Back and Abdominal Workouts
I've had a substancial beer belly for years now, brought on by the steroids that I've taken for my Crohn's Disease. I've been off the medication for more than a year now but the belly persists. And my back has paid the price too, carrying all the weight in the front. One wrong twist, and I walk like a hunchback for the rest of the day from the pain.
I've tried dieting and some mild exersize, like walking every day, and I've lost a good 20 pounds on that alone, but not where I want to lose it. It's clear that I need some more oomph. Unfortunately, I have approximately zero knowledge when it comes to exercise.
I really don't have too much time to go to the gym every day, and, to be frank, I'm more than a bit uncomfortable at going to a gym anyway. And, once again being frank, I trust NS General more than I do Google.
What simple exercises exist which I can do at home in a matter of 20 or 30 minutes. I do have weights...and that's about it.
Thanks in advance comrades.
Oh, and I'm not so naive to expect a quick sollution. I'm well aware that it takes effort over a period of weeks to see any sort of result.
06-06-2007, 01:03
Do sit ups while holding a light weight (I use 10-20 lbs) to your chest.
Works well enough to build muscle, I'd imagine it'd get rid of that gut for you too.
New Stalinberg
06-06-2007, 01:20
What I do for abs and hamstring is to lie flat on your back, and then raise your legs up in the air streched out as far as you can, and move them up and down.
What I do for abs and hamstring is to lie flat on your back, and then raise your legs up in the air streched out as far as you can, and move them up and down.
I'll give that a try.
Do sit ups while holding a light weight (I use 10-20 lbs) to your chest.
Works well enough to build muscle, I'd imagine it'd get rid of that gut for you too.
I know sit-ups can do wonders, I've tried it before...
...and I stopped because in the morning I was doing my best Quazimodo impression. :p
Any suggestions on how I can prevent that?
The Brevious
06-06-2007, 07:18
What I do for abs and hamstring is to lie flat on your back, and then raise your legs up in the air streched out as far as you can, and move them up and down.
Even better during sex.
In fact ...
Plates are good.
06-06-2007, 07:33
I'll give that a try.
I know sit-ups can do wonders, I've tried it before...
...and I stopped because in the morning I was doing my best Quazimodo impression. :p
Any suggestions on how I can prevent that?
You could do crunches. Lifting only your shoulders off the ground(Only a couple inches). I'd imagine it wouldn't cause pain in your back.
New Ausha
06-06-2007, 07:34
I've had a substancial beer belly for years now, brought on by the steroids that I've taken for my Crohn's Disease. I've been off the medication for more than a year now but the belly persists. And my back has paid the price too, carrying all the weight in the front. One wrong twist, and I walk like a hunchback for the rest of the day from the pain.
I've tried dieting and some mild exersize, like walking every day, and I've lost a good 20 pounds on that alone, but not where I want to lose it. It's clear that I need some more oomph. Unfortunately, I have approximately zero knowledge when it comes to exercise.
I really don't have too much time to go to the gym every day, and, to be frank, I'm more than a bit uncomfortable at going to a gym anyway. And, once again being frank, I trust NS General more than I do Google.
What simple exercises exist which I can do at home in a matter of 20 or 30 minutes. I do have weights...and that's about it.
Thanks in advance comrades.
Oh, and I'm not so naive to expect a quick sollution. I'm well aware that it takes effort over a period of weeks to see any sort of result.
Erm I am terribly sorry, I created a thread very similar in nature. I honestly did not know you had one running, so no hard feelings eh?
Erm I am terribly sorry, I created a thread very similar in nature. I honestly did not know you had one running, so no hard feelings eh?
...I didn't even know you had another thread, and even if I did, I wouldn't take offense.
First of all, you could do thousands of crunches, back extensions, etc, and that wouldn't remove any of the fat that might be on your belly. Only way to get rid of that is through diet and exercise. Ab and back exercises will strengthen your core, but won't necessarily get rid of any fat. Just be patient with your other exercise - you may not be losing fat where you want, but you will eventually lose it on the belly (you lose fat in the reverse of how you gain, so if you gained the belly fat first, it will be the last to go away).
Now, for strengthening your core, there are a number of exercises you could do. For the abs, nothing can beat the crunches. Make sure to throw some rotation into the motion as well to work the obliques. When you do the crunches, cross your arms in front of your chest - don't hold the back of your head as this could cause strain on your neck.
For your back, one of the best exercises is commonly called the "superman." Lie on your stomach with your arms extended on the floor above your head. Lift right arm and left leg off the ground, hold for a couple seconds, then lower. Repeat with left arm/right leg. I've been to physical therapy numerous times for a back injury, and this is the most common one they've had me do.
You may also want to consider buying an exercise ball (swiss ball, balance ball, etc). It really does help with strengthening your core muscles...
06-06-2007, 19:01
crohns?! sadness. :(
I don't really have much advice other than be careful with the dieting, lest you stress yourself into a flare up, and work on flexibility for your back.
First of all, you could do thousands of crunches, back extensions, etc, and that wouldn't remove any of the fat that might be on your belly. Only way to get rid of that is through diet and exercise. Ab and back exercises will strengthen your core, but won't necessarily get rid of any fat. Just be patient with your other exercise - you may not be losing fat where you want, but you will eventually lose it on the belly (you lose fat in the reverse of how you gain, so if you gained the belly fat first, it will be the last to go away).
Now, for strengthening your core, there are a number of exercises you could do. For the abs, nothing can beat the crunches. Make sure to throw some rotation into the motion as well to work the obliques. When you do the crunches, cross your arms in front of your chest - don't hold the back of your head as this could cause strain on your neck.
For your back, one of the best exercises is commonly called the "superman." Lie on your stomach with your arms extended on the floor above your head. Lift right arm and left leg off the ground, hold for a couple seconds, then lower. Repeat with left arm/right leg. I've been to physical therapy numerous times for a back injury, and this is the most common one they've had me do.
You may also want to consider buying an exercise ball (swiss ball, balance ball, etc). It really does help with strengthening your core muscles...
Excellent, thank you very much.
crohns?! sadness.
I don't really have much advice other than be careful with the dieting, lest you stress yourself into a flare up, and work on flexibility for your back.
Thanks Smunkee!
But I'm good, trust me. T'would be sadness if I resigned myself, and I decided against that long ago. :D
Oh, and one other thing - it's really hard to think like this, but slow weight loss is better than rapid loss, so don't lose the patience! Best to lose the weight over a year than over a month - you'll be much less likely to add it back on.
It's a long, very tedious process, but worth it in the end...
Oh, and one other thing - it's really hard to think like this, but slow weight loss is better than rapid loss, so don't lose the patience! Best to lose the weight over a year than over a month - you'll be much less likely to add it back on.
It's a long, very tedious process, but worth it in the end...
I understand that one's body doesn't like such rapid change. I learned that when I put on more than 90 pounds over a period of three months.
Seriously, I used to be a skinny bastard, but once I went on the steroids, huge appetite, water retention, the works.
Yeesh...! That was a hoot...
Neu Heidelberg
06-06-2007, 19:30
Did you know that you can burn a lot of fat (what is more; fat in the right places) by walking/bicycling/running for 20 - 30 minutes?
Apparently, walking/b/r helps your waist to loose some weight. (Because you twist and turn it when moving.)
And while you're at it: cut down your meat consumption and turn to vegetables instead. Vegetables are harder to digest, so while they give you a saturated feeling, you'll end up with less 'fuel' to use, and burn fat instead. (I lost about 18 pounds that way, and I feel wonderful for it)
And one more tip: rice, not pasta/potatoes. Rice is less digestable and more saturating, so guess what it does for your weight if you replace pasta/potatoes with rice more often.
Good luck!
06-06-2007, 19:33
Thanks Smunkee!
But I'm good, trust me. T'would be sadness if I resigned myself, and I decided against that long ago. :D
I think you crohn's people are stubborn. ;) You know hubby worked an 8 hour shift obstructed once? He came home sick and I nearly kicked his ass.
"I'm fine"
"you could die"
"are you in pain?"
"I'm always in pain"
"we need to go to the hospital"
"I have to mow the lawn"
"you need to rest"
"I'll sleep when I'm dead"
so are you in remission? or just off the prednisone?
I understand that one's body doesn't like such rapid change. I learned that when I put on more than 90 pounds over a period of three months.
Seriously, I used to be a skinny bastard, but once I went on the steroids, huge appetite, water retention, the works.
Yeesh...! That was a hoot...
My brother went through something very similar when he had Hodgkin's - he's still struggling with it...
Try out these exercises and see how it goes. If you start to plateau, let me know - I have some more advanced ones you can do as well...