My Solution!
Well all know about the porblems in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Many people think that a two state solution is the only way to solve these problems. However, I have thought about it, and I think a two state solution only worsens relations. My solution is to incorporate all the territory into one new state, Called maybe something like Israel-Palestine, or something neutral.
Here is what my seven year plan calls for:
Make Jerusalem an internation city, where neither arab nor israeli control it, but as its a holy city for billions, let the city govern itself, like the Vatican does.
As far as the government is concerned, I think that it would be nice to have a bicarmel legislation, with several provinces such as it has now, but including the west bank(seperated into 3 new provinces, north-the area from jenin toaround nabulus, central-from south of nabulus to north of jerusalem and south- area south of jerusalem to around en gedi.), and gaza. The executive and judicial branch would be similar to what Israel has now.
The money that Israel recieves from the West, and the money the Palestinians recieve from their supporters would be put towards a fund which would overhaul the areas of The Golan Heights, Gaza, and the west bank-in other words, the areas where Israel has occupied and damaged.
Since the borders between the two lands would be abolished, people on both sides can live where ever they see fit.
Now, the probably is some criticism on all sides about this plan, such as it will never work, or it takes away from the Pale's right to self determination. Well this is how I see it, sure there will be very un happy people rioting over it, but once conditions improve, and jobs are made, and the killings are over with, I think people will recognize how great it is. I have every reason to believe that if they continue with a two state solution, the middle east will be more unstable. We see now how the pale's can't even agree with in their own gov't and are at times on verge of civil strife. But imagine what would happen if we let them all partake in a common gov't? Also, since making them into two states makes everything more polarized, it makes since that there will be more war. However, if we make them live together, they will soon see the benefits of being a good neighbor, and who then in the middle east would declare war on the state, when their own arab brothers and sisters are living there in peace?
-edit- thiss is a brief outline of what I have as far as a plan. But I do think it has potential.
22-01-2007, 23:56
But would the Israelis and Palestinians agree?
I mean, would they put aside their differences is my point.
23-01-2007, 00:02
Was it wrong of me to think that the topic post would contain some kind of "Final Solution" diatribe...?
Was it wrong of me to think that the topic post would contain some kind of "Final Solution" diatribe...?
You're not alone.:eek:
Was it wrong of me to think that the topic post would contain some kind of "Final Solution" diatribe...?
Well, I could always put someone in a shower, if it makes you happy?
23-01-2007, 00:40
America should invade Israel. Even the most opposed elements of societies always unite to throw out US troops. Either that or make them settle it with a dance-off in the Hague.
Sel Appa
23-01-2007, 01:17
I liked your idea until you blamed Israel for the Arab squatters destruction...they brought it about themselves by destroying ISrael
23-01-2007, 01:33
there are a few problems with your solution.
you do remember that there didnt used to be a wall eh? israel put it up not out of a desire to ghettoize the palestinians but to keep out suicide bombers. removing the wall would bring more such incidents.
there are more than 2 sides in the conflict. more than just the palestinians and the israelis i mean. there will still be those who want to kill all jews at least all those in the middle east. there will still be those who are willing to fund suicide bombers. there will still be "outside agitators" who dont mind losing their lives in the quest to kill all jews.
i like the idea of an independant jerusalem (you and i may be the only ones) but how would they keep peace? there is no guarantee that there wouldnt be terrorist activities in jerusalem that needs to be dealt with.
lets start with those and let someone else add more.
Greyenivol Colony
23-01-2007, 01:50
This sounds very similar to Colonel Muammar al-Qadaffi's Israel/Palestine plan.
I think maybe we should just quarantine that area, build a massive wall, and forbid immigration or emigration. And just leave them there for twenty years. Then tear down the wall, and see what we find.
23-01-2007, 02:02
We should just settle this the old fashioned way: rock-paper-scissors.
Johnny B Goode
23-01-2007, 02:03
Well all know about the porblems in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Many people think that a two state solution is the only way to solve these problems. However, I have thought about it, and I think a two state solution only worsens relations. My solution is to incorporate all the territory into one new state, Called maybe something like Israel-Palestine, or something neutral.
Here is what my seven year plan calls for:
Make Jerusalem an internation city, where neither arab nor israeli control it, but as its a holy city for billions, let the city govern itself, like the Vatican does.
As far as the government is concerned, I think that it would be nice to have a bicarmel legislation, with several provinces such as it has now, but including the west bank(seperated into 3 new provinces, north-the area from jenin toaround nabulus, central-from south of nabulus to north of jerusalem and south- area south of jerusalem to around en gedi.), and gaza. The executive and judicial branch would be similar to what Israel has now.
The money that Israel recieves from the West, and the money the Palestinians recieve from their supporters would be put towards a fund which would overhaul the areas of The Golan Heights, Gaza, and the west bank-in other words, the areas where Israel has occupied and damaged.
Since the borders between the two lands would be abolished, people on both sides can live where ever they see fit.
Now, the probably is some criticism on all sides about this plan, such as it will never work, or it takes away from the Pale's right to self determination. Well this is how I see it, sure there will be very un happy people rioting over it, but once conditions improve, and jobs are made, and the killings are over with, I think people will recognize how great it is. I have every reason to believe that if they continue with a two state solution, the middle east will be more unstable. We see now how the pale's can't even agree with in their own gov't and are at times on verge of civil strife. But imagine what would happen if we let them all partake in a common gov't? Also, since making them into two states makes everything more polarized, it makes since that there will be more war. However, if we make them live together, they will soon see the benefits of being a good neighbor, and who then in the middle east would declare war on the state, when their own arab brothers and sisters are living there in peace?
-edit- thiss is a brief outline of what I have as far as a plan. But I do think it has potential.
Agreeable. But first you have to soothe the nutjobs who caused these problems.
I liked your idea until you blamed Israel for the Arab squatters destruction...they brought it about themselves by destroying ISrael
I'm sorry, would you care to explain that seemingly baseless remark?
you do remember that there didnt used to be a wall eh? israel put it up not out of a desire to ghettoize the palestinians but to keep out suicide bombers.
And it just didn't follow Israels borders because - despite having a clandestine nuclear/chemical/biological weapons programme - nobody can read a map....the "40 years in the desert" syndrome.
As to the original proposal, it would be rejected offhand by the Israelis because it ends the Jewish majority. More rationally, not without reason they would fear Government by an Arab majority. Secondly, if they can't live in two seperate areas, what kind of blood letting would go on if they were put in one state?
Andaras Prime
23-01-2007, 09:51
This sounds very similar to Colonel Muammar al-Qadaffi's Israel/Palestine plan.
Socialist + ME Solution + Dubya/Zionist rightists = Cannot compute, must kill more Palestinians.
Ice Hockey Players
23-01-2007, 22:43
Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait...a one-state solution with Jerusalem as an international city? It would never work. Frankly, the only possibility is another hot war between the two sides, and Israel must win.
Simply put, Israel and the U.S. go to war with Arab factions. The U.S. downplays its involvement and makes it look as though Israel is on its own. Israel wins. It claims some Arab lands, but then it tells the Arabs: We took your land. We don't want your land. We'll give it back and we'll create a state of Palestine in exchange for peace and recognition of Israel.
To whatever nations take the deal, their land is returned, peace exists, and Israel is recognized. Frankly, all they need is one state to recognize Israel, and the dominoes start falling. Two, preferably. Egypt and Jordan seem like they're a bit more logical...Syria's still run by the Batshit party, and Lebanon's full of Hezbollah.
If the nations say no, Israel tells them, fine, we're keeping your land and we're going to do as we will with it. They turn it into Israel more and more, even feeling free to evict Muslims and tell them to leave. Eventually, with so many displaced Muslims, there will be more anger toward Israel, and the Israeli government may be justified in blocking the country off to just about anyone. Then what are the Muslim nations going to do? Cry about it? Sooner or later, if they want their land, they have to work with Israel because they sure as hell can't take Israel on their own. Worst case: World War III. Best case: Israel is recognized and peace begins. Likeliest case: Islamism starts gaining strength in the Middle East, but Israel keeps itself out of it. It builds a big wall around its lands and allows only certain people in.
Under the current setup, there will be tension. It's unavoidable. People will die, and people will kill. On a daily basis. It will take another war to shake it up.
That or they could just settle it by getting the top Israeli and Arab leadership together and see which side can cram more Dum-Dums in their mouths.
23-01-2007, 22:48
The chances of all the concerned parties agreeing are relatively small, and such a move could give rise to new groups who object to just about everything that could help progress.