Bill O'Reilly...
11-06-2007, 00:20
So I havn't really been aware of him, being a brit, but i've just come across a few of his "debates" from youtube on fox news.
I have some questions:
1. Are many american news presenters like this dumbshit assfuck? Or is it rare?
2. Is this dumbshit assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
3. Is this dumbshit assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
4. Do you only get dumbshit assfucks like this in fox news?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Added a short description of his intelligence for more accuracy.
11-06-2007, 00:26
So I havn't really been aware of him, being a brit, but i've just come across a few of his "debates" from youtube on fox news.
I have some questions:
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
There's no one else quite like O'Reilly. Thank God.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
Depends who you ask. Most of his viewers think he's brilliant, or so I hear.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
Yes and no. He is probably the most popular host on FOX News, which features all sorts of crazies from the right and farther-right.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
They mostly thrive there and on talk radio.
New Ausha
11-06-2007, 00:41
So I havn't really been aware of him, being a brit, but i've just come across a few of his "debates" from youtube on fox news.
I have some questions:
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
Thanks in advance.
1. Uhm, there are quite a few conservative pundits.
2. If you're not blatantly biased against his set of beliefs when evaluating him, then yes.
3. Yes. Fox is center right, MSNBC is center left.
4. Shaun Hannity is a huge douche as well.
You seem too have a thing for "assfucks".
11-06-2007, 00:45
2. If you're not blatantly biased against his set of beliefs when evaluating him, then yes.
Give me a break, you're saying that only people of the same political affiliation can legitimately criticize an extreme right wing nutjob?
3. Yes. Fox is center right, MSNBC is center left.
No, FOX is extreme right, MSNBC is right-of-center. There is no left.
11-06-2007, 00:46
You seem too have a thing for "assfucks".
And Bill O'Reilly seems to have a thing for being an assfuck.
11-06-2007, 01:06
There's no one else quite like O'Reilly. Thank God.
Except anyone on FOX News and conservative radio.
11-06-2007, 01:11
Except anyone on FOX News and conservative radio.
Which brings me to another question:
If fox is so right wing, why do they show so many shows that seem to be more liberal? Like the simpsons and family guy for example.
11-06-2007, 01:14
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
There are plenty of his ilk, mostly on Fox and the radio, as has been pointed out. O'Reilly just brays the loudest of all the asses.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
He's popular among the less bright of the right-wingers, and is regarded as a nutjob by everyone else.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
He's one of many such asshats, but you won't see any hosts from the left there. They'll have a weak-kneed, simpering little token lefty to make fun of every now and again, but no true representation of the left.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
There is an extremely high concentration of them on fox, but they're virtually everywhere. At least on television, there is no lefty news. Even the oh-so-liberal cnn and msnbc are quite comfortably right-of-center, and can only be called left-wing in comparison to Fox.
That whole "liberal media" thing, well, it'd be nice if there were even a speck of truth in it. As it is, it's just a useful myth to be repeated by the right. Claim oppression while holding all the's a nice spot to be in, I imagine.
Which brings me to another question:
If fox is so right wing, why do they show so many shows that seem to be more liberal? Like the simpsons and family guy for example.
You're confusing Fox with Foxnews. The regular Fox station has those shows (though the nightly news segments are just as right-wing as Foxnews). Foxnews is the 24 hour propaganda channel. This is almost always the one people refer to when they say Fox, just for brevity's sake.
11-06-2007, 01:16
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
Fortunately, the answer is no. Most American news people on TV are not total shitbags. Though, newspaper news I still find to be better than TV news.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
Only among those who wouldn't know intelligence/reason if it bit them in the ass.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
Fox News doesn't really feature anybody from the left of any intellectual significance.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
Pretty much.
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
Depends on the channel. Fox news is about 95% people like him, the other networks are much better.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
Sort of. Plenty of conservatives and republicans dislike him, because they can recognize a major-league asshole when they see one. And for the second part, not by anyone who should be taken seriously.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
Drop the "and left" at the end, and the answer is yes.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
No. For example, I believe it's CNN who has Paula Zahn.
11-06-2007, 01:31
Which brings me to another question:
If fox is so right wing, why do they show so many shows that seem to be more liberal? Like the simpsons and family guy for example.
Because apples don't grow on orange trees.
11-06-2007, 01:31
Which brings me to another question:
If fox is so right wing, why do they show so many shows that seem to be more liberal? Like the simpsons and family guy for example.
They are an entertainment company
Simple as that ... what shows their true colors is the stuff they try to pass off as "unbiased" on their news channel
Hell maybe that is for the money too (probably) but it is still despicable
11-06-2007, 01:40
Using the word "as**uck" repeatedly is in blatant disregard of the rules and constitutes flagrant trolling. If you do not edit your post, I fear you may be reported to the moderators.
Using the word "as**uck" repeatedly is in blatant disregard of the rules and constitutes flagrant trolling. If you do not edit your post, I fear you may be reported to the moderators.
Actually, we can curse all we want at people who aren't on NSG. And you are hardly in a position to accuse anyone of "flagrant trolling".
New Manvir
11-06-2007, 01:44
Which brings me to another question:
If fox is so right wing, why do they show so many shows that seem to be more liberal? Like the simpsons and family guy for example.
Coincidentally the Simpsons has the answer to that question (
I like this one too (
Using the word "as**uck" repeatedly is in blatant disregard of the rules and constitutes flagrant trolling. If you do not edit your post, I fear you may be reported to the moderators.
Oh really? Last I checked, apart from thread titles, we could say fuck and ass all we want. Now, what would be flagrant trolling/flaming would be for me to call you an assfuck, but I'm not going to do that.
11-06-2007, 01:47
Using the word "as**uck" repeatedly is in blatant disregard of the rules and constitutes flagrant trolling. If you do not edit your post, I fear you may be reported to the moderators.
You may want to read the rules yourself threatening moderator intervention is in itself against the rules
Mods as a Weapon: Threatening another nation with moderation action if they don't do "action" is not allowed. Representing yourself as a moderator is considered impersonation, and is not allowed.
As far as it goes in my non mod opinion I have never seen someone badmouthing a public personality that is not on this board EVER be charged with trolling
11-06-2007, 01:50
Bill O'Reilly is no more of an as**uck than Bill Clinton, a big *ssfuc*, who a*sf*cked another as*fuc*, Monica Lewinsky.
11-06-2007, 01:51
Bill O'Reilly is no more of an as**uck than Bill Clinton, a big *ssfuc*, who a*sf*cked another as*fuc*, Monica Lewinsky.
What does Clinton have to do with this at all?
11-06-2007, 02:00
What does Clinton have to do with this at all?
Bill O'Reilly is no more of an as**uck than Bill Clinton, a big *ssfuc*, who a*sf*cked another as*fuc*, Monica Lewinsky.
11-06-2007, 02:00
What does Clinton have to do with this at all?
Hey, if you can't reasonably defend O'Reilly, attack Clinton instead. It's the simple way to lose all (remaining) credibility!
What does Clinton have to do with this at all?
Everything! You know, liberals are to blame for everything, and Bill Clinton is the worst of them all! So he must somehow be responsible for Bill O'Reilly being a huge assfuck!
11-06-2007, 02:13
Everything! You know, liberals are to blame for everything, and Bill Clinton is the worst of them all! So he must somehow be responsible for Bill O'Reilly being a huge assfuck!
It makes so much sense now!
11-06-2007, 02:14
Actually, we can curse all we want at people who aren't on NSG. And you are hardly in a position to accuse anyone of "flagrant trolling".
As long as it's not in the thread title, there's no rule against strong language. :)
New Muravyetsia
11-06-2007, 02:20
So I havn't really been aware of him, being a brit, but i've just come across a few of his "debates" from youtube on fox news.
I have some questions:
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
Sadly, US media are saturated with fuckery of all kinds except the good kind. O'Reilly is not rare in being an assfuck, but he IS an exemplary American assfuck, being way more extreme and blatant than most on television. One might say his assfuck-fu is good.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
Sadly, yes. Many Americans apparently enjoy a good assfuck, especially Americans who claim to oppose gay rights. Interesting, that. Anyway... It's hard to tell sometimes whether O'Reilly's audience is really full of people who agree with him, or if the numbers are filled out by people who enjoy carnival freak shows. Many Americans are perverse that way, too.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
There are no hosts from the left on Fox because there are no hosts from the left on US television, because there is no "left" in America -- at least not by non-US standards of "left." Fox News is a right-wing propaganda tool -- far right, even by American standards.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
Thanks in advance.
You're welcome.
The Nazz
11-06-2007, 02:26
So I havn't really been aware of him, being a brit, but i've just come across a few of his "debates" from youtube on fox news. Other have answered you, but I've got slightly different answers for you, and a bit more detailed.
I have some questions:
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?O'Reilly isn't a news presenter in the strictest sense of the word. He's an analyst or a talking head. And sadly, he's not all that rare. On his own channel, he's got John Gibson and Shawn Hannity, who are similar. On CNN Headline News, there's Glenn Beck. On MSNBC, there's Joe Scarborough. And there are some real nutballs on AM radio.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?These are really two mutually exclusive propositions most of the time. It's rare that an intelligent and reasoned person is also popular on tv. O'Reilly is popular--there's no denying that. He wins his timeslot in the ratings handily and is among the most watched shows on cable television. He has a fraction of the network audiences, but he's dominant in his milieu. That said, he's been steadily losing audience over the last 18 months to Keith Olbermann, that rarity I mentioned above. While O'Reilly once had an audience 4 times Olbermann's, it's down to 2 times, and Olbermann continues to gain despite the factt hat MSNBC is on fewer cable providers than Fox is.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?He is one of many, but there is precious little variation on Fox News. The closest thing there is to variation is the day, about once every six months, when a producer decides to give Alan Colmes one of the testicles they keep locked away for safekeeping to use on his show. They then immediately take it back afterward.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?See answer 1.
Thanks in advance.
De nada.
New Muravyetsia
11-06-2007, 02:28
Which brings me to another question:
If fox is so right wing, why do they show so many shows that seem to be more liberal? Like the simpsons and family guy for example.
Because Fox News and the Fox television network are different entities with different executives, different offices, different etc's, just the same boss - Rupert Murdoch. They are not programmed to match each other.
The tradition in US television is that news draws smaller audiences than entertainment. The ultimate goal of television is to command large audiences. That may be why:
1) Fox Television programs liberal-leaning shows - because they are more popular with the majority of Americans; and
2) Fox news is, basically, entertainment, with little to no actual news content but lots and lots of controversial stamping and yelling.
North Calaveras
11-06-2007, 02:28
Who does this british guy thinks he is? you british are idiots, dam imps, Im an american and support Bill, heres and idea, how about you give back the Irish there country?
The Nazz
11-06-2007, 02:28
Using the word "as**uck" repeatedly is in blatant disregard of the rules and constitutes flagrant trolling. If you do not edit your post, I fear you may be reported to the moderators.
Don't just talk shit. Do shit. Go report him or shut up about it.
11-06-2007, 02:42
Who does this british guy thinks he is? you british are idiots, dam imps, Im an american and support Bill, heres and idea, how about you give back the Irish there country?
If I keep reading stuff like this, I'm going to forget how to tie my shoes by tomorrow.
You may want to read the rules yourself threatening moderator intervention is in itself against the rules and in my non-mod opinion, he's not useing mods as a weapon. he's simply warning that it could be reported to the mods. now if he said "I'll report you to the mods if you keep saying Fuck and ass..." then that's using mods as a weapon. ;)
O'Reilly isn't a news presenter in the strictest sense of the word. He's an analyst or a talking head. And sadly, he's not all that rare. On his own channel, he's got John Gibson and Shawn Hannity, who are similar. On CNN Headline News, there's Glenn Beck. On MSNBC, there's Joe Scarborough. And there are some real nutballs on AM radio.and it takes Nazz and 40+ posts to point this out. He isn't a newscaster, he's a pundit, a commentator, an opinionator... you know... HIS views and HIS opinions.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man? and this is two questions.
part 1: Anna Nichol Smith, Paris Hilton, George Clooney, The Beetles, Spice Girls, Elton John... all are popular... what makes O'Reilly popular? dunno, but I think it might be people starting threads questioning this man and letting others tune in to see what he'll say/do next that makes him popular. so he'll probably thank you for the free advertisement.
Part 2: Intelligence and Reasoning does not equal Wisdom and Prudence. ;)
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left? one... but he has his own newpaper collumn and radio show.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news? nope, you get em everywhere. It's just that most people tend to aggree with the other Assfucks and thus they don't get that much bad press.
11-06-2007, 02:59
Who does this british guy thinks he is? you british are idiots, dam imps, Im an american and support Bill, heres and idea, how about you give back the Irish there country?
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
This is America. Anyone with an opinion can and will make himself heard.
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
It's Fox News's most highly rated show.
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
Afraid I can't answer that. I rarely watch TV anymore.
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
So I've heard. And could you stop calling O'Reiley an assfuck? Brits are too polite to stoop to those levels.
Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
11-06-2007, 03:30
Don't just talk shit. Do shit. Go report him or shut up about it.
I was giving him a polite, courteous warning. You, on the other hand, could stand to learn some manners.
Lunatic Goofballs
11-06-2007, 03:36
Coincidentally the Simpsons has the answer to that question (
I like this one too (
Yay! :)
The Nazz
11-06-2007, 03:39
I was giving him a polite, courteous warning. You, on the other hand, could stand to learn some manners.
You have the authority to warn people? Not unless you're a mod puppet, which I doubt.
As for my manners, I think I'll be able to survive your scorn. You're not worthy of good manners--you're dishonest and live to stir up trouble. Why should I give you any deference?
North Calaveras
11-06-2007, 03:41
he likes that word alot lol
11-06-2007, 03:49
So I havn't really been aware of him, being a brit, but i've just come across a few of his "debates" from youtube on fox news.
I have some questions:
1. Are many american news presenters like this assfuck? Or is it rare?
2. Is this assfuck popular in the USA? Is he supposed to be regarded as an intelligent and reasoned man?
3. Is this assfuck one of many hosts on fox news, which features all sorts of people from the right and left?
4. Do you only get assfucks like this in fox news?
Thanks in advance.
To preface my response, let me say that I am a conservative libertarian. O'Reilly does not debate anyone; he calls people onto his show to tell them why they are wrong and accuse them of personally attacking him. To call him a right-winger or something like it is not entirely accurate. He is vehemently against the death penalty, supports the immigration bill presently being debated (called amnesty by most people from the right), and accuses many companies of earning excessive profits or scamming the little guy, of whom he is the self-appointed protector.
To address the other posters on this topic: to say that any news source is non-biased is laughable. Foxnews is more right wing than the others (which are liberal whether anyone wants to admit it or not), but all news outlets have abandoned the principle of merely reporting the news in favor of adding their own personal opinions or coloring the story to support their personal biases.
There are various folks of various ideologies on Foxnews channel, just as there are folks of various ideologies on other channels. Newspaper sources are the same way.
Bill O'Reilly is no more of an as**uck than Bill Clinton, a big *ssfuc*, who a*sf*cked another as*fuc*, Monica Lewinsky.
Actually, Bill O'Reilly is a massive cocksucking assfuck jerkoff, and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky don't even begin to approach his level of asshattery. And I use asshat literally, Bill O'Reilly's head is so far up his ass that the rest of his body is, literally, his hat. And as far as I know, you are wrong in saying Bill had anal sex (I'm sorry, as you so cleverly put it, "a*sf*cked", truely a masterpiece of literature) with Monica Lewinsky.
Good talk, F.A.G., good talk.
11-06-2007, 04:27
Bill O'Reilly is no more of an as**uck than Bill Clinton, a big *ssfuc*, who a*sf*cked another as*fuc*, Monica Lewinsky.
I thought Clinton and Lewinski only had oral sex.......
I thought Clinton and Lewinski only had oral sex.......
And as we all know...
Oral sex ain't sex...
At least not concerning the suckER... the suckEE, however...
The Nazz
11-06-2007, 05:18
And as we all know...
Oral sex ain't sex...
At least not concerning the suckER... the suckEE, however...
That's the excuse Newt used even as he was trying to get Clinton kicked out of office--sucking ain't fucking.
11-06-2007, 05:40
Fox News doesn't really feature anybody from the left of any intellectual significance.
You say that as if any actually exist.
11-06-2007, 05:44
You say that as if any actually exist.
You say that as if they dont
11-06-2007, 07:04
You say that as if any actually exist.
Ah, high-minded debate: an illustration of how NSG resembles FauxNews :rolleyes:
The Brevious
11-06-2007, 07:09
Actually, Bill O'Reilly is a massive cocksucking assfuck jerkoff, and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky don't even begin to approach his level of asshattery. And I use asshat literally, Bill O'Reilly's head is so far up his ass that the rest of his body is, literally, his hat. And as far as I know, you are wrong in saying Bill had anal sex (I'm sorry, as you so cleverly put it, "a*sf*cked", truely a masterpiece of literature) with Monica Lewinsky.
Good talk, F.A.G., good talk.Now hit the showers, and knock a few back at the pub over a good game of Parcheesi?
11-06-2007, 07:17
part 1: Anna Nichol Smith, Paris Hilton, George Clooney, The Beetles, Spice Girls, Elton John... all are popular...
Common Gain
11-06-2007, 07:19
Actually, we can curse all we want at people who aren't on NSG. And you are hardly in a position to accuse anyone of "flagrant trolling".
Common Gain
11-06-2007, 07:22
Bill O'Reilly is no more of an as**uck than Bill Clinton, a big *ssfuc*, who a*sf*cked another as*fuc*, Monica Lewinsky.
ROFL you spell it differently every time, LOL :)
11-06-2007, 14:34
Using the word "as**uck" repeatedly is in blatant disregard of the rules and constitutes flagrant trolling. If you do not edit your post, I fear you may be reported to the moderators.
You're right, I shouldn't have been so vague in my description of him, i'm sorry. I've edited the OP accordingly.
11-06-2007, 14:36
Who does this british guy thinks he is? you british are idiots, dam imps, Im an american and support Bill, heres and idea, how about you give back the Irish there country?
I think it's funnier watching those Irish swim to be honest.
11-06-2007, 14:46
Who does this british guy thinks he is? you british are idiots, dam imps, Im an american and support Bill
You've no right to call people an idiot when you can't even spell. Here's a version with the proper grammar -
"Who does this British guy think he is? You British are idiots, damn imps (incidentally, I'm going to assume you're talking about the irritating demonic imps), I'm an American and support Bill.
Your post, by the way, speaks volumes about his support base. One word - retards.
heres and idea, how about you give back the Irish there country?
Heres and other other idea, listen to what the people of Northern Ireland have voted for - quite a lot of people in NI want to stay with the UK.
IIRC the ROI also ran a referrendum on whether they should get NI. The citizens of the ROI didn't want it.
Therefore it'd be a bit cruel to just leave them to fade into oblivion, really.
You're right, I shouldn't have been so vague in my description of him, i'm sorry. I've edited the OP accordingly.
The OP wins the thread.
11-06-2007, 21:40
I don't even understand why he made that comment in the first place, it seems totally irellavent.
11-06-2007, 21:44
Everything! You know, liberals are to blame for everything, and Bill Clinton is the worst of them all! So he must somehow be responsible for Bill O'Reilly being a huge assfuck!
I have been enlightened! Praise BillO!
Europa Maxima
11-06-2007, 23:55
"Who does this British guy think he is? You British are idiots, damn imps (incidentally, I'm going to assume you're talking about the irritating demonic imps), I'm an American and support Bill.
Imperials, maybe?
12-06-2007, 00:15
Ahh, Billo.
Except for his legion (?) of adoring fans, Bill O'Lielly is viewed as the King Asshat of all Asshats.
Olbermann heaps scorn onto him, and all I can do is laugh. Billo is consistently featured as one of the nominees for the "Worst Person in the World" often, along with Comedian Rush Limbaugh on Olbermann's "Countdown" and usually, deservingly.
Olbermann's gain in ratings can be attributed in part to the mounds of scorn Billo receives on KO's program. I have to admit I find it hugely entertaining.
Bill Orally, today's Worst Person in the World!
The Brevious
12-06-2007, 06:21
Oh really? Last I checked, apart from thread titles, we could say fuck and ass all we want. Now, what would be flagrant trolling/flaming would be for me to call you an assfuck, but I'm not going to do that.
You rock ... and yes, i've said that before.
The Brevious
12-06-2007, 06:24
Sadly, US media are saturated with fuckery of all kinds except the good kind. O'Reilly is not rare in being an assfuck, but he IS an exemplary American assfuck, being way more extreme and blatant than most on television. One might say his assfuck-fu is good.
Sadly, yes. Many Americans apparently enjoy a good assfuck, especially Americans who claim to oppose gay rights. Interesting, that. Anyway... It's hard to tell sometimes whether O'Reilly's audience is really full of people who agree with him, or if the numbers are filled out by people who enjoy carnival freak shows. Many Americans are perverse that way, too.
There are no hosts from the left on Fox because there are no hosts from the left on US television, because there is no "left" in America -- at least not by non-US standards of "left." Fox News is a right-wing propaganda tool -- far right, even by American standards.
You're welcome.
You know i love it when you post like this. :D