I swim! Do you?
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 17:41
Swimming is good exercise! Our local high school has a very nice natatorium. I try to go swimming at least once a week!
Where do you swim?
I like to swim but often can't. City pool here is only open for three months out of the year, and I'm not rich enough to own a pool.
I am looking for property that has a small house and pond. Swimming and fishing!
I love swimming! Unfortunately, I'm not good at it. And I look like a wet wash cloth when I swim.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 17:47
I love swimming! Unfortunately, I'm not good at it. And I look like a wet wash cloth when I swim.
LOL! Pics? You could post them in the pictures threads, too!
Where do you swim?
in water. :p
I swim when I can, and where I can. Pool, beach, pond, mudhole... it's fun and relaxing.
Infinite Revolution
23-04-2007, 17:48
not properly, i can't swim very well, my lungs feel like they're on fire after about 2 lengths of a pool. i swim in the sea though, just splashing about, but if people start heading off to deep water i go back to shore.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 17:49
in water. :p
I swim when I can, and where I can. Pool, beach, pond, mudhole... it's fun and relaxing.
I've never thought of that as swimming . . . I guess we could ask LG?
Lunatic Goofballs
23-04-2007, 17:52
I've never thought of that as swimming . . . I guess we could ask LG?
Yes, you can indeed swim in mud if the depth and consistency is right. In fact, it is an outstanding aerobic workout. :)
LOL! Pics? You could post them in the pictures threads, too!
Lucky for me, no one has ever snapshotted it. I'm like the Loch Ness monster (always at the bottom). But should it happen, I'll post right away!
Drunk commies deleted
23-04-2007, 17:54
I can swim, but I almost never do swim. Last time was at a hotel in Florida while I was drunk off my ass.
Northern Borders
23-04-2007, 17:55
I dont anymore. I swam from age 6 to 15, 3 times a week. I cant endure it anymore.
I find it too boring. I tried once, but I couldnt stay 30 minutes inside the water. Felt like a total waste of time for me, since by using that time I could be doing something that would enhance my body just as much AND not nearly as boring.
Now, if I had a mp3 waterproof player, things could be diferent.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 17:57
I can swim, but I almost never do swim. Last time was at a hotel in Florida while I was drunk off my ass.
Careful doing that, you'll end up as one of Not-So-Observant's statistics :eek:
I can, but I don't do it often.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 17:58
I dont anymore. I swam from age 6 to 15, 3 times a week. I cant endure it anymore.
I find it too boring. I tried once, but I couldnt stay 30 minutes inside the water. Felt like a total waste of time for me, since by using that time I could be doing something that would enhance my body just as much AND not nearly as boring.
Now, if I had a mp3 waterproof player, things could be diferent.
That would truly be a boon *nods*
Careful doing that, you'll end up as one of Not-So-Observant's statistics :eek:
Compulsive Depression
23-04-2007, 17:59
Our local high school has a very nice natatorium.
Hehehe, on the mouseover preview I misread that as "sanitorium". Oops :D
And I don't swim anywhere nearly as often as I should :(
in water. :p
I swim when I can, and where I can. Pool, beach, pond, mudhole... it's fun and relaxing.
A mud hole eh? Interestink.
IMO, Swimming is one of those awesome sports where you almost literally work out every part of your body. We do about 5-8000 yards (4,572-7,315 meters) for six days a week during season. Then on the USA team I swam on off season we did 8-10000 yards (7315-9,144 meters) six days a week. That's a lot of yardage...
Now I'm so outta shape it ain't cool. I'm slowly bringing myself back up to pace though...
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 18:00
Hehehe, on the mouseover preview I misread that as "sanitorium". Oops :D
And I don't swim anywhere nearly as often as I should :(
LOL! Sometimes, I bet they wish they had one ;)
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 18:03
what is the difference between a natatorium and a swimmingpool?
A natatorium is a building devoted to containing a swimming pool, so it can be open all year long!
Swimming is good exercise! Our local high school has a very nice natatorium. I try to go swimming at least once a week!
Where do you swim?
what is the difference between a natatorium and a swimmingpool?
I used to swim a lot.. Then i came to college, got a little chubby, and i am working on toning my body up, so i can take my shirt off again, without being embarrassed.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 18:10
I used to swim a lot.. Then i came to college, got a little chubby, and i am working on toning my body up, so i can take my shirt off again, without being embarrassed.
Careful! That could lead to a vicious cycle, where you never swim again! Better get with it, or get over you embarrassment!
23-04-2007, 18:17
monday through friday 6:30 am 1/2 mile.
at the local college pool.
LOL! Pics? You could post them in the pictures threads, too!
By the way, where ARE the picture threads? Sounds intewwesting...
oh, almost all 'swimming pools' here are natatoria then. there is only one swimming pool wich doesn't have a roof (except the natural pools of course)
Which one do you mean?
A natatorium is a building devoted to containing a swimming pool, so it can be open all year long!
oh, almost all 'swimming pools' here are natatoria then. there is only one swimming pool wich doesn't have a roof (except the natural pools of course)
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 18:23
By the way, where ARE the picture threads? Sounds intewwesting...
here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=524623)
and here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=489636)
Knock yourself out ;)
Careful! That could lead to a vicious cycle, where you never swim again! Better get with it, or get over you embarrassment!
I s'pose so.
here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=524623)
and here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=489636)
Knock yourself out ;)
thank yoo *hits herself in the head going newb newb newb*
Which one do you mean?
meh, most swimming pools here are in a building, aren't they? the only swimming pool i know without a roof is in the Netherlands, and there is one in 'provenciaal domein puyenbroeck" too iirc. :p
23-04-2007, 18:49
I grew up less than ten blocks away from Lake Michigan. A block and a half from Muskegon Lake. Yes, I can swim. I wish I could do it more.
meh, most swimming pools here are in a building, aren't they? the only swimming pool i know without a roof is in the Netherlands, and there is one in 'provenciaal domein puyenbroeck" too iirc. :p
Yeh. Stupid rain. I've been cold all day (but that's probably me). But there are several non-roofed swimming pools in Belgium, the one in Turnhout for example (although they did recently 'update' the pool so I don't know if it's still open air). Or the one in Geel (at own risk of course :) ).
cold? it's been quite hot today, and yesterday, and the days before.
I thought it was just me :) (I've got a bad mono - klierkoorts - at the moment so I don't get out much.)
Yeh. Stupid rain. I've been cold all day (but that's probably me). But there are several non-roofed swimming pools in Belgium, the one in Turnhout for example (although they did recently 'update' the pool so I don't know if it's still open air). Or the one in Geel (at own risk of course :) ).
cold? it's been quite hot today, and yesterday, and the days before.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 18:57
I can swim, I don't have the opportunity to do so very often though. Oh, and I hate smelling like chlorine... blech.
Plus, what it does to your hair~:(
I can swim, I don't have the opportunity to do so very often though. Oh, and I hate smelling like chlorine... blech.
Pure Metal
23-04-2007, 18:58
i used to swim for my county, but then got ill for 3 months and shortly after was involved in a car crash, resulting in being in a cast for more months.
by the time i got back i was unfit, out of practice and just couldn't get back into the training regime. since then i got fat cos eating same amounts without the same exercise = bad. meh.
i still enjoy swimming a lot :) just get really self-concious because of weight and stuff....
plus, i used to sail a lot, so i feel really at home in/on water :D
IL Ruffino
23-04-2007, 19:49
Yes, I do swim.
It's nice having your own pool, you know. =)
Immerse myself in a large quantity of water? I don't think so.
IL Ruffino
23-04-2007, 20:13
Immerse myself in a large quantity of water? I don't think so.
Not even a hottub?
I used to swim at the city pool quite regularly. About twice a week during the summer, me and my friends would hang out at the pool for 4 hours. I don't think I've swam in over a year though.
Not even a hottub?
That would be a bit different I admit and it is at least pleasant. Swimming pools, ponds, oceans, not pleasant.
That wouldn't be full immersion and it is at least pleasant. Swimming pools, ponds, oceans, not pleasant.
swimming in the ocean (at least 200m far) was one of the pleasantest things i've ever done. when you don't look at the coast you feel so alone and small, it's scarry but also very pleasant. and swimming with fish is cool too.
IL Ruffino
23-04-2007, 20:43
That would be a bit different I admit and it is at least pleasant. Swimming pools, ponds, oceans, not pleasant.
But swimming pools are fun.. :(
23-04-2007, 20:47
I never learned how to swim underwater. I can only kind of doggy-paddle.
swimming in the ocean (at least 200m far) was one of the pleasantest things i've ever done. when you don't look at the coast you feel so alone and small, it's scarry but also very pleasant. and swimming with fish is cool too.
Considering the few times I've been in the ocean I once felt a jellyfish touch me and then a stingray, I prefer to stay out of the water. Sea life is just scary.
Considering the few times I've been in the ocean I once felt a jellyfish touch me and then a stingray, I prefer to stay out of the water. Sea life is just scary.
we had gogles and were in a group so we were watching out for sea life. and it wasn't really a tropical ocean either, it was teh mediterranian.
we had gogles and were in a group so we were watching out for sea life. and it wasn't really a tropical ocean either, it was teh mediterranian.
Hell, this was just the shallow area. Couldn't have been more than a few yards in. I just hate the ocean.
Pure Metal
23-04-2007, 21:12
It's nice having your own pool, you know. =)
bastard. i want my own pool, or just a hottub :( :(:(:(:(
Newer Burmecia
23-04-2007, 21:20
I do too! And quite well, even if I say so myself...
Northern Borders
23-04-2007, 21:33
Considering the few times I've been in the ocean I once felt a jellyfish touch me and then a stingray, I prefer to stay out of the water. Sea life is just scary.
It really depends where you live.
Around here I can surf peacefully, since there was never any atack done by a shark, jellyfish, aligator or any kind of other animal.
Yet, I doubt I would ever surf in Australia. They have snakes, aligators, sharks, jellyfishs, and all those that dont have big teeth have some kind of poison that kills you in 5 minutes.
About being out there in the ocean, its awesome. Even if the beach is completely full, when you´re out there, its completely silent. Just you, the ocean and the horizon. And when you get up and see everything from above, that becomes even more amazing.
Its quite hard to imagine, but you´re not even 200 or 300 meters away from the beach, and it feels like a totaly diferent place alltogether.
IL Ruffino
23-04-2007, 21:35
bastard. i want my own pool, or just a hottub :( :(:(:(:(
Well, you're always welcome to use my pool. *pats*
Lunatic Goofballs
23-04-2007, 21:51
...and all those that dont have big teeth have some kind of poison that kills you in 5 minutes.
They have that on land too. :D
I don't swim. I probably swim like twice a year, and actually I kind of just float since I never really learned how to swim. :p
The Planet Jurai
27-04-2007, 07:40
Yes, I just love swimming! Unfortunately, I don't get to do it often enough.
Anyway, I don't like swimming pools at all, so I mostly either swim in the local river (which is warm enough for swimming only during the summer), or when I go to the see (which I didn't get to do for a few years now... financial problems and such). This is where “not often enough” part comes from.
27-04-2007, 09:12
Swimming is good exercise! Our local high school has a very nice natatorium. I try to go swimming at least once a week!
Where do you swim?
A nice what?!?
A nice what?!?A structurally separate building containing a pool.
27-04-2007, 12:02
Not really. There's no point.
I can but I haven't in ages. Too lazy.
German Nightmare
27-04-2007, 12:45
I float. :D
I should pick it up again, I guess. I'm not a big fan of running and my left knee hates it with a passion.
But swimming is good for teh joints and I've never been in as a good a shape as 12 years back when I really swam for my highschool team in the U.S. and Germany.
Damn, I can't believe it's already been that long.