. Another blog. Ho-hum.
26-06-2007, 21:47
Don't ever mention the magical journey bit again... and you should be ok!
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
26-06-2007, 21:51
Get a blog. :p

I was going to say that, too. :p Couldn't remember who was always saying that, so I decided against it.