NationStates Jolt Archive

What(are)'s your ethnicit(ies)y? - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
07-02-2007, 20:24
Race is just a social construct, so today I will choose to be Indian… Amrish Puri kind of Indian. That guy rocked in Temple of Doom.
07-02-2007, 20:26
You know what? I agree. Its like you can clasify people as Chicagoians(sp?) or southerns or new yorkers or what ever. That makes more since in this nation as opposed to saying "im irish or german" as people are obviously not really from ireland or german when they say that, but point to ancestral locations. I like the way you think. You are ok for being from chicago. ;)

Hmmm, that would make me part Californian (almost certainly its own ethnicity in this scheme - maybe more than one, right?), part Northwesterner (Washington and Oregon should probably get their own grouping), and part Southern.
07-02-2007, 20:29
A bit more about the inbreeding in my family, cause I just talked to my grandmother and found out the details...An aunt/nephew marriage led to their kid marrying the nephew's sister's kid. :eek:

Edit: and I'm decaring my ethnicity Brooklynite.