Is this awful or funny?
29-01-2007, 03:58
I ran across this pun, just now:
Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which
produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very
little, which made him rather frail and, with his odd diet, he suffered
from bad breath. This made him...
a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
Is this awful or funny?
And do you have any jokes/puns that you laugh and then have second thoughts?
I know you didn't write it but writing puns is lazy and they aren't funny.
29-01-2007, 04:02
I laughed.
funny sutff, but he was'nt a mystic i dont think?
This is more awful.
What's the difference between a white Jew and a black Jew?
The black Jew had to sit at the back of the gas chamber.
29-01-2007, 04:08
This is more awful.
What's the difference between a white Jew and a black Jew?
The black Jew had to sit at the back of the gas chamber.
Yeah, see, I would say that's just plain awful with no funny in it at all. Same with those wretched dead-baby jokes.
29-01-2007, 04:10
funny sutff, but he was'nt a mystic i dont think?
There's this image in the minds of some (maybe even most) persons that Hindu = mystic cow worshiper whether they intellectually know it to be false or not.
The Nazz
29-01-2007, 04:11
Too much setup for too little payoff. Puns are best if they're quick hitters, in and out before anyone notices, sort of like Republicans having sex, complete with the groans afterward. ;)
I ran across this pun, just now:
Is this awful or funny?
And do you have any jokes/puns that you laugh and then have second thoughts?
It's clever, but I've heard funnier ones.
29-01-2007, 04:33
It's clever, and plays with the language in a rather cute fashion. It's a bit too long, but otherwise good.
29-01-2007, 04:39
Yeah, see, I would say that's just plain awful with no funny in it at all. Same with those wretched dead-baby jokes.
What's worse than a dead baby?
Two dead babies.
I suck at this.
29-01-2007, 04:41
What's worse than a dead baby?
Two dead babies.
I suck at this.
Be thankful.
29-01-2007, 04:41
What's worse than a dead baby?
Two dead babies.
I suck at this.
No, no. What's worse than a baby nailed to a tree? A baby nailed to ten trees.
I feel dirty.
29-01-2007, 04:48
No, no. What's worse than a baby nailed to a tree? A baby nailed to ten trees.
I feel dirty.
Here, go wash your mouth out.
*hands lye soap*
29-01-2007, 04:50
Here, go wash your mouth out.
*hands lye soap*
No cianide?
29-01-2007, 04:50
No cianide?
No, we need you alive for the torture afterwards. ;)
29-01-2007, 04:53
No, we need you alive for the torture afterwards. ;)
You're going to nail me to ten trees, aren't you? Would be a fitting punishment.
29-01-2007, 04:57
You're going to nail me to ten trees, aren't you? Would be a fitting punishment.
Aww, it makes me sad that I must excecute judgement on such a noble criminal. :(
Populus Justicia
29-01-2007, 05:25
Well, I felt kinda bad for laughing at jokes Norm MacDonald made about Steve Irwin shortly after his death. But then I got over it and laughed twice as hard.
Good Lifes
29-01-2007, 05:31
Yeah, see, I would say that's just plain awful with no funny in it at all. Same with those wretched dead-baby jokes.
How do you unload a truck full of dead babies?
With a pitch fork.
Good Lifes
29-01-2007, 05:38
Too much setup for too little payoff. Puns are best if they're quick hitters, in and out before anyone notices, sort of like Republicans having sex, complete with the groans afterward. ;)
What is the difference between Republicans and Democrats?
Republicans always pull the shades though there is seldom a reason. Democrats never pull the shades though they always should.
United Chicken Kleptos
29-01-2007, 05:41
How do you unload a truck full of dead babies?
With a pitch fork.
What's red and goes around and around?
A baby in the garbage disposal.
29-01-2007, 05:45
What's red and goes around and around?
A baby in the garbage disposal.
What's the difference between a Ferrari and a pile of dead babies?
I don't have a Ferrari in my garage.
what's the difference between a corvette, and a pile of dead babies?
I don't have a corvette in my garage.
I don't feel dirty in the least, and the ghandi one was alright, here's a jew one...
How many jews can fit in a car?
1 in passenger seat, 2 in back, and 6million in the ashtray.
Ahh, i love those...oh well, you guys enjoy using those in real's one last one!
What's orange and blue at the bottem of a pool?
a babie with it's floaties cut!
ok. cya
Edit: the first joke was already used, i didn't see that on the post above mine.
Greater Trostia
29-01-2007, 06:44
What's worse than a dead baby?
Demented Hamsters
29-01-2007, 08:03
Well, if we're talking about things we find funny yet know we shouldn't, this sort of made me laugh, just a bit:
She has a stroke and then fals onto a wasp nest and is attacked by the little sods.
I mean, how unlucky can a person be? One can't help but think what the next bit of misfortune is going to come her way - maybe a mix-up at hospital leading to an amputation?
Lunatic Goofballs
29-01-2007, 08:47
Is this awful or funny?
It's awfully funny. :)
29-01-2007, 09:09
This is more awful
What's the difference between a white Jew and a black Jew?
The black Jew had to sit at the back of the gas chamber.
I laughed, very loudly....I'm going to Hell, I know.
29-01-2007, 10:22
I ran across this pun, just now:
Is this awful or funny?
And do you have any jokes/puns that you laugh and then have second thoughts?
It's funny because it's true!
Super Calli go ballistic, Celtic are atrocious!
That was funny.
The Fleeing Oppressed
29-01-2007, 13:26
What's orange and blue at the bottom of a pool?
a baby with slashed floaties!
That joke doesn't work half as well without the follow up.
Whats orange and red at the top of a pool?
A slashed baby with floaties.
To be serious for a moment. There is no joke, or collection of words, that you can deliver to a stranger, that is more offensive that unleashing a war on a country, or similar aggression.It is just so weird that the religious right think prosecuting a war on a country that couldn't hurt them is perfectly O.K. , at the same time as getting worked up about a bare breast being on TV.
29-01-2007, 13:55
that was funny. period.
and how do you kill a spastic?
you give him a fork
Yeah, see, I would say that's just plain awful with no funny in it at all. Same with those wretched dead-baby jokes.
Dead baby jokes are the best things ever!
How do you stop a baby from crawling in circles?
Nail its other hand to the floor.
How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall?
Depends how hard you throw them.
How do you get 10 dead babies into a bowl?
How do you get them out?
Tortilla chips.
What's worse than finding a maggot in your apple?
The holocaust.