NationStates Jolt Archive

Should governments be more like RPGs?

New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:10
Think about it…

Instead of electrons promises, politcal parties could have quests. If they complete their quests, they get experience.
More XP = leveling up, allowing a party to have great new accessories, like, er, ministers…

PvP would be permitted :D
26-06-2007, 01:14
I don't know, the thought of the Supreme Court rolling a d12 to make a decision seems kind of iffy.
26-06-2007, 01:15
"I want to slander my opponent"
"All right, he has +5 public image and +3 Mud Raking, what did you roll?"
"A one"
"You lose the election after your opponent releases pictures of you fornicating with a goat onto the internet"
"Shit, I knew that would come back to haunt me"
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:18
"I want to slander my opponent"
"All right, he has +5 public image and +3 Mud Raking, what did you roll?"
"A one"
"You lose the election after your opponent releases pictures of you fornicating with a goat onto the internet"
"Shit, I knew that would come back to haunt me"

Well, he deserved it. He should have selected Slander as one of his major skills.
Callang Provinces
26-06-2007, 01:18
Forget an rpg if its utopia we want we must drag all the politicians out into the street and kill them.
Seangolis Revenge
26-06-2007, 01:18
+5 Bastard Sword of Constitution Killing?
Non Aligned States
26-06-2007, 01:19
An RPG? basically, a short lived thing that moves quickly, but always goes out with a big bang?

Had to be said :p
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:20
Forget an rpg if its utopia we want we must drag all the politicians out into the street and kill them.

Street killings are the best part of a utopia… hang on a minute… :confused:
26-06-2007, 01:22
+5 Bastard Sword of Constitution Killing?

+8 Shield Of Subordinate Blaming
26-06-2007, 01:22
Debate Moderator: Dick Cheney casts Unholy Aura
McCain: Doesn't he have that automatically?
DM: Good point.
Obama: McCain, you dipshit, now we're all doomed!
McCain: Hold on...I'll think of something.
Ron Paul: I cast meteor swarm on Cheney
DM: Holy fuck! Since when do you have that spell?
RP: Stephen Colbert taught me it.
DM: Goddammit...That's...A whole lot of damage. Ron, Cheney returns fire. You take ten damage.
RP: Damn.
DM: Make a will save.
RP:...Does a five succeed?
DM: No. You cannot act for 3 rounds, as you're apologizing for so rudely getting shot in the face.
RP: Dammit. I abolish the IRS.
DM: Cheney insists he's not part of the federal government. It turns out he's absorbing funds directly from people's wallets.
Hillary: I shoot him with my +4 piercing arrow.
DM: You mean your voice?
Hillary: Yeah.
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:24
… DM: No. You cannot act for 3 rounds, as you're apologizing for so rudely getting shot in the face.
RP: Dammit. I abolish the IRS.
DM: Cheney insists he's not part of the federal government. It turns out he's absorbing funds directly from people's wallets.
Hillary: I shoot him with my +4 piercing arrow.
DM: You mean your voice?
Hillary: Yeah.

TV debate ratings would soar, trust me.
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:25
+8 Shield Of Subordinate Blaming

That's actually just the technical name for the Aegis of Harper.
26-06-2007, 01:28
TV debate ratings would soar, trust me.

"Did you hear what happened at the conservative debate last night?"
"No, what?"
"You remember how lightning struck the sound system last time Giuliani was talking about abortion?"
"Well, he was talking about it last night, and all of a sudden he lost his paladin powers!"
"Yeah, they say he's going to trade in his paladin levels for blackguard ones and run on the democratic side!"
"Huh. Could be interesting."
Callang Provinces
26-06-2007, 01:30
Street killings are the best part of a utopia… hang on a minute… :confused:


And it Its not like I'd enjoy it........... sexually..............
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:30
Noooo! Atone, atone!
26-06-2007, 01:34
Noooo! Atone, atone!

Could you imagine if we made the papers for running for office and voter registration as complicated as the Palladium system? It's a guaranteed meritocracy!

Admittedly, I think about 97% of the population would be ruled out. I can barely understand that thing. Admittedly, having a "Random Sexual Deviancy Insanity Chart" you had to roll on to run for office would be interesting. To find out what kind of information would bring down your campaign.

Plus, it would have a disclaimer in the front. "This form depicts themes of democracy and freedom. Please realize that neither the federal government as a whole or it's individual members endorse these."
26-06-2007, 01:37
So baisically everything would be determined by the roll of a dice. Don't know, kinda seems weird...
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 01:41
Could you imagine if we made the papers for running for office and voter registration as complicated as the Palladium system? It's a guaranteed meritocracy!

Admittedly, I think about 97% of the population would be ruled out. I can barely understand that thing. Admittedly, having a "Random Sexual Deviancy Insanity Chart" you had to roll on to run for office would be interesting. To find out what kind of information would bring down your campaign.

Plus, it would have a disclaimer in the front. "This form depicts themes of democracy and freedom. Please realize that neither the federal government as a whole or it's individual members endorse these."

Also, we could make resistering as frustrating as a roguelike game:

Contratulations! You are now a registered voter.
You received a Voter Registration Card
Eat Voter Registartion Card
You don't have a Voter Registartion Card
Eat Voter Registration Card
You ate your Voter Registration Card. Yuk!
You have been poisoned!
You were killed.
26-06-2007, 01:51
Alberto Gonzales: I equip my Helm of +5 Amnesia. I think.
Congress: OH SNAP! When did you get that?
AG: I don't recall.
Vladimir Illich
26-06-2007, 01:58
Alberto Gonzales: I equip my Helm of +5 Amnesia. I think.
Congress: OH SNAP! When did you get that?
AG: I don't recall.

That made me laugh out loud. I mean: LOL!

You win the thread.
UN Protectorates
26-06-2007, 02:03
Bush: I wanna cast an Anti-Ballistic Missile Spell.
DM: That's in Putin's threatened area, he'll get a diplomatic attack of opportunity.
Bush: Ain't he flat-footed?
DM: He's been alert since the Cold War.
Bush: Aww well, Ah'll cast it anyway.
DM: Make a diplomacy check.
DM: What's your ability score?
Bush: -10.
DM: You got a 1 anyway. Okay, in the political upheaval after you cast, you attack Putin's respect for democracy. Roll for initiative.
26-06-2007, 02:19
Also, we could make resistering as frustrating as a roguelike game:

Contratulations! You are now a registered voter.
You received a Voter Registration Card
Eat Voter Registartion Card
You don't have a Voter Registartion Card
Eat Voter Registration Card
You ate your Voter Registration Card. Yuk!
You have been poisoned!
You were killed.

Vote for Sam Brownback
Your head is completely dark. You're so dense not even light can escape. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 02:24
Vote for Sam Brownback
Your head is completely dark. You're so dense not even light can escape. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Ah, Zork. Your memory lingers still.
26-06-2007, 02:26
Ah, Zork. Your memory lingers still.

I've never actually played it. It's just impossible to hang out on the internet without hearing of it. There's nothing more awesome than the fact that you're likely to be eaten by a grue.

There are only three things sure in life: Taxes, death, and having your corpse devoured by a politic-I mean, grue.
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 02:33
I've never actually played it. It's just impossible to hang out on the internet without hearing of it. There's nothing more awesome than the fact that you're likely to be eaten by a grue.

There are only three things sure in life: Taxes, death, and having your corpse devoured by a politic-I mean, grue.

I have Return to Zork… it's got graphics, in a Myst kind of way. Any adventure game that comes with an encyclopedia is worthy of praise.
Theoretical Physicists
26-06-2007, 02:45
I don't know, the thought of the Supreme Court rolling a d12 to make a decision seems kind of iffy.

You act as though that's worse than how they make decisions now.
26-06-2007, 03:22
You act as though that's worse than how they make decisions now.

Which is rock, paper, scissors.
26-06-2007, 03:25
Which is rock, paper, scissors.

It's more like bullshit, horseshit, batshit.
26-06-2007, 03:26
You act as though that's worse than how they make decisions now.

Yeah, but at least bribery and lying require a Charisma check and aren't just random guessing.
Seangolis Revenge
26-06-2007, 03:34
Which is rock, paper, scissors.

No, no. That's how they decide who rights their decision. Winner gets the majority opinion, loser gets the dissenting. They flip a coin to decide if a case wins or loses.
New Malachite Square
26-06-2007, 03:44
No, no. That's how they decide who rights their decision. Winner gets the majority opinion, loser gets the dissenting. They flip a coin to decide if a case wins or loses.

And d12s give way more options than d2s. Guilty, not guilty? Yawn.
Wouldn't the best verdict ever be: "You are ambushed from above by a dragon!" It wouldn't make any sense, but whatever.
Copiosa Scotia
26-06-2007, 03:49
Debate Moderator: Dick Cheney casts Unholy Aura
McCain: Doesn't he have that automatically?
DM: Good point.
Obama: McCain, you dipshit, now we're all doomed!
McCain: Hold on...I'll think of something.
Ron Paul: I cast meteor swarm on Cheney
DM: Holy fuck! Since when do you have that spell?
RP: Stephen Colbert taught me it.
DM: Goddammit...That's...A whole lot of damage. Ron, Cheney returns fire. You take ten damage.
RP: Damn.
DM: Make a will save.
RP:...Does a five succeed?
DM: No. You cannot act for 3 rounds, as you're apologizing for so rudely getting shot in the face.
RP: Dammit. I abolish the IRS.
DM: Cheney insists he's not part of the federal government. It turns out he's absorbing funds directly from people's wallets.
Hillary: I shoot him with my +4 piercing arrow.
DM: You mean your voice?
Hillary: Yeah.

This is one of the best things I've ever read.
Hunter S Thompsonia
26-06-2007, 04:45
This is one of the best things I've ever read.

Seconded. Zarakon, you fucking rule.
26-06-2007, 06:38
This entire thread is hilarious. I want more of this stuff.

We'd have to figure out an entire government system, though. Rather than base it directly on a pre-existing system, we should create our own.
Nouvelle Wallonochia
26-06-2007, 06:57
Vote for Sam Brownback
Your head is completely dark. You're so dense not even light can escape. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Damn, you already made the grue reference. Well done, sir.
Andaras Prime
26-06-2007, 07:01
Lol, I thought this meant 'Should governments be more like Rocket-propelled grenades?'
26-06-2007, 07:05
Lol, I thought this meant 'Should governments be more like Rocket-propelled grenades?'

Hmmm.....I want to see that.
26-06-2007, 07:06
Lol, I thought this meant 'Should governments be more like Rocket-propelled grenades?'

Well, they are rather destructive and tend to be powered by cheap idiots...