Is it better to be candid or diplomatic?
25-03-2007, 15:56
So which do you favour? Candour? Or diplomacy?
I am the editor of a magazine which takes contributed copy from experts.
I got an article which I was advised was technically wrong. I pushed it to one side and forgot about it.
The contributors chased me for action. I dithered and tried to be diplomatic. I took soundings from two senior company members who both advised me to do exactly the opposite of each other - one said candour, the other said diplomatic.
F**k it, I thought. Let's take action.
So I did.
I went round to their offices and told them the article was wrong.
They weren't happy.
They threatened to call the company owner.
I said 'go on then'.
What would YOU have done? Candour? Or Diplomacy?
25-03-2007, 16:00
Tight swimming trunks
Postpix, kthnx.
I would have given them a pair of tight swimming trunks with a note attached, reading:
Please take a moment to wear these tight swimming trunks in front of your colleagues.
Your article was 10 times more wrong than what your colleagues currently have to endure.
Thank you for your time
25-03-2007, 16:01
i prefer diplomacy because then i can subltly insult people without risking physical harm.
you should have just flatly rejected the article without explanation.
diplomacy would have been better in your situation i think. IRL you should try a balance between the two.
The Infinite Dunes
25-03-2007, 16:09
'With regards to your article: I have been advised by a person whom I place great trust that such a section is technically wrong. As you can see this puts me in a dilemma, and I cannot publish the article until this matter has been resolved. If you could provide some supporting evidence to back up the stated claim then I would be happy to publish the article if the evidence holds true.'
Entropic Creation
26-03-2007, 03:00
If you find an article to be technically incorrect, you reject the article.
The reason you give is that there are questions about the validity of (this) and (that). Ask them to further clarify their statements, reevaluate the data, and resubmit after clearing up the apparent error.
You need to be a little diplomatic, but either give no reason whatsoever or tell them what the problem happens to be in a purely factual statement.
Infinite Revolution
26-03-2007, 03:08
youj can't have a poll with an option for tight swimming trunks and seriously expect anyone to vote for any of the other options.:D
Anti-Social Darwinism
26-03-2007, 03:13
I think you can be candidly diplomatic. Or diplomatically candid. They're not mutually exclusive, just damned difficult.
26-03-2007, 03:24
You could just say it fails some sort of standard which is applied to articles.
26-03-2007, 03:35
Better to be can-do that candid said my grampa, shortly before being hauled off to the mental asylum
26-03-2007, 05:25
Tight swimming trunks
Postpix, kthnx.
Dirty girl. Or is it dirty boy? Dirty something anyway ;)