More Diebold voting machine shennanigans. My head hurts.
Intestinal fluids
25-01-2007, 13:35
I dont normally post blogs as a news source but this seems real enough.
This company needs to be destroyed with the same vengence as an Al Queda sleeper cell and the ashes need to be stomped on by registered voters.
The Infinite Dunes
25-01-2007, 13:45
I think the fact that used a lock that can picked in 10 seconds is probably more shocking.
New Burmesia
25-01-2007, 14:47
Well, we in the UK don't fuss over what constitutes as an 'X' in a box, so we don't need shitty machines at all.;)
25-01-2007, 14:54
bah humbug! These machines are.... bleh! (I'm really constructive right now yes?)
25-01-2007, 14:57
Eh, all I know is that is not the same key, nor the same machine, that were involved in the certification of the voting machines for Stark County. Instead, the machines used in Stark had a round key.
25-01-2007, 15:49
Make your mark on your ballot paper with a pencil, then there will be no need for these silly voting machines.
Not only it the pen mightier than the sword, it's mightier than the shitty touch screen voting machine.
25-01-2007, 16:17
The pen is mightier than the shitty touch screen voting machine.
That's a phrase that will resonate throughout the ages. :)
That's a phrase that will resonate throughout the ages. :)
As will many things I say.
Demented Hamsters
25-01-2007, 16:33
Normally I don't take much stock with conspiracy theories, but this one:
is extremely interesting, and relates to the diebold machines.
Normally I don't take much stock with conspiracy theories, but this one:
is extremely interesting, and relates to the diebold machines.
We discussed the article a while ago. Outside of a few whackos, the concensus was that RFK Jr. is a whiner who can't take a loss.
25-01-2007, 19:10
Make your mark on your ballot paper with a pencil, then there will be no need for these silly voting machines.
my state has had the same machines since I was a child, they work like those standardized test graders, we use a marker and complete the arrow that points to who we want to vote for, the machine scans it in.....we don't seem to have problems
I think people are trying to make everything harder than it needs to be.
The elections were rigged! 9/11 was a setup to divert attention away from the rigged elections and excuse starting a never ending war for oil! Saddam was a humanitarian saint! Bush is a retard! Bush is the evil genius behind the secret world government!
Here's your tinfoil hat. Elections are not so easily rigged. He won because at the time of the elections more people were fed up with the opposition than they were with him. The dems lost in 2000 and 2004. Get over it.
I dont normally post blogs as a news source but this seems real enough.
This company needs to be destroyed with the same vengence as an Al Queda sleeper cell and the ashes need to be stomped on by registered voters.
It is always nice to dream but clearly it will be just that: a dream. Ensuring fair voting isn't something people seem to be interested in. Why else would this company still be contracted to make these machines for unsuspecting and uncaring, apathetic voters?