NationStates Jolt Archive

Which Doctor is your favourite?

Newer Burmecia
23-04-2007, 13:38
I'm too young to have seen anything other than the 9th and 10th Doctors, and out the two, I prefer Tennant.

Off topic, I know you get it in Canada (credits mention the CBC), but does it get time in the US?

23-04-2007, 13:39
The Doctor from Doctor Who is he to whom I refer, of course.
My personal favourite is the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant; he has a sort of infectious 'let's make fun of the bad guys' attitude about him and shows goodwill to virtually everyone. Also, I love his accent (although I prefer Tennant's natural Scottish accent).
For his 'let's make fun of the bad guys' attitude, I think the prime example would be in the episode 'The Girl in the Fireplace' when he waltzes in just as Rose is about to used as spare parts and insults the droid.

23-04-2007, 13:40
Dr. Mc Ninja.
23-04-2007, 13:41
Which one was the gay one? Or is that that other show?
23-04-2007, 13:44
I'm too young to have seen anything other than the 9th and 10th Doctors, and out the two, I prefer Tennant.

Off topic, I know you get it in Canada (credits mention the CBC), but does it get time in the US?


Thief! :D
First time someone's stolen my OP...

This time I specified... oh, what's the use?
Entropic Creation
23-04-2007, 13:47
Baker is definitely my choice.
Unfortunately you will probably get a bunch of people who have only seen the 9th and 10th - which really skews the poll.

Would you like a jellybaby?
23-04-2007, 13:49
I can't decide between Tom Baker and John Pertwee.

Both were really good...

Though the new ones are good too, they're just different from the old ones.

I don't think many people would even try to sit through the 4-6 episode story lines of the old doctors now.
23-04-2007, 13:51
The Doctor from Doctor Who is he to whom I refer, of course.
My personal favourite is the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant; he has a sort of infectious 'let's make fun of the bad guys' attitude about him and shows goodwill to virtually everyone. Also, I love his accent (although I prefer Tennant's natural Scottish accent).
For his 'let's make fun of the bad guys' attitude, I think the prime example would be in the episode 'The Girl in the Fireplace' when he waltzes in just as Rose is about to used as spare parts and insults the droid.


That episode was a good one, I thought. Most remakes of old series are completely awful, but the new Doctor Who is brilliant.

I'd say my favourite one is either Tennant or Eccleston...I can't decide. Eccleston's just generally a very good actor and Tennant, like you said, is quite infectious and quite funny.

But, let's face it, when you think "Dr. Who," you think "Tom Baker."
Ogdens nutgone flake
23-04-2007, 13:51
No contest! TOM BAKER! The effects may have been crap, the sets were all in a sand quarry in surrey, but the storys were good and Baker was the most eccentric Doc and the most interesting character. You've all heard him do the voice overs in "little Britain", Imagine that sort of character (without the swearing!) What does everybody think of the CGI Captain Scarlet?
Greyenivol Colony
23-04-2007, 13:51
I would have to say David Tennant, I've been in love with that man since Casanova.

Of course, I am not too versed with the old Doctor Who, but even if I were, I would still probably pick Tennant. My dad, for instance, gets very nostalgic for old science fiction, but he still appreciates Tennant.
23-04-2007, 13:52
I would have to say David Tennant, I've been in love with that man since Casanova.

Of course, I am not too versed with the old Doctor Who, but even if I were, I would still probably pick Tennant. My dad, for instance, gets very nostalgic for old science fiction, but he still appreciates Tennant.

Well, apparently many people feel the same.
"In 2006, readers of Doctor Who Magazine voted Tennant's Doctor "Best Doctor", over perennial favourite Tom Baker."
Source: Wikipedia

Ogdens nutgone flake
23-04-2007, 13:57
The readers of "Docter Who magazine" are all about 8!
Dryks Legacy
23-04-2007, 13:57
I've only seen episodes with 5,6,7,9 and 10... Tennant is my favourite... the first and third episodes of the new season are really good and he's part of the reason why.
23-04-2007, 13:59
This thread is so full of timewarps I think we're in the TARDIS.

"That episode was a good one, I thought. Most remakes of old series are completely awful, but the new Doctor Who is brilliant."

Agreed. However, that episode was also one of those that almost frightened the life out of me with all the sudden movements by the droids. Then again, that was more it making me jump than actually being a sinister episode as a whole.

Watching 'The Impossible Planet' at midnight, on your own, however, is a very scary but nonetheless brilliant experience.
23-04-2007, 14:01
A lot of Tennant fans here which makes me wonder the age range :D

A good doctor is Tennant but my preference goes to 'Doctor McCoy' (see what I did there? I made a funny... *silence*)

I grew up with good ol' Sylvester and even met him! Nice chap.

Just wish they'd turn down the background music on the new series.
I V Stalin
23-04-2007, 14:04
Well, apparently many people feel the same.
"In 2006, readers of Doctor Who Magazine voted Tennant's Doctor "Best Doctor", over perennial favourite Tom Baker."
Source: Wikipedia

Meh. That's just because the Doctor Who magazine is aimed at the younger viewers who probably won't have seen the older episodes. Tennant's ok, but nowhere near as good as Tom Baker (or even Christopher Eccleston for that matter).

I haven't seen much of the new Dr. Who. I saw a fair bit of the Eccleston Doctor, and he was pretty good, though the shows themselves were a bit poor overall. With David Tennant, though, I've pretty much given up. I saw the episode on Saturday (for the first time since the second episode of his second series, which I stopped watching because it was so poor), and just had my opinions re-inforced. The storyline was pedestrian and dull, every single scene was over-acted (by everyone), and the dialogue was bordering on the ridiculous. The daleks seemed to have just been chucked in because the writers didn't really know what else to do, and rather than actually being vaguely terrifying they're just laughable. That human-dalek thing at the end was just a human body with Krang ( on top.
23-04-2007, 14:05
The readers of "Docter Who magazine" are all about 8!

Well, taking the perennial remark literally, it's implied that they've seen episodes with the Fourth Doctor to vote for him in other years...
23-04-2007, 14:06
A lot of Tennant fans here which makes me wonder the age range :D

A good doctor is Tennant but my preference goes to 'Doctor McCoy' (see what I did there? I made a funny... *silence*)

I grew up with good ol' Sylvester and even met him! Nice chap.

Just wish they'd turn down the background music on the new series.

You met him? *is jealous*
I'd prefer to meet Tennant over him, though.
I V Stalin
23-04-2007, 14:13
I was hoping for an old timey dalek story.... seems like they've forgotten how to write them though.... Gridlock (ep 3) was awesome though!
The daleks ceased to be any good when they decided to make them fly.


Fucking flying daleks? Words fail me.:rolleyes:
Dryks Legacy
23-04-2007, 14:13

I was hoping for an old timey dalek story.... seems like they've forgotten how to write them though.... Gridlock (ep 3) was awesome though!
23-04-2007, 14:17

Doctor Who sucks.

I know, I know. Zap me with your Sonic Screwdrivers why don’t you.

Just never got into it. Some of the early stuff is entertaining, especially the movie where the Daleks are drilling to the Earth’s core, but I cannot stand the new stuff.

Most BBC ‘family entertainment’ makes me want curl up into a small ball and vomit pure hatred, but the new Doctor Who takes the biscuit. Shoddy plots, ham acting, BBC luvvie nonsense, terrible scripting, cringe-worthy jokes...


How many BBC ‘celebs’ do you need to pack into one episode, I ask you?

Oh, and Tennant is a twat.
23-04-2007, 14:25
That won’t do much. They don’t kill, they don’t wound, they don’t maim..... but they are very good at opening doors.
I rest my case, m’lud.
Dryks Legacy
23-04-2007, 14:26
I know, I know. Zap me with your Sonic Screwdrivers why don’t you.

That won't do much. They don't kill, they don't wound, they don't maim..... but they are very good at opening doors.
Compulsive Depression
23-04-2007, 14:27
I remember liking McCoy, but that was a long time ago...
I think I liked Ecclestone more than Tennant, but even he seems ages ago.
I think my memory's failing :s
23-04-2007, 14:27
Tenth, he's completely fuckable.

Yes I'm shallow.
23-04-2007, 14:31
Tenth, he's completely fuckable.

Yes I'm shallow.

Hey, that's why I picked him, so you're not alone. He has a sweet little ass, and that mouth is... inviting.
23-04-2007, 14:33
Ninth was alright too, I've got a weakness for the tall lanky sorts.
23-04-2007, 14:35
I never considered that Tennant would be some people's favourite for such... odd... reasons.

I never consider that people could have favourites for any other reasons.
UN Protectorates
23-04-2007, 14:35
Personally I'm a Baker/Eccleston fan. Baker is simply the epitome of The Doctor. Everyone associates Who with his goofy scarf, lovely voice, scary eyes and frizzy hair.

Eccleston is the better of the two modern Doctor's. He brought a lot of emotion into the role as the Doctor. I loved it when he was shouting!
23-04-2007, 14:36
Hey, that's why I picked him, so you're not alone. He has a sweet little ass, and that mouth is... inviting.

I never considered that Tennant would be some people's favourite for such... odd... reasons.
23-04-2007, 14:37
Ninth was alright too, I've got a weakness for the tall lanky sorts.

He was OK, but there was something about his ears and his accent that put me off, but then again it's not like he'd be able to speak and big ears would mean he'd hear my commands better, not to mention that they might be indicative of some other anatomical proportions of his.
23-04-2007, 14:39
He was OK, but there was something about his ears and his accent that put me off, but then again it's not like he'd be able to speak and big ears would mean he'd hear my commands better, not to mention that they might be indicative of some other anatomical proportions of his.

I blame the gang showers in highschool for my affinity for the lanky sorts. :D
I V Stalin
23-04-2007, 14:40
Personally I'm a Baker/Eccleston fan. Baker is simply the epitome of The Doctor. Everyone associates Who with his goofy scarf, lovely voice, scary eyes and frizzy hair.

Eccleston is the better of the two modern Doctor's. He brought a lot of emotion into the role as the Doctor. I loved it when he was shouting!
Eccleston is a better actor than David Tennant, that's why he's better as the Doctor. But then I don't rate Tennant at all. :p
23-04-2007, 14:45
I blame the gang showers in highschool for my affinity for the lanky sorts. :D

Shut your face! Gang showers can never be blamed, only exalted.
23-04-2007, 14:48
He was OK, but there was something about his ears and his accent that put me off, but then again it's not like he'd be able to speak and big ears would mean he'd hear my commands better, not to mention that they might be indicative of some other anatomical proportions of his.

This is a family thread.
23-04-2007, 14:49
This is a family thread.
Too late!

It’s man-love galore; Doctor-on-Doctor action!
23-04-2007, 14:51
Too late!

It’s man-love galore; Doctor-on-Doctor action!

All the doctors are the same, more or less, person. So would that be like masturbation if they had sex together?
23-04-2007, 14:54
All the doctors are the same, more or less, person. So would that be like masturbation if they had sex together?
I’m not too sure, but knowing the Beeb, they’d probably throw Ricky Gervais in for good measure.
23-04-2007, 14:55
Too late!

It’s man-love galore; Doctor-on-Doctor action!

Unfortunately, I think you're right.

It's up to the Doctor Who fans everywhere *acknowledges that Chumblywumbly isn't one* to save the thread from becoming something like homoerotica; my first attempt to do so is this.

Which Doctor Who moment frightened you the most?
23-04-2007, 14:56
All the doctors are the same, more or less, person. So would that be like masturbation if they had sex together?

It certainly gives a whole new meaning to the term 'autofellatio'...

Now leave the subject, please...
Drunk commies deleted
23-04-2007, 14:57
I like Dr. Safdar. When I've got a cold I get codeine and promethazine cough syrup. When I'm feeling anxious he writes me scrips for xanax. Nice guy.
23-04-2007, 15:07
save the thread from becoming something like homoerotica

For heaven's sake, why?
23-04-2007, 15:14
Because that would get the Doctor Who thread locked... And a Doctor Who thread can't be locked... It's against nature's protection of uberness...

Why would it get it locked? It's a thread about why you like a certain of the doctors. It is undeniable that their fuckability is part of that and nothing posted in this thread so far has been close to breaking the rules, much less warrant the closure of the entire thread.
23-04-2007, 15:15
For heaven's sake, why?

Because that would get the Doctor Who thread locked... And a Doctor Who thread can't be locked... It's against nature's protection of uberness...
23-04-2007, 15:19
Why would it get it locked? It's a thread about why you like a certain of the doctors. It is undeniable that their fuckability is part of that and nothing posted in this thread so far has been close to breaking the rules, much less warrant the closure of the entire thread.

You asked why not to let the thread descend into homoerotica, going by the bit of my post that you'd quoted.
I think homoerotica would get the thread locked.
23-04-2007, 15:21
You asked why not to let the thread descend into homoerotica, going by the bit of my post that you'd quoted.
I think homoerotica would get the thread locked.

You are in error, especially with your definition of "homoerotica".
23-04-2007, 15:23
It's a toss-up between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, with the third Doctor just barely edging out the fourth.
Remote Observer
23-04-2007, 15:25
It's a toss-up between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, with the third Doctor just barely edging out the fourth.

I had it the other way round. The writing was better in the Tom Baker days (generally speaking).
23-04-2007, 15:27
In case you believe that I think this thread is currently delving into homoerotica, then you are mistaken. I was merely jokingly asking that the thread would not be allowed to descend into homoerotica.

And why would it "descend" into "homoerotica" just because someone said something about the sexual attractiveness of one of the doctors? Do threads where heterosexuals comment on the attractiveness of someone of the opposite sex delve into heteroerotica? To such a degree that they all need be pre-emptively "saved" by little old you?
23-04-2007, 15:27
You are in error, especially with your definition of "homoerotica".

In case you believe that I think this thread is currently delving into homoerotica, then you are mistaken. I was merely jokingly asking that the thread would not be allowed to descend into homoerotica.
23-04-2007, 15:28
In case you believe that I think this thread is currently delving into homoerotica, then you are mistaken. I was merely jokingly asking that the thread would not be allowed to descend into homoerotica.

Ahh, there has at times been a homoerotic quality to the program, but it was usually low-key or unintentional. The exception to this tendency is of course with the new series, where that subtext has been somewhat more contrived than with the earlier series.
23-04-2007, 15:28
It's a toss-up between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, with the third Doctor just barely edging out the fourth.

I think I'll hunt down some of the episodes with Jon Pertwee as the Doctor; from what I've heard he sounds fairly good.
Remote Observer
23-04-2007, 15:31
Notice the 'joke' bit.
You appear to be over-reacting slightly.

It appears that Fassingen is an offended homosexual.
23-04-2007, 15:31
I think I'll hunt down some of the episodes with Jon Pertwee as the Doctor; from what I've heard he sounds fairly good.

He was like the James Bond of Doctors - Pertwee was an avid motorist, so he got two cars, drove a hovercaft, piloted an auto-gyro, and other cool stuff. and of course, Pertwee spent a lot of time with Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, who, let's face it, has so far to date probably been the single greatest non-Doctor Doctor Who character ever.

Pertwee rocked!
23-04-2007, 15:32
And why would it "descend" into "homoerotica" just because someone said something about the sexual attractiveness of one of the doctors? Do threads where heterosexuals comment on the attractiveness of someone of the opposite sex delve into heteroerotica? To such a degree that they all need be pre-emptively "saved" by little old you?

Notice the 'joke' bit.
You appear to be over-reacting slightly.
23-04-2007, 15:32
Notice the 'joke' bit.
You appear to be over-reacting slightly.

Ah, yes. We're supposed to be lenient on homophobic "jokes". I keep forgetting.
23-04-2007, 15:34
It appears that Fassingen is an offended homosexual.

I noticed.
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 15:36
Which one was the gay one? Or is that that other show?

Isn't the character supposed to be gay? And aren't they all the Doctor?
Remote Observer
23-04-2007, 15:36
Doctor Who isn't exactly a soap opera romance, nor is it a porn flick, so it doesn't really matter if he's gay or not.
23-04-2007, 15:37
It's a toss-up between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, with the third Doctor just barely edging out the fourth.No contest, really. Baker was just a half-assed take on a younger, unsubtle Pertwee.

Of course, the show shifted from being aimed at 15 year olds to being aimed at 3 year olds at the same time, so it's not an entirely fair comparison.
23-04-2007, 15:38
Isn't the character supposed to be gay? And aren't they all the Doctor?

The character? You mean the Doctor?
The Doctor is meant to be free from such things altogether, although apparently the Doctor was in love with Rose Tyler.
And they count as separate versions of the same person.
23-04-2007, 15:40
Ah, yes. We're supposed to be lenient on homophobic "jokes". I keep forgetting.

It wasn't homophobic, as I myself am not homophobic.
I would make the same sort of joke if it were a heterosexual comment.

The great respect that I have for you, though, is being worn down by this childish behaviour and suspicions of my being homophobic.
23-04-2007, 15:40
Isn't the character supposed to be gay? And aren't they all the Doctor?I think Fass is talking about Torchwood. (
Curious Inquiry
23-04-2007, 15:41
The character? You mean the Doctor?
The Doctor is meant to be free from such things altogether,
So he's an alien?
although apparently the Doctor was in love with Rose Tyler.
Earth girls will get 'em every time ;)
And they count as separate versions of the same person.
Then I'd have to say that they're all the best, yes?
23-04-2007, 15:42
It wasn't homophobic, as I myself am not homophobic.
I would make the same sort of joke if it were a heterosexual comment.

If you think you're fooling anyone else but yourself with that last bit, you are in error once more, especially since you seem to think homophobes are the only ones who are capable of saying homophobic things.

The great respect that I have for you, though, is being worn down
23-04-2007, 15:43
I think Fass is talking about Torchwood. (

Ah, that's the one! Now, he's ( a sexy little bitch.
23-04-2007, 15:44
So he's an alien?

Earth girls will get 'em every time ;)

Then I'd have to say that they're all the best, yes?

He's an alien, yes. The last remaining Time Lord, though 'Gridlocked' throws a little doubt on that.

Well, each incarnation has a different personality, so not really.
UN Protectorates
23-04-2007, 15:51
Yeah Torchwood was pretty dum with the whole gay thing. They officially announced that every character was going to have a same-sex encounter. Just because. I applauded them for bringing same-sex relations onto mainstream TV, since that should relieve the gay stigma. I just thought it was pretty dum having pretty much all of them being bisexual.
23-04-2007, 15:51
If you think you're fooling anyone else but yourself with that last bit, you are in error once more, especially since you seem to think homophobes are the only ones who are capable of saying homophobic things.

Why would anyone but someone who is homophobic say homophobic things and mean them?
Someone who is not homophobic may be able to say such things, but will not mean them.

If my remark came across as offensive then I apologise most profusely, but the fact remains that I did not intend and have never intended to insult someone based upon their sexual orientation.
23-04-2007, 15:52
Ah, that's the one! Now, he's ( a sexy little bitch. :eek:
Teh shockz!! Fass drooling over a bi? I never thought I'd live to see the day :p

I agree tho. Wanna go gang-rape him?
I V Stalin
23-04-2007, 16:02
I think Fass is talking about Torchwood. (
Oh, jeez, Torchwood. One of only two BBC shows that is worse than Doctor Who (the other being their new version of Robin Hood).

Doctor Who isn't exactly a soap opera romance, nor is it a porn flick, so it doesn't really matter if he's gay or not.
Well, no, but... ( :p
23-04-2007, 16:03
Teh shockz!! Fass drooling over a bi? I never thought I'd live to see the day :p

But if you're to come out and say you're gay, immediately you're bad, you're evil, you're wrong, what you do is not considered correct. You might be accepted, but you're not respected. So I find [perhaps that's why for] women, there's more bisexuality represented than there is gay, you know. It's hard for me to speak for a bisexual person because I'm not. I'm a gay man, [but] in terms of acceptance, that's why I think that [someone might call themselves] bisexual, as opposed to [calling themselves] gay or lesbian.

You'll have to live some more.

I agree tho. Wanna go gang-rape him?

I don't need to rape men.
23-04-2007, 16:05
Ah, that's the one! Now, he's ( a sexy little bitch.

He is, isn't he?
23-04-2007, 16:06
Teh shockz!! Fass drooling over a bi? I never thought I'd live to see the day :p

I agree tho. Wanna go gang-rape him?

Ahhh... John Barrowman is gay, not bi...
23-04-2007, 16:09
He is, isn't he?

There's a certain something with a man who can pull off a kilt ( *sighs*
23-04-2007, 16:11
There's a certain something with a man who can pull off a kilt ( *sighs*

Heh. That's a photo from his wedding day. He looked so suave in that kilt... made his better half look drab by comparison.
23-04-2007, 16:18
You'll have to live some more.I plan to.

You're right, of course. I've seen others catch the fallout from that, and the reverse happened to me once. It's just a bit frustrating that me, myself & I are always considered dishonest for some reason or other.I don't need to rape men.Don't mean it's not good fun ;)

... Dripping candle wax... All tied up... Ack! I need a cold shower now.
Remote Observer
23-04-2007, 16:19
... Dripping candle wax... All tied up... Ack! I need a cold shower now.

Being tied up is ok as long as you're not with someone like this:
*pic removed*
Bodies Without Organs
23-04-2007, 16:49
Doctor Who isn't exactly a soap opera romance, nor is it a porn flick...

...and I quote: "We're all going to be killed shortly unless you switch over to sexual air supply".
23-04-2007, 17:24
Baker is definitely my choice.
Unfortunately you will probably get a bunch of people who have only seen the 9th and 10th - which really skews the poll.

Would you like a jellybaby?

Yes, I would.

Damn kids... :p
23-04-2007, 17:32
and of course, Pertwee spent a lot of time with Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, who, let's face it, has so far to date probably been the single greatest non-Doctor Doctor Who character ever.

What?!? Three words, mate: Sarah Jane Smith.

It appears that Fassingen is an offended homosexual.

Habitually offended is more like it. Skin growth might be a good thing.
23-04-2007, 17:42
What?!? Three words, mate: Sarah Jane Smith.

If ever the situation calls for someone to wander aimlessly through a rock quarry plaintively calling out, "Doctor! Doctor!" every so often, then Sarah Jane is, without question the right choice of companion.

But Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart? Now there's someone you'd want backing you up in a pitched battle against the Autons. And let's not forget his famous pluck - !
23-04-2007, 17:45
If ever the situation calls for someone to wander aimlessly through a rock quarry plaintively calling out, "Doctor! Doctor!" every so often, then Sarah Jane is, without question the right choice of companion.

But Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart? Now there's someone you'd want backing you up in a pitched battle against the Autons. And let's not forget his famous pluck - !

How about Rose Tyler? She killed the Dalek 'Em-prah' (as she said it in Doomsday),
23-04-2007, 17:49
How about Rose Tyler? She killed the Dalek 'Em-prah' (as she said it in Doomsday),

I don't think she could have grown half as bristly a moustache as the Brigadier.
23-04-2007, 17:51
I don't think she could have grown half as bristly a moustache as the Brigadier.

She is a London girl.
23-04-2007, 17:52
If ever the situation calls for someone to wander aimlessly through a rock quarry plaintively calling out, "Doctor! Doctor!" every so often, then Sarah Jane is, without question the right choice of companion.

Sure, if the only story we've seen is "The Hand of Fear"... :p
23-04-2007, 17:53
How about Rose Tyler? She killed the Dalek 'Em-prah' (as she said it in Doomsday),

As much as I like the classic stuff, I do love Rose.
23-04-2007, 17:56
As much as I like the classic stuff, I do love Rose.

I just like the way she acts towards the Cult of Skaro in Doomsday; sheer genius.
She's seen their power before in Dalek, but still she taunts them so.
Remote Observer
23-04-2007, 17:57
...and I quote: "We're all going to be killed shortly unless you switch over to sexual air supply".

And that had zero effect in the libido stimulus region of my brain...

Honestly, if someone can watch Dr. Who and get a woody, there's something very wrong...
23-04-2007, 17:59
Honestly, if someone can watch Dr. Who and get a woody, there's something very wrong...


23-04-2007, 18:01
And that had zero effect in the libido stimulus region of my brain...

Honestly, if someone can watch Dr. Who and get a woody, there's something very wrong...

Oh please, I'm still young enough to get an erection watching paint dry if it's been long enough.
23-04-2007, 18:02
Sure, if the only story we've seen is "The Hand of Fear"... :p

You must've fallen asleep during "Genesis of the Daleks", then.
23-04-2007, 18:14
Shipman, of course!

*runs away from the forum after utterly tasteless joke*
23-04-2007, 18:15
Shipman, of course!

*runs away from the forum after utterly tasteless joke*

My sister's cooking is less tasteless than joke. :p
23-04-2007, 22:31
either Baker, Pertwee or Troughton though Baker just edges it for me
23-04-2007, 22:37
either Baker, Pertwee or Troughton though Baker just edges it for me

Meh. Tennant FTW!

I was hoping this thread would die so I could forget my spat with Fass...
You evil, evil person, Rhursbourg you! :D
New Manvir
23-04-2007, 22:43
Dr Seuss
23-04-2007, 22:53
Meh. Tennant FTW!

I was hoping this thread would die so I could forget my spat with Fass...
You evil, evil person, Rhursbourg you! :D

ooh it cant die not right now just in a few more moments of life in it
24-04-2007, 01:47
ooh it cant die not right now just in a few more moments of life in it

...Let's just say it's regenerated itself, then. Speaking of which, does anybody else think they'll fudge the 12 regenerations rule when the Doctor's time eventually comes?
Dryks Legacy
24-04-2007, 02:54
I just like the way she acts towards the Cult of Skaro in Doomsday; sheer genius.
She's seen their power before in Dalek, but still she taunts them so.

Well if you know that they're going to kill you anyway you might as well have some fun first. Brilliant plan of their in Doomsday by the way.

"Open this so that we can destroy the universe"
"Or what?"
"We'll kill you"
"And if I do?"
"We'll kill you"

Genius :D

...Let's just say it's regenerated itself, then. Speaking of which, does anybody else think they'll fudge the 12 regenerations rule when the Doctor's time eventually comes?

If the ratings are still good... yes
Entropic Creation
24-04-2007, 07:06
The personality Tom Baker brought to the character was simply the best - his irreverence and quirkiness is what made me a Dr Who fan (which also brings up a theory some of my friends and I used to discuss back before we discovered females - the vast majority of Dr Who fans cite the first doctor they saw as the best). Ecclestone did a good job though; amusing and a little odd (as any alien who has spent hundreds of years gallivanting around time and space should be). Of course I am probably being unfairly harsh on some for the shortcomings of the writers.

I do not like the new focus on having the companion being a love interest. It was always important in the past that there not be romantic entanglement - the doctor was always supposed to be the wise old man and avoid the temptation to descend into soppy crap. I know exactly why they are doing it and I do not approve of such antics. Companions are attractive young females to provide some eye-candy for the audience - that should be the limit of pandering to sexual tension. With the exception of Romana, there hasnt been a female character on the same level as the Doctor (unless I am forgetting someone) and as such he should hold more of a paternal role.
Demented Hamsters
24-04-2007, 07:18
Of the two most recent doctors, I prefer Ecclestone cause I think he's a bloody good actor - much better than Tennant. Shame he only lasted 1 series.

Of the older ones, I guess I'll throw my lot in with Baker*
He set the standard for quirkyness.

*uhh...that's Tom Baker, in case you're worried.
24-04-2007, 07:22
It was a toss up between Tom Baker and David Tennant but although Baker has a superior fashion sense, I really like Tennant's jovial attitude towards everything.
Transcendant Pilgrims
24-04-2007, 07:54
When I hear 'Doctor', Tom Baker appears in my head. No question.

[...]Baker has a superior fashion sense[...]

No doubt, when my sister decided to make scarves for the family, I asked her to make me Tom Baker's scarf. It took 3 months, but the resulting 11 1/2 foot long masterpiece was well worth the wait.