Faux Klingons in the White House?
Daistallia 2104
17-01-2007, 22:28
I've seen this clip a few times on various news shows, but I've missed any thread on it that might have been posted.
US rep. David Wu made a rather amusing speech regarding the Bush administration's Iraq policy:
Four years ago, this administration took America to war in Iraq without adequate evidence. Since that time the administration hasn't listened to the American people, it hasn't listened to our professional military, and it certainly hasn't listened to this Congress.
You know, it is said of a prominent businessman in downtown Portland that he never listened to anybody, and that if he was ever drawn in a cartoon, he would be drawn without ears.
Now, this President has listened to some people -- the so-called Vulcans in the White House, the ideologues. But you know, unlike the Vulcans of Star Trek, who made their decisions based on logic and fact, these guys make [decisions] on ideology. These aren't Vulcans. There are Klingons in the White House! But unlike the real Klingons of Star Trek, these Klingons have never fought a battle of their own. Don't let faux Klingons send real Americans to war. It's wrong.
What do you guys think? Is he on the ball, is it a misguided analogy, or he just another nutty politician?
And what Star Trek race/empire does the Bush administration really resemble to you?
Intestinal fluids
17-01-2007, 22:42
17-01-2007, 22:45
Well I am obviously a klingon.
Can you toss some advice into my anime thread? It would be much appreiciated.
:eek: I knew it!
17-01-2007, 23:27
Assimilate or die says Bush.
The Psyker
17-01-2007, 23:33
I'd say a cross between a Ferengi and a Klingon, the Klingon's beligerance and the Ferengi's values.
Daistallia 2104
17-01-2007, 23:57
link to a baned site
Err, you've been around long enough to know not to link to that site, and Arinola should know better that to quote it. (Don't blaim me - just trying to keep banned stuff out of my thread so as not to draw flack from the mods.)
Well I am obviously a klingon.
:eek: The question was "what Star Trek race/empire does the Bush administration really resemble to you?" By replying that you are a Klingon, are you implying you're a member of the administration?
Can you toss some advice into my anime thread? It would be much appreiciated.
Don't know if I'll be any help, but I'll stick my head in, sometime this evening hopefully... (Today and tomorrow and are busy days - I'm returning to Japan Friday.)
I beat you man.
Did you post one earlier or one that got merged into this?
17-01-2007, 23:58
The Xindi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xindi).
They're out to get the bad guys (or who they perceive to be the bad guys) and are compromising their morals along the way.
Of course, having said this, I agree with a lot of the goals of the Bush administration. I just agree with very few if any of their means.
17-01-2007, 23:59
Klingons have cloaking devices, we're doomed, dooooooomed.
Intestinal fluids
18-01-2007, 00:25
Err, you've been around long enough to know not to link to that site, and Arinola should know better that to quote it. (Don't blaim me - just trying to keep banned stuff out of my thread so as not to draw flack from the mods.)
Really? Sorry honestly had no idea. Why would anyone care where a link came from as long as it wasnt something inappropriate? Didnt know anything was banned from any site period to be honest, My bad.
Daistallia 2104
18-01-2007, 00:55
Really? Sorry honestly had no idea. Why would anyone care where a link came from as long as it wasnt something inappropriate? Didnt know anything was banned from any site period to be honest, My bad.
Don't worry about it, but you might want to remove it (if you haven't yet by the time I post this. ;)
The general idea with banned links is that they're on sites with naughty content. The one stop rules shop has an explanation. The other ruling is that there isn't a list and never will be, of banned links. This is a policy that I don't see eye to eye withy the mods on for exactly the reason that posters sometimes aren't aware of the rule or of which sites are no-nos. :(
And finally, I just looked over the OSRS and didn't see it on the list of sites, but I'm pretty sure it's banned.
Anywho, back to our regularly scheduled thread... :D
Klingons have cloaking devices, we're doomed, dooooooomed.
I think we can safely asumme that the faux Klingons have faux cloaking devices, so we're still safe. ;)
The Xindi.
They're out to get the bad guys (or who they perceive to be the bad guys) and are compromising their morals along the way.
Ah. Forgot about them as I'm not as up on Enterprise, as the Japanese networks running it have it on at inconvenient and ever changing times.
Of course, having said this, I agree with a lot of the goals of the Bush administration. I just agree with very few if any of their means.
Not surprised, as a lot of the neo-cons are turning on W. (I just recieved Fukuyama's latest book on that exact subject for Xmas.
18-01-2007, 00:57
Ah. Forgot about them as I'm not as up on Enterprise, as the Japanese networks running it have it on at inconvenient and ever changing times.
It's horrible. It messes up the entire timeline and destroyed Star Trek for me. :mad:
Not surprised, as a lot of the neo-cons are turning on W. (I just recieved Fukuyama's latest book on that exact subject for Xmas.
I wouldn't call myself a neo-con, though I do have some neo-con tendencies.
No doubt it's the Ferengi...
...bigoted, cowardly uber-capitalists? Sounds about right to me! :p
Johnny B Goode
18-01-2007, 01:37
I've seen this clip a few times on various news shows, but I've missed any thread on it that might have been posted.
US rep. David Wu made a rather amusing speech regarding the Bush administration's Iraq policy:
What do you guys think? Is he on the ball, is it a misguided analogy, or he just another nutty politician?
And what Star Trek race/empire does the Bush administration really resemble to you?
Haha, definitely the Ferengi.
He knows too much!
UN Protectorates
18-01-2007, 18:13
I watch US congressman and women come up with the most ridiculous and laughable addresses such as this all the time. They range from old congressman taking up the floor to talk about the importance of Elvis Presley in today's culture to young and spunky new-elects rooting for their damn local football team. And that's just what last nights "Daily Show" came up with.
Don't you think US elected representatives ought to be forced to talk about the subject at hand rather than any old guff they can come up with in order to fillibuster votes?
And like Nimoy said, the original analogy is pretty weak.