NationStates Jolt Archive

Next Major War?

Quantum Bonus
19-05-2007, 20:58
Who do you guys think the next major war will between? I'd been talking with my mates about it and i haven't a clue. I don't have that much knowledge about internation affairs y'see :P

I'm pretty sure it won't be between the US and Iran, because the US is licking its wounds from Iraq and Bush is on his way out. Iran will provoke, but the US won't bite because it can't without losing even more face.
19-05-2007, 21:02
Who do you guys think the next major war will between? I'd been talking with my mates about it and i haven't a clue. I don't have that much knowledge about internation affairs y'see :P

I'm pretty sure it won't be between the US and Iran, because the US is licking its wounds from Iraq and Bush is on his way out. Iran will provoke, but the US won't bite because it can't without losing even more face.

All of them against themselves
19-05-2007, 21:03
Now that Bush is on his way out... I actually can't come up with a terribly imminent scenario.

What a nice change. :)
New Manvir
19-05-2007, 21:07
Antarctica vs the world....those penguins are goin down!!
New Stalinberg
19-05-2007, 21:09
Bush War #2.
Drunk commies deleted
19-05-2007, 21:11
Eritrea assists the Somali Islamic Courts Union guerillas against Ethiopian forces in Somalia. They get carried away and run a few terrorist operations across the border in Ethiopia and open war breaks out between Eritrea and Ethiopia with Somalia in the middle.

Or maybe the Aliens will invade.

Armed illegal aliens from Mexico will invade the US in order to kidnap rednecks and perform experiments involving anal probes on them. In a last-ditch effort to defend the USA from the alien invaders the rednecks will band together and make a moonshine and methamphetamine fueled desparate attack on the Alien home world of Mexico City.
19-05-2007, 21:18
Not sure, but I have a feeling it'll happen in the middle east... Africa is plan B though.
New Manvir
19-05-2007, 21:19

The next big war will be between UPS and children....something like this (

or my original penguin theory
19-05-2007, 21:23
After Iraq's over the terrorist will stop attacking US soldiers and start attacking US Citizens and then Iran will do something stupid and the west will declare war on them. China, seizing the moment will invade Taiwan and Japan. And then we have another lovely world war...
19-05-2007, 21:23
War of The Nerds:

Star Wars versus Star Trek
19-05-2007, 21:24
Sealand will annex Poland.
Duck Fanatics
19-05-2007, 21:25
Antarctica vs the world....those penguins are goin down!!

Hey, The Billyful S of A's animal is a penguin! Back off!
South Lizasauria
19-05-2007, 21:26
Eritrea assists the Somali Islamic Courts Union guerillas against Ethiopian forces in Somalia. They get carried away and run a few terrorist operations across the border in Ethiopia and open war breaks out between Eritrea and Ethiopia with Somalia in the middle.

Or maybe the Aliens will invade.

Armed illegal aliens from Mexico will invade the US in order to kidnap rednecks and perform experiments involving anal probes on them. In a last-ditch effort to defend the USA from the alien invaders the rednecks will band together and make a moonshine and methamphetamine fueled desparate attack on the Alien home world of Mexico City.

You forgot to mention China. :eek: It HAS to be involved in the next major conflict.
19-05-2007, 21:26
France will invade Germany.
19-05-2007, 21:29
I'm pretty sure it won't be between the US and Iran, because the US is licking its wounds from Iraq and Bush is on his way out. Iran will provoke, but the US won't bite because it can't without losing even more face.

But the next president doesn't have to give a dam about Iraq after they're elected. And after Iran snaps America will be quite happy to slap them hard.
19-05-2007, 21:31
Spam War:

Seriously though it's bound to involve somewhere like North Korea pissing off China.
Drunk commies deleted
19-05-2007, 21:32
You forgot to mention China. :eek: It HAS to be involved in the next major conflict.

A PLAN admiral, insane from mercury poisoning caused by mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants, takes his fleet to Taiwan with intentions to invade. This sparks a war between the US and China.
The Kaza-Matadorians
19-05-2007, 21:43
...Before this turns into a total Bush-Bash, I'm going to say that my World History teacher said that the next big war would be between the country that brought the first two world wars (Germany, in case anyone here is history-illiterate), but I'd have to disagree; I think Germany has lost the will to fight like they used to.

I personally think that the next big war will be between the proletariot and the bourgeiouse of the countries with respect to natural resources when they run out (unless there's space colonization going on).

So we'd have countries with vast, untapped resources (i.e. Russia, Canada, maybe US) against smaller countries and/or countries that are growing too fast for the market of natural resources to support them (China, India, etc.).

How that war would end is beyond me to guess, but I have my money on the resource-rich countries. :p
New Manvir
19-05-2007, 21:55
France will invade Germany.

what, again?
19-05-2007, 22:21
what, again?When did France invade Germany?
19-05-2007, 22:43
Jamaica will invade France.
19-05-2007, 22:57
Bhutan will annex China
19-05-2007, 22:59
Bhutan will annex ChinaI would like that!
German Nightmare
19-05-2007, 23:23
When did France invade Germany? 1806.
RLI Rides Again
19-05-2007, 23:28
Iran and other assorted Shia countries vs. Saudi Arabia and other assorted Sunni countries.
New Manvir
19-05-2007, 23:31
When did France invade Germany?

some short guy named Napoleon
19-05-2007, 23:32
When did France invade Germany?

Franco-Prussian War. Before that Napoleon vs. confederation of the Rhine.
The Black Hand of Nod
19-05-2007, 23:33
France will invade Germany.
Germany surrenders a month later. France replies with "The shoe's on the other foot!"
New Maastricht
19-05-2007, 23:39
Germany wasn't even created until 1871. Before that it was Prussia and a collection of perhaps 20 independant city states.
So really you are all wrong. Although you can still stay France invaded Germany: like the Ruhr Crisis of 1923, for example.
New Maastricht
19-05-2007, 23:40
Franco-Prussian War. Before that Napoleon vs. confederation of the Rhine.

Um, Prussia won the Franco-Prussian War...
19-05-2007, 23:44
Modern high intensity warfare between major powers are expensive, brutal, and inconductive to world prosperity.

Just look at the cost of Iraq, and that's simply a large glorified counter-insurgency operation.

The world's next great conflict will be between the United States, China, the European Union, and India, and will be fought not on a distant battlefield, but over the banking systems, board rooms, and stock exchanges of the world.

In fact, it's already begun.
19-05-2007, 23:44
You forgot to mention China. :eek: It HAS to be involved in the next major conflict.

Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:
New Manvir
19-05-2007, 23:45
Um, Prussia won the Franco-Prussian War...

SHAOLIN9 asked when did France invade Germany? Not when did France beat Germany in a war....
New Manvir
19-05-2007, 23:46
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:

19-05-2007, 23:48
So really you are all wrong. Although you can still stay France
invaded Germany: like the Ruhr Crisis of 1923, for example.

Not exactly, I remember that the Ruhr was completely demilitarized, not outright occupied, because there was a big stink when Hitler occupied it with the Wermarcht in the mid 30s.
RLI Rides Again
19-05-2007, 23:59
Oh, and the next major war will be fought with propaganda and information as much as with guns and bombs, as evidenced by the Israel-Hezbollah Conflict.
20-05-2007, 00:02
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:

Welcome to the Forums of our little hell on the internet...Do use emoticons and smilies sparingly as we have a limited supply please and thank you...
20-05-2007, 00:04
Oh, and the next major war will be fought with propaganda and information as much as with guns and bombs, as evidenced by the Israel-Hezbollah Conflict.

And every other conflict in modern history?
New Maastricht
20-05-2007, 00:13
Not exactly, I remember that the Ruhr was completely demilitarized, not outright occupied, because there was a big stink when Hitler occupied it with the Wermarcht in the mid 30s.

Sure, it was. But all that means is that Germany did not resist. However, French and Belgian troops did invade and occupy the Rhineland, fulfilling the criteria of France invading German territory.
20-05-2007, 00:13
the country that brought the first two world wars (Germany, in case anyone here is history-illiterate)

World war II, yes, they started it by invading Poland.

World war I, no. That was caused by Serbian terrorists, then Austria, then Russia, then Germany, then France and Britain.

I personally think that the next big war will be between the proletariot and the bourgeiouse of the countries with respect to natural resources when they run out (unless there's space colonization going on).

Already happened somewhere else and the resources hadn't even run out. Are you behind the times or something?

So we'd have countries with vast, untapped resources (i.e. Russia, Canada, maybe US) against smaller countries and/or countries that are growing too fast for the market of natural resources to support them (China, India, etc.).

I can understand this, but by correlation, you're calling Russia and Canada bourgeois?
20-05-2007, 00:25
There are two likely for the next major Western War. (We're excluding Africa because nobody cares, Congo created a World War in Southern Africa and I didn't learn about it until 6-7 years after it was over)

1. Iran nukes Israel. Israel responds with nukes and all other Arab countries invade, except Jordan, because of nukes US and other allies respond.

2. China invades Taiwan. US has treaty with Taiwan that if China invades they'll help the Taiwanese (?) and it only get messy from there.
German Nightmare
20-05-2007, 00:35
Germany wasn't even created until 1871. Before that it was Prussia and a collection of perhaps 20 independant city states.
So really you are all wrong. Although you can still stay France invaded Germany: like the Ruhr Crisis of 1923, for example.
Napoléon's invasion ended the Holy Roman Empire (of the German Nation) ( - so it's not that wrong to call it Germany after all.

Good call on the Ruhr Crisis, though. ;)
Neu Leonstein
20-05-2007, 00:39
Germany wasn't even created until 1871. Before that it was Prussia and a collection of perhaps 20 independant city states.
Well, firstly, Germany existed as a region before it existed as a political entity.

Secondly, I'm not sure whether the kingdoms of Bavaria or Württemberg count as "city states".

Thirdly...ZOMFG German Nightmare's Smiley is the best evar!!!11!one111!

As for the actual thread topic...

I don't think Iran vs the West will happen. America can't actually start a war right now because of Iraq and no one else can. So Iran is gonna havbe nukes eventually and we'll just have to deal with.

Africa is definitely a big one. Maybe Zimbabwe becoming a civil war with South African involvement. Or Sudan, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia...the whole area can't feed the people there already and it has one of the highest birth rates in the world.

Or a bit out of left field: Myanmar. I hear the Russians recently made a deal with them to help them with nuclear research...
20-05-2007, 00:46
Poland v. Germany. With Poland winning.
20-05-2007, 00:47
Poland v. Germany. With Poland winning.

That will set so many painful years of history right...all hail the Polish
German Nightmare
20-05-2007, 00:51
Well, firstly, Germany existed as a region before it existed as a political entity.
Thirdly...ZOMFG German Nightmare's Smiley is the best evar!!!11!one111!
Hehe, thank you.
Poland v. Germany. With Poland winning.
Right. :p
Neu Leonstein
20-05-2007, 00:52
That will set so many painful years of history right...all hail the Polish
Actually, the years have already been set right, remember?

Despite what the current double-head of the Polish government tries to insinuate at every turn, I think Poles and Germans get along quite well these days. Not to mention that they're both in the EU and NATO, so war would be pretty much impossible.
20-05-2007, 00:56
Actually, the years have already been set right, remember?

Despite what the current double-head of the Polish government tries to insinuate at every turn, I think Poles and Germans get along quite well these days. Not to mention that they're both in the EU and NATO, so war would be pretty much impossible.

but but the War...:(
German Nightmare
20-05-2007, 01:02
Actually, the years have already been set right, remember?
Right on!
Despite what the current double-head of the Polish government tries to insinuate at every turn, I think Poles and Germans get along quite well these days. Not to mention that they're both in the EU and NATO, so war would be pretty much impossible.
It didn't really matter much that both Greece and Turkey were in the NATO when Turkey invaded Cyprus, though.
but but the War...:(
but but the War... ended on May 8th 1945!

62 years ago. So what of it?
20-05-2007, 01:08
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
20-05-2007, 01:11
War between Germany and Russia, as is traditional, Poland shall lose.
The Northern Baltic
20-05-2007, 01:12
China, India, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela vs. U.S., EU, Japan, Taiwan, Pakistan and South Korea.
20-05-2007, 01:13
USA vs. Iran,

Don't think Bush is going to leave without leaving his marks.

If the war with Iran does happen, Russia and China has to jump in to regain peace. NATO will withdraw from Iraq, and USA would need a universal draft.

If this doesn't happen, then, the US would probably try getting at North Korea, while the Pakistan and Indians make their brawl.
20-05-2007, 01:16
but but the War... ended on May 8th 1945!

62 years ago. So what of it?

Nothing of it I get bored...:) I mean no offense
The Northern Baltic
20-05-2007, 01:17
Oh of course. I forgot India and Pakistan.
20-05-2007, 01:19
Oh of course. I forgot India and Pakistan.

Then with all that chaos jumping around, Russia and USA threatens to use nuclear weapons, and Canada somehow finds 100 million extra citizens immigrating.
20-05-2007, 01:19
China, India, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela vs. U.S., EU, Japan, Taiwan, Pakistan and South Korea.

Actually, the US doesn't like Pakistan that much. They're more in favor with India. So put Pakistan on China's side.
The Northern Baltic
20-05-2007, 01:22
I would've except India signed an economic thingy with China and Russia in 2002 and didn't the US sell weapons to Pakistan and India buy fighter planes from Russia?
Imperial isa
20-05-2007, 01:24
Australia Vs Indonesia
20-05-2007, 01:27
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:

jeez. hes a loser...
The Northern Baltic
20-05-2007, 01:30
jeez. hes a loser...

An ignorant loser
20-05-2007, 01:38
I would've except India signed an economic thingy with China and Russia in 2002 and didn't the US sell weapons to Pakistan and India buy fighter planes from Russia?

Wow, thats true.

India signed an economic cooperation treaty with China and Russia. The U.S. sold weapons and nuclear civilian technology to India, and Bush refused Pakistan's request for the same at that one visit.
New Manvir
20-05-2007, 01:44
China, India, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela vs. U.S., EU, Japan, Taiwan, Pakistan and South Korea.

you are sadly mistaken if you think India and China would ally, economic cooperation is one thing but you won't see a military alliance between them anytime soon...
New Manvir
20-05-2007, 01:46
Then with all that chaos jumping around, Russia and USA threatens to use nuclear weapons, and Canada somehow finds 100 million extra citizens immigrating.

damn...we better build that Canadian immigration fence before that happens
Call to power
20-05-2007, 02:05
you are sadly mistaken if you think India and China would ally, economic cooperation is one thing but you won't see a military alliance between them anytime soon...

lets not also forget that the border between China and Russia hasn't even been agreed upon yet and war has nearly happened there numerous times

to be honest people have tried to predict wars and it doesn't work so lets just go for Finland vs Holland
Bodies Without Organs
20-05-2007, 02:11 1806.

Not forgetting 1945.
Neu Leonstein
20-05-2007, 02:13
It didn't really matter much that both Greece and Turkey were in the NATO when Turkey invaded Cyprus, though.
I suppose those two had more independent militaries. The Bundeswehr at least is very much integrated into the NATO Central European structure (probably moreso than Poland), so I don't think they could wage war independently if they tried. The Navy is there to kill Soviet subs, the Air Force is pretty much ground-support only. It's changing, but slowly - and at the same time the Army is getting rid of most of its tanks and tries to rebuild itself into some sort of intervention and stabilisation force.

All in all, I don't think the Bundeswehr lends itself to fighting Poland. At least not anymore.
Bodies Without Organs
20-05-2007, 02:16
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

If by 'cheer their own side on' you mean 'sustain 20,000,000+ casualties over a period of roughly eight years of warfare', then, yes, otherwise, no.
Call to power
20-05-2007, 02:19
Not forgetting 1945.

also France invaded about a mile in 1939 take that Saarland!
Flatus Minor
20-05-2007, 03:30
The Allies vs Teh Ax1s of Ebil.

Seriously, I think the next major war (though it would be nice to think there won't be one) will be defined by projected guerilla warfare between competing ideologies, against a backdrop of Cold War 2.0 between the US and China.
20-05-2007, 04:04
lets not also forget that the border between China and Russia hasn't even been agreed upon yet and war has nearly happened there numerous times

to be honest people have tried to predict wars and it doesn't work so lets just go for Finland vs Holland

There's something called Sino-Russian Treaty of Friendship signed in 2001.
20-05-2007, 04:05
Sure, it was. But all that means is that Germany did not resist. It was a good idea not to resist, the French army was simply overwhelming.
20-05-2007, 04:07
Not forgetting 1945.1945 does not count.

It was not one-on-one fight.

It was like 1-vs-14 Countries
20-05-2007, 04:15
1945 does not count.

It was not one-on-one fight.

It was like 1-vs-14 Countries

And the type of situation.

If all 14 countries went head on against USA, its different.
Bodies Without Organs
20-05-2007, 05:12
1945 does not count.

It was not one-on-one fight.

It was like 1-vs-14 Countries

Moving the goalposts, no? One-on-one was not part of the question.

Anyhoo, for what its worth France 1940 was eight on two if my reckoning is right.
Arthur King
20-05-2007, 05:34
The next MAJOR WORLD war will be between Israel and some nation longitudinally north of it; they will, for whatever reason, invade Israel and seek to destroy it, but will fail to do so.
20-05-2007, 06:42
Nah next major war will involve the moon and space lasers and nukes and if it doesn't ratings will go down...
Daistallia 2104
20-05-2007, 07:19
IMO, the next major war is likely to be round 6 of the Indo-Pakistani wars. They've gone at it once every decade since becoming independent, skipping the 50's - '47, '65, '71, '84, and '99. Note that the '99 Kargil War was post-nuclear aquisition for both.

Pakistan also has major demographic indicators ( that point towards a coming war.

China is another big candidate, especially with it's male youth bulge.

There's a lot of potential for a whole mixed up region-wide conflict that starts with Pakistan-India, and manages to draw in China, Russia, Iran, the Stans, and even Turkey.

Australia Vs Indonesia

That one's got potential and bears watching.

China, India, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela vs. U.S., EU, Japan, Taiwan, Pakistan and South Korea.

China, Russia, and India on the same side? Doubtful. China and Pakistan against Russia and India is much more likely.

The EU, the Koreas, and Japan are long shots to get involved, at least in any major way, unless the Chinese and Pakistanis do a double whammy - China takes Taiwan and Pakistan takes Kashmir.

And Venezuela's not likely to be involved at all.

Actually, the US doesn't like Pakistan that much. They're more in favor with India. So put Pakistan on China's side.

During the Cold War, the Soviets had close ties with India, so the US tended to like Pakistan. (Nixon didn't send the USS Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal in Dec. '71 as a friendly gesture towards India, afterall). Alot of that's carried over into the post-Cold War world.

I think the US'll be sitting it out, as long as it stays India Vs. Pakistan. If the conflict goes regional, the US will get involved, it'll probably be on the India/Russia side. If it's the double whammy I suggested above, then it's the US and India, with Russia as a maybe.

So there you have it. The next major war will be round 6 of the Indo-Pakistani Wars, with the nightmare scenario of China taking the opprotunity to put down Taiwan, making for a region wide conflict with China, Pakistan, Iran and maybe DPRK on one side and India, US, Russia, and probably Japan and ROK on the other.

The wild cards will be: Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, the Baluchis, and the Stans.

If Iraq is standing on it's own feet and hasn't become an Iranian client state or pawn, it either sits out this one or goes against Iran. If the Iranians get a hold of Iraq, it's a threat. It also has a decent chance of drawing in Turkey (to deal with the Kurds).

Afghanistan will go with the US or be neutralised by Pakistan's Taliban support.

The Baluchis will probably rise up, causing trouble for both Iran and Pakistan.

And the Stans will probably be on the US, Russia, and India team.

you are sadly mistaken if you think India and China would ally, economic cooperation is one thing but you won't see a military alliance between them anytime soon...


lets not also forget that the border between China and Russia hasn't even been agreed upon yet and war has nearly happened there numerous times


to be honest people have tried to predict wars and it doesn't work so lets just go for Finland vs Holland

It depends. There are some cases that are quite easy to predict, due to the history and unsettled issues - like another Indo-Pakistani war, Israel vs it's neighbors, or many cases in Africa.
Kinda Sensible people
20-05-2007, 07:28
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:

Please don't overuse smilies on NSG. Our outdated models still emit NO2B, which slows timeflow, creating temporal instability. The result is not pretty.

Remember, be responsible, conserve smiley resources.

And, since no one has claimed it, I get this one's soul.
20-05-2007, 07:39
Since when has China done anything?! Look at WWII. People say China was involved. How? Oh, yeah... Cheerleaders! That's right! All china does is cheer their own side on.

I think it will be the battle of the pervs. Micheal Jackson v. Bill Clinton.

A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:
My n00b-dar is going to break over this, I just know it.
20-05-2007, 07:53
During the Cold War, the Soviets had close ties with India, so the US tended to like Pakistan. (Nixon didn't send the USS Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal in Dec. '71 as a friendly gesture towards India, afterall). Alot of that's carried over into the post-Cold War world.

I think the US'll be sitting it out, as long as it stays India Vs. Pakistan. If the conflict goes regional, the US will get involved, it'll probably be on the India/Russia side. If it's the double whammy I suggested above, then it's the US and India, with Russia as a maybe.

So there you have it. The next major war will be round 6 of the Indo-Pakistani Wars, with the nightmare scenario of China taking the opprotunity to put down Taiwan, making for a region wide conflict with China, Pakistan, Iran and maybe DPRK on one side and India, US, Russia, and probably Japan and ROK on the other.

The wild cards will be: Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, the Baluchis, and the Stans.

If Iraq is standing on it's own feet and hasn't become an Iranian client state or pawn, it either sits out this one or goes against Iran. If the Iranians get a hold of Iraq, it's a threat. It also has a decent chance of drawing in Turkey (to deal with the Kurds).

Afghanistan will go with the US or be neutralised by Pakistan's Taliban support.

The Baluchis will probably rise up, causing trouble for both Iran and Pakistan.

And the Stans will probably be on the US, Russia, and India team.



It depends. There are some cases that are quite easy to predict, due to the history and unsettled issues - like another Indo-Pakistani war, Israel vs it's neighbors, or many cases in Africa.

You're not thinking it right.

China and Russia has a Treaty of Friendship. There's no war expecting for them. There's no China + Pakistan vs. India + Russia.

Right now, the USA is siding with the Indians because they are the largest democracy. Pakistan, China, and Russia isn't. Explain to me why USA didn't give nuclear civilian technology to Pakistan, but did to India?
20-05-2007, 07:59
There hasn't been a truly big war since the second one involving the world. There won't be a third so long as there is a balance of terror.
20-05-2007, 08:01
There hasn't been a truly big war since the second one involving the world. There won't be a third so long as there is a balance of terror.

Actually, if USA gets involved with Iran, it could trigger...
Bodies Without Organs
20-05-2007, 08:01
There won't be a third so long as there is a balance of terror.

Isn't that the same reason why there wasn't a first one?
Call to power
20-05-2007, 08:16
China and Russia has a Treaty of Friendship. There's no war expecting for them. There's no China + Pakistan vs. India + Russia.

1) although as of present Russia and China are going for closer ties there is still some controversy over the borders (Mongolia WTF!?) after all during the cold war the two where very much at each others throats what with the Sino-Vietnamese war etc

2) Pakistan accepts Chinas hold of North Eastern Kashmir Inda however does not this along with the generally icy relations with China leads more to the question of how quickly Pakistan will look for help in fighting its giant enemy and from who

Right now, the USA is siding with the Indians because they are the largest democracy. Pakistan, China, and Russia isn't. Explain to me why USA didn't give nuclear civilian technology to Pakistan, but did to India?

because the US knows it needs a close partnership with India and a strong power to Chinas South

course there is also the fact that Pakistan is unstable to say the least
20-05-2007, 08:45
France will invade Germany.

France will be a territory given to the loser of the next major global conflict
20-05-2007, 10:18
1) although as of present Russia and China are going for closer ties there is still some controversy over the borders (Mongolia WTF!?) after all during the cold war the two where very much at each others throats what with the Sino-Vietnamese war etc

2) Pakistan accepts Chinas hold of North Eastern Kashmir Inda however does not this along with the generally icy relations with China leads more to the question of how quickly Pakistan will look for help in fighting its giant enemy and from who

because the US knows it needs a close partnership with India and a strong power to Chinas South

course there is also the fact that Pakistan is unstable to say the least

Not only that, but they still believed that if they helped Pakistan, a overthrow by anti-American terrorists can gain the resources from them.

And if India doesn't like China, explain why India offered China a Economic Peace Cooperation treaty?
Daistallia 2104
20-05-2007, 12:37
You're not thinking it right.

:confused: That sentence made no sense. :( Was it a failed attempt at an ad hom? If so, it was poorly done. If not, it was simply confusing, and I'd ask that you please try that again.

China and Russia has a Treaty of Friendship. There's no war expecting for them. There's no China + Pakistan vs. India + Russia.

1) I remain dubious of a Russo-Sino rapprochement for several reasons.

China still has it's eyes on territories lost to Russia ( There are some serious environmental issues ( in plkay. And I just see too much history there.

2) Remember I how listed Russia.

If it's the double whammy I suggested above, then it's the US and India, with Russia as a maybe.

The circumstances would determine if and when Russia entered the conflict. However, they've no reason to do so on the side of China and Pakistan against India, and they have plenty of reason to be threatened by China.

Right now, the USA is siding with the Indians because they are the largest democracy.

Re-read what I posted.

Pakistan, China, and Russia isn't.

Isn't? At this point, out of curiosity, I have to ask if English is not you native language.

Explain to me why USA didn't give nuclear civilian technology to Pakistan, but did to India?

Again, re-read what I posted.

1) although as of present Russia and China are going for closer ties there is still some controversy over the borders (Mongolia WTF!?) after all during the cold war the two where very much at each others throats what with the Sino-Vietnamese war etc

2) Pakistan accepts Chinas hold of North Eastern Kashmir Inda however does not this along with the generally icy relations with China leads more to the question of how quickly Pakistan will look for help in fighting its giant enemy and from who

because the US knows it needs a close partnership with India and a strong power to Chinas South

course there is also the fact that Pakistan is unstable to say the least

Indeed, indeed, indeed, and indeed.

Not only that, but they still believed that if they helped Pakistan, a overthrow by anti-American terrorists can gain the resources from them.

:confused: Again, that makes no sense. Were you suggesting that the PRC wants to see Musharraf, the leader of an important ally, overthrown and replaced mys Islamic miliotants, whom they have growing problems with domestically?

And if India doesn't like China, explain why India offered China a Economic Peace Cooperation treaty?

Which would about as much as the Russo-Sino pact you menmtioned above, when it comes down to brass tacks - very little.
RLI Rides Again
20-05-2007, 12:48
And every other conflict in modern history?

Iraq was the first war to have journalists embedded in millitary units IIRC. Yes, we've been heading this was for some time, but we're now at a stage when wars are won or lost through the media and the actual fighting is sometimes of secondary importance.
German Nightmare
20-05-2007, 13:35
A massive battle ensues...:sniper: AAAARGH!!:mp5: Oh No! "When will the fighting end?" "Shut up!":mp5: "You killed my father!!!":eek: "I want to masturbate!":gundge: ANGRY!!!!:mad: "Ill kill you!":upyours::sniper: "Ouch! You got me! DRAMATIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "That was a bloody battle. Let's be friends.":fluffle:

...and don't do it again.
20-05-2007, 13:39
France will invade Germany.

Like thats gonna happen...

I'm a supporter of the penguins idea. I have been a General in the Anti Penguin Army for years and have been preparing my forces for the eventual war between the most inteligent species on earth and humanity! Don't trust the penguins! March of the penguins was just propaganda to sway the opinions of the gullible public. The penguins will invade and when they do... *wanders away to ramble in a different thread*
Rubiconic Crossings
20-05-2007, 13:53
Isn't that the same reason why there wasn't a first one?

2nd mate...after all WWI wasn't called the War to End All Wars for nothing...

One thing I think some people are missing here is water. I do think that water will be a trigger for conflict.

One guess where....
20-05-2007, 13:58
More Russia vs. Seperatists / Chechnya, methinks.
20-05-2007, 14:52
China vs. the Vatican.

The emerging catholic population in China will upset the Party, to the point where they start repressing them, forcing the Vatican to take drastic action.
Once the Pope is assassinated, the Vatican will decide to build the ultimate robot Pope, complete with all the assembled knowldege of Popery, and send this ultimate holy robot to crush communism once and for all.
20-05-2007, 14:58
War of The Nerds:

Star Wars versus Star Trek

You may be on to something... I thought that guy with the Klingon make-up was looking at me the wrong way...

I'll keep my lightsaber handy just in case.
21-05-2007, 11:21
Iran and other assorted Shia countries vs. Saudi Arabia and other assorted Sunni countries.

Isn't the only other shia majority country Iraq? *Prepares to be corrected*
21-05-2007, 12:52
Secondly, I'm not sure whether the kingdoms of Bavaria or Württemberg count as "city states".

Bavaria will seperate from Germany (having that christian party in charge all these years will probably have something to do with it) and try to annex the Württemberg area!

Then for some reason I'll have to try to stop it.
21-05-2007, 14:46
I'm pretty sure it won't be between the US and Iran, because the US is licking its wounds from Iraq and Bush is on his way out. Iran will provoke, but the US won't bite because it can't without losing even more face.

You know, you can never tell, expecially with the US.

Anyway, leaving out the US, I'd say that the possible areas of traditional-type conflicts (clash of organised, more or less regular armed forces, not guerrilla) are:

Israel vs Syria
Turkey vs Iraqi Kurds
Georgia vs Armenia
Moldova vs Russian-backed Transdniestria
India vs Pakistan
Indonesia vs Australia
China vs Pakistan
China vs Kazakhstan
Bolivia vs Chile
Argentina vs UK over the Falklands ;)
21-05-2007, 14:47
China vs. the Vatican.

The emerging catholic population in China will upset the Party, to the point where they start repressing them, forcing the Vatican to take drastic action.
Once the Pope is assassinated, the Vatican will decide to build the ultimate robot Pope, complete with all the assembled knowldege of Popery, and send this ultimate holy robot to crush communism once and for all.

Is there any communism in mainland China anymore, except for the ruling bureaucrats calling themselves communists?
21-05-2007, 14:50
the next major war will be between people who like Coke and people who like Pepsi...with the pepsi heathens finally being annialated off the face of the planet...and I will laugh as their fake tasting imitation faces fall into the very depths of hell itself :cool:
A Beautiful World
21-05-2007, 15:17
Bush War #2.

23 March, 2007, AP

LONDON--US President George W. Bush has crossed the Potomac, reportedly saying "the die are cast." After losing face in the public sphere, he has taken with his loyal supporters and made a final throw for Washington, D.C., seeking to create an American Empire. Upon questioning, he mentioned that the American Republic was a "fabulous experiment" but it was time for a new era.
21-05-2007, 15:43
Is there any communism in mainland China anymore, except for the ruling bureaucrats calling themselves communists?

Does it matter? They will feel the wrath of the Popebot nonetheless.
22-05-2007, 00:41
China vs Pakistan
China vs Kazakhstan

Pakistan and China are allies. More like China vs. India.
China and Kazakhstan has strong relation ties.
22-05-2007, 00:45
Iran will provoke, but the US won't bite because it can't without losing even more face.

Man I'm an American and trust me, our learning curve is very slow. We play with fire, get burned, then go buy lighter fluid.

For the next war though, hmmm. Maybe Australia vs Mexico! That might be fun. :D