packing and travel
I always feel I'm missing something, and I'm usually right. But it's never anything really essential, like malaria tablets or something. The last time I took a solo trip away from home was back in October I think, to an Indigeneous Law conference. I didn't bring my laptop, and that sucked, but otherwise my packing was fine.
25-01-2007, 18:39
Make a itinerary and run through it, checking to see that you have every thing you need.
Make sure you go slow during routine stuff:
"Okay, so now I'm getting ready in the morning. I get up and take a shower.
Soap? Check
Towel? Check...."
Cancun (real Cancun, not the resort area) and Yaxunah, are the last places I went.
25-01-2007, 18:39
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
Overnight? What do you need beyond some toiletries, clean underwear and a change of clothes? Are you packing for the kids, too? I wouldn't let that feeling worry you on an overnighter, Smunkee. Going for a week, yeah, you might want to make a list of things to take.
Last time I went anywhere over night was - gad, almost two years ago, to Philadelphia and New York, to visit friends and old haunts.
25-01-2007, 18:41
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
25-01-2007, 18:42
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
Are you going to a city? If so, it usually doesn't matter if you forget something, you can just run to a store and pick something up, i.e. deodorant, toothpaste, etc...
When I make lists, I start with the top of my head and work down (hairbrush, shampoo, makeup, toothbrush...)
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
I went to Portland, Or. to visit my sister and brother-in-law for Christmas. That city is possibly one of the best cities in the U.S. I want to move there...someday... :cool:
It's just for me and hubby, but I am trying to bring everything I think I will need, since I am having trouble finding any food or stores where I can buy acceptable food that can be prepared without a kitchen, at the place I am going.
Oh, well in that case, just make sure you have room for all your whips and chains.
25-01-2007, 18:47
Overnight? What do you need beyond some toiletries, clean underwear and a change of clothes? Are you packing for the kids, too? I wouldn't let that feeling worry you on an overnighter, Smunkee. Going for a week, yeah, you might want to make a list of things to take.
Last time I went anywhere over night was - gad, almost two years ago, to Philadelphia and New York, to visit friends and old haunts.
It's just for me and hubby, but I am trying to bring everything I think I will need, since I am having trouble finding any food or stores where I can buy acceptable food that can be prepared without a kitchen, at the place I am going.
Infinite Revolution
25-01-2007, 18:49
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
i just throw everything i can see into the bag. the odds are, if i can't see it, it's not something i use regularly, therefore i'm unlikely to need it when i'm away. things like passport and driving liscence i pretty much always have on my person anyway.
i go back to jersey for a week or so a couple of times a year, i usually pack on the morning of the flight, and i'm usually hung over cuz there's always some sort of fairwell session the night before, so my packing has to be done quick. that said, if i'm running on time and have time to think about things i can pack for a week in 20 minutes anyway.
the one thing i am almost guaranteed to forget is shower gel, cuz the shower is in a different bathroom from the one i use for everything else.
25-01-2007, 18:50
Are you going to a city? If so, it usually doesn't matter if you forget something, you can just run to a store and pick something up, i.e. deodorant, toothpaste, etc...
When I make lists, I start with the top of my head and work down (hairbrush, shampoo, makeup, toothbrush...)
I am going to a town, a smallish one, the grocery store closes at 7pm, they don't have any restaurants I can eat at, the hotel restaurant's won't accommodate my diet (it's the only hotel in town) and they didn't have a room with a kitchenette available.
25-01-2007, 18:50
i always take too much stuff. i try to remind myself that these things are available wherever im going and if it turns out that i need it after all, i can buy it for cheap.
as long as you have the right clothes for the next day, you dont need to worry, the hotel will have toiletries if you forget them. they even keep a bible in a drawer. if you are going to someones house, they will be happy to share.
i went to aruba in november. my sisters and i divide up the necessities so we dont each bring everything.
I just generally throw stuff into a bag the morning before I go. Especially if it's just overnight. What all do you need? Change of clothes, shower stuff, towel...surely that's about it?
As for the last time I was away....well, for any extended period of time, was two weeks in Europe in July. A few days in Brussels, a weekend at a rock festival near Brussels, then a weeks camping in the south of Brittany. Packed everything into a rucksack and got on a bus to Dublin for the plane; it was good, because I was so limited there wasn't much concern for what I wanted to bring, I could only take clothes and wash stuff really...and tent/sleeping bag.
Maybe that's why I never worry about packing; I'm always travelling light with a rucksack.
Call to power
25-01-2007, 18:55
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
left the iron on? :p
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
I usually bring far too much cash so that I can buy what I need whilst I’m there/bribe the police to not arrest me for drunk and disorderly
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
last Tuesday I went Trent valley (guess what I was doing there) and forgot the soap *shudders* (also I haven’t seen a girl in 3 days now have my days of NSG caught up with me?:( )
Pure Metal
25-01-2007, 18:55
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
i don't generally make a list, just sorta... think about it. i rarely think i've forgotten something packing on the way there, but pretty much always do packing up to return home.
i keep a travel bag ready though, with most of the stuff i need already in it and just throw in new underwear/socks/tshirt when i'm about to go.
the last time i went on a trip away from home would have been to glitziness' house :p
but for a proper 'trip' it'd have to be last november for a business conference, or seeing my grandma over xmas.
i ensure that i don't forget anything by asking everybody: "what could i have forgotten?" and also by being flexible quite flexible.
the last time i went on a trip was to a small festival in my area. it was extremely cool and unorganized wich made it only cooler. the downside was that the last night was storming and that our tent almost flew away.
the last real journey i made was to corsica, with a large group (+-40 people) of people of my age and some organisators, a beautifull place and a really cool holliday. me and a couple of friends think about going back this year. but we'll have to find a way to make it fit our tiny budgets (we're students).
edit: the lastjourney i made must have been with school to northern/middle Italy, also reaeaeaeally cool. the only bad part was that we couldn't go out a lot and that we were continually stuck with eachother (i'm don't really like to be with other people for a week non stop, i need some time alone)
The Infinite Dunes
25-01-2007, 19:09
Packing... I can normally packed in 30 minutes. One hour if I've had no prior warning and have just woken up. I always forget something. Good thing about forgetting something is that the thing you buy, once home, is an ever present reminder of the trip.
However, I don't have any dietary requirements. I need anit-histamines for hayfever, but I keep them along side the rest of my pills and medical stuff in a drawer next to my bed.
Hmm, my packing style in involves walking round the house in an organised fashion browsing pretty much everything and considering what I might be able to use it for. If I think I will have need for it I chuck it in a bag and carry on.
... anti-malarials strike me as something quite important.
25-01-2007, 19:27
Easy: Live in an airplane and fly everywhere. That way all your stuff comes with.
25-01-2007, 19:30
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
I'm going to Beijing on the 9th Feb.
Needless to say I'm quite excited.
If I'm going somewhere for longer than week or so, I make an actual list that I use to check things off as they get packed. Otherwise, I just have a mental list of things I'm going to need.
I went to visit my parents in DC for Thanksgiving, which was nice. I hadn't seen them for about a year and a half.
Turquoise Days
25-01-2007, 20:19
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
2 ways, both of which are already mentioned here. In terms of gear, I run through a typical day, checking what I need. (write it down, too). As for clothes, I work from head to toe, again making a list.
As for the last place I went away to; last weekend I went up to Fort William in Scotland, to do some winter mountaineering training. Great fun. :cool:
I am going to a town, a smallish one, the grocery store closes at 7pm, they don't have any restaurants I can eat at, the hotel restaurant's won't accommodate my diet (it's the only hotel in town) and they didn't have a room with a kitchenette available.
:eek: :( What are you going to eat?!
25-01-2007, 20:38
:eek: :( What are you going to eat?!
whatever I remember to pack......nothing yummy I assure you.
Cabra West
25-01-2007, 21:21
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
Last weekend, went to visit my boyfriend in the South. I'm currently going down there about once a month, and once a month he comes here.
It's pretty easy to pack : Toothbrush and paste, shampoo and conditioner, brush, contact lense kit, shower gel, body lotion, makeup.
Fresh set of underwear, change of clothes, that's all you need. Maybe some toy, but maybe again that's just my case ;)
Random toast
25-01-2007, 21:31
last time went i went away, i sorted out all my socks, threw away all the old and odd ones and just keep the elite bunch in a bag. My wife then thought she'd help out by accidently throwing away the elite socks bag too. The moral of this tale is, if you're sorting out your socks, keep them away from my wife.
Neo Bretonnia
25-01-2007, 22:05
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
I usually run through what I expect to be doing on the trip and pack accordingly. Not the most reliable method, but it works reasonably well.
This weekend I'm going to Denver to visit my fiancee. She'll be sending me a list of what to bring :D
25-01-2007, 22:15
I don't. I always forgot something.
25-01-2007, 22:19
I only make an actual list when I go on a several week long vacation.
Otherwise, I just think about what I need and pack that. *shrug*
I work at out-of-town conferences about 2-3 times a year, that's always for a couple nights. Last time was Hamburg in October.
last time went i went away, i sorted out all my socks, threw away all the old and odd ones and just keep the elite bunch in a bag. My wife then thought she'd help out by accidently throwing away the elite socks bag too. The moral of this tale is, if you're sorting out your socks, keep them away from my wife.
Infinite Revolution
25-01-2007, 22:21
last time went i went away, i sorted out all my socks, threw away all the old and odd ones and just keep the elite bunch in a bag. My wife then thought she'd help out by accidently throwing away the elite socks bag too. The moral of this tale is, if you're sorting out your socks, keep them away from my wife.
you threw away the odd socks!?! but they're the best ones!
25-01-2007, 22:51
I make a list, lose the list, then throw stuff I can see and remember into the bag. I always forget something. Last time it was my glasses :(
The last time I went away was last weekend to stay with mates in London. Got to run around all the museums and stuff, was fun :)
I only rmember as I go out of the door so I turn back in grab the item an leave. The last time Iwent away was to the Isle of Arran for a week for my geography class. Good times...
IL Ruffino
26-01-2007, 00:46
so I am going on an overnight trip, and I am packing up today and I keep thinking I am forgetting something......
how do you guys ensure that you don't forget something? I made a list but it it's missing stuff.
Simple. I have mommy pack for me. And take cash so you can buy anything if you forgot it.
also, whens the last time you went on a trip away from home? where did you go?
Away from home? Went to Philly this month.. Away from home over night? Went to Whippany, NJ for a wedding in November. The hotel had a great pub with live music, but you know, I was already drunk from the reception, and on my fourth Guinness when the music started, so I might be wrong..
Actual trip that was away from home, over night, and for leisure? It was either Philly, where I saw a lady pole dance on a stair railing-- or in OCMD.
I travel too much.