NationStates Jolt Archive

Real or spoof - you decide

18-04-2007, 11:58
I came across a link to the following article. It seems to be from a legitimate source but there is a doubt in my mind. It was not published on April Fools' day so I am not sure what the point was.

If you know anyhting about it I'd love to hear.
18-04-2007, 12:02
I came across a link to the following article. It seems to be from a legitimate source but there is a doubt in my mind. It was not published on April Fools' day so I am not sure what the point was.

If you know anyhting about it I'd love to hear.

I call spoof!
18-04-2007, 12:10
[NS]Fergi America
18-04-2007, 12:10
Unfortunately, she took to swallowing her BlackBerryI call BS.

Added: Not to even mention the over-the-top nature of the rest of the piece...
18-04-2007, 12:12
I came across a link to the following article. It seems to be from a legitimate source but there is a doubt in my mind. It was not published on April Fools' day so I am not sure what the point was.

If you know anyhting about it I'd love to hear.
Helpful tip:

If you can't determine if a story is real or a spoof (even though people might laugh at you because of that ;)) take a look at the way it's written, the details it gives, and use your brain.

In this example (disregarding the outlandishness of the story in the first place and pretending for a moment it could just as well be true as it could be a spoof) consider for example these excerpts:

had the audacity to utter the words 'Good Morning' as he passed by my desk
Even my husband, who I have known for 23 years, doesn't speak to me in this manner. In fact, he doesn't speak to me at all'.
and even had the impertinence to give me a decent bonus that year
Ridiculous things nobody would ever say except in a satirical newspaper article.

She refused to take time off, and at one stage remained in the office working for a full 5 days. Other employees started to complain about hygiene-related issues.
Unfortunately, she took to swallowing her BlackBerry just before she left the office, and somehow managed to recover it soon after returning home. Amazingly, it always seemed to be in full working order
and chained herself to her desk.
She was let go soon after, but continued to attempt to gain access to the office each morning for the next 4 months, often disguised as a bearded Catholic priest.
Did you actually read the thing?

And yes, I now feel entirely worse for wear for having to go through that line by line. So you better be serious about making this thread in the first place or else...*shakes fist in an entirely non-spoofy way*
18-04-2007, 13:33
According to the suit, filed Monday in the Court for the Southern District of New York, the 44 year old banker claims that her male boss 'often came in smiling and had the audacity to utter the words 'Good Morning' as he passed by my desk'. She continued, 'I have worked on Wall Street for almost two decades and my bosses have always totally ignored me. I felt intimidated. My boss's behaviour was completely inappropriate, and his attitude was totally over-familiar. Even my husband, who I have known for 23 years, doesn't speak to me in this manner. In fact, he doesn't speak to me at all'.

The banker also took exception to the fact that her boss encouraged her to take time off to be with her young children, and constantly complained that she was working overly long hours. 'He insisted that I take my full maternity leave after the birth of my last child, and even had the impertinence to give me a decent bonus that year - despite the fact that I was hardly in the office'. The banker says that she found the whole experience 'disconcerting', and claims that 'I had an identity crisis. My boss challenged my perception of myself and my role in life. I couldn't cope, and ended up seeing a shrink'.

I don't think that a person claiming 10M$ from her boss would ever admit publicily that her own husband doesn't speak to her at all. Also a boss encouraging someone to take time off is very unlikely.
Still, given the idiocy of many US trials, you never can tell...
The Pictish Revival
18-04-2007, 20:33
It seems to be from a legitimate source but there is a doubt in my mind.

O rly?

For me, the seed of doubt was sown around about the time I read the headline. It had blossomed into a full-grown Doubt Tree before I'd made it as far as the actual body of the article.

The story is a very, very obvious joke.