Blood for oil?
South Lizasauria
05-02-2007, 08:21
I made an issue on this earlier but forgot to edit and submit it. Would you support capitol punishment if people were sentenced to death by refinery? Death by refinery would be having your cellular molecules broken down into oil.
The South Islands
05-02-2007, 08:21
Depends on how many barrels of oil we could get out of each condemned body.
South Lizasauria
05-02-2007, 08:24
Depends on how many barrels of oil we could get out of each condemned body.
Well if my theory is correct it would be like reducing all you body matter into oil so your whole body would become oil. A cup full of human fat would make a cup full of oil.
The South Islands
05-02-2007, 08:24
Well if my theory is correct it would be like reducing all you body matter into oil so your whole body would become oil. A cup full of human fat would make a cup full of oil.
And how much energy does this process take? Getting a one for one exchange for body mass to oil seems rather inefficient.
Interesting idea, but I doubt it would ever be implemented.
But what if said process was done on their corpses, after they were killed?(or willing deceased Humans)
Anyway, unless they can streamline the process down into an efficient form (extremely unlikely) it wouldn't be profitable anyway, so no one would bother funding it.
South Lizasauria
05-02-2007, 08:29
And how much energy does this process take? Getting a one for one exchange for body mass to oil seems rather inefficient.
Well if simply poke fat tissue oil mixed with blood splurts out. I think by pouring chemicals onto the doomed prisoner. The chemicals would be specially made to take apart the lipids on a cell and all other oily substances then refine them into oil. If a guy can make a car that runs on french fry grease I'm confident this new punishment will find a slick solution to improve efficiency.
The South Islands
05-02-2007, 08:35
Well if simply poke fat tissue oil mixed with blood splurts out. I think by pouring chemicals onto the doomed prisoner. The chemicals would be specially made to take apart the lipids on a cell and all other oily substances then refine them into oil. If a guy can make a car that runs on french fry grease I'm confident this new punishment will find a slick solution to improve efficiency.
Again, this sounds awfully inefficient. Present me with your scientific findings regarding the extraction of usable lipids from human matter and it's efficiency, than you may have something.
But for now, I'll just stick with the ole gassy over there.
South Lizasauria
05-02-2007, 08:40
Again, this sounds awfully inefficient. Present me with your scientific findings regarding the extraction of usable lipids from human matter and it's efficiency, than you may have something.
But for now, I'll just stick with the ole gassy over there.
I learned that some molecules like to stick to each other, oxygen and hydrogen for example, in fact water is a good example, there are actually molecules that stick to water, that is a reason cell membranes are the way they are, the outer parts of the membrane are attracted to water, soap sticks to both water and oil which cleans our pores, surely there is a chemical which will pull all the oild molecules out of the cells (which would reduce the guy into protien filled mush mixed with oil)
I made an issue on this earlier but forgot to edit and submit it. Would you support capitol punishment if people were sentenced to death by refinery? Death by refinery would be having your cellular molecules broken down into oil.
rather find other alternatives to fossil fuels.
but condeming the person to medical research can help produce cures as well as determining effects of drugs on the human body. and if a condemed person is determined to be innocent as forensic science grows, then compensation can be easily calculated out (using hazardous military tours as the base pay, adjusting upwards dependant on results and what was tested... cancer/std/aids/etc...) and given to the survivors.
I made an issue on this earlier but forgot to edit and submit it. Would you support capitol punishment if people were sentenced to death by refinery? Death by refinery would be having your cellular molecules broken down into oil.
Using Thermal Depolymerization, a 175-pound man would yield 38 pounds of oil, 7 pounds of gas, and 7 pounds of minerals, as well as 123 pounds of sterilized water.
I think we should use this process in the war on terror. It would be a lot more honest if the U.S. would just turn muslims directly into oil without all the hypocritical bullshit.
The South Islands
05-02-2007, 09:29
Unfortunately, Thermal Depolymerization uses vast amounts of energy, making it very inefficient.
Unfortunately, Thermal Depolymerization uses vast amounts of energy, making it very inefficient.
Where do you get that? Depending on the feedstock, cost ranges from 40-90 dollars a barrel - with all energy requirements derived from the process itself.
Brutland and Norden
05-02-2007, 10:40
I made an issue on this earlier but forgot to edit and submit it. Would you support capitol punishment if people were sentenced to death by refinery? Death by refinery would be having your cellular molecules broken down into oil.
Ah yes. Let's have capitol punishment... let's kill all those stup~d morons in the warmongering capitols. They like oil, they'll get oil. Ha. [/irony]
Leaving a body for a while results in a lot of the fat oozing out as it decomposes, if a bit smelly.
Use a centrifuge for the last few pounds. Once drained you can use the remains for soylent products.
Free Pacific Nations
05-02-2007, 13:25
Sounds a bit like something a Fremen would do :p :p
German Nightmare
05-02-2007, 14:57
Sounds a bit like something a Fremen would do :p :p Now, now. We only deal in water...
05-02-2007, 16:04
Well if simply poke fat tissue oil mixed with blood splurts out. I think by pouring chemicals onto the doomed prisoner. The chemicals would be specially made to take apart the lipids on a cell and all other oily substances then refine them into oil. If a guy can make a car that runs on french fry grease I'm confident this new punishment will find a slick solution to improve efficiency.
Ah, chemicals, is there anything they cant do?
So they would end up getting the last laugh by being turned in to a substance that destroys our environment and directly kills thousands of people each year?
I don't think we're supposed to reward murderers...
05-02-2007, 17:54
I wonder if those of Arabian stock would yield more than other races....:p
Glorious Freedonia
06-02-2007, 17:22
This is the sort of question that needs to be asked! For too long too many wonderful corpses were wasted for needless cemetaries when they could have been rendered into corpse oil. Mmmmm just think of what we could do if we got our hands on such an oil. Yessssss. It would be exquisite.