Healthy ways to release anger.
25-02-2007, 08:23
I really need some ways to release some major tension. I was just at this little party at an ex-girlfreinds place and her stupid fuckin friends and her stupid fuckin brother was there. ( I have no fucking idea why I went, it was dumb) but obviously a huge fucking drama fest happened and I need to lose some anger before I deck some poor sap in the face for no reason. god she is such a bitch too... I wont go into details but I'd like to know some techniques.... :mad: :headbang: :upyours: :mad: :gundge: :headbang: :upyours:
The Jade Star
25-02-2007, 08:25
Find a matress and punch it until your arms feel like theyre about to fall off. Then go and kick something (preferably non-breakable).
Repeat until youre finding it difficult to stand.
Return to the matress you were punching.
Lie down on the matress.
Close your eyes and get some sleep.
The South Islands
25-02-2007, 08:26
Exercise is always a good way to relieve stress. It's how I got through high school. :)
The Scandinvans
25-02-2007, 08:30
Release boxes of random killer creatures. In fact I shall do right now,
*Opens box of giant killer wombats*
Exercise is good. When you get bored with that, try a video game of sorts. Many games are perfect for taking your rage out on stuff.
25-02-2007, 08:30
Well... I guess "get laid" isn't really an option, then.
Cos there's a good stress reliever, let me tell you.
Anti-Social Darwinism
25-02-2007, 08:36
Find a matress and punch it until your arms feel like theyre about to fall off. Then go and kick something (preferably non-breakable).
Repeat until youre finding it difficult to stand.
Return to the matress you were punching.
Lie down on the matress.
Close your eyes and get some sleep.
I find that works wonders - if I'm angry with the mattress. Sometimes it's impossible to displace anger onto something else. I found that the best way for me was target practice. I would take a coffee can and set it up, then get a gun. Pretending that the coffee can was the head of the person with whom I was angry, not only diffused some of my anger, but it improved my aim considerably.
25-02-2007, 08:41
Wank. Hate wank.
25-02-2007, 08:44
I find that works wonders - if I'm angry with the mattress. Sometimes it's impossible to displace anger onto something else. I found that the best way for me was target practice. I would take a coffee can and set it up, then get a gun. Pretending that the coffee can was the head of the person with whom I was angry, not only diffused some of my anger, but it improved my aim considerably.
Hey actually, as bad as it sounds to be angry with a firearm, I've noticed i feel allot better about things when I sling some lead. I'll think I'll do that later when I can, but for now maybe I'll use the physical abuse on an in-atimate object. Along with working out, esspecaily when listening to some hardcore music.
However, I know from experiance drinking + anger is the worst idea.
25-02-2007, 08:44
Wank. Hate wank.
hehe, I've done it before, its alright...
Wank. Hate wank.
Hate wank?
25-02-2007, 08:59
Hate wank?
Well hate fucking is a thing, I'm sure you can hate wank.
Well hate fucking is a thing, I'm sure you can hate wank.
What would you do, masturbate to a picture of Hitler?
The South Islands
25-02-2007, 09:02
Hate wank?
As opposed to love wank. Or nice wank. Or imfeelingprettygoodtoday wank.
Pepe Dominguez
25-02-2007, 09:02
Do what I do. Sharpen steel tools. I've been working on a hatchet for the last hour on and off. Takes some concentration, and it's relaxing.
25-02-2007, 09:05
Yeah, I have some swords and machetes that could use sharpening, and cleaning......
And using.
For revenge..
25-02-2007, 09:06
What would you do, masturbate to a picture of Hitler?
25-02-2007, 09:07
Do what I do. Sharpen steel tools. I've been working on a hatchet for the last hour on and off. Takes some concentration, and it's relaxing.
Yeah, I have some swords and machetes that could use sharpening, and cleaning......
Pepe Dominguez
25-02-2007, 09:17
Yeah, I have some swords and machetes that could use sharpening, and cleaning......
Not a bad idea. There's always satisfaction in putting a razor edge on a steel tool. Especially when fall rolls around again and you have branches to cut down.
As opposed to love wank. Or nice wank. Or imfeelingprettygoodtoday wank.
I don't understand any of that. At all.
25-02-2007, 09:17
And using.
For revenge..
I don't need that sort of temptation at the moment....:D
Terrorist Cakes
25-02-2007, 09:44
Make bread. Or, watch this (, and scream along to it.
Imperial isa
25-02-2007, 09:57
play war games or beat the shit out of a wood door
25-02-2007, 10:22
Play Thrash riffs on guitar.
The Treacle Mine Road
25-02-2007, 11:21
Watch this, it usually works for me .
What you should do is not let people get to you. Getting angry because of those that taunt you is not the answer, because that is exactly what they want. They want to get a rise out of you, because they subconsciously see that as a weakness, and they will ruthlessly exploit it for their entertainment. Avoiding situations where people will get you angry is the first step. If unavoidable, do not rise to the occasion, because they will only make you angry again. If you stop displaying anger, they will eventually stop also, because they no longer get any pleasure from playing on your weaknesses. This is in itself a victory for you because not only did you not get angry, you basically told your social enemies to get lost in the nicest possible way. As for releasing any pent up anger, I am afraid that outlets for anger are only a stopgap measure. The anger will build up again. Self contemplation is something that I engage in a lot. By analysing the causes of my anger, I find that by dealing with them either consciously or unconsciously, I not longer feel anger for certain things that would have once upon a time really, really made me angry. So basically, the first thing to do is not to let things get to you so easily. Ignore them. Escalation of conflict does not help at all. If you are still frustrated or stressed out, do not take it out on other people. If you do, you fail, because we all know: what goes around, comes around. What you need to do is find out what makes you angry, and fine constructive ways to avoid or reduce the amount of stress that causes you to be angry. Concentrate all your pent up energy into solving this, then you will find that all that anger no longer builds up so much. After all that, if you still have some left over, physical activity that does no harm to others is always a good thing, but I have found that, at least for me, that is not necessary.
I find to avoid huge bursts of anger I just express myself, just say how i feel about a subject and normally that solves the problem and them my anger. Then if i do get angry it's a small explosion rather than a big one.
25-02-2007, 14:36
Keep a blog specifically for ranting in. Whenever something pisses you off, rant in it until you feel you can rant no more.
25-02-2007, 14:36
I don't tend to get that angry, but when I am stressed out I usually jog around the block, it's quiet, and I get to zone out and think about other things, instead of dwelling on things that don't make me happy. By the time I have been running for a few miles my head is clearer and I can come back and deal with things in a less overly emotional way.
If I am unable to run, then I like to has a similar head clearing property, but lacks the endorphins from running.
25-02-2007, 14:56
I really need some ways to release some major tension. I was just at this little party at an ex-girlfreinds place and her stupid fuckin friends and her stupid fuckin brother was there. ( I have no fucking idea why I went, it was dumb) but obviously a huge fucking drama fest happened and I need to lose some anger before I deck some poor sap in the face for no reason. god she is such a bitch too... I wont go into details but I'd like to know some techniques.... :mad: :headbang: :upyours: :mad: :gundge: :headbang: :upyours:
Go to a punk/hardcore/metal show and run as hard as you can into guys as pissed off as you are for a couple of hours.
If there are no shows around get a punch bag and hit that as the mattress previously suggested has tendency to break springs which are fairly sharp and cut knuckles.
Ultraviolent Radiation
25-02-2007, 15:02
I really need some ways to release some major tension. I was just at this little party at an ex-girlfreinds place and her stupid fuckin friends and her stupid fuckin brother was there. ( I have no fucking idea why I went, it was dumb) but obviously a huge fucking drama fest happened and I need to lose some anger before I deck some poor sap in the face for no reason. god she is such a bitch too... I wont go into details but I'd like to know some techniques
Get some really heavy metal and then dance around really fast to it. But first make sure no-one is looking :D
Make a nuclear weapon and detonate it.
Northern Borders
25-02-2007, 16:23
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Have sex
- Do something you´re good at
- Play a violent game
25-02-2007, 16:24
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Have sex
- Do something you´re good at
- Play a violent game
Make anti jewish comments on forums? does that help you relax?
25-02-2007, 16:32
Stamp on a cat until its eyes pop out.
Or simply have a wank - It's natures two minute pick-me-up.
Northern Borders
25-02-2007, 16:44
Make anti jewish comments on forums? does that help you relax?
Oh boy :rolleyes:
Anything is anti jewis comment nowadays.
26-02-2007, 03:49
Make a nuclear weapon and detonate it.
Given sufficient weapons grade uranium, WMDs make for both an exciting and challenging project for the DIY home handyman.
Play heavy music really loud while typing whatever rant comes into your head.
New Manvir
26-02-2007, 04:17
watch the simpsons
Greater Trostia
26-02-2007, 04:35
I really need some ways to release some major tension. I was just at this little party at an ex-girlfreinds place and her stupid fuckin friends and her stupid fuckin brother was there. ( I have no fucking idea why I went, it was dumb) but obviously a huge fucking drama fest happened and I need to lose some anger before I deck some poor sap in the face for no reason. god she is such a bitch too... I wont go into details but I'd like to know some techniques.... :mad: :headbang: :upyours: :mad: :gundge: :headbang: :upyours:
A good way to release some anger over this is to find a big cardboard box.
Then take it into the bathroom or someplace similarly comfortable. Pull down your pants, sit on the edge (carefully - don't want to crumple the edges!) and take a nice big poop.
The bonus part of this is you also release gas and solid waste, which is healthy!
Then when you're done, seal the box up and mail it to your ex girlfriend.
I know it helped me get over my similar situation.
Infinite Revolution
26-02-2007, 04:37
punching walls works for me. brick is best cuz you won't put your fist through it like plaster-board but it won't mangle your hands like granite or pebble-dash does.
or if you like your hands try punching a sofa cushion. mattresses are too bouncy and don't give such a nice solid thud as cushions.
alternatively, smash up some cardboard boxes, i find jumping on them to be the most fun.
or smash some bottles if you don't mind the noise.