Nationstates vs. Simcountry
Angels World
13-06-2007, 04:50
I was browsing the web last night and came across another nation simulation game called simcountry, and so I registered to see what it was like.It has some of the features of NS, but it is much more realistic. Any thoughts?
13-06-2007, 04:56
I played it b4. It sucks, you have to pay money after a month or you have to start your country all over again. Also not to mention not really fun.
13-06-2007, 04:56
nationstates has a "soul" if you will to it that i have not found on Simcountry or any other nationsim game i've ever found
Does it have anything as soul-sucking as NSG?
Then forget it.
13-06-2007, 05:17
nationstates has a "soul" if you will to it that i have not found on Simcountry or any other nationsim game i've ever found
It's soul is a teeming mass of posters. YOU FORMED THE TOE! And I FORMED THE PINKY!
Andaras Prime
13-06-2007, 05:21
Simcountry is micromanagement to the extreme and boring as all hell, I prefere simplication on sims, so I would prefer Cybernations or the like. Simcountry is too complicated and lacks the personal communication method like NS.
Angels World
13-06-2007, 05:39
I didn't know you had to pay after a month, and I am having a lot of trouble navigating to find the info I need.
If it's true that you have to start your nation over in thirty days, it's a waste of time. Are you sure that's the way it works? The reason why I'm asking is because I haven't found anything in the documentation about that, although I did see where the website said that if you paid you got such and such. Mostly gold coins, or something like that.
It's soul is a teeming mass of posters. YOU FORMED THE TOE! And I FORMED THE PINKY!
Well, you have to pay for Simcountry.
Nationstates is free.
You know my answer.:D
Daistallia 2104
13-06-2007, 05:57
I was browsing the web last night and came across another nation simulation game called simcountry, and so I registered to see what it was like.It has some of the features of NS, but it is much more realistic. Any thoughts?
You found it realistic? I found it to be rather unrealistic. Give it a while, and I think you'll see what I mean.
Also, iIRC, it basically doesn't do internal politics at all.
I played it b4. It sucks, you have to pay money after a month or you have to start your country all over again. Also not to mention not really fun.
Simcountry is micromanagement to the extreme and boring as all hell,
Yes indeed. I found it to be micromanagement fiddely and silly, all at the same time.
I prefere simplication on sims, so I would prefer Cybernations or the like. Simcountry is too complicated and lacks the personal communication method like NS.
I've been playing Cybernations for about 6 months. It does have some good points, but it also has serious flaws. One of the most annoying flaws is that you have to randomly change your style of government and your religion, or suffer economic consequences.
The system of alliances and colored teams makes for a rather odd international dynamic - it works, in a wonky sort of a way, to simulate the tangled treaties under the pre-WWI Westphalian System. However, it also turns nations into something more like constituants in an EU like supra-state.
Also, the style of play is quite different from NS. NS tends toward a narrativist style of play while SC and CN tend towards a Gamist style. (Neither of which really suit my Simulationists tendencies. :))
One of the biggest failing though, with SC, CN, and NS, IMO, is that none of them take into account the underlying political culture that produces the system of government. NS tries, but doesn't really do it.
Andaras Prime
13-06-2007, 06:00
You found it realistic? I found it to be rather unrealistic. Give it a while, and I think you'll see what I mean.
Also, iIRC, it basically doesn't do internal politics at all.
Yes indeed. I found it to be micromanagement fiddely and silly, all at the same time.
I've been playing Cybernations for about 6 months. It does have some good points, but it also has serious flaws. One of the most annoying flaws is that you have to randomly change your style of government and your religion, or suffer economic consequences.
The system of alliances and colored teams makes for a rather odd international dynamic - it works, in a wonky sort of a way, to simulate the tangled treaties under the pre-WWI Westphalian System. However, it also turns nations into something more like constituants in an EU like supra-state.
Also, the style of play is quite different from NS. NS tends toward a narrativist style of play while SC and CN tend towards a Gamist style. (Neither of which really suit my Simulationists tendencies. :))
One of the biggest failing though, with SC, CN, and NS, IMO, is that none of them take into account the underlying political culture that produces the system of government. NS tries, but doesn't really do it.
Indeed, once upon a time I hung out for NS2. CN just broke down into 2 warring camps at each others throats on the forum constantly.
Angels World
13-06-2007, 07:15
I am finding simcountry increasingly difficult to navigate. Links that were there a few minutes ago, are no longer there. The page designs are horrible, and it's nearly impossible to send a message to anyone. So you're stuck all by your lonesome unless--if you manage to eventually stumble up on the link for the forums--you find someone to help you.
*sighs* I spend more time wandering around there than anything. I guess I just wanted to be able to decide when and what to construct in my nation. Looked like fun. But simcountry probably isn't the one. NS has got it beat by a longshot in the navigational and easibility departments.
Thanks guys. I found the pricing, and that game is expensive! Why would you want to pay for something that is so much of a headache?
13-06-2007, 11:07
I was browsing the web last night and came across another nation simulation game called simcountry, and so I registered to see what it was like.It has some of the features of NS, but it is much more realistic. Any thoughts?
Newer Burmecia
13-06-2007, 11:10
I was browsing the web last night and came across another nation simulation game called simcountry, and so I registered to see what it was like.It has some of the features of NS, but it is much more realistic. Any thoughts?
I doubt it has LG.
Land of the Trolls
13-06-2007, 11:53
It's soul is a teeming mass of posters. YOU FORMED THE TOE! And I FORMED THE PINKY!
And I formed THE BUTT! </voltron>
13-06-2007, 12:01
Deos it have a general forum, as active and spamalicious as this one? With posters like LG?
If not, I'm not interseted. I'm not here for the government simulation. I'm here for NSG.
The Indonesian states
13-06-2007, 12:10
they should try and combine SC and NS and CN. that would be just a perfext sim game(in my opinion)
13-06-2007, 12:16
they should try and combine SC and NS and CN. that would be just a perfext sim game(in my opinion)
Only to people who are actually looking for governement simulation. Since only NS has a good forum, nothing would be changed to me.
Brutland and Norden
13-06-2007, 12:28
Can I be the left one? And you be the right?
13-06-2007, 12:39
Can I be the left one? And you be the right?
No. as no-one acrually knows you.
IL Ruffino
13-06-2007, 12:45
You're all heretics.
Well, the people who don't show 100% loyalty to NationStates.
Daistallia 2104
13-06-2007, 13:10
Indeed, once upon a time I hung out for NS2. CN just broke down into 2 warring camps at each others throats on the forum constantly.
Yes, the CN Forums are pretty bad, and less well moderated. But the alliances have some pretty good forums.
I am finding simcountry increasingly difficult to navigate. Links that were there a few minutes ago, are no longer there. The page designs are horrible, and it's nearly impossible to send a message to anyone. So you're stuck all by your lonesome unless--if you manage to eventually stumble up on the link for the forums--you find someone to help you.
*sighs* I spend more time wandering around there than anything. I guess I just wanted to be able to decide when and what to construct in my nation. Looked like fun. But simcountry probably isn't the one. NS has got it beat by a longshot in the navigational and easibility departments.
Thanks guys. I found the pricing, and that game is expensive! Why would you want to pay for something that is so much of a headache?
they should try and combine SC and NS and CN. that would be just a perfext sim game(in my opinion)
Nah. SC is just an overly detailed version of CN, really. Like I said above, neither is very realistic. Their simulation of how governments work is poor. Their depictions of military operations are horendous. And neither have any political system at all really.
And none of the three have realistic economic and political culture models.
There are things I'd borrow from each, as well as a few other games I've played. What I'd really like to see is something that does the following:
1) takes the simple but decently workable political system of NS, and fixes it just a bit
2) adds a completely new cultural aspect - shaping your economy, political system, and military forces, and adding to that a completely revamped and built up system from the one little bit of politics from CN that's based on randomness
3) combines the UN from NS with the Senate of CN and NS regions with CN alliances
4) takes a random few bits and pieces from CN (infrastructure primarily), Earth 2025 (the technology, research, spying systems, and infrastructure), SC (the multiplicity of resources, some of the economics) and fixes them, adds a few things, and makes a more realistic economic system
5) uses a combination of the international trading system of Earth 2025, SC, and CN, fixing them up into an open market and prefferantial trading partners (simulating the real life global trading system)
6) completely reworks the war systems of SC, Earth 2025, and CN - taking national culture and organisation into account, something simple and along these lines ( adding organisation into it as well, so that, rather than the simple listing of the number of soldiers and tanks as in most of these games, you have brigades, divisions and armies, for example. One bit I'd borrow from CN for this would be applying the tech levels of aircraft accross the board.
Anybody wanna help? ;)
The Infinite Dunes
13-06-2007, 13:38
Argh! I tend to like micromanagement, but that's just too much, even for me.
That and the game isn't very intuitive either.
You'd need a whole cabinent of people to play such a game...
13-06-2007, 19:31
I found Simcountries a bit boring. One thing that really draws me to Nationstates was how playable it was. The issues were funny and if you find a good active region then it can be a lot of fun. Cybernations also had that draw, but Simcountries was user-unfriendly and the website was not very attractive.