NationStates Jolt Archive

Only a billion dollars in under the table influence

Remote Observer
01-05-2007, 20:49
You know, the same kind of game that got Randy Cunningham put in jail...

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) chairs the Senate Rules Committee, but she’s also a Cardinal. She is currently chairwoman of the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies subcommittee, but until last year was for six years the top Democrat on the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (or “Milcon”) sub-committee, where she may have directed more than $1 billion to companies controlled by her husband.

If the inferences finally coming out about what she did while on Milcon prove true, she may be on the way to morphing from a respected senior Democrat into another poster child for congressional corruption.

The problems stem from her subcommittee activities from 2001 to late 2005, when she quit. During that period the public record suggests she knowingly took part in decisions that eventually put millions of dollars into her husband’s pocket — the classic conflict of interest that exploited her position and power to channel money to her husband’s companies.

In other words, it appears Sen. Feinstein was up to her ears in the same sort of shenanigans that landed California Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R) in the slammer. Indeed, it may be that the primary difference between the two is basically that Cunningham was a minor leaguer and a lot dumber than his state’s senior senator.

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington, or CREW, usually focuses on the ethical lapses of Republicans and conservatives, but even she is appalled at the way Sen. Feinstein has abused her position. Sloan told a California reporter earlier this month that while”there are a number of members of Congress with conflicts of interest … because of the amount of money involved, Feinstein’s conflict of interest is an order of magnitude greater than those conflicts.”

And the director of the Project on Government Oversight who examined the evidence of wrongdoing assembled by California writer Peter Byrne told him that “the paper trail showing Senator Feinstein’s conflict of interest is irrefutable.”

Wow. How long before Congress holds hearings and forces her from office?
The Nazz
01-05-2007, 21:18
Wow. How long before Congress holds hearings and forces her from office?Umm. Congress didn't force Cunningham from office. He resigned after he plead guilty to corruption charges and was sentenced to prison time. So, I guess the answer to the question "when will Feinstein resign from her Senate seat" is "when she's convicted of corruption charges and sentenced to prison time." Congress hasn't tossed a member from office, I believe, since Jim Traficant.
Cannot think of a name
01-05-2007, 22:27
Didn't we already cover this? This doesn't seem to add any new information.

From what I recall, the bids are all made anonymously but Fienstien had a laywer who tracked when one of the two companies that her husband had as clients so that she could recluse her self from those votes but she actually didn't. When it came to light she resigned from her post. Sure she shouldn't have done it in first place, but she stepped down. She should be investigated, she is.

I know you want pitchforks and lynch mobs, but she's not fueling that fire. She's not lashing out at the people who brought this to light or blocking investigation or throwing a tizzy. Not much to rail on. She did wrong. Things are proceeding as they should. Come back when there is something new to get going on.
South Lorenya
01-05-2007, 23:28
01-05-2007, 23:30
I'm assuming this is DK's new alias.
01-05-2007, 23:51
So what else is new? Both sides are so freeking crooked that it is not funny.

Remember, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
