Religion poll
Someone said there were a lot of atheists here. I wanted to know if it was true.
The PeoplesFreedom
30-03-2007, 05:23
I said it seemed like that. Never that for sure there was.
I would wager that 79.31459265% of NSers are Athiest. I'm confident about 50% of the remainder have only found god to get attention.
I worship Cheese Helmets.
The PeoplesFreedom
30-03-2007, 05:26
The PeoplesFreedom
30-03-2007, 05:26
I would wager that 79.31459265% of NSers are Athiest. I'm confident about 50% of the remainder have only found got to get attention.
How do you figure that?
Big Jim P
30-03-2007, 05:30
How surprisingly original: A religion poll on NSG. :rolleyes:
How do you figure that?
Well 79 is prolly what my GPA is around, the decimal part is the first digits of pi i know sans the second 1. And 50 is just a fun number.
The PeoplesFreedom
30-03-2007, 05:34
Well 79 is prolly what my GPA is around, the decimal part is the first digits of pi i know sans the second 1. And 50 is just a fun number.
LOL, nice one
30-03-2007, 05:35
I believe in god, officially i'm roman catholic, though i don't go to church, i disagree with some ideas of the priests, and all those people, my school is Roman Catholic as well (ultraconservative), but my beliefs are more like "God is in his heaven, i'm on the earth". Dunno what kind of belief is that, but that's my way of thinking.
IL Ruffino
30-03-2007, 05:47
How surprisingly original: A religion poll on NSG. :rolleyes:
This whole religion thing is lasting way too long. It use to last 2 or 3 days. But a whole week? I'm starting to get aggrivated.
This whole religion thing is lasting way too long. It use to last 2 or 3 days. But a whole week? I'm starting to get agrivated.
I blame minorities for bringing god back into our tubes.
Infinite Revolution
30-03-2007, 05:50
how come you can't make a poll that doesn't insult a portion of the people who might vote? is it that hard to be impartial? or at least funny?
Kinda Sensible people
30-03-2007, 05:51
Some Weird shit like that, here. I'm an ignostic, making me neither an agnostic nor an atheist, and therefore I fall in the "Some weird shit like that" category.
Big Jim P
30-03-2007, 05:53
This whole religion thing is lasting way too long. It use to last 2 or 3 days. But a whole week? I'm starting to get aggrivated.
A whole week? Damn. I'm glad I worked through most of it then.
Oh, and isn't that last poll option a bit trollish? Maybe someone should point out to the OP that there are *gasp* Satanists on this forum. He ought to really like that. *evil grin*
30-03-2007, 06:00
I'm an agnostic meself, but I believe that there's some sorta religion out there that's actually correct, it being something that someone thinks up in there spare time for fun, or it being one of the main ones that are everywhere.
But yeah, religion and politics seem to be some of the most controversial issues everywhere, so, naturally, there has to be a LOT of conversation about it. And especially the mix between the two. Then you get into really murky waters, even though the American documents do specifically state that there should be a separation of church and state.
But who cares... we're all out for a good time. Am I right? Am I right?
No, fuck you.
Should I cut a hole in him, lube it up, and do it for him?
30-03-2007, 06:06
Non-religious non-participant.
30-03-2007, 06:06
This thread has all the flavour, texture and consistency of a flaming turd.
Big Jim P
30-03-2007, 06:06
This thread has all the flavour, texture and consistency of a flaming turd.
And those are its good points:D
IL Ruffino
30-03-2007, 06:09
Should I cut a hole in him, lube it up, and do it for him?
If he pays you.
30-03-2007, 06:11
Can I quote you on that? :-D
Russian Reversal
30-03-2007, 06:17
Isn't satanism basically "being selfish" made into a religion, with a little bit of christian-mockery thrown in?
how come you can't make a poll that doesn't insult a portion of the people who might vote? is it that hard to be impartial? or at least funny?
Oh, and isn't that last poll option a bit trollish?
Ummm... in what way is the last post insulting or trollish?
Big Jim P
30-03-2007, 06:22
Isn't satanism basically "being selfish" made into a religion, with a little bit of christian-mockery thrown in?
Close, but a better desciptive would be Atheism with more drama.;)
Or, from the religious shit pages floating around (pun fully intended) Satanism: I am the shit.:D
Really though, if you are looking for a simple description of Satanism, there isn't one.
Big Jim P
30-03-2007, 06:25
Ummm... in what way is the last post insulting or trollish?
"Wiccan or some weird shit like that." might be considered directly insulting (thus actually flaming) or an insulting attempt to provoke someone into responding with flames.
Meh. I consider it mild myself, but others may be more sensitive about it.
So when a person says "I am the shit", they're being self-deprecating?
Big Jim P
30-03-2007, 06:31
So when a person says "I am the shit", they're being self-deprecating?
I am going to assume you are unfamiliar with American slang. It means I am all that. It's boasting.
I am going to assume you are unfamiliar with American slang. It means I am all that. It's boasting.
O I get it.
Big Jim P, you are shit!
Arcos Irises
30-03-2007, 07:28
i'm a big fan of st paul. not jesus so much, I mean, I think he's sort of over the top. but paul! he's poetic, man.
30-03-2007, 07:28
Anti-Social Darwinism
30-03-2007, 07:35
Atheist and agnostic are not the same thing. It requires faith to be an atheist. It requires the ability to ask questions that can't be answered (and to admit that they can't be answered) to be an agnostic.
30-03-2007, 08:20
I'm a polythiest, thank you. I beleive in the ancient Gods of northern Europe, the Norse gods, such as Odin and Thor. I follow the teachings of Asatru, and wear my Thor's Hammer proudly around my neck every day.
Atheist and agnostic are not the same thing.
Has anyone ever suggested anything to the contrary?
It requires faith to be an atheist.
Hi. I, Soheran, am God.
Do you need faith to behave towards me as if I were a human anyway?
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 09:41
Polytheistic agnostic.
30-03-2007, 09:41
Hi. I, Soheran, am God.
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 09:45
Isn't satanism basically "being selfish" made into a religion, with a little bit of christian-mockery thrown in?That depends. There are several forms of satanism.
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 09:45
Hi. I, Soheran, am God.Which one?
Cabra West
30-03-2007, 09:48
Someone said there were a lot of atheists here. I wanted to know if it was true.
That would depend entirely on the time of day.
30-03-2007, 09:48
Which one?
Hey, don't question the Almighty. Just do as I do.
*continues to bow*
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 09:50
The only one.Which one is that?
The funny thing is, if this were the actual honest reaction, the entire logic of my analogy would collapse.
30-03-2007, 09:51
That would depend entirely on the time of day.
Well, it's 3:51 A.M. here. :p
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 09:51
That would depend entirely on the time of day.They are less when it's day in the US... ;)
Which one is that?
Camilo Torres's.
30-03-2007, 09:53
Which one is that?
The one to whom you shall pledge your allegiance, lest ye be cast into the stygian pits of Hell! :p
Cabra West
30-03-2007, 09:53
They are less when it's day in the US... ;)
And more when it's day in Europe
Well observed, Watson. ;)
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 09:56
Camilo Torres's.That's not a god. :rolleyes: :p
That's not a god. :rolleyes: :p
Can you prove it?
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 10:01
Can you prove it?The guy was a Roman Catholic, and everybody knows that their god is only a Jew-ish fabrication assembled out of bits and pieces of traditions of Yah, El, Asherah, Baal, Marduk, etc... :p
30-03-2007, 10:05
Hi. I, Soheran, am God.
Do you need faith to behave towards me as if I were a human anyway?
I am atheist proclaims Freedontya
( ducking the lighting bolt passing over head)
The guy was a Roman Catholic, and everybody knows that their god is only a Jew-ish fabrication assembled out of bits and pieces of traditions of Yah, El, Asherah, Baal, Marduk, etc... :p
This is not "proof."
God could have, through divine inspiration, assembled the texts from those religions just right so as to correspond with the truth.
Absurd, yes. Disprovable, no.
Like me being God.
I am atheist proclaims Freedontya
So am I.
*Smites himself*
30-03-2007, 10:13
This whole religion thing is lasting way too long. It use to last 2 or 3 days. But a whole week? I'm starting to get aggrivated.
Actually, it's going to last for eternity, so why not begin to get used to it.
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 10:15
This is not "proof."
God could have, through divine inspiration, assembled the texts from those religions just right so as to correspond with the truth.
Absurd, yes. Disprovable, no.
Like me being God.Actually you being the god is more likely than that dude from that idiotic book being a god. :p
Because about you there are no earlier and contradicting sources as there are against the biblical "god".
Compulsive Depression
30-03-2007, 10:20
Atheist and agnostic are not the same thing. It requires faith to be an atheist. It requires the ability to ask questions that can't be answered (and to admit that they can't be answered) to be an agnostic.
I'd argue with you, but I can't be arsed. It's just not important enough.
Imperial isa
30-03-2007, 10:21
god a dog
Because about you there are no earlier and contradicting sources as there are against the biblical "god".
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would contest my claim to divinity.
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 10:28
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would contest my claim to divinity.On what basis?
On what basis?
Clearly, you don't know me very well. :)
United Beleriand
30-03-2007, 10:44
Clearly, you don't know me very well.So far I have not seen any material contradicting your claim, which is different for the biblical god, for whose non-divinity I have seen tons and tons of material.... ;)
30-03-2007, 10:47
I'm sure there are plenty of people who would contest my claim to divinity.
I volunteer to lead an Inquisition to, um, "take care" of said people.
The Ghosts of Progress
30-03-2007, 10:53
Occultism. More specifically, Im a Ceremonial Magickan. Har har.
"Wiccan or some wierd shit like that"...?
You had it going good by using umbrella terms that would have encompassed many...but you blew it with that last one...
30-03-2007, 12:05
Occultism. More specifically, Im a Ceremonial Magickan. Har har.
Ohhh Thelemic?
30-03-2007, 12:14
I believe in Jedi.
A also believe that it classifies under "weird shit like that". That choice is not formulated entirely in politcorrect manner, but I voted it.
i can never understand why athiest and agnostic are ever lumped togather, let along frequently.
an athiest believes there isn't, many evern that there cant be, anything (nontangable).
an agnostic simply and honestly accepts that what we don't know we don't know. neither excluding nor requiring anything.
it seems to me this is a very coercive bias, to insist you can't possibly believe that anything big, friendly and nontangable, or even little friendly and nontangable, even exists unless you subscribe to some name brand shaired system of organized belief.
and one i find extremely offensive, as i believe many of the pioneering constitutionalists from the magna charta through that of america and beyond, would likewise have as well. many, if not most of them, having been agnostic diests as well.
a few perhapse even humanist agnostic which was essentialy how i was raised.
i see absolutely no logic, nor spirituality either for that mater, in the above deliniated pretention.
and i do believe in a genuine spirituality which i have found organized belief to, if anything, get in the way of and become a veil of concealment and illusion, between ourselves and an unknown that at the very least, wishes us no particular harm.
i can never understand why athiest and agnostic are ever lumped togather, let along frequently.
There are certain purposes which are not served by listing them separately.
Newer Kiwiland
30-03-2007, 12:37
I picked aethist.
But I do believe in supernatural stuff; just not when some people wrote a book and try to make everyone believe in that.
There are certain purposes which are not served by listing them separately.
yes, there is one, dishonest chauvanistic bias. which by deffinician is itself evil.
30-03-2007, 12:42
There is no system but GNU and Linux is one of its kernels!
Yeah, I found comfort and a feeling of true sense by what was written by the Church of Emacs. (Non-parodistically speaking, I am an agnostic, still searching and in the meanwhile trying to live as ethically as I can)
yes, there is one, dishonest chauvanistic bias. which by deffinician is itself evil.
No. I lumped them together because they're in the same category: no religion. Just like I lumped all monotheistic religions into one option, all polytheistic religions into another, and all non-diety-based religions into the last.