Which is more powerful?
Love or hate? Both emotions have caused more change in the world than any other emotions. Poll Coming.
Hooray for polls! and Poles!
I love to hate and hate loving. It's a draw.
I love to hate and hate loving. It's a draw.
Darn you and your neutral ways!
The Infinite Dunes
26-03-2007, 08:14
Pfft, useless poll. Where's the starwars option?
26-03-2007, 08:37
Hatred can destroy people in various ways.
Love can destroy people in even more devious ways.
Love, through jealousy, can spawn hatred.
Therefore love must be a stronger destructive force than hatred.
26-03-2007, 09:05
Pfft, useless poll. Where's the starwars option?
After a few SW threads I started to enjoy SW options at polls (even if I do not usually participate in them). Please continue that.
Cabra West
26-03-2007, 09:08
Love or hate? Both emotions have caused more change in the world than any other emotions. Poll Coming.
Neither. The most powerful human emotion is greed.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
26-03-2007, 09:16
Hatred can destroy people in various ways.
Love can destroy people in even more devious ways.
Love, through jealousy, can spawn hatred.
Therefore love must be a stronger destructive force than hatred.The key difference lies in that hate gives a more consistent influence; love is much more chaotic and leads to more complex - and potentially more destructive - reactions.
26-03-2007, 09:16
Love or hate? Both emotions have caused more change in the world than any other emotions. Poll Coming.
Pancakes. Pancakes are more powerful than either.
26-03-2007, 09:31
No way! You can love pancakes, you can hate pancakes, but pancakes cannot love or hate you, therefore pancakes are FEEEBLE!
They're equally powerfull; they are in fact two ends of the same scale.
Neutrality! Sound the beige alert!
A person may take life out of love or out of hate, but if there were no consequences I think more people who hate would be killing out of hate than out of love, but then, more people love a lot and only the truly twisted hate. Hate is less common and not required, yet it leads to more dire actions.
:p I guess I just gave you the wavering magic wand of Nuetrality.
Stupidity beats them all.
Equal amounts of love and hate are equally powerful, IMO.
26-03-2007, 11:45
Hatred can destroy people in various ways.
Love can destroy people in even more devious ways.
Love, through jealousy, can spawn hatred.
Therefore love must be a stronger destructive force than hatred.
i'd change back to love had i thought of this.
Infinite Revolution
26-03-2007, 11:46
hate kills people. so does love but generally only on an individual basis.
Dryks Legacy
26-03-2007, 11:46
Does "love" because people will be in the presence of people they hate to be in the presence of friends count as an answer. Because I've noticed that people that don't like me will tolerate me if someone they're friends with is in the same place.
Compulsive Depression
26-03-2007, 11:50
Neither. The most powerful human emotion is greed.
/me steals Cabra's greed and uses it as his own.
East Nhovistrana
26-03-2007, 11:51
Verily love spawneth hate, hate issueth forth from love, just as our Lord createth Satan.
Extreme Ironing
26-03-2007, 11:55
Well, if Star Wars and Harry Potter have taught me anything, then love is more powerful than hate, but that is all a bit of an escapist fantasy and infact they are equally powerful at different ends of a common scale.
I suppose which end influences you more depends on what type of person you are, I choose not to hate many things as I see it as pointless. Then you get some things like Marmite and Wagner that you cannot be neutral about (I love both).
26-03-2007, 11:58
Love. Why? Because, I would hate very little in this world if not for love.
I forgot to post this, actually.
My work here is done. *flees*
26-03-2007, 19:00
love and hate are essentially the same emotion, and, iirc, the same chemical reaction in the brain. The only difference is how this reaction manifests itself (and really, even then, hate manifests itself in a very similar way as love does)
see schoolyard children for a perfect example.
IL Ruffino
26-03-2007, 19:58
Considering hate causes wars and kills millions I think it is obvious which is stronger.
Ultraviolent Radiation
26-03-2007, 20:02
Mental laziness is most powerful. It causes people to favour flawed "solutions" to the world's problems due to the simplicity of the concept.
I am more powerful than both combined.
As I see it, hatred causes war, strife and suffering in the world. Hatred causes loss, but without love we would have nothing to lose.
Rubiconic Crossings
26-03-2007, 20:08
Underwear. Never underestimate underwear...
Hatred can destroy people in various ways.
Love can destroy people in even more devious ways.
Love, through jealousy, can spawn hatred.
Therefore love must be a stronger destructive force than hatred.
and hatred, through obsession, can form love.
Love. why?
both can be a reason for the most heinous of crimes, yet people will tend to look more favorably upon a person who does something out of love than hate.
Favorably does not mean they will exscuse the crime, it just means between the two, the one who does it out of love is seen better than the one who does it out of hatred.
Love is more powerful.
You can create hatred -because- of love, but you can't create love because of hatred. If you can, you're fucked up.
26-03-2007, 20:16
THey're really rather similar, and shift between each other quite easily. I have a better chance with the girl who, to some degree, hates me, than I do with the girl who doesn't really give a shit about me.
26-03-2007, 20:36
Exactly the same. Where's that option?
26-03-2007, 20:58
I'm thinking love...
People will sacrifice a lot more, to the extent of sacrificing their life, a lot more readily for love.
Love can take away the basic instinct for self-interest.
Love seems to be more of a convincing force for people's actions.
Many people base all of their life and actions around love, but few do the same because of hatred.
You can avoid objects of hatred but you can't do the same with objects of love because that love becomes a part of you in a different way.
Love can give a deeper basis of inner strength, courage, hope, ambition, confidence, and happiness.
Everyone needs love, to some extent, in some form (IMHO). That necessity could be argued to make it a stronger force.
Extreme actions of hatred, such as terrorist bombings or acts of war, could be argued to come from a deep love for a deity, your country, your family or a moral conviction.
26-03-2007, 21:05
I'm thinking love...
People will sacrifice a lot more, to the extent of sacrificing their life...can take away the basic instinct for self-interest...a convincing force for people's actions...etc.
Hmm? I'm thinking, in a 'cut off your nose to spite your face' sense, hate can do all these things to the same degree.
26-03-2007, 21:17
Hmm? I'm thinking, in a 'cut off your nose to spite your face' sense, hate can do all these things to the same degree.
I think people say they would, or think they would, but when it comes down to it, love is a far far stronger motivation to sacrifice your life or do other extreme things. Pretty damn hard to quantify or prove anything though...
Anyone doing something through love would think it was truly 100% worthwhile, believe in what they're doing and be happy to do it. I don't think the same could be said for doing something through hatred. I mean, you could feel a really strong hatred which you wished you didn't feel or wanted to keep under control but couldn't. Love is less likely to be regretted in the same way, if actually at all possible with a true deep love.
26-03-2007, 21:21
I think people say they would, or think they would, but when it comes down to it, love is a far far stronger motivation to sacrifice your life or do other extreme things. Pretty damn hard to quantify or prove anything though...
Anyone doing something through love would think it was truly 100% worthwhile, believe in what they're doing and be happy to do it. I don't think the same could be said for doing something through hatred. I mean, you could feel a really strong hatred which you wished you didn't feel or wanted to keep under control but couldn't. Love is less likely to be regretted in the same way, if actually at all possible with a true deep love.
What's this about worthwhileness and regrets? They'd do it wouldn't they? The only difference is, the one in love would dive over the edge to save someone, while the the one with hatred would be tackling that person over the edge, a 'take 'em down with me' sort of thing.
27-03-2007, 04:43
Love is more powerful.
You can create hatred -because- of love, but you can't create love because of hatred. If you can, you're fucked up.
I reiterate, pretty much all of the hatreds I have stem from loves that I have. None of my loves stem from hatred. Like I said, there wouldn't be much at all that I hated if I didn't love anything/anyone.
Without there being love behind a negative feeling towards something, the strongest I can feel about it is intense dislike, not passionate, fiery hatred.
Terrorist Cakes
27-03-2007, 05:18
They are most powerful when combined together. Hell hath no fury, right?
27-03-2007, 05:21
They are most powerful when combined together. Hell hath no fury, right?
the woman has a point ya know...
Curious Inquiry
27-03-2007, 05:26
Moot question, since love and hate are 2 aspects of the same emotion. The opposite of love (or hate) is indifference.
They are most powerful when combined together. Hell hath no fury, right?
"Hell hath no fury like a woman in love scorned!"
ahh..so true:D
27-03-2007, 07:35
Hate. By a long shot.
I do mean 'practically powerful' by the way. Love has a sublime power to it which hate cannot hold a candle to. However, in terms of realisable practical 'real' power, hate takes the cake, the plate and the whole damn table.
27-03-2007, 07:39
Love is more powerful.
You can create hatred -because- of love, but you can't create love because of hatred. If you can, you're fucked up.
I don't like this recurring analogy. Has not the greatest and most powerful species on earth been derived from a simple ameobea?
The worlds most powerful man may have been born from a lame woman.
The most explosive and powerful chemical combinations come from inert elements.
Hate itself comes from resent, which in turn comes from frustration and dislike.
I do not see how the progenerator of something is automatically more powerful than what it produces. (take Darth Plageius/Sidious and Anakin Skywalker).
27-03-2007, 07:43
Moot question, since love and hate are 2 aspects of the same emotion. The opposite of love (or hate) is indifference.
Actually, I agree. Love and hate are simple to sides of the highest order of intensity of emotion. They are interchangable in any situation, and frequently end up so.