NationStates Jolt Archive

Dream interpretation needed

Gun Manufacturers
06-02-2007, 18:44
Ok, so in my dream, I'm a Navy F-18 pilot, stationed aboard a carrier (I don't know which one). Apparently in my dream, I witnessed something I shouldn't have (murder, espionage, etc), but didn't realize it. So, I'm about to take off from the carrier in my F-18, and I notice the smell of a Hostess Twinkie. Not thinking anything of it (other than maybe one of my fellow pilots playing a trick on me by placing one under my seat), I proceed to take off, with the rest of my squadron. About 10 seconds into my flight, my plane goes haywire, I loose all electrical power, and I see smoke inside the cockpit. I open my circuit breaker panel to see that the main circuit breaker has been replaced by a Twinkie, and that it has burned through (no longer completing the circuit). I realize my aircraft has been sabotoged, and I'm able to eject from the aircraft before it crashes, landing in the water.

That's when I woke up. Can anyone tell me what this means? Why a Twinkie? I hate Twinkies!
Compulsive Depression
06-02-2007, 18:49
It means you have much more interesting dreams than me.

Maybe you secretly think that twinkies are out to get you?
06-02-2007, 18:50
You think you are important (witnessing a crime), strong, and powerful (jet) but really, you're just full of crap (Twinkie)

I don't know. Psychology was never my thing.
06-02-2007, 18:52
The US Navy doesn't fly F-18s. They fly F/A-18s.

/anal-retentive guy

06-02-2007, 18:52
Hmm.. dunno dreams can be wierd. Was a tv or radio or something on when you were sleeping? A commercial or someone speaking of twinkies could've placed it into the dream.

You know I had a dream of this place ( before I had ever seen it, and didn't find out what it was til years later when I saw something about it somewhere. But I've also had dreams I was flying over rooftops that look like this ( so who knows.
Lunatic Goofballs
06-02-2007, 18:57
The Twinkies are out to get you! :eek:

Your only hope of survival now is to disguise yourself as a giant cupcake.

*gets some cake batter and icing* Fortunately, I've done this before. :)
06-02-2007, 18:59
its just a frustration dream.

its similar to school dreams where you go to school only to find out that you have a class you didnt realize you had signed up for and now there is a test and you didnt study, you dont even have the book and dammit where is the stupid classroom anyway!
06-02-2007, 19:04
Actually, I've been exactly trained in Freudian psychoanalysis, and your dream has gives profound insights to your psyche.

A dream such as that clearly means you want to kill your father and bone your mother.
06-02-2007, 19:06
Actually, I've been exactly trained in Freudian psychoanalysis, and your dream has gives profound insights to your psyche.

A dream such as that clearly means you want to kill your father and bone your mother.

At least his father wasn't in the dream, trying to squirt the Twinkie's cream filling onto his tongue...
Lunatic Goofballs
06-02-2007, 19:09
At least his father wasn't in the dream, trying to squirt the Twinkie's cream filling onto his tongue...

Sometimes a twinkie is just a twinkie. :p
06-02-2007, 19:09
That is one fucked up dream. It probably means that something bad is going to happen to you in the near future, perhaps seeing something bad, do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and if so, how is your relationship? Whatever happens, you'll make it through at the last second and be alright. Also, avoid twinkies, they may hold the key to your...DOOM!!!:eek:
06-02-2007, 19:21
Sometimes a twinkie is just a twinkie. :p

Well played, my friend, well played. :D
06-02-2007, 19:24
The Food and Drink industry is out to get you, for you know their deadly secret.

06-02-2007, 19:25
The twinkie represents Tom Cruise.
Gun Manufacturers
06-02-2007, 19:26
The twinkie represents Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise smells like a Twinkie? :eek:
06-02-2007, 19:27
The twinkie represents Tom Cruise.

Beware his Force POWAHS!
06-02-2007, 19:28
Beware his Force POWAHS!

:eek: Holy shit!!! He really is the Messiah!
New Granada
06-02-2007, 19:30
You got touched by Ted Haggerd.
06-02-2007, 19:32
"To dream of flying a plane is a feeling of not only a dramatic negative change in your life, but also to everyone around you as well as your environment. A very negative symbol and should be meditated upon. In prophetic dreams this heralds a great change in the distant future (planes are associated with great distance). This change may not be negative. Dreams about flying in a plane as the pilot vary tremendously. Is the dreamer a competent person either in sleep or waking? This may indicate a sense of control over circumstances. The plane crash may reveal a sense of inadequacy or incompetence. Plane “crashes,” loss of power, and trouble in flight are common dreams that typically reflect uncertainty about reaching one or more of these destinations. This symbolizes an inner metamorphosis and an evolution of development. Old ways of perceiving are passing away; new self-discoveries are being made. The dream is a symbol of transition.

Flying to escape a pursuer suggests confidence in one’s ability to avoid, or outmaneuver, fears and problems in our life.
If you fly high with black wings you are warned that you are headed for a let down of magnitude. (Flying dreams are normally a good omen and if the flight is pleasant, with no worries and anxieties, you can look for happiness and plenty to follow." This doesn’t apply to your dream.)

"To see someone or be a person in the military is a symbol of order and authority. Military personnel—soldiers in uniform, generals and commanders—also can represent the hierarchy of a business or corporate environment. Did someone recently give you a command, or an ultimatum?"

Does this give you a little more clarity? If not, let me know...
06-02-2007, 19:35
Oh and about the Twinkie?! I think it is just part of you feeling the uncertainty about reaching one or more of your destinations.
06-02-2007, 19:36
Oh and about the Twinkie?! I think it is just part of you feeling the uncertainty about reaching one or more of your destinations.

Sometimes a twinkie is just a twinkie. :p

06-02-2007, 19:36
Beware his Force POWAHS!

Hahaha :p
06-02-2007, 19:42
Somewhere, a man climbs into a Twinkie truck after no sleep for 24hrs. He just popped several no-doze bills and drank two Red Bulls. A warm breeze passes through the cabin of his truck as night falls. The lines blur...his eyes become heavy. His name is John Smith, he recently endured a nasty divorce with his wife, Cheryl after he caught her cheating on him with a young Brazilian waiter named Raoul. After a life of hardship and no hope, he decided to lash out against society which in his mind, is the root of all his troubles. His weapon to exact his revenge: A truck full of twinkies. His target: some innocent man who had a bad dream.
06-02-2007, 19:52
The Twinkies lawyer could not immediately be reached for comment.