Bush Rejects Emissions Reduction at G-8
Sane Outcasts
07-06-2007, 17:22
Bush rejects emission standards (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/07/world/europe/07prexy.html?n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fOrganizations%2fG%2fGroup%20of%20Eight)
In this thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=528614) a few days ago, we saw Bush claim he would work towards establishing emission standards at the G-8 conference. At the conference, though, it seems that the plan proposed by the German chancellor has been rejected outright by Bush:
As leaders of wealthy nations converged Wednesday on a Baltic Sea resort for their annual meeting, the White House effectively derailed a climate change initiative backed by one of President Bush’s strongest European allies, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany.
The White House said it would hold firm against concrete long-term targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a major priority for Mrs. Merkel, the host of the Group of 8 meeting.
Ouch. So, it seems the White house wants to reduce emissions, but doesn't want to set deadlines. Must be some sort of aversion for definite time-lines in this administration.
Greater Trostia
07-06-2007, 17:28
Deadlines are a liberal myth concocted to destroy America because they hate our freedoms.
Lunatic Goofballs
07-06-2007, 17:34
See, if you set deadlines it is hard to ignore them because you seem like a failure when you don't meet them. By making vague promises without measurable benchmarks, you are free to give an issue lip service while at the same time, ignoring it completely. As a bonus, it helps to redirect attention to the fact that you don't give a shit by making it somebody else's problem. Look at the 'No Child Left Behind Act' to see the entire Bush Policy in action. :)
The Nazz
07-06-2007, 17:48
Is anyone really surprised by this?
07-06-2007, 17:51
Is anyone really surprised by this?
No more than I'm surprised that Harper is playing Bush's lapdog with this.
King Arthur the Great
07-06-2007, 17:56
Is anyone really surprised by this?
Yes, actually, I am. See, I half expected Bush to immediately leave, claim that Germany was harboring WMD's, and prepare a military strike to oust their corrupt leader, send the country into chaos, recover their head of state in a foxhole, and then hang her, all the while forgetting to send the body armor over to the troops in the first place.
This actually turned out pretty good, namely, a better than average action taken by Chimpy McFlight-Suit.
Glorious Freedonia
07-06-2007, 18:06
Bush rejects emission standards (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/07/world/europe/07prexy.html?n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fOrganizations%2fG%2fGroup%20of%20Eight)
In this thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=528614) a few days ago, we saw Bush claim he would work towards establishing emission standards at the G-8 conference. At the conference, though, it seems that the plan proposed by the German chancellor has been rejected outright by Bush:
Ouch. So, it seems the White house wants to reduce emissions, but doesn't want to set deadlines. Must be some sort of aversion for definite time-lines in this administration.
This is why I do not like Bush. I love his wars and I know that we are doing the right thing in terms of national security and anti-terrorism foreign policy (although he is a bit too multi-lateral to me what with his cooperation with the Chinese against oppressed muslim freedom fighters in China). However, I hate his environmental positions. I wish that all the other Republicans were all super dooper green tree hugging abortion lovers like me.
Is it just me, or did anyone else get a chuckle out of the paragraph dealing with the demonstrations:
Demonstrators in clown makeup and pink and yellow wigs danced outside a steel fence surrounding the meeting site, clashing with the police, who used tear gas to disperse them.
I now have a vision of pink and yellow haired clowns bumping into each other in hilarious fashion and piling into a very, very small car to avoid the tear gas...
Andaras Prime
08-06-2007, 00:23
Lol, this is funny, when Bush arrived he was all like 'America will lead the way on Climate Change solutions' because he didn't want to be left behind, now he's all like 'neocons no like'.
Turquoise Days
08-06-2007, 00:34
I despise Bush's position on this, and see any ground he gives up as an attempt by him to try to get weaseling room, but... Merkel appears to have done quite well, all things considered. It's not enough, not by a long shot, but its more than I expected.
UN Protectorates
08-06-2007, 00:40
I hope Merkel doesn't back down on Bush over this issue.
08-06-2007, 00:44
I understand that Germany, (correct me please if I am wrong) has somewhat of a blossoming solar panel industry and is taking some steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emmisions.
Germany, I love you.
United States, you really need to work on the patriotism of your citizens, even the green tree-hugging annoying ones.
08-06-2007, 00:51
United States, you really need to work on the patriotism of your citizens, even the green tree-hugging annoying ones.and maybe you should also stop creating 25% or so of the world's air pollution :)
Would you fucking people PLEASE just elect Gore next time?
Oh wait...you did.
New Manvir
08-06-2007, 01:15
What is it with Bush and deadlines?
08-06-2007, 01:17
I hate pollution.
Andaras Prime
08-06-2007, 01:18
Would you fucking people PLEASE just elect Gore next time?
Oh wait...you did.
Yes but the Neoconservative Supreme Command Council (Electoral College) didn't give it's approval.
Non Aligned States
08-06-2007, 01:29
What is it with Bush and deadlines?
It might mean he might actually have to work.
Sane Outcasts
08-06-2007, 01:36
It might mean he might actually have to work.
Odd thing is the proposed deadlines were in 2050. Not exactly cutting into his last year, more like *pulls out calculator* five presidents down the line. I think the person with his hand up Bush's ass has a few business interests that extend beyond this president.
Non Aligned States
08-06-2007, 03:03
Odd thing is the proposed deadlines were in 2050. Not exactly cutting into his last year, more like *pulls out calculator* five presidents down the line. I think the person with his hand up Bush's ass has a few business interests that extend beyond this president.
Quite true. Makes you wonder if we'll see America inc. rather than America as a nation.
Cannot think of a name
08-06-2007, 03:21
See, if you set deadlines it is hard to ignore them because you seem like a failure when you don't meet them. By making vague promises without measurable benchmarks, you are free to give an issue lip service while at the same time, ignoring it completely. As a bonus, it helps to redirect attention to the fact that you don't give a shit by making it somebody else's problem. Look at the 'No Child Left Behind Act' to see the entire Bush Policy in action. :)
Nuthin' but net.
Would you fucking people PLEASE just elect Gore next time?
Oh wait...you did.
Yeah, sorry about that.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
08-06-2007, 03:33
I understand that Germany, (correct me please if I am wrong) has somewhat of a blossoming solar panel industry and is taking some steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emmisions.
Germany, I love you.
One of my neighbors just got solar panels. No idea what they cost, but are they ever ugly! :p I'll take wind-power if we're going the hippy-dippy route. ;)
King Arthur the Great
08-06-2007, 04:54
United States, you really need to work on the patriotism of your citizens, even the green tree-hugging annoying ones.
What is that supposed to mean? I mean, honestly, our whole idea of patriotism was originally the questioning of government by individuals. Specifically, the ones most likely to grab power once people get fed up with whatever they've got at the moment. See, American patriotism is like anarchism, but to a wee bit lesser extent. Let all question government, and when one party provides the best scorecard, let that particualr group of people govern, until their scorecard drops below the next group of people's scorecard.
And I still think we should congratulate Mr. Bush for his actions so far. As far as we know, we have yet to prepare for another war with Germany. Let's applaud the people that are keeping it that way.