Quote Pyramids
For those few of you who don't know:
2)LookDave,Icanseeyou'rereallyupsetaboutthis.Ihonestlythinkyououghttositdowncalmly,takeastresspill,a ndthinkthingsover.
3)IkonwI'vemadesomeverypoordecisionsrecently,butIcangiveyoumycompleteassurancethatmyworkwillbebackto normal.I'vestillgotthegreatestenthusiasmandconfidenceinthemission.AndIwanttohelpyou.
4)I'mafraid.I'mafraid.Dave.Dave,mymindisgoing.Icanfeelit.Icanfeelit.Mymindisgoing.Thereisnoquestiona boutit.Icanfeelit.Icanfeelit.Icanfeelit.I'ma...fraid.
I propose a quote pyramid contest. I know there is a limit to how large a pyramid can be shown but if you quote another users post you can count the words in the pyramid. My entry will be #3. The others I just did for fun.
The Infinite Dunes
28-03-2007, 08:01
I'm not sure the mods will appreciate this.
Well I miss quote pyramids so there. Besides it's not like I'm hurting anyone.
28-03-2007, 08:14
This is going to get nuked by the mods . . .
The South Islands
28-03-2007, 08:36
Holy Pagebork, Batman!
28-03-2007, 08:37
Mmmm mmm, this is Spamalicious!
This reminds me of an epic tale from another forum...
*puts on storytelling hat*
It was the summer of 2005, in a popular video game forum. A childish noob, no older than 12, created a request post so weighted with leetspeak and bangs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclamation_mark) that the usual voracious ire of the regulars was completely overloaded. The result? A simple "No."
But that was just the beginning.
Within moments, another poster quoted the frank reply. Soon, another poster quoted the quote. A pyramid was born. And it was growing.
The original responder laughed it off. "I created a trend," he said, amused. "I'm awesome." If only he knew the approaching holocaust...
Steadily the pyramid grew, level by level. Its bold borders crept beyond the edges of the page, steadily expanding its sides. Rebellious types altered the original text, inserted new comments, or made simple errors in the quote syntax, creating a structure that grew ever more complex with each iteration.
In time, it strained the definition of "pyramid". After hours of contributions, the quoted post had grown into a monstrosity. A late-comer described it thusly:
Whoa. This isn't so much a bunch of nested quotes as it is a temple... a top-down, aerial view of a giant Quote Temple Complex, with four distinct peaks, dozens of levels, and dedicated to the ideals of Stupidity, Random Trends, and the Hatred of Little Brats Who Play Video Games Way Too Much.
Then, the Terror.
An irate moderator descended on the thread like a cleansing flame, deating dozens of contributors and consigning the topic to Post Hell. A handful of lucky non-quoters stumbled out of the aftermath, telling tales to outsiders of the carnage within.
Final toll: 40 one-week bans.
Needless to say, the forum was quiet for quite a while...
hm ThisIsSpamLeroyQuickgetamodforDEATING
28-03-2007, 10:38
I miss automatic quote pyramids :(
I miss automatic quote pyramids :(
Me too. :(
Pure Metal
28-03-2007, 10:51
i don't see anything in the rules that makes this deat/ban or lock-worthy, but quote pyramids are still spam and mods no likey
1) General Forum threads will have a 65 page cap (1300 posts), at which point, they will be deleted if they are mostly spam (quote pyramids, word games, flaming, etc)......
28-03-2007, 10:58
i don't see anything in the rules that makes this deat/ban or lock-worthy, but quote pyramids are still spam and mods no likey
so we have 1287 posts of spammy goodness to go.
Pure Metal
28-03-2007, 11:00
so we have 1287 posts of spammy goodness to go.
:p lol
where's ruffy when you need him? ;)
Compulsive Depression
28-03-2007, 11:04
28-03-2007, 12:20
This thread is going to get locked or sent to spam as soon as the mods find out about it. No doubt about that.
28-03-2007, 12:21
This thread is going to get locked or sent to spam as soon as the mods find out about it. No doubt about that.
It's been almost 4 and a half hours. Where the hell are they?
28-03-2007, 12:56
* rubs sleep dirt from eyes *
We do sleep, you know. Closed.