College students invent powdered hooch
Amazingly it seems they're able to circumvent the underage drinking laws with this stuff. Though at only 3% alcohol it's almost as weak as American beer.
06-06-2007, 16:17
Good luck to them! I bet its disgusting, so they'll struggle to drink enough to get drunk.
Amazingly it seems they're able to circumvent the underage drinking laws with this stuff. Though at only 3% alcohol it's almost as weak as American beer.
Neat. Just shows what happens when you let intelligent, educated people at a problem that really intrigues them.
Now if only we could get them to apply that education to something more useful...:D
Call to power
06-06-2007, 16:24
Good luck to them! I bet its disgusting, so they'll struggle to drink enough to get drunk.
whats wrong with lime :mad::p
if I was 13 I would be excited...
06-06-2007, 16:24
Not all American beer is Natty Light...