Where are the FBI, BATF and that flame throwing tank when you need 'em?
Drunk commies deleted
24-05-2007, 20:41
So a group with ties to Pakistani terrorist organizations is recruiting and training people in the US in rural compounds. If the folks at Waco could be burned alive for owning a couple of guns converted to full auto, one would think these people won't be around too much longer.
Sumamba Buwhan
24-05-2007, 21:01
So a group with ties to Pakistani terrorist organizations is recruiting and training people in the US in rural compounds. If the folks at Waco could be burned alive for owning a couple of guns converted to full auto, one would think these people won't be around too much longer.
I heat that they have ties to George W. Bush and are collaborating on attacks against the United States of Amuricah!
24-05-2007, 21:31
So a group with ties to Pakistani terrorist organizations is recruiting and training people in the US in rural compounds. If the folks at Waco could be burned alive for owning a couple of guns converted to full auto, one would think these people won't be around too much longer.
Wow, so many years and the conspiracy talk is still alive. David Koresh was the one who started the fire at Mount Carmel.
But I don't understand why the place hasn't been raided or investigated myself. You'd think with the nation's 3b1l |\/|05l3|\/|5 obcession places like these would have been the first to go. But it's ironic that Kimchi didn't even know about the existence of these places or we would have heard about them long time ago.
Regardless of religion, any place that's an armed camp of ex-convicts is never a good thing.
I don't know.. this compound doesn't exactly reek of terrorism. Isolationism, perhaps, but.. come on. When a bunch of white guys get together in a shanty village and fire off guns, it's a hunting club. But when black muslims do it, it's a terrorist camp? Eh.
I'm not saying they're entirely on the up-and-up, but that CFP guy.. let's just say I'm not ready to whole-heartedly accept any "facts" from someone who wrote "THE AL QAEDA CONNECTION," according to that website.
Granted, the Islamberg guys could work on their HTML a bit: http://islamberg.org/index.html
H N Fuffino
24-05-2007, 21:36
Granted, the Islamberg guys could work on their HTML a bit: http://islamberg.org/index.html
That website in itself is an act of terrorism.
24-05-2007, 21:44
yeah, where are bill clinton and janet reno when we need them?
24-05-2007, 23:19
So a group with ties to Pakistani terrorist organizations is recruiting and training people in the US in rural compounds. If the folks at Waco could be burned alive for owning a couple of guns converted to full auto, one would think these people won't be around too much longer.
These must count as the domestic terrorists that someone was using to apologize for the Muslim terrorists the other day.
Wow, so many years and the conspiracy talk is still alive. David Koresh was the one who started the fire at Mount Carmel.
Well I'd love to get both sides of the story on who started that fire but since the only people left to tell the story are the Government agents, you'll have to excuse some of us who aren't sheeple and actually think logically about what happened at places like Waco and Ruby Ridge.
Not to mention the reason the feds made the media move so far back was because when the shooting started, it was clear the FBI and BATFE started it. There were no dust buffs in the dirt around the federal "troops" nor did any of the cars show signs of being hit. The Branch Davidians were not firing and did not return fire either in the beginning. There are even recorded 9-1-1 phone calls from the building calling in telling them to stop shooting, that the building had women and children in it.
Please also enlighten me what tax crime is deserving of sending in hundreds of heavily armed federal tax agents? Because thats what BATFE agents are basically. Because the reason they were sent there was over a ludacris $200 tax matter. They realized, however, that they had to 'spin' it differently to justify the use of 3 helicopter gun ships and around 100 agents armed with grenades and machine guns to attack a building with 85 men,women and children. Explain why a federal tax agency would be interested in a man who claimed to have been Jesus?
On April 19th, 1993 Bob Ricks claimed the tanks were defensive only, even though they used them to, at that point, smash 1/5th of the wood compound into kindling. Not to mention that the warrent the raid was based on did not show "probable cause". It listed non-NFA firearms and parts which are legal to own with no special registration or federal taxes required. The BATFE also lied to Texas officials to borrow the 3 helicopter gunships. Texas law prohibits lending state-controled aircraft to federal agencies except in drug cases. The BATFE said the Branch Davidians were operating a methamphetamine lab. There was no mention of drugs in the search warrent issued either.
And it's more likely that the BATFE started that fire since they pumped the whole compound (which was made out of wood) full of CS tear gas and continued to fire pyrotechnic tear gas canisters through the walls of the building. Even though the solvent evaporated, the remaining CS material remained suspended in the air. Any highschool chemistry student can attest, virtually any fine material will burn when it is uniformly suspended in air because of the tremendous amount of surface area exposed. Try it with a pinch of powdered aluminum tossed into a fireplace or a handfull of corstarch sprayed from a squeeze bottle. When these pyrotechnic devices went off in the old wooden building with the rooms where this gas was suspended, the gas burned and, in turn, released deadly hydrogen cyanide gas on top of starting a massive fire.
Remote Observer
25-05-2007, 15:47
So a group with ties to Pakistani terrorist organizations is recruiting and training people in the US in rural compounds. If the folks at Waco could be burned alive for owning a couple of guns converted to full auto, one would think these people won't be around too much longer.
You're not allowed to diss Muslims anymore. The ACLU would be all over the government if we burned a Muslim compound down.
Call to power
25-05-2007, 15:53
with a name like Islamberg I don't think we have much to worry :p
25-05-2007, 16:07
Granted, the Islamberg guys could work on their HTML a bit: http://islamberg.org/index.html
Needs a lot of work. This one jumped out at me: "healthy, struggling community"... bit of an oxymoron there, isn't it?