Valentine's Day Cards
New Ritlina
14-02-2007, 15:28
In this thread, post cards you've made (Forced to or otherwise), are giving, or have been giving.
Mine: (
Forced to make it for French class. That's the English side, obviously.
14-02-2007, 15:30
I refuse to acknowledge this day by making or buying cards or any other element of that sappy pretentious shit reserved for simpering wusses who think that a sentimental, sappy nauseating card makes up for 364 days of romantic neglect.
I refuse to acknowledge yet another Valentines Day thread. What is it about today that loads of people are making Valentines Day threads..........
14-02-2007, 15:35
I refuse to acknowledge yet another Valentines Day thread. What is it about today that loads of people are making Valentines Day threads..........
They want to spread their mind-numbing sappy drivel and turn the rest of us into the simpering fools they be.
I refuse to acknowledge this day by making or buying cards or any other element of that sappy pretentious shit reserved for simpering wusses who think that a sentimental, sappy nauseating card makes up for 364 days of romantic neglect.
I have no reason to acknowledge it, be it a lover or otherwise, so it doesn't matter to me anyway.