John Howard and America: silliness ensues...
Neu Leonstein
18-04-2007, 13:28
Australia and US to swap refugees
Australia and the United States have announced a plan to swap up to 200 asylum seekers every year.
That's just about the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Other than the possible deterrance of being told "we might send you to Guantanamo", I see no value in this whatsoever. Not that I would agree with it even if it did, because the way Australia is handling refugees and immigrants in general these days is barbaric.
Remote Observer
18-04-2007, 13:32
18-04-2007, 13:32
Remote Observer
18-04-2007, 13:38
Isn't this rather like playing gin rummy, discarding the refugees you don't want and picking up the refugees you think might help your hand?
Stupid, stupid.
I trade you 10 Mexicans and 5 Russians for 15 Chinese.
18-04-2007, 13:39
18-04-2007, 13:46
I trade you 10 Mexicans and 5 Russians for 15 Chinese.
Make it 15 Chinese and 5 Koreans and I'll throw in 5 Cubans.
18-04-2007, 13:46
God, that reads like a bad April Fools joke.
And seriously, how cruel can you be? It's like a joke played on the asylum seekers' backs. "What, you were hoping to join family and friends here? Yeah, well fuck you, you're off to the other side of the planet."
Also, I'd guess that Australia also gets asylum seekers from places relatively close, like Indonesia. And of course the article itself says that the US would ship Cuban and Haitian refugees to Australia. How fucking disgusting is that???
Do we really have become so afraid to share our wealth that we have to come up with new ways to doubly hurt 200 people that are already among the most vulnerable? By sending them tens of thousands of miles away from a maybe more realistic chance to ever be reunited with their families?
Fucking disgusting.
At least there's this: But critics say the plan could backfire on Canberra, as many refugees around the world are hoping to get to America.
I sure as hell hope it backfires, fucking assholes.
UN Protectorates
18-04-2007, 13:47
Wow does anyone else read this and think "Xenophobic"?
18-04-2007, 13:49
So we give the the USA 83 Sri Lankans, Australia gets 83 Cubans ... err, that's just STUPID.
18-04-2007, 13:51
Wow does anyone else read this and think "Xenophobic"?
Uh... this officially gets the title of Most Obvious Post Ever. About ten times over, actually.
Neu Leonstein
18-04-2007, 13:52
Wow does anyone else read this and think "Xenophobic"?,,1994044,00.html
UN Protectorates
18-04-2007, 13:53
Uh... this officially gets the title of Most Obvious Post Ever. About ten times over, actually.
You're right. This obvious post that I can see quite clearly on my screen ought to get a reward. *Gives quoted post 10 gold stars*
UN Protectorates
18-04-2007, 13:55
Wow. I never knew about that incident.
Make it 15 Chinese and 5 Koreans and I'll throw in 5 Cubans.
3 Koreans and 2 Sri Lankans.
The Potato Factory
18-04-2007, 14:08
Not that I would agree with it even if it did, because the way Australia is handling refugees and immigrants in general these days is barbaric.
Oh, it is not. We shouldn't just let random people in. Japan doesn't! Why should we have lower standards than Japan!?
18-04-2007, 14:13
This is the same government that allowed a former bodyguard of Saddam Hussain into Australia, and guess what? He married a female Australian MP - one from the Liberal party. She's not an MP any more, but yes it's the same government keeping out terrorist refugees.
Neu Leonstein
18-04-2007, 14:14
Oh, it is not. We shouldn't just let random people in. Japan doesn't! Why should we have lower standards than Japan!?
I don't really give two shits about what Japan does and doesn't do right now. Rest assured that if I ever happen to move to Japan, I'll be bitching just as much there as I am here.
That being said, I believe Japan doesn't have remote concentration camps for people who dare flee their homes.
Johnny B Goode
18-04-2007, 14:25
That's just about the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Other than the possible deterrance of being told "we might send you to Guantanamo", I see no value in this whatsoever. Not that I would agree with it even if it did, because the way Australia is handling refugees and immigrants in general these days is barbaric.
That's cruel. Like killing a dog with a machete.
This is possibly the most idiotic thing I've ever heard issue from the mouths of the Howard government. Absolutely disgusting. I agree with WYTYG: how petty can you get?
Have you got any Britons? I'll swap you 200 Arabs or Asians for one. :rolleyes:
21-04-2007, 18:37
So we give the the USA 83 Sri Lankans, Australia gets 83 Cubans ... err, that's just STUPID.
Awwww, but I like Sri Lankens.
21-04-2007, 18:45
Hmm, the UK should clearly adopt this policy, it's the only way the football/cricket/most other sports team will ever win anything.
We need to secure a future for our children, and the welfare of the Australian people.
21-04-2007, 19:05
We need to secure a future for our children, and the welfare of the Australian people.
At least the Cuban exiles won't be the funky old school ones.
I'm waiting with baited breath when he declares that Australia should have it's White Australia policy again... so I can protest.
Greater Trostia
21-04-2007, 19:06
What, so there's something wrong with the trading of human beings?
21-04-2007, 19:08
What, so there's something wrong with the trading of human beings?
Not if we trade them by the kilo, added some green food colouring and call them soylent refugee.
The move is aimed at deterring would-be refugees by preventing them from reaching their destination of choice.
Yes, because of course, when people are inconsiderately trying to escape a nightmarish hellscape of warfare, social upheaval, and murder in the streets, nothing is going to deter them better than mild inconvenience. :rolleyes:
Deus Malum
21-04-2007, 22:07
Yes, because of course, when people are inconsiderately trying to escape a nightmarish hellscape of warfare, social upheaval, and murder in the streets, nothing is going to deter them better than mild inconvenience. :rolleyes:
INS: "We're sorry, due to a recently implemented treaty with Australia, you'll be moving their for your asylum instead of the United States."
Refugee: "Is there genocide and mass starvation in Australia?"
INS: "...not that I'm aware of..."
Refugee: "Great, when do we leave?"